Pregnancy 33 weeks strong movements threaded post. General information about the gestational age

Already 33 weeks pregnant! The baby has taken a permanent position, its weight increases, the formation of all organs and systems continues, their improvement continues. It is becoming more and more difficult for the baby to move, there is less and less freedom of action, so the mother notices that the activity is becoming somewhat lower. The baby sleeps longer, and at this time he begins to have dreams! In the phase of REM sleep, active movements of the eyeballs occur. Expectant mothers also note that pregnancy at 33, 34 weeks is the time of appearance and they have vivid dreams.

A specific skin pattern appears on the baby's fingers. The layer of adipose tissue increases, thermoregulation improves. Organs and systems are already so well formed that childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation is not so dangerous - the chances of a baby from this period are much higher.

At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the child approaches two kilograms, and its height is 43 centimeters.

33 weeks pregnant: how many months? That's eight months plus one week. By this gestational age, the baby's body is quite mature. Then there is the final maturation of the nervous, respiratory and other systems.

What's happening?

The most significant changes are now taking place in the baby's respiratory system. There is an active formation of surfactant - a substance that provides the possibility of independent breathing, straightening the lungs at the first breath. The bronchoalveolar system is already fully formed. Due to such changes, a baby born at seven months usually already breathes on its own.

Pregnancy 32, 33 weeks is accompanied by an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer, and the baby looks more well-fed, like a newborn.

The baby at this stage has already taken the final position in the uterus - the most physiological is the head presentation, when the baby is upside down, and it is the head that will be the first to pass through the birth canal. At 33 weeks pregnant, breech presentation can still be changed.

The fetus and its development

The nervous system and sense organs are also actively developing. The kid sees well, very clearly distinguishes the voices of mom, dad, has a certain daily routine. The baby responds very well to the music that he likes, and right now is the time to turn on pleasant melodies for him, and even better, sing songs that will lull him to sleep after birth. Psychologists recommend reading to the baby, and the more the better. The sound of a mother's voice is the most pleasant thing that a baby hears.

The last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the improvement of the motor activity of the child. His movements become more coordinated, not so chaotic. The muscles are also strengthened, and the mother feels that the strength of her movements is increasing. Gradually increase the size of the heart, the thickness of the vascular wall. The endocrine system is actively formed. The baby is already developing its own immunity.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Belly at 33 weeks pregnant

An enlarged belly causes concern to the mother, can cause discomfort in the costal arch, pelvis. The uterus at 33 weeks of gestation is 33 centimeters above the womb and 13 centimeters above the navel. At this time, the mother's normal weight increased by 12.5 kilograms. The uterus, squeezing the bladder, is the cause of frequent urination. There is no way to cope with these phenomena, you just need to be patient a little more, because there is very little left before the birth.

The bottom of the uterus is very high, and in most cases this is accompanied by heartburn, shortness of breath. You can alleviate your condition somewhat by adjusting your diet. Try to eat often, in small portions. Be sure to include fiber-rich foods in your diet to improve digestion. This will help to cope with the constipation that often accompanies pregnancy. It is pleasant to realize that heartburn, shortness of breath will decrease very soon - the uterus will drop a little lower before childbirth.

Fetal movements at 33 weeks

If you read the forum about the 33rd week of pregnancy, it is noticeable that all expectant mothers note a slight decrease in the activity of the baby. And this is no accident: the baby is getting closer and closer in the uterus, it is becoming more and more difficult to perform active movements, and it is much more pleasant to just kick mom with a heel. Time of constant changes of position, incredibly high activity in the past. It's time for the baby to gain strength before giving birth.

Mom's Feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy is perhaps the most difficult for expectant mothers. The load is very high, and, despite the incredible joy of waiting to meet the baby, the physical sensations are not always pleasant. But, following some tips, you can greatly alleviate your condition.

  • Often at this time, aching pain in the back worries. This is due not only to the shift in the center of gravity, the large size of the abdomen, but also to the preparation of the body for childbirth. Under the influence of hormones, the bone joints soften to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. And now it is the cause of discomfort. Try to normalize your daily routine: rest more often in a comfortable position. Usually at 33 weeks, every mom knows in which position the pain decreases. Do strengthening exercises for the back muscles.
  • The activity of the baby has already become somewhat lower, but the force of blows with heels and elbows has increased significantly. You probably already understand the baby well and know when the activity is higher. Often this can be due to the fact that the baby is hungry. If you have ruled out all the reasons, and the activity is still high, just rest, relax, stroke your tummy, talk to the baby, sing a song to him. It will surely calm him down.
  • Often, mothers notice the appearance of leg cramps. Typically, such phenomena begin as early as the second trimester, they are associated with an imbalance in the content of calcium and magnesium. The best way to deal with muscle spasms is to use preparations with trace elements. The doctor will help you choose the best one. On your own, in case of leg cramps, you can do the following: pull the foot towards you by the fingers so that the calf muscles are stretched. Ask your spouse to help you - he can do the same exercise, combining it with an intense massage of the calf muscles. This usually relieves the spasm quickly. Warm foot baths also help.
  • In the last stages of pregnancy, the mother should pay special attention to nutrition. It is necessary to draw up a diet taking into account the prevention of allergies in the baby, as well as the prevention of weight gain by the mother. The most powerful sources of calories are carbohydrate foods, as well as fats. Despite a strong desire to finally pamper yourself, sweets and other sweets should be completely excluded, and bakery products and pasta should be significantly limited. Now the quality of the food consumed is very important, because the baby takes all the nutrients. You need vegetables, fruits (with limited allergens), meat, fish, dairy products.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant

Intimate relationships are an integral part of married life, and in the normal course of pregnancy, the process of intercourse itself does not pose any threat to the baby. Of course, positions in which the stomach is squeezed should be avoided. Optimal postures in which the spouse is behind. Avoid sudden movements. And you also need to know that sperm has the ability to soften the neck, stimulate labor. Therefore, in the last stages it is advisable to use a condom.

A woman should carefully monitor what kind of discharge she has at the 33rd week of pregnancy. Watery, profuse discharge often indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, and this is a reason for immediate medical attention. The same applies to the appearance of blood in the secretions.

In the last stages, a woman should be especially attentive to pain. It is quite acceptable at the 33rd week of pregnancy, when the stomach pulls. Such short periodic sensations are associated with training bouts. However, if this is too worrying, if the pain has intensified, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

The increasing load on the skeletal system leads to frequent pain in the back and legs. The load is associated not only with an increase in the weight of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid, but also directly with an increase in the weight of the mother. Late pregnancy requires strict adherence to the activity regimen. It is categorically impossible to lie down for days on end, even if the stomach is already very large. Only motor activity will support and strengthen the muscular frame, and this is very important for the normal course of childbirth.

Many mothers note that in most cases, pain in the lumbar region decreases in the knee-elbow position. Why not take advantage of this? Just stand on all fours for a few minutes and you will immediately feel your back relax. This position allows you to reduce pain in the hypochondria, because at this time the bottom of the uterus is high, the baby often rests on the costal arch, falling on the nerve plexuses.

Be sure to wear a bandage. Its role is to support the abdomen, which significantly reduces pain in the pelvis, lower back, in addition, the muscles are less stretched, and you will recover faster after childbirth.

Required research. Analyzes

In addition to standard studies, ultrasound is usually performed at 33 weeks of gestation. This is a screening study that allows you to exclude the presence of pathology of the placenta, intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, it is also necessary to diagnose polyhydramnios in a timely manner. At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the functional diagnostics doctor evaluates all the dimensions of the fetus, its position, dimensions (fetometry at the 33rd week of pregnancy), the condition of the placenta and other parameters.

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Questions - answers

Yesterday I did an ultrasound and got the following conclusion: 33 weeks of pregnancy, cord entanglement. What to do with it?

The tactics of childbirth during entanglement with the umbilical cord is determined by the doctor individually for each situation. In some cases, a caesarean section is required.

I am 33 weeks pregnant with twins. I often feel training contractions, but in recent days they seem to me stronger. What does it mean?

Pregnancy with twins is different in that usually delivery occurs earlier than the fortieth week. And pain at 33 weeks of gestation may already indicate the imminent onset of labor. You should consult with the doctor who will attend the birth.

Why does the stomach pull at 33 weeks of gestation?

Most often, pulling sensations in the abdomen at this time are associated with training contractions (Brexton-Hicks contractions). The tone may also be the cause. At the same time, the stomach hurts not too much, rather there is a feeling of tension. If the pain is severe, you should definitely go to the doctor.

I was diagnosed with oligohydramnios at 33 weeks pregnant. This is dangerous?

Amniotic fluid is of great importance: they create an optimal environment around the baby, protect against trauma, help the baby move, protect the umbilical cord, and help open the cervix during childbirth. Oligohydramnios is dangerous because the baby is in an uncomfortable position, spinal deformity may develop, as well as the formation of adhesions that can wrap around the umbilical cord, the fetus, interfering with normal development. With oligohydramnios, weakness of labor activity is possible. The most important parameter is the amount of water, because a slight decrease in them may well be the norm.

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 9th obstetric month. The expectant mother and her baby continue to rapidly gain weight. However, under no circumstances should you go on a diet, as any rash restrictions can harm the child. Weight at 33 weeks of gestation is of course already large, but do not forget that the baby is also growing.

fetus at 33 weeks pregnant

The baby is growing, he wants to move, but there is no longer enough space for activity, so the movements at the 33rd week of pregnancy practically stop. Now the baby sleeps more often, and during sleep, his pupils move, as he already begins to dream. In the state of wakefulness, the child listens to extraneous sounds from the outside, distinguishing, among others, the voice of the mother. Scientists suggest that even now the baby can see shadows.

Small grooves appear on the fingers and toes of the child - a skin pattern. During this period, billions of neurons mature in the fetal cerebral cortex, which form trillions of neural connections. At the same time, the cardiovascular system continues its formation. The fetus still receives oxygen and nutrients through the placenta, which now reaches a width of 3.5 cm.

The size and weight of the fetus at 33 weeks of gestation are 42 - 43 cm and 2 kg, respectively.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus at 33 weeks of gestation

Woman at 33 weeks pregnant

Almost 8 months have passed since conception. Increasingly, a woman feels the need to urinate as the uterus enlarges, putting pressure on the bladder. Due to the fact that the ligaments are stretched, there is a possibility of discomfort in the lower abdomen, dark green discharge may appear at 33 weeks of pregnancy, which prevent bacteria from entering the uterus.

To distract from uncomfortable feelings, mothers can devote all their free time to reading literature about childbirth, the postpartum period, and also attend trainings. The more a woman learns, the easier it will be for her after childbirth. Among other things, at this time, mothers can have rather unusual and colorful dreams.

Dangers at 33 weeks pregnant

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, women often experience nausea, which is nothing more than a manifestation of late toxicosis. In this case, the expectant mother should immediately seek medical advice or undergo an ultrasound examination, which will help to verify the normal course of pregnancy, since late toxicosis may indicate a deviation from the norm.

Childbirth is very soon, and the woman's body begins self-preparation for this process. So training contractions may appear, which are expressed in an increased tone of the uterus, which may cause pulling pains in the abdomen at the 33rd week of pregnancy.

If in the first half of pregnancy body weight increased by a couple of kilograms, then the second half accounts for the main weight gain. For a week, a normal weight gain should be no more than 300 g, so it is extremely important to visit a doctor at a strictly defined time and follow all his recommendations.

Pain, numbness, tingling or just discomfort in the fingers and wrists is normal at 33 weeks pregnant as fluid retention occurs. In the part of the body where the fluid is retained, there is an increase in pressure, which leads to compression of the nerve endings, which causes pain. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to stretch their hands as often as possible, as well as put a soft pillow under their arms during sleep.

Paired births in our time is a common occurrence, and absolutely every pregnant woman by the 33rd week must decide whether the father will be present at the birth. In addition, there is often video filming of the birth process, however, those wishing to film the entire process on video are advised to discuss this with the head physician of the maternity hospital. As a rule, the doctor gives written permission for the presence of a man at childbirth or another loved one, as well as for video filming.

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe an unscheduled examination, for example, dopplerometry. This procedure is somewhat reminiscent of ultrasound, however, it can be used to judge the state of the blood flow of the woman and the fetus and the rate of placental circulation. Usually it is carried out in combination with ultrasound, but can be carried out separately.

The violations revealed during dopplerometry speak of obstetric pathology. Dopplerometry cannot be neglected, since this is the only way to identify all possible pathologies before the symptoms begin to appear. Cardiotocography is also prescribed by a doctor at 33 weeks of gestation. This procedure helps to identify the motor activity of the fetus, its heart rate, as well as the tone of the maternal uterus.

33rd week of pregnancy: baby's weight, fetal movements, possible childbirth

At 33 weeks of gestation, the baby is already mature enough to even breathe on its own if it is born prematurely. Therefore, the mother should no longer have reasons for concern in this regard. But what makes you worry is the increasing symptoms, which begin to irritate and cause a feeling of fatigue. However, it remains to be patient for a very short time - such a path is already behind us!

33 weeks pregnant - baby's weight

By the thirty-third week of pregnancy, the baby has already grown to almost half a meter in height (can you imagine that?), And weighs a full two kilograms. Therefore, he can no longer make any somersaults.

33 weeks pregnant - fetal movements

But, if he kicks with all his might, then the mother, even in a state of deep sleep, will have to wake up. And awake - jump and hiccup. Well, this is even good, it means that he is developing quite normally there, everything is going according to plan. If fetal movements at 33 weeks of gestation cause some discomfort, this may be due to the fact that the child is simply critically uncomfortable due to the position in which the mother sits. It is considered normal if you feel about ten movements in a two-hour period. Deviations from this norm are a reason to go to the gynecologist. However, you will have to go to him anyway.

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation, breech presentation

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation is the norm, this is the next scheduled examination. The doctor measures the growth of the child, analyzes his development, activity of behavior, presentation, position of the umbilical cord. The uterus will also be carefully examined - at what height it is, what is the size, condition of the cervix, position of the placenta.

If a breech presentation is detected at 33 weeks of pregnancy, then, most likely, a planned cesarean will be scheduled, since the child will no longer be able to turn on his own, he simply does not have enough space for this. Although the doctor, in the absence of serious contraindications, may allow natural childbirth, obstetricians are able to take the child from the pelvic position.

33 obstetric week of pregnancy - feelings and condition of mothers

The most important thing is to prevent preeclampsia and increased pressure, these are the main enemies of a pregnant woman. If the slightest symptoms appear, you should not delay, immediately see a doctor and decide what to do. Because these things are not to be joked with. At 33 weeks pregnant, there is a definite chance to derail the whole long process simply by not paying attention to your own symptoms.

But what you really should not pay attention to is what you have already gotten used to during the months of gestation - heartburn, constipation, dizziness, increased appetite and other delights that have long been well known. Traditional pain in the legs and lower back is relieved by walking, resting in a comfortable position on the side, massaging the feet and sacral area, as well as eating foods with a high calcium content.

If, at the 33rd week of pregnancy, there is quite a strong pain in the pubic region, this is just not worth enduring, this is a symphysitis that needs to be fought before childbirth.

There should be no painful sensations in the abdomen at this time, therefore, if any are observed, you should ask the gynecologist during a routine examination about the reasons for this phenomenon. Do not be afraid to seem like a reinsurer - pregnancy is a purely individual process and fraught with many difficulties that are hidden behind simple symptoms. Pain is just a reaction of the body to something abnormal. And there are things that are acceptable during pregnancy, but there are those that need to be responded to in time.

One of the causes of pain, for example, can be placental abruption. Missing this moment means creating a tragic situation.

Delivery at 33 weeks pregnant

It is worth remembering: childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation is considered normal, so do not worry if you have to artificially stimulate them, for example, if there is placental abruption. But in this case, you can’t wait for something at all! Therefore, if you have any strange sensations, you should consult a doctor.

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33 weeks pregnant

The period from 33 to 34 weeks of pregnancy practically does not differ from other weeks of the third trimester. It turns out that 33 obstetric weeks is 32 weeks of fetal life from conception, or seven and a half months of pregnancy. If we count according to the lunar calendar, then the first week of the 9th month comes, that is, before the birth of the child, one lunar month of 28 days remains.

From 33 to 34 weeks, the size of the abdomen increases significantly, due to the active growth of the baby. During this period, there are characteristic changes in the condition of the expectant mother. Now more than ever, women need free clothes and the help of loved ones. The movements of the baby become more noticeable, and many dangers appear that can cause premature birth or cause abortion: colds, discharge, breech presentation, late toxicosis, nausea, oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, cord entanglement, twins, placenta previa.

It is this period that opens fears of the upcoming birth for pregnant women, since this can happen at any time. The child may well be born healthy and for a period of 33 to 34 weeks, although he will need the help of specialists to maintain breathing in the first days after birth. You can cope with the fears of the upcoming birth with the help of psychoprophylactic training and knowledge.


The period from 33 to 34 weeks for the baby is key, because during this period he becomes like a real child: the skin becomes pink, the body is proportional, and the internal organs complete their development and preparation for the upcoming birth. In the bone tissue of the fetal body, the required rate of calcium is reached. Only the cranial sutures remain wide, but this is the norm, which is provided by nature to facilitate the birth process.

The weight of the fetus from 33 to 34 weeks reaches 1800-2200 grams, and the height is 42-44 cm from crown to heels and 29 cm from crown to tailbone. The weight of the child during this period is gaining very quickly, about 200 grams per week, which is positively affected by the nutrition of the fetus received through the placenta. The weight of the baby can be found out at the next ultrasound, which is carried out at the slightest suspicion of any disease or entanglement with the umbilical cord, and in the ninth month this examination is planned.

This period is characterized by the fact that fetal movements become stronger, but rare. This is due to the fact that the baby's movements are shy due to the lack of space in the stomach, due to its size. Movements in the period from 33 to 34 weeks can be strong and cause pain to the expectant mother.

Woman's condition

At 33-34 weeks, not only the baby is gaining weight, but also the expectant mother, especially if she has twins. Weight is added up to 400 grams per week, and this is the norm! But, despite this, a balanced and proper diet should be maintained, which will help to avoid such pathological conditions as nausea, preeclampsia, and swelling. A woman feels all the movements of her child, and twins can even “fight” among themselves.

From 33 to 43 weeks, almost all pregnant women cannot be in the supine position, which is due to the fact that the weight of the baby and amniotic fluid compresses the inferior vena cava, disrupting blood flow. Sleep on your side, preferably on your left, which prevents cord entanglement and helps correct the breech presentation of the fetus.

Dangers at 33-34 weeks of gestation:

  • 1. Cord entanglement

With the help of ultrasound during this period, it is possible to determine the size of the umbilical cord, the norm of which is from 40 to 60 cm. The umbilical cord can be entwined around any part of the baby's body, but the most dangerous is the cord entanglement around the neck.

29 weeks pregnant, stirring, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, supine position

With the help of ultrasound, you can see a loop with a distinct blood flow. The entanglement occurs if the length of the umbilical cord exceeds the norm, as well as with increased activity of the fetus. Polyhydramnios can also be the reason for the entanglement of the umbilical cord. The entanglement has the following consequences: intrauterine fetal death, hypoxia and birth suffocation. It is possible to determine the entanglement in time only with the help of ultrasound, which should be carried out at least three times during pregnancy;

  • 2. Sex

At 33-34 weeks of gestation, sex is not a contraindication if there is no threat of premature birth, as determined by a doctor or ultrasound. Also, sex is contraindicated for women who have no desire, which indicates the self-preservation of the body. In the normal course of pregnancy, sex in the period from 33 to 34 weeks gives expectant mothers only pleasure, which is due to an increase in the sensitivity of the female body.

Despite all the advantages, sex during this period must be protected so that male sperm does not cause premature birth. Also, sex should be slow and not deep with the preferred positions of "spoon" and "doggy-style" (with penetration from behind). Sex is not allowed after the discharge of the mucous plug and the outflow of amniotic fluid. Situations and diseases in which sex is contraindicated: twins, colds, discharge, placenta previa, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, nausea;

  • 3. Allocations

At this time, colorless, only transparent discharge that does not have a characteristic odor is considered the norm. Also, the cause of bleeding can be sex, which in this case should be abandoned altogether;

  • 4. Breech presentation

At the beginning of the ninth month, the presentation of the baby with legs down is an alarming sign, which is determined by ultrasound;

  • 5. Nausea

It is nausea that speaks of late toxicosis that occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. Nausea may occur after meals, in the morning, and be accompanied by vomiting or increased salivation. It is nausea that is the signal to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will easily find the cause of its occurrence;

  • 6. Polyhydramnios

During the third planned ultrasound, a woman in the third trimester may encounter such a pathology as polyhydramnios. It is polyhydramnios that is a consequence of infectious diseases transferred during pregnancy. Polyhydramnios also occurs for the following reasons: heart defects, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, respiratory infections. Polyhydramnios is the main reason for the occurrence of intrauterine infection of the fetus, premature birth and hypoxia.

  • 7. Low water

Oligohydramnios occurs for the following reasons: hypertension, preeclampsia (nausea), infectious and inflammatory diseases, tonsillitis, renal failure. Oligohydramnios leads to chronic fetal hypoxia and can cause intrauterine death. On ultrasound, oligohydramnios is determined by a small amount of amniotic fluid and an amniotic fluid index, the rate of which is set in accordance with individual indicators. Even with such a terrible diagnosis as oligohydramnios, a larger percentage of pregnant women continue their pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies;

  • 8. Premature birth

In 15% of cases, preterm births occur at this stage, which at this stage have the following causes: infections, uterine pathologies, immunological conflicts, twins, stress, poor nutrition, physical activity, trauma, previous miscarriages. Childbirth at this stage has the following symptoms: pain in the abdomen

  • 9. Malnutrition of the mother

Poor, unbalanced nutrition of the mother can lead to serious consequences for the health of the baby. Improper nutrition can cause beriberi, which entails a number of diseases, both for a pregnant woman and for a child. Nutrition in the last months of pregnancy should be frequent, but fractional.

To prevent heartburn, food should not be washed down with water, diluting gastric juice. Proper nutrition not only helps to maintain health, but also makes it possible not to add excess weight. In the ninth month of pregnancy, you should include more calcium-rich foods in your diet, as this is necessary for the child. Bold and fatty foods should be completely excluded from the diet in order not to cause problems for your baby in the near future in the form of gastritis or obesity. Nutrition should be based on nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Thus, at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy, you should be very attentive to the state of your body and do not forget about your baby, for whom it is very important to stay in the womb for up to 40 weeks. That is why, with the threat of termination of pregnancy, such contraindications as weight lifting, sex and stressful situations should be avoided. A common cold, nausea, infectious and pathological diseases can cause premature birth.

Fetal movement at 33 weeks

At 33 weeks, the fetus weighs about 2 kg. The development of the fetus at 33 weeks is such that he can breathe without assistance. Fetal movement at week 33 becomes less active.

Fetal movements begin to be felt by the mother at about the 18th week of pregnancy: at first they do not cause any inconvenience due to the small size of the fetus and a large amount of amniotic fluid, but then - by the 33rd week of pregnancy - the movements begin to cause discomfort, which, however, can be tolerated.

Fetal movement at 33 weeks

At 33 weeks, the fetus is already large: weight 1.9-2.1 kg. Therefore, the overgrown uterus, in which the child is located, squeezes and displaces all internal organs and interferes with their work. This can cause the following inconveniences: frequent or spontaneous urination (due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder); intestinal upset (the uterus squeezes the intestines, which interferes with the normal progress of digested food); pain in the thoracic region, shortness of breath (pressure of the uterus on the ribs); pain in the liver and other organs. Fortunately, these symptoms disappear immediately after childbirth and do not cause much harm to the woman, except for prolonged discomfort.

The development of the fetus at 33 weeks is such that if a child is born prematurely - at 33 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own, all his organs and life support systems will function normally. The only thing that the child has not yet managed to do is gain enough subcutaneous fat. Therefore, being in the uterus now, the child is engaged in its accumulation and does not move very actively, being almost all the time in a state of sleep.

But even the slightest movements are now more than ever felt by the mother, who, in addition to movements inside the uterus, may experience aching or sharp pain in different parts of the abdomen.

Despite the decrease in activity, fetal movement at 33 weeks should still occur about 10 times a day. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is worried about a long absence of movement, it can be caused by eating sweets and lying on her left side for about half an hour. If the movements, on the contrary, are too violent - not typical for 33 weeks, then this may indicate fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor and be examined by ultrasound to detect circulatory disorders between mother and child.

Continued next. page

active fetal movements 33 weeks!

paw | 14.01.2013, 01:38:50

  • 1. | 14.01.2013, 08:55:36

    Everything is normal with you. Moreover, you just did a doppler, so everything is in order with the blood flow. Read the Internet less and have a successful birth 🙂

  • 3. | 14.01.2013, 09:54:11

    Giving birth this week) still active football in the stomach! I even asked somehow if he could break my rib?)) The doctor says you need to panic if there is no movement, and not vice versa

  • 4. | 14.01.2013, 10:04:49

    My son was just doing pirouettes in his stomach, his stomach was shaking. It really seemed to me that he was somersaulting there (and not just kicking, like some people). Now 10 months old - a very active child, an awl in one place :-)) So don't worry, this is the baby's temperament. Apparently, you are also active))) The only danger is that when the baby is actively tumbling, it can get tangled in the umbilical cord. Mine, for example, wound a double entanglement. But I gave birth on my own, everything is in order. Everything is fine with you. And they wrote you correctly - read less on the Internet of all sorts of nasty things.

  • 6. | 14.01.2013, 10:28:31

    my second one also kicked like that there, I thought he would beat off my liver or break a rib. for two years now, a child has been growing with an awl in the pope, he does not sit still at all. the first was calm in the stomach and was very calm in life. conclusion - there will be an active child. and all

  • 7. | 14.01.2013, 10:59:17

    My son also moved so that even through outerwear it was visible. Once I was standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus (I was wearing a loose-fitting demi-season coat), my son, as usual, began to have fun. I look, a girl of seven years old points to my mother at my stomach: “Mom, look at how my aunt’s baby is fighting.” My mother said that in her two pregnancies she did not know anything like this. The son was born with 9-10 APGAR scores. All his life, he is already 12 years old, very mobile. BUT we are not talking about any hyperactivity. In his free time he likes to run around and make some noise.

  • Nothing like this. My daughter was very active, and my son was calm.

  • 10. | 14.01.2013, 13:55:47

    Hey, I'm 33 weeks too. he jumps and jumps, he hits the gynecologist during the examination not like a child, I don’t know when he sleeps at all, he is like that at night, but there is no hypoxia. Correctly written here, just such a character :)))

  • Everything is fine with you. I have been moving and fighting all the time throughout my pregnancy.

  • 14. | 15.01.2013, 13:15:37

    I had a belly of medium wiggle and my son was also of medium activity))) pay attention to tests and examinations, and not to articles from the Internet

  • 15. | 15.01.2013, 23:35:46
  • Yana

    during hypoxia, on the contrary, they freeze-save oxygen. it means that it is not large and or your uterus has excellent elasticity .. the problem is that too active movements can cause spasm (increased tone) of the uterus .. usually they go unnoticed by a woman and are very short-lived. and sometimes a full-fledged birth begins (only premature in terms of term) Sometimes, from sharp shocks and turns, there is a rupture of the amniotic membranes and amniotic fluid discharges ... I wish you not to experience all this before the full term (officially it is considered at 38 weeks exactly and beyond)

    This is my second child. The first one is 8 years old. Perhaps they are right that there is enough space for him and he is actively moving. There is no danger of premature birth by ultrasound.

  • the main thing is moving 🙂 it’s moving from side to side… the doctor says everything is in order, especially since you already have to go there once every two weeks…

  • paw

    I have a period of 33 weeks. The baby moves very actively. On the Internet they write that this is a sign of hypoxia and oxygen starvation of the fetus. Someone says that everything is enough for him. if an adult with asphyxia will rock the boat in the womb, he does not breathe with his lungs and, during hypoxia, keeps oxygen inactive. So who to believe then???

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Many future mothers for the first time feel a new life in themselves, feeling the movement of the fetus. And from that moment on, the woman is very attentive to the evidence of the existence of a baby in her womb. Experts point out the importance of controlling the number of movements during pregnancy. Consider at what stage of pregnancy the movements should already be mandatory, how to control the number of such movements of the child, and what weak or active movements can mean.

Fetal movements during pregnancy

Sometimes, having heard from her friends about the timing of the movement of the child, a woman begins to worry if she does not have movements at the 18th week of pregnancy. Such a norm for the appearance of the first tangible movements of the fetus exists. However, it concerns repeated pregnancies. And for a woman who is preparing to become a mother for the first time, this is natural. In what week do the movements appear in the case of the first pregnancy? Experts note that this period is 20 weeks. But already with the second, third and subsequent pregnancies, doctors call 18 weeks the period of occurrence of the first stirring.

You need to understand that the sensation of stirring is a rather individual process. Its onset depends on many factors. First of all, at what week of pregnancy a woman notices movements, depends on her experience. If she is preparing to become a mother not for the first time, it will be easier for her to understand this feeling. In addition, movement is more felt in thin women. But it is more difficult for women "in the body" to recognize the movements of the child, they often perceive them as intestinal peristalsis. Experts also point out that the location of the placenta also matters. If it is located on the front wall of the uterus, the baby's movements will be felt a little later.

In any case, a woman should remember at what period of pregnancy the movements began to be felt, and inform the doctor about it. These data are entered into the exchange card of the expectant mother, and the estimated date of birth is determined from them. In the case of the first pregnancy, 20 weeks are added to the specified date, and in the case of a second pregnancy, 22 weeks.

Experienced mothers determine the position of the fetus by stirring. So, the greatest activity of shocks indicates the location of the limbs. Usually, if the child lies head down, tremors are felt closer to the diaphragm, with breech presentation - in the lower abdomen.

Movement rate

Some expectant mothers are worried that their child is moving a little, while others complain about too active movements. How to determine how many perceptible fetal movements should be?

The simplest and most common way to determine the number of movements is called the D. Pearson test. Apply it from the 28th week of pregnancy. To do this, they start a special table in which every tenth movement is noted in the time interval from 9.00 to 21.00. Normally, it is believed that the tenth stirring should occur before 17.00. If the number of movements is less than 10 in 12 hours, you should inform the doctor about this, but if no movements were felt at all within 12 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Those women who are worried that the baby is moving a little should know that he sleeps a lot in the womb, so he may not move at all for 2-3 hours in a row.

But sometimes, women's fears can be justified, the child can really move a little or, on the contrary, be extremely active. What is it and how dangerous is it?

Deviations from the norm

First of all, it should be noted that active movements are significantly reduced after 32-33 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the child is already large enough and there is not enough space for him to make movements.

The fetus moves less in the following cases:

  • During a woman's physical activity. When a mother walks, does physical work, the baby in her womb lulls and calms down.
  • If a woman sits in one position for a long time.
  • With the excitement and worries of the mother.

However, in some cases, the calming of the child is associated with a pathology such as hypoxia (lack of oxygen). It can develop as a result of many reasons. Therefore, if a woman notices that the child does not move for a long time during pregnancy, an urgent need to contact a medical institution.

Extremely active movements of the baby in the womb may indicate an uncomfortable position for him. This happens, for example, when a woman lies on her back for a long time. At the same time, large vessels of the uterus are compressed, and blood flow to the baby slows down. You just need to change the position of the body, and the child will calm down.

Some women note a violent reaction of the child after they have eaten something sweet. As a result, he receives an influx of energy and releases it in this way.

Sometimes the reason for the active movements of the fetus is quite banal - the nature of the unborn child. According to the observations of many parents, children who are active in the womb become just as active in their earthly life. This is especially evident at night, when the mother wants to sleep, and the child periodically wakes up and makes movements.

So the 34th week of pregnancy has come, the movements of the baby become very strong and tangible.

How quickly time flies - a little more, and your baby will be born.

Child development

  • At 34 weeks pregnant, the baby weighs about 2 kilograms. Do not think that this is too little - normally, most children are born with a weight of 3-3.5 kilograms.

The child has a whole month to recover by 1 kg.

Do not worry about the fact that 2 kg. - it's a lot. The most important thing when assessing the weight of a child is its compliance with the size of the mother's physique - any weight and size should be evaluated only from this point of view.

Also, the weight of a child at birth is absolutely not related to the size of your tummy, although many people like to draw conclusions about the weight of a child precisely by the size of the abdomen.

  • The child already has clearly defined rhythms of sleep and wakefulness. At the 34th week of pregnancy, the movements become so strong that they sometimes prevent you from falling asleep.

It is noticed that babies in the tummy live according to the lunar rhythm. Therefore, most often active movements begin when you are about to lie down and fall asleep.

This fact should be taken into account, and if the baby's movements do not allow you to sleep well, try to shift the mode to a time when your child is calmer.

Also at the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby's movements, especially very violent and active ones, can be caused by a deterioration in the work of the placenta. With his active actions, the child provokes a better flow of blood and nutrients, including oxygen to his body.

Important: If the movements of the baby cause you pain, be sure to discuss this issue with your gynecologist.

Excessive movements of the child can provoke your food. So, it is noticed that children behave more actively if the mother ate sweets during pregnancy. Therefore, try not to eat foods that can increase the activity of the child before bedtime.

With particularly strong movements, you can talk to your baby and stroke the tummy. Mom's voice makes the children quiet.

It is believed that at 34 weeks of gestation, the baby is already fully formed and ready for birth. However, there is no need to rush - you still have four whole weeks before meeting your baby. Try to spend them as useful as possible for yourself and for him.

Every expectant mother is looking forward to the moment when she can feel the baby moving. It is not surprising: after all, internal shocks contribute to the perception of the child as a full-fledged little man, and not just a picture on the screen.

But tracking movement is important not only for your own joy, but also for conclusions regarding the course of pregnancy. For example, mothers who are expecting their first child are known to go into labor 20 weeks after the initial push. And those women who already have children can expect replenishment in the family in 22-23 weeks.

At what time do the first tremors appear

It's hard to believe, but in fact, the baby begins to move in the stomach much earlier than it can be felt. It's just that at first he is so small that the swings of his arms and legs cannot be felt.

Moms expecting their first child, most often for the first time they feel tremors at 20-23 weeks. By this time, the baby inside is already gaining enough weight, becoming stronger, and he finally manages to “get through” to his mother.

Women expecting a second or a third child, are more observant and sensitive to his movements, so they manage to track the tremors much earlier - around 16 weeks.

There is another reason why a woman may feel movements prematurely - twins waiting. In this case, tremors occur at 15-16 weeks and are intense, widespread. It is easy to confirm the guess with the help of ultrasound.

The duration of the movement may also depend on the type of figure: thin mothers will feel movements inside earlier than women with more magnificent forms.

The dynamics of the child's activity at different times

Doctors note that the baby is most active at 6-7 months of pregnancy, then his movements become more streamlined.

Prior to this, the tremors are felt weaker due to insufficient muscle strength of the child. They are more like light touches, tickling or even rumbling in the stomach.

In the last month, the baby becomes so big that he cannot move freely in the uterus and do everything he likes.

The period of activity is the most difficult for mom. If early tremors are perceived with affection, then at this stage they can seriously interfere with a woman’s rest and sleep.

What influences the child's activity?

Active pregnant women are less bothered by pushing

The nature of the shocks, the "schedule" for everyone is purely individual.

The intensity of movements is also affected by the temperament of the baby. As well as the amount of amniotic fluid, the characteristics of the woman's body, the presentation of the fetus and much more.

But the mother herself can largely influence the activity of the baby. For example, women who are active during pregnancy, doing gymnastics, are less bothered by pushing. The child is lulled by uniform movements, and he calms down.

But when the mother is motionless, the baby, obviously, tries to remind her of her existence and starts pushing again. Therefore, you should be prepared for unplanned nighttime awakenings: the baby will not let you relax.

The child tries to contact his mother, he feels her mood and responds to it.

The nervous state during pregnancy also affects the movements of the fetus. The more experiences you experience, the more active the tremors. That is why it is so important to avoid worries and worries during this period - all this is displayed on your baby.

In addition, the increase in activity is affected by the use of a number of products by the mother, including sweets. Whether this is due to the innate love of children for sweets, with getting an influx of energy, or an attempt to protect mom from extra calories, is unknown - but the fact is the fact.

Why is it necessary to monitor the movements of the child?

If tremors are felt in the upper abdomen, it lies head down, if in the lower, the baby has a breech presentation.

Of course, the movement of a child is a very individual process, and yet there are norms and deviations here. Do not worry if the baby does not make itself felt within a few hours - he can simply sleep.

But if the immobility drags on, this is a reason to be wary. You need to try to stir up the baby with the help of physical exercises, eating sweets.

If this does not help, you will certainly need to consult a gynecologist.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

Slight movements should normally be regular, as a rule, the baby is “at the peak of activity” up to ten times a day.

If the movements are sluggish

If the movements are sluggish, or you have completely stopped feeling them, this is a reason to see a doctor.

This condition may be associated with serious diseases that need to be urgently diagnosed. Doctors prescribe ultrasound and CTG to identify the cause.

Most often, it is hypoxia, which, in turn, is caused by various complications and diseases in both the mother and the fetus. Among them cardiovascular diseases, anemia, diabetes, abnormal position of the fetus in the uterus and more. With oxygen starvation, excessive activity is most often replaced by lethargy of tremors. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the pregnancy should proceed under close medical supervision.

If the movements are intense

The same applies to too intense movements of the fetus, which cause pain and discomfort to the mother. Excessive mobility does not benefit the child: he can wrap himself around the umbilical cord and harm himself.

It is normal to experience discomfort with tremors in the later stages. You can try to calm your naughty by lulling him.

But if the movements are violent, do not subside and cause severe pain, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Remember that through pushes your baby conveys information to you, the only way he can communicate that he feels unwell and lacks something.

Yes, complications do happen, but don't panic too much after every baby move. Worrying will only increase his anxiety. It is better to track his "messages" and keep a pregnancy diary with joy and peace of mind. Think about how interesting it will be many years later for both you and the already matured inhabitant of your tummy to remember this first communication experience.

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