Holidays in Singapore. Holidays in Singapore Weekends in Singapore

As a result, this country is now one of the three richest in the world, and also regularly becomes the top of various official and not very ratings among countries with the highest standard of living. During the day, Singapore amazes with the abundance of greenery, amazing cleanliness and the fact that wherever you go, there will be fountains or some other sources of water. It's simple: Feng Shui reigns here. And according to this system of teaching, water is needed in order to have wealth!

Accordingly, in order to regularly receive sufficient profit, you must remember to follow the laws of Feng Shui. By the way, this may sound funny to some, but local residents seriously believe that it was thanks to strict adherence to these laws that they achieved the prosperity that they now have.

What does this have to do with holidays, fairs, festivals and other exciting events in Singapore? The most direct thing: it is impossible to understand exactly in what atmosphere all these celebrations take place here if you do not understand at least a little of this amazing country, which baffles the whole world.

Catholic Christmas and New Year in Singapore

In general, Singapore is a country that treats representatives of different nationalities and religions quite correctly. Therefore, here they happily celebrate the New Year both according to the Gregorian calendar, that is, January 1, and according to the Eastern or lunar calendar. Christmas here can also be celebrated both Catholic and Orthodox, although the former is still celebrated on a grand scale. In general, events begin to take place somewhere on December 25 and continue until the first days of January. Moreover, during the day, Singapore resembles a beautiful and elegant, but very busy anthill: everyone is rushing about their business, in a hurry to get somewhere.

Even tourists are busy: they try to catch all the sales that are held here. Moreover, pre-New Year and Christmas shopping in this city is considered very profitable. The fact is that, due to the high incomes of the majority of the population, there are plenty of boutiques from leading manufacturers of clothing, shoes, watches, and jewelry. On some streets you can sometimes find even more fashionable items than on a comparable stretch of streets in Paris, where luxury clothing stores are also located. And this, you see, says a lot.

But the residents of Singapore, along with their income, have acquired some capriciousness, and simply not all things have time to sell during the season for one reason or another. And keeping them in warehouses for too long is expensive, especially here: let us remember that Singapore is a very small country. Consequently, any retail space here is very expensive. Therefore, it is profitable for boutiques to have a sale and reduce prices on products very much, selling good things at cost or lower, and not sending it all back by sea. In general, during the day, shopping is an indispensable part of the holidays; people from all over the world fly here specifically for this purpose, this is something like an almost mandatory program for everyone.

But shopping and shopping again is not everything! During the day you can get acquainted with the cuisine of Singapore, as well as Thai, Chinese and quality Indian. They say that some Asian dishes are prepared better in this city-state than in India itself, China, and so on. Not all vacationers can compare, but judging by the reviews, it is really very tasty and satisfying.

Moreover, there is especially a lot of noodles here, they are served both boiled and fried with all sorts of additives, often spicy, and this dish is offered to tourists for a reason, but also with a special meaning. The fact is that noodles are a symbol of longevity, and rice beautifully decorated with spices and vegetables is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. On holidays, whole pyramids are made from boiled rice or wrapped in cones in leaves. These figures and this presentation also mean success.

Even during this holiday, you can attend culinary master classes or even sign up for short courses and learn how to cook the most popular or most famous Singaporean dishes among tourists. For example, Hok-en-pro-may - fried noodles with shrimp, it is also considered a kind of leader. It is prepared by various venerable chefs, in general, a truly amazing dish.

But if we still move away from the topic of food, then it is worth noting that after all these activities the evening comes quite quickly. And Singapore, especially during the holidays, literally transforms. For example, a huge number of lights appear here: literally everything that is possible is illuminated. Naturally, the neon signs make your eyes wide open, congratulations on Christmas, and then Happy New Year, in some places they congratulate you on both holidays at once, which slightly reminds us of Russia...

There is simply an incredible number of garlands, the Christmas trees, of course, are also decorated with shimmering toys and inscriptions, everything is beautiful and looks surprisingly harmonious. However, Singapore is built in the same style, or rather, according to the same Feng Shui requirements, so it is not surprising that everything is decorated for the holiday according to the same canon. At night, or rather late in the evening on holidays, the Merlion has a very cool laser show. In general, such performances here cannot be called a rarity at all, but on New Year and Christmas they are somehow surprisingly impressive. It is clear that they are trying to prepare in advance. And, of course, fireworks, they are launched from ships standing in the bay, and from different sides, the performance lasts at least half an hour, very beautiful and very impressive.

Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year

Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year is celebrated no less magnificently in Singapore. And many believe that it is even more solemn, but comparison here is somewhat inappropriate. And the difference is primarily visible more in the approach, rather than in the design. Chinese New Year is a huge amount of all kinds of symbolism, this is the corresponding cuisine and dishes, they begin to be served on the table the day before. The entire city is literally decorated with sky lanterns, red ribbons with hieroglyphs wishing happiness and prosperity.

There are still some similarities with the New Year celebration according to the Gregorian calendar. Both here and there it all ends with a laser show, as well as fireworks. But that's probably where the similarities end. Firstly, in addition to traditional holiday festivities, during this celebration the local population always visits Buddhist temples, prays, and asks for good luck next year. Secondly, it’s worth saying that with different programs and shows here they never repeat themselves, each time they come up with something different.

And finally, the Eastern New Year is surrounded by a much larger number of rituals, rites and symbols. For example, cooks, when setting a festive table, will do everything taking into account the patron of the next year. Let’s say that a Taurus is “responsible” for it, then, of course, they will never serve veal or beef. Of course, if you want to spend this day with a European approach, then this can also be arranged without problems. But in general, finding establishments oriented towards the West is quite difficult at this time. Especially free, you need to book tables and agree on home service with chefs in advance, since everything good is in great demand here these days.

Independence Day or Singapore Day

Although this does not correspond to the chronology, the residents themselves call this holiday the second most important after the New Year. On this day, many solemn official events take place, the head of government’s address to the people is broadcast on large screens, usually some promises are made for the next year, and a program for improving life is talked about. Moreover, unlike the CIS countries, these promises, as a rule, are fulfilled. And they have nothing to do with the elections, that is, politicians here simply talk about their plans and then begin to implement them.

In addition, a very magnificent parade is held on August 9, which emphasizes the independence of Singapore. There is something demonstrative in this, on the other hand it is not surprising, given that the former colony became completely free from Great Britain only in the twentieth century. Moreover, today there are still those alive who remember the time when Singapore did not have this very independence. In a word, such events have their own meaning, it’s hard to deny.

It ends towards evening with a very colorful show lasting 45 minutes, and then with stunning fireworks. Moreover, it can easily compete with New Year’s in terms of entertainment. Also: in every major hotel or entertainment complex, well-known artists and famous singers perform, both local and international stars are invited. People in white and red clothes walk on the streets; these are the national colors, as well as the colors of the flag. Such a large number of unusually dressed girls, boys, men and women most resembles some kind of spontaneous flash mob.

It is worth noting that before this day there is another holiday, which, as it were, precedes and prepares for Independence Day. One could say that this is just a lucky coincidence if we were not talking about Singapore. There is no room for accidents here, everything is very carefully thought out and calculated by the authorities. We are talking about the Heritage Festival.

Singapore Heritage Festival

As has already been said, Singapore takes diverse heritage very seriously. This is a multinational country, which largely owes its prosperity not to Feng Shui, although, of course, there can be any opinions on this matter, but to the friendly work of representatives of different nationalities on wealth and prosperity. As a result, we managed to achieve simply amazing results that can be observed today. And the Singapore authorities remember this, and also urge citizens not to forget about it. As a result, every year in July such a festival is held, within the framework of which each more or less large ethnic group can talk about their traditions, preserved culture, history, and so on.

For example, in Singapore there is a little India, that’s what the Indian quarters are called. And here you can try chicken curry in a spicy and not very spicy version, fish and lamb, and, if you believe the reviews of travelers, at least in much better quality than in the UK, but Indian cuisine has become incredibly popular there in recent years. That is, this says something.

Singapore also has a lot of Japanese, and in general there are a lot of representatives from various Asian countries. But most of all, of course, the Chinese. However, in recent years, immigrants from Thailand have been trying to catch up with them in number, which, by the way, is noticeable by the increased number of Thai restaurants, shops, cosmetics and other things.

So, the heritage festival is meant to remind everyone of the importance of preserving all this cultural diversity, wealth, preserving with mutual assistance to each other and while respecting each other's boundaries. It's become something of a Singaporean policy and it's such a colorful, vibrant event that gets a lot of coverage on local TV - it's a great way to remind people why it's important. But, at the same time, it is presented in such a form that many people like. And who would be against another holiday?

Singapore Food Festival

A bright and rather unusual event takes place in the first half of June. It began in 1994, since then this event has grown and expanded its format. Its main goal is to introduce participants to wonderful Asian food, and the term “Asian” in this case should be understood as broadly as possible, since here you can find literally everything, from Indian to Japanese. But the focus, of course, is on the best Singaporean dishes with their unique character. And, by the way, not only dishes, but also excellent drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. In general, there is something to see here.

And), and the legislation enshrines holidays that emphasize Singapore’s status as the “gateway of Asia”, as the border between West and East: this is the traditional Western New Year, and New Year according to the Chinese calendar, and Christmas, celebrated on the day when it is celebrated by Catholics and Protestants all over the world, Hindu and Muslim holidays, Good Friday and Labor Day, which has nothing to do with any religion and is celebrated at the same time that we celebrate it - May 1st.

There are a total of 11 main holidays in the Singapore calendar, they are fixed. Other holidays also take place - but they are celebrated by national communities, while these 11 are national. If such a holiday falls on a Sunday, then Monday is declared a day off. Due to the fact that Hindu, Muslim and Chinese holidays are calculated based on their respective calendars, it sometimes happens that two holidays fall on the same day - in this case, the President of Singapore has the right to declare any of the days a holiday - either instead public holiday, or in addition to it.

New Year

On this day, probably everything possible in the city is decorated with illumination. The ancient monastery located in the ginger grove of the Raffles Hotel is especially surprising with its unusual lighting in the form of running lights. New Year's holidays attract a large number of tourists to Singapore (by the way, if you are planning to visit the “city of lions” in the near future, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several ways that will help), who meet him either on the Marina Bay embankment, or on the islands, from where you can clearly see fireworks lighting up the sky. The most “extreme” tourists prefer to celebrate the New Year on a Ferris wheel, whose height is 165 meters, or in an outdoor pool located at a height of 250 meters. Yacht rentals are also popular on this night.

Chinese New Year

This holiday is always awaited with great impatience, and it is celebrated on a very large scale. Of course, the main events take place in Chinatown, but other areas of the city, such as Little India and the Arab Quarter, are decorated festively, and without exaggeration - grandly. The entire city dresses in gold and bright red tones. The shopping mall and Marina Bay look especially elegant, where the River Hongbao performance takes place, accompanied by incredibly beautiful fireworks. During the Chinese New Year, Singapore also hosts a carnival - a procession of dancers, magicians and other performers takes place on the central streets. One of the main events of the Chinese New Year is the Chingay Parade, which has been taking place since 1973 - it replaced the New Year's fireworks banned in 1972 after massive fires.

The celebration lasts for 15 days (starts on one of the days between January 21 and February 21), and during this time in Singapore stores you can not only purchase goods at a significant discount, but also receive gifts.

Good Friday, or Good Friday, is the day before Easter, celebrated by Christians all over the world. It was on this day that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. Despite the fact that there are only 14% Christians in Singapore, this is a public holiday and a day off.

Labor Day

Yes, May Day is a holiday not only in the post-Soviet space: it is also celebrated in Singapore. This is a day off for most Singaporeans, but not for store employees: they are all open and there is usually more traffic on this day than on any other day. The holiday has been celebrated as a national holiday since 1960. On this day, trade union rallies and sometimes protests are traditionally held.


Vesak is Buddha's birthday. It is celebrated on the full moon of the second month of the ancient Indian calendar. On this day, large prayers are held in Buddhist temples (, ) - monks offer prayers for the well-being of all living beings, and various processions and fairs are held on the streets of the city.

Hari raya puasa

This is one of the most significant holidays in Singapore, the end of the month of Ramadan and Lent. During fasting, you can not only eat food during daylight hours, but also have fun, so Hari Raya, as it were, rewards a month of voluntary renunciation of all worldly joys and is celebrated on a grand scale. The main festive events take place in the Kampong Glam quarter.

Independence Day or Republic Day

This day, August 9, marks the republic's independence (its separation from Malaysia). This is the main national holiday of the country, and preparations for it begin in advance - a month in advance. On weekends there are holiday concerts and festivals. On Independence Day itself there is always a military parade (and not a simple one, but a thematic one, a new theme is chosen every year), an air show, and the evening ends with festive fireworks.


Deepavali (another name is Diwali) is an Indian holiday of light, the victory of good over evil, the festival of lights. One of the main holidays in Hinduism. Usually takes place in late October – early November. The festival takes place mainly in the Little India quarter, which looks especially elegant these days thanks to countless candles, colorful bright lanterns, fireworks, and flowers. Special oil lamps are lit in homes to symbolize happiness. The celebration includes the traditional Silver Chariot procession and fire shows, and, of course, the traditional sharing of sweets.

Hari Raya Haji

This is a holiday dedicated to the pilgrimage to Mecca; on this day, Muslims make sacrifices in mosques - mainly sheep; a third of the sacrificial meat is left to treat one’s own family, a third goes to treat poor neighbors, and another third goes to alms. We can say that this is a holiday of good deeds. We are more familiar with this holiday under the name “Kurban Bayram”, celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Celebrations take place in mosques, as well as in the Muslim quarters of Kampong Glam and Geylang Serai; On this day, various performances take place, and, the most popular of which is, turn into real feasts.


Christmas, as mentioned above, is celebrated in Singapore on December 25, since the majority of Christians here are Catholics or belong to various Protestant denominations. The holiday lasts a whole week, on the streets, in shops and cafes there are all the traditional European attributes of Christmas - decorations, sentimental music, bright lights and, of course, souvenirs.

Other holidays

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Chingay Parade

Time Miscellaneous

Place Miscellaneous

The Chingay Parade is a colorful spectacle that showcases Singapore's cultural heritage in all its diversity. Although this amazing festival takes place during the Chinese New Year celebrations, it is attended by representatives of different ethnic groups in Singapore: Chinese, Malay, Indian, etc.

Today, the Chingay Parade is Asia's largest carnival - a colorful celebration that covers the entire central part of the country.

ConcertGuns N' RosesVwithinNot in This Lifetime Tour

Time 20:00

Place Changi Exhibition Center

Rumors about this have been circulating among music fans in Asia for several months. In February, one of the best-selling hard rock bands of all time, Guns N' Roses, will perform for the first time in Singapore at the Changi Exhibition Centre.

Founding member Axl Rose and former members Slash and Duff McKagan will reunite for the most anticipated world tour of the century. The Not in This Lifetime Tour recently concluded in North America. Each show filled stadiums and delighted thousands of spectators.

Singapore Festival of Fun (SFoF)

Time Miscellaneous

Place QuayClarke


The Singapore Festival of Fun offers family-friendly entertainment, the best street performances, and a range of fun activities for families and groups of friends alike.

The festival features the Nickelodeon Fiesta, a nine-day outdoor festival and the Magners International Comedy Festival.

Festivallights i Light Marina Bay

Time 19:30 - 23:00

Place Marina Bay Waterfront

Asia's largest annual light festival, i Light Marina Bay will be held in Singapore for the fifth time. It will be organized by the Singapore Department of Urban Redevelopment and directed by Randy Chan of Zarch Collaboratives. Over the course of the three-week festival, Marina Bay will be illuminated with innovative, eco-friendly lighting installations created by talented artists from around the world.

Singapore International Jazz Festival (Sing) Jazz)

Time Miscellaneous

Place Marina Bay Sands

For three years in a row, the exciting concerts of the Singapore International Jazz Festival (Sing Jazz) were held against the backdrop of the city's panorama, which opens up to guests of Marina Bay Sands. This year the festival will again take place on the hotel grounds. There, music lovers will enjoy jazz in all its diversity and originality. This year it will feature such jazz and R&B stars as Jamie Cullum, Natalie Cole, India Arie and Gregory Porter. At the Singapore International Jazz Festival, you'll be captivated by a dizzying mix of musical styles and live performances from three days of open-air entertainment.

ConcertColdplayVwithinA Head Full of Dreams tour

Place Singapore Sports Hub

Eight years after their last show in Singapore, British band Coldplay will make a triumphant return to the city to perform at the Singapore Sports Hub as part of their A Head Full of Dreams Tour.

Since March 2016, the A Head Full Of Dreams Tour has been attended by more than 2.5 million people from Latin America, the USA and Europe. The show was created by Coldplay in collaboration with production designers Misty Buckley and Paul Normandal.

Eid al Adha

date May - June 2017

Time Miscellaneous

Place Miscellaneous

The festival of breaking the fast, Eid, marks the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and is known in Singapore as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Hari Raya Puasa. For Muslims, Ramadan is a time of humility and repentance: for 30 days it is customary to fast from dawn to sunset.

During this month, in areas such as Kampong Glam and Geylang Serai, night markets sell clothes, delicacies and (best of all!) sweets.

Dragon Boat Race BoatFestival

Date May - June 2017

Time Miscellaneous

Place Miscellaneous

The pounding drums and delicious dumplings make the Dragon Boat Festival one of the most popular events in Singapore.

Many traditions of ancient racing have survived to this day. Thus, the boats still have a long, elongated shape, images of a dragon’s head are still painted on their bows, and the drums, as before, set the rhythm of rowing. The drive and amazing camaraderie make the festival a truly exciting experience.

Ultra FestivalSingapore

date To be confirmed

Time Miscellaneous

Place 1 Bayfront Avenue

Have some fun at Ultra Worldwide, the premier electronic music event in the city in early June.

Ultra Singapore will take place in Singapore for the second time and will once again take place in the heart of Marina Bay, at Ultra Park - the unofficial permanent venue of the festival.

Mid-Autumn Festival

Time Miscellaneous

Place Chinatown

Mid-Autumn Festival marks the end of the harvest season, when, according to tradition, it is customary to thank the gods.

Various legends about the Moon are often associated with this holiday, since it shines especially brightly at this time of year. For the same reason, the main events of the Mid-Autumn Festival take place after sunset.

Admire traditional lanterns at festivals around the island. It will be especially interesting in Chinatown, whose streets will be decorated with beautiful and elegant handmade lanterns.

Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention

date To be confirmed

Time Miscellaneous

Place Marina Bay Sands Boardroom

The Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention will bring together the best in pop culture, including world-class artists and designers from around the world who create comics, toys, anime, manga and cosplay costumes.

The event will be held for the tenth time. Visitors will be treated to collectibles, exclusive works and unique works by artists from Singapore and other countries in the region.


Time Miscellaneous

Place Little India

Diwali is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. The holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil and light over darkness: as a sign of this, it is customary to light oil lamps.

Head to Little India, where its streets will be transformed into a fantasy land of colorful arches and picturesque lights during the holiday.

Neon FestivalLights

date November 2017

Time To be confirmed

Place Fort Canning National Park


Neon Lights is a music and light festival that takes place every November on several outdoor stages in Fort Canning National Park. Popular among people of all interests, backgrounds and ages, this event brings to the audience music and artistic performances that blur the boundaries between audiences and appeal to everyone without exception.


date November 2017

Time To be confirmed

Place To be confirmed

Anime Festival Asia (AFA) is the largest and most popular Japanese cultural festival in Southeast Asia, taking place in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. Over the past six years, the event has taken place nine times. More than 130,000 people attended AFA in 2013. Then the festival gained real fame among lovers of Japanese culture in the region.

Christmas Illumination Launch Ceremony

date November 2017 - January 2018

Time To be confirmed

Place To be confirmed

This highly anticipated annual pageant will see the iconic Orchard Road decorated with colorful lights and festive decorations (and even a Christmas tree).

The event is organized by the Orchard Road Business Association.

Watch local musicians and carolers perform throughout the city and enjoy some of the holiday's most famous tunes.

RozhdestvenskayaChristmas Wonderland @ Gardens by the Bay

date December 2017

Time To be confirmed

Place To be confirmed

Singapore's largest Christmas market, Christmas Wonderland @ Gardens by the Bay, set a record in 2015 with more than 1,500,000 visitors.

The fair offers a wide range of entertainment for visitors of all ages, as well as a festive play area with stunning installations, rides and carousels. In addition, fairgoers will be able to enjoy choir performances, concerts and parades.

Time To be confirmed

Place To be confirmed

Ring in the New Year at Marina Bay Singapore, where the iconic New Year's Eve celebrations are hosted annually by Singapore's Urban Redevelopment Department and Esplanade - Theaters on the Bay.

New Year's Eve celebrations will take place across the city, from Marina Bay to Civic, from the early evening and throughout the night.

As midnight approaches, join the crowds for an amazing music, light and laser show, enjoy the fireworks and welcome the New Year in a positive and joyful mood.

The traditions of holding and organizing various holidays, festivals and celebrations can tell a lot, if not all, about the national characteristics of a particular country. And for a country that largely lives off tourism, the ability to organize a festive event well and on a grand scale becomes a kind of professional skill. Singaporeans deserve the highest marks in this regard - the residents of this country know how to have fun and are ready to happily share their joy with all visiting guests.

This is probably why many tourists love to visit Singapore during national holidays and various festivals. But the most interesting thing is that whenever you find yourself on this island, rest assured that somewhere there is always a vibrant party going on - the program of Singaporean holidays continues all year round. And if you are aware of the schedule and location of all these events, then your stay on vacation will be filled with endless noisy fun.

Official public holidays and weekends

Singapore's official public holidays reflect the country's cultural and religious diversity, with eleven official holidays including Buddhist, Chinese, Hindu, Muslim, Christian and secular holidays:

1st of January - New Year.
February-March - first and second day Chinese New Year(exact date varies).
March, April - Good Friday(exact date varies).
1st of May - Labor Day.
May June - Vesak(exact date varies).
June July- Hari raya puasa or Eid al-Adha (exact date varies).
August 9 - independence Day.
September - Hari Raya Haji or Eid al-Adha (exact date varies).
October November - Deepavali(exact date varies).
December 25 - Christmas.

If an official holiday coincides with a Sunday, the next day is declared a day off. If two holidays fall on the same date, which is possible due to differences in the Hindu, Chinese, Muslim and European calendars, then an additional holiday rest day may be declared. Election day (in a general or presidential election) is also an official public holiday.

Schedule of Singapore festivals and entertainment events

It is most convenient to present the schedule of holidays and festivals in the form of a table, broken down by month.

date Description of the event
January March
January is a traditional Indian harvest festival.
End of January – art and fine arts fair.
January February - a colorful Hindu festival.
February - ceremony as part of the Chinese New Year.
February March is the main Chinese cultural festival of the year.
End of February – a multicultural street procession as part of the Chinese New Year.
April June
April – the best way to try all kinds of street food.
April – a gastronomic parade of gourmet cuisine.
April May – fashion show on the main shopping street.
May – a holiday of taste for all gourmets.
May – the main Asian Fashion Week.
May June - the main Buddhist holiday: the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha.
May-July – a time of incredible discounts in all stores across the country.
June July – races on ancient rowing boats.
June July - Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, the end of the month of Ramadan.
June-September – theater and cinema in all forms.
July - September
July – the main annual feast for gourmets.
July August – Zhong Yuan Jie, the Chinese equivalent of Halloween.
August – street performances under the cover of darkness.
August 9 - a colorful holiday in honor of the formation of the state.
September - Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha, the end of the Hajj.
September – stage of the World Auto Racing Championship in the Formula 1 class.
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