Skirt in English style. British style of clothing is a purely English classic

Clothing in the English style has always been distinguished by laconicism, elegance and restraint. Some girls specifically study catalogs to become a stylish lady. After all, the outfits are an example of a restrained tone. These clothes are perfect for women of all ages. These can be everyday items or evening styles.

What is the English style in women’s clothing – photo samples

This direction is ideal for combining basic things. Outfits should not be flashy or vulgar. Sophistication in the image is welcomed. English fashionistas often prefer trouser suits to skirts and dresses.

Classic English style of clothing is characterized by the following elements:

  • plain blouses;
  • trousers with arrows;
  • long jackets;
  • midi length skirts;
  • formal dresses;
  • cropped trousers;
  • neckerchief;
  • gloves;

When composing an image, it is necessary to adhere to conservatism. You should not wear bright jewelry or jewelry. It is enough to decorate your appearance with a beautiful scarf or a fashionable watch. You can choose a handbag according to your current look. To do this, just buy an elegant handbag or a stylish clutch.

Outerwear should also be consistent in theme. To do this, just choose a strict coat, poncho, raincoat or sheepskin coat with a folded English collar. In cold weather, you can wear long gloves and outerwear with short sleeves.

Color motifs and materials in the English style

Designers advise choosing monochromatic outfits to emphasize a strict image. However, women 20-30 years old can afford a summer dress with a small ornament or floral pattern. Chiffon blouses that contain small prints are acceptable.
Clothes in the English style, which are decorated with checkered, striped or other geometric patterns, are in fashion. It could be a tweed jacket with a pattern, or.

Popular shades include:

  • grey;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • brown;
  • beige;
  • olive;
  • mustard.

These colors of clothing can be successfully combined or used to create a beautiful set.
Among the variety of outfits, it is recommended to give preference to materials such as tweed, jacquard, jersey and thick knitwear. The fabrics perfectly emphasize the given cut. Don't skimp on materials. After all, the English style should emphasize the luxury and chic of a fashionista.

Fashion is changeable. But classic motifs are always popular. The photo shows an English style of clothing for a woman, which will be relevant for a long time. Every fashionista can easily try on the image of a sophisticated lady.

English style is a sign of impeccable taste and the calling card of true ladies and gentlemen. Laconic classic clothing reflects the elegance of Foggy Albion, its restraint in behavior, refined coldness, impeccable manners, and aristocratic nobility.

Timeless classics from British aristocrats

The classic English style of clothing has stood the test of time and is the oldest, but its venerable age has not affected its popularity at all. This style does not obey changing and capricious fashion trends - it subordinates them, remaining the eternal embodiment of elegance.

Examples of men's clothing in the English style

At the origins of fashion classics

The exquisite style, adored by many, appeared in England in the 17th century and over time conquered all of Europe and then the world. Initially, strict noble suits were worn exclusively by aristocratic men, but the charm of the English style did not leave people of different professions, gender and age indifferent, as we can now see.

From purism to classics

The restrained style with a puritanical aura was quickly dubbed purism, confirming its eternal relevance, the name “purism” turned into “classic clothing style”. Nowadays it is customary to use a partly geographical definition of “English style”.

Examples of women's clothing in the style of Purism

English style in detail

A selection of images of women in the English style

A true lady always looks impeccable, she is self-confident, reserved, noble, with impeccable manners.

The basis of the English style is a sense of proportion in everything, from shape and color to decoration and accessories.

The main features of clothes in the English style

English style accessories

A selection of shoe styles in the English style

English style is a minimum of elite quality accessories. On the shoe shelf of a real lady there are high boots with straight tops, elegant ankle boots, and classic pumps.

An open heel or toe is allowed, but in no case at the same time.

A mandatory attribute is elegant hats that match the color scheme of the outfit. The final touches to the look can be a neckerchief or scarf, a lace scarf in a suit pocket, discreet silver jewelry, a string of pearls, a ring or a bracelet, but not at the same time.

English style: must-have or taboo?

The English style is often called the foundation of fashion, because visually it suits everyone, regardless of age, body type, or color type. The classical style “chooses” its favorites not by appearance, but by inner state, good manners and nobility of character.

Who is the English style suitable for?

Examples of photos of adherents of the English style of clothing

Discreet classic clothing is a must-have attribute for business people who radiate success. The English style complements the image of a successful, purposeful person.

It perfectly emphasizes good manners, self-control, inner calm and helps create the image of a real aristocrat.

For whom is the English style prohibited?

When choosing this style of clothing, make sure that your manners, posture and poise are consistent with it. The English style of clothing is absolutely not suitable for impetuous, hot-tempered, emotional, eccentric, impatient people, making them look fussy, careless and even slack.

Interpretations of English classics in the 21st century

The English style in modern interpretations is acquiring more and more nuances and expanding the list of permitted liberties. Due to the need for designers to break the rules, it is now customary to distinguish two key directions of English style: English classics with strict canons and British street style, which is an explosive mixture of elegance and shockingness.

Star fans of the classics

English style of clothing in the wardrobe of the Queen of England

The main icon of English style is Queen Elizabeth II, who delights the whole world with her elegant outfits.

It is important to understand that bright colors and graceful liberties are not violations of style, but the privilege of the queen, which should always be in sight. Other famous fans of the style include Victoria Beckham, Stella McCartney, John Galliano, Christopher Zane, and Zac Posen.

Fashion collections in English style

English style is a frequent guest on the catwalks, and its elements are easy to find at almost every show. Loyal fans continue to be delighted by collections entirely dedicated to the English style, for example, the Spring-Summer 2016 collections from Alexander McQueen, Michael Kors, Burberry.

English style is not only three-piece suits made of tweed or jersey, Burberry trench coats and flirty hats. Clothes originating from Foggy Albion are exquisite vestments for the elite, complementing the image of a successful aristocrat with excellent taste.

Foggy Albion... what do we know about it. Yes, not so little: Big Ben, Tower, traditional oatmeal, milk tea, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, the Queen of England. We know that the British are reserved, careful, and pedantic.

Such qualities of the British could not help but influence their entire way of life, their relationships with each other, their attitude towards their home (“my home is my castle,” this is their saying) and, of course, their clothing style.

Their practicality, neatness, and serious attitude towards everything are also widespread in their manner of dressing. The British take their wardrobe as seriously as any other matter.

And the English style of clothing fully corresponds to the reserved, practical character of the British. The cold and strict demeanor of the representatives of this nation was reflected in the creation of their own English style of clothing.

It is simply impossible to imagine a business Englishman in a bright Hawaiian-type shirt, an unbuttoned suit, and colored shoes. Restraint in everything: in behavior, in statements, in emotions, in clothing style - this is the calling card of the British.

In clothing, such restraint, practicality and classicism are especially noticeable, at least at first glance. The English style of clothing presupposes practical, comfortable, well-fitting clothes, strict, but not boring and dull.

No tight or baggy shapes, no transparent or overly open ladies' toilets, no emphasizing a bright individuality - there is none of this in English-style clothes.

Of course, the English style is not for everyone. But a purposeful, business-like person with good manners will feel great in English-style clothes.

But for people who are emotional, impetuous, quick-tempered and impatient, it is better to choose some other style; they will feel uncomfortable in the English classics.

The English style of clothing exists for both men and women, but this article will present the clothing style only for ladies.

Basic principles of clothing in English style

  • Straight or slightly fitted silhouette;
  • Mandatory presence of a collar, cuffs, patch pockets on outerwear, suits, jackets and most dresses;
  • Finishing and accessories to a minimum;
  • Natural, high-quality fabrics and materials.

Materials for the English style of clothing

Of course, this style of clothing involves only natural materials, no synthetics or substitutes.
Moreover, the naturalness of the materials should be emphasized: fine high-quality wool, light and airy silk, soft, delicate cashmere, textured tweed, durable drape.

The rigor in English style clothing is balanced by the quality and luxury of fabrics and materials of this style. Leather and fur are infrequent guests in English-style clothing; suede is more appropriate here.

An English lady will wear a fur coat only for a specific occasion, and in her evening dresses you will not find a dress or suit trimmed with sequins, lurex, lycra and various prints.

Clothing color palette

The most typical colors for the English style of clothing are flesh, milky, mustard, blue, gray and, of course, white and black. Other colors are also allowed, both in details, accessories, and in the main set of clothes.

For example, blue, green, yellow, coral, rowan, lingonberry, lemon, soft lilac. In a word, the color scheme of this style is very diverse, but any color should not be bright or saturated; these are rather not colors, but shades.

It must be remembered that all colors should be cold and muted. The tartan check taken by the British from their neighbors is also present in their clothes.

And not only the traditional check, but also the “houndstooth”, borrowed from Coco Chanel, or in the English version, “hound’s teeth” (broken, zigzag check) is widely used in the English style.


The main condition of the English style of clothing is monogamy in the choice of colors of fabrics, materials, and accessories. Therefore, outerwear should be of soft, subdued tones.

The coat or raincoat is straight or slightly tight-fitting, without all kinds of metal decorations or colored or varnished inserts. A poncho in a conservative style is possible.

Dresses, skirts, jackets

A true English lady's wardrobe must include dresses. Summer, from light, flowing, silk fabrics, for colder weather - wool, from thin drape, jersey.

Dresses in the English style of clothing are softly fitted, not tight, rectangular in shape. An obligatory detail of such a dress is darts along the bust line and hip waist. They will highlight the feminine forms of their owner.

The length of the dress also reflects classic elements, no maxis (unless it is a luxurious evening dress) and no minis. The length of the dress is just above the knee or to the ankle.

The neckline is shallow (no provocative cleavage), a business dress has a collar, and if the sleeves are long or three-quarters, cuffs are required. Slits on a skirt or dress are not prohibited in English-style clothing. They can be behind, in front, on the side, but, of course, not too deep.

The choice of skirts is very diverse: pencil skirt, pleated skirt, tulip skirt; English style skirts are not strictly conservative. But the English style of clothing does not imply bare shoulders. Therefore, if a dress or blouse is sleeveless, it should be accompanied by a jacket. However, a dress with a jacket looks more romantic and feminine than a set: skirt, blouse, jacket.


The strict classics of the English style are undoubtedly reflected in the shoes of a real lady. In the cold season - high boots with a straight top, modest and neat ankle boots, the heel can be anything from medium to high. “Army” boots will not be dissonant in this style either.

Pumps are the main lightweight shoes of this style. Low, elegant heels, miniature wedge heels are possible. Open heel or open toe are allowed, but not both. If the heel is open, the toe is closed, and vice versa.

Clogs, sandals, high-laced wedges, and any type of such footwear in the English style of clothing are not allowed.


But in hats, the English style of clothing deviates a little from its strict restraint. And what woman, even if she were a thrice-lady, would refuse an elegant, flirty hat? Therefore, hats can be decorated with feathers, stone elements, a brooch, metal jewelry, and a small veil.

Decorations should not disrupt the overall color palette of the hat, but only slightly shade it. A classic beret is not excluded. Scarves and scarves as headwear are not typical in the English style of clothing.

Accessories in English clothing style

Naturally, accessories should not be bright or large; their abundance in clothing is also excluded. A neckerchief or scarf to match the main set; the color can be the opposite of the main tone, but not bright. Even an expensive lace scarf in the top pocket of a business jacket can serve as an accessory.

Jewelry and jewelry should not overload the main style with their presence, for example, jewelry on the neck could be a pendant, chain or string of pearls. There are rings or a bracelet on the hands, but it’s either one or the other.

A set of white pearls will complement the harmony of a real lady's evening outfit. To look like a real lady you need to be able to understand the quality of pearls so as not to spoil your toilet with a fake.

A dress or jacket can be decorated with a properly selected brooch, or a hair clip. Only hard-shaped bags, clutches and traveling bags are preferable.

The toilets of the English Queen Elizabeth II are a true standard of English style in clothing. This expensive but strict style is certainly liked by many women.

England has always been one of the poles of men's fashion along with Italy. And if the Italians, with their inherent expressiveness, dress brightly, boldly and shockingly, then the British are the complete opposite: severity, moderation, muted tones. The dank climate of England has raised people who are persistent, calm and proud, and clothing is always a reflection of character. English style is primarily the style of gentlemen, so here you won’t see tracksuits, polos or sneakers. Everything is strictly strict, but therefore elegant. No yellow trousers and red moccasins: a gray suit, brown shoes and a black coat. Calm colors and excellent cut.

1. Base

The basis is a classic two-piece or three-piece suit. The English suit is distinguished by a moderate fit: it is no longer an American “bag”, but also not an Italian “skinny” one. Since weather conditions require clothing to be warm, the material for making suits is usually different types of wool, most often tweed.

A special feature is the pattern of the fabric: large and small checks, herringbone, houndstooth, etc. This distinguishes English models from all those black and gray nondescript suits that clerks and civil servants love to wear.

A certain danger lies in the three-piece suit: yes, it is spectacular, but, by and large, it is already archaic. The three-piece suit was relevant a hundred years ago, when there was no normal centralized heating and houses were heated mainly by fireplaces, which made the room warm up unevenly. If on the first floor you could be comfortable in a shirt and vest, then on the second it was much colder. Most likely, it was from this feature that the English layering in clothing arose, which is now not entirely justified: in a modern normally heated room with a temperature of + 22-23°, it will be hot in a three-piece suit, and any element of the wardrobe should be, first of all, comfortable. But traditions often interfere with progress, which is why three-piece suits are still in trend, although now it already looks somewhat exotic.

2. What's under the jacket

Obviously a dress shirt, but without any gypsy stuff. An option in a discreet checkered pattern, or a plain one, again in muted tones, would be suitable. Leave the loudness to the Milanese. T-shirts and polos are undesirable; this is already a departure from the strict formal style. Such experiments are best left for a sports jacket and trousers. And it wouldn’t hurt to add a tie or bow tie to the shirt, preferably made of wool, so that it looks harmonious with a tweed suit.

Instead of a jacket, you can wear a sweater, pullover or cardigan, but this is less formal clothing, which was initially indecent to be shown in society: this was worn at home, while hunting or for a short walk. The rules are the same: wool and muted, discreet tones.

3. What's above the jacket

The choice in outerwear is not great and is limited to different types of coats. England is not the coldest country: the temperature there, even in winter, rarely drops below zero, so there is no need for fur coats and down jackets. The same thing can be said about an English coat as about a suit: tweed and characteristic patterns.

Although something special needs to be said about the duffle coat: a long, often almost knee-length coat with a hood and characteristic stick buttons. This model came from the British Navy.

4. What's on your head

Gone are the days when top hats and bowlers were worn with a suit. Since then, only various types of caps have remained in the arsenal of English dudes: eight-piece caps, airfield caps and duck caps. Traditionally they are made from wool, although sometimes you can find velor.

It is worth saying that caps are the most controversial part of the English wardrobe in relation to our Russian reality: for some reason in Russia they were loved by gopniks, watermelon sellers and taxi drivers, and until recently young intelligent people in eight-piece caps were rarely seen. But it’s worth giving credit to the series “Peaky Blinders”: the series, in fact, revived the interest of young people in the English style and re-introduced the under-cut haircut, which had already been forgotten by everyone, into fashion. Now on city streets you can increasingly see young people wearing caps, which were recently worn only by taxi drivers.

5. Shoes

English style - of course, shoes and boots, and there are plenty of their varieties.


The most formal shoes are characterized by closed lacing, i.e. the side parts of the shoe are under the vamp. This is not the most clear explanation. Just compare Oxfords to Derbys, which are slightly less formal and feature open lacing with the sides stitched over the front.


In fact, these are not even shoes, but a way of decoration. Fermentation, i.e. perforation can be applied to any classic shoes, be it Oxfords or Derbys. As soon as the characteristic “patterns with holes” appear on them, they are already brogues. Initially, shoe brodging was through-brooding and was used by Irish cattlemen to quickly dry their feet after walking sheep on marshy areas.


Much less formal shoes, more related to English casual, but nevertheless fitting into the image of a gentleman on vacation. As you can see, this model is distinguished by open and short lacing - 2-3 eyelets - and ankle height. Chukka was originally invented for British soldiers in India who felt hot in their boots. As often happens, the army uniform set the trends in civilian clothing for many years to come.


They are very similar to chukkas, but are made exclusively from suede and always have two eyelets for lacing. Again, its origins are due to Her Majesty's Army, which needed lightweight boots for service in the middle of the Egyptian sands.


Perhaps the most rebellious representatives among classic shoes: there is no lacing on them, and instead there are one or two straps with buckles. The name came from monastic shoes that had similar fasteners. Monks are much less formal than Oxfords or Derbys, but more formal than chukkas and deserts, so they can be worn with any suit without worry. Classic monks are made of smooth leather in black or brown. Now you can find yellow ones, those made of suede, and those with brogueing, but this is filibustering of the highest order and has little to do with the real English style.


Also an extravagant type of shoe. They are high boots made of smooth leather with rubber inserts on the sides. This shoe design was originally created for the queen's riding. And in general, I came to men's fashion from women's fashion. Apparently, this is why some femininity is still discernible in this model. Chelsea boots became truly popular in the 20th century: they were worn by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and now these shoes can be found everywhere, despite such a controversial design. It is believed that Chelsea can be worn with a suit and trousers, but still, before putting on these shoes, think again. It is not for everyone, these are not conservative Oxfords.

6. Pleasant little things

Accessories make even the most conservative look interesting, and in our case, some of the dryness of the English style can be diluted by pocket squares, woolen bow ties and suspenders, which, if we are to be meticulous, are mandatory for an English suit. The whole look can be spiced up with a cane umbrella and a plaid scarf.

English style is a very suitable choice for young men in Russia. It’s cold here too, we also don’t like to get caught up in unnecessary emotions and wear bright things. At the same time, we want to look dignified and tasteful. But you need to be careful: the English style was formed many years ago and for slightly different conditions, so in the pursuit of full compliance with the image from the picture, you risk losing touch with our Russian reality and looking like a black sheep.

But isn't it better to stand out with good clothes than to be part of the crowd wearing bad ones?

Great Britain has been famous for the production of high-quality and stylish men's clothing for more than a century. Suits and coats, duffle coats, elegant shoes and accessories - the British offer to create a whole wardrobe worthy of a true gentleman.

Our store presents the most respectable English brands of men's clothing. We paid special attention to tweed. The tweed jackets and coats presented in our catalog are made from the legendary Harris Tweed. This brand is considered the standard of quality throughout the world. By purchasing such a jacket, you will receive something that is not only practical and comfortable, but also appropriate to your high status.


Our catalog contains all the wardrobe items you need to create the perfect suit. We offer stunning tweed trousers and jackets, as well as premium quality waistcoats, so you can put together a two- or three-piece suit.

All wardrobe items are presented in various styles and colors - you can choose a model to suit your taste. To pair with your suit, you can choose an excellent quality shirt, as well as all kinds of accessories, including shoes and hats.


English men's clothing is especially valued in the cold season. Excellent materials and exceptional tailoring quality distinguish all outerwear from British brands.

Our assortment includes:

Tweed coats;

Duffle coats;

Quilted jackets.

Scottish style

Do you feel like a true Scot at heart? Then you should definitely pay attention to wardrobe items that are indispensable attributes of the national style of this country.

We invite you to try on traditional, alternative or casual kilts and accessorize them with matching accessories such as hosses, flashes, sporrans, kiltpins and other Scottish details.

Clothes from England are distinguished not only by the highest quality and durability, but also by their special style - they are quite discreet and elegant. However, from the models presented in our store it is quite possible to form the image of a “teddy boy,” as the British call lovers of bright and even somewhat shocking things. However, the classic English style of clothing is still more popular, since it is not only a “marker” of excellent taste, but also emphasizes status. In such a suit, everything is thought out to the smallest detail: from a stylish and high-quality cap to a current bag from famous British brands, for example, Satchel.

Traditional English clothing: from ancient times to today

Since the British are well-known conservatives, English national clothing had a significant influence on the formation of British style. Thus, a soft cap with a visor “transformed” into the famous caps; jackets, which are also an integral part of the national costume, have changed somewhat. Short breeches - another detail of the British national costume - today are more often sportswear, but the material from which they were made - cloth or corduroy - is still quite in demand.

As for colors, the British have long preferred calm tones. They also feature English checkered clothing, also called tartan. In its classic version, it consists of diamonds and stripes intersecting each other.

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