How to treat the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. Pinching and inflammation of the sciatic nerve in a woman during pregnancy: why does it pinch in the buttock and back and how to treat? Causes and symptoms

The sciatic nerve is the largest in our body. Pinching or sciatica occurs quite often and causes a lot of trouble, as it causes severe pain. Expectant mothers are not immune from such troubles.

They especially often suffer from sciatica in the last months of pregnancy. Any treatment while expecting a baby should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to harm the fetus.

But this does not mean that expectant mothers should suffer from pain. There are effective methods that will help get rid of sciatica and will not negatively affect the development of the baby.


Most often, pinching of the sciatic nerve in pregnant women occurs during long periods of pregnancy. The main reason for this is the natural enlargement of the uterus. The sciatic nerve runs in the lumbar region and is often compressed due to the displacement of surrounding organs.

Sometimes this happens when the baby is lowered just before birth. If the pain is not severe and does not affect the quality of life of the expectant mother, treatment can be postponed until the postpartum period. But in most cases it is not required, since immediately after the pressure stops, the pain goes away.

There are other causes of sciatica. The most common include:

  • Spinal injuries;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Inflammation in the joints;
  • Infectious diseases.

In addition, some congenital anomalies in the structure of a woman’s spine can provoke pinching and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Under normal conditions, they do not cause discomfort and do not manifest themselves in any way, but during pregnancy the load increases and reveals “weak spots.” Sometimes the cause of sciatica is also due to previous or even chronic stress.

There are many reasons for the development of sciatica and in most cases it is impossible to determine them on your own. In such a situation, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.


Pinched sciatic nerve is a common problem and its symptoms are well studied. Typically patients complain of:

  • Pain in the sacrum, as well as along the lower extremities. Their character and intensity can vary greatly, from aching, appearing only during or after exercise, to sharp, shooting, preventing the movement of limbs.
  • Limited movement. Severe pain occurs when trying to stand up or change body position and interferes with movement and daily activities. Considering that a growing belly also causes discomfort, a woman’s options are greatly limited.
  • Impaired tactile sensations. Sometimes numbness, tingling or pins and needles are felt in the affected limb.
  • Loss of control over urination and bowel movements. This only happens in the most difficult situations. Naturally, a woman in this situation requires immediate hospitalization.

Pain from a pinched sciatic nerve can vary greatly from person to person. Sometimes these are acute attacks and shootings, in other cases the pain can be aching, constant and intensifies with changes in body position. It also often feels like a burning sensation.

Important! Sometimes the symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve strongly resemble the signs of a pinched nerve. If pain in the sacrum is accompanied by unusual discharge and a significant deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Exercises to relieve pain

Since most medications are contraindicated or risky during pregnancy, other treatments must be sought. Specially selected gymnastics help to significantly reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve. If you regularly perform the prescribed exercises, the condition will improve and you can do without pharmaceutical drugs.

  • Get on all fours and try to bend your lower back up and down, staying in this position for a couple of seconds. You need to repeat about 10-15 times.
  • Place your feet wider than your shoulders and bend your knees, stretch your arms forward and slightly bend your back, pushing your hips forward. You need to stay in this position for a couple of seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Raise your leg on a chair and slowly lean towards it, keeping your back straight. If your stomach is in the way, it’s not a problem, you don’t have to bend over too much, the main thing is to stretch the back of your thigh. In this position, you need to stay for a few seconds and slowly straighten up, and then repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg. Try to stick with your hands so as not to lose your balance.
  • Do 10 shallow squats at a slow pace. To avoid losing your balance, it is advisable to hold on to the back of the chair.
  • Press your back against the wall and relax in this position.

Some exercises are only allowed in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that they are performed lying on the stomach or on the back on the floor.

Over a long period of time, this position is fraught with compression of the inferior vena cava. If your tummy is still small and does not interfere with lying on your back, lie on the floor and you can start doing the exercises:

  • Raise your legs to your chest, trying not to put pressure on your tummy, and push off the floor with your shoulders and even shoulder blades. This will help stretch the spine and relax tight muscles.
  • Slowly and carefully spread your legs to the sides, holding them in this position for a couple of seconds.
  • Swing your legs in different directions, stretch them out one by one and reach for your heel.
  • Slowly raise your legs and try to stretch them in length.

To perform the next exercise, you need to lie on your stomach. In this position, extend your arms and lift the opposite arm and leg in turn, holding them for 5, maximum 10 seconds. This exercise can only be performed for very short periods of time. You can also lie on your side and lift your upper leg 6-7 times each, if difficult, less.

Walking is a good way to prevent sciatic nerve pinching.

You can also swim or do water aerobics for pregnant women. It is very important not to overwork and not to do anything beyond yourself. It is advisable that a doctor choose the necessary exercises and monitor your well-being.


During the acute period of the disease, massage is strictly prohibited. In this state, you need to move less and injure your back. And if your health allows, massage is allowed, but it should be done by a professional who has experience working with pregnant women.

A properly performed massage helps:

  • Reduce pain and improve the patient’s well-being;
  • Reduce stress associated with sciatica;
  • Improve blood circulation and speed up recovery;
  • Remove harmful substances formed during inflammation from the body.

It is important to remember that some types of massage can affect the contractile activity of the uterus, so you need to be careful, trust only professionals and choose the right techniques.

An inflamed sciatic nerve is a source of many discomforts and problems, which can only be eliminated with timely treatment. Self-medication in this situation is strictly prohibited, since the expectant mother now bears responsibility for her baby. Therefore, experts most often recommend manual therapy and exercises.

In the early stages of pregnancy, you can take salt baths. Also, for a short period of time, it is allowed to use warm compresses on the lumbar area, but not hot ones.

You definitely need to reconsider your lifestyle - give up high heels and too soft a bed, and buy a comfortable pillow.

If physical therapy does not help, medication may be used. The decision to prescribe is made by the doctor individually in each specific case, taking into account the potential benefits for the mother and possible harm to the baby. Most often, NSAIDs are recommended, such as Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, etc.

Medicines in the form of ointments are considered safer. If the patient has severely spasmed muscles, muscle relaxants are prescribed. Sometimes it is additionally recommended to take vitamins and medications that improve blood circulation.

Nerve root pinching does not occur very often during pregnancy. Often women mistake pain from fatigue for pinching.

The difference between such unpleasant symptoms and the real problem is that the pain goes away after rest and returns after exercise.

But if the discomfort does not go away, and it becomes more and more difficult to move every day, then we can say that the pregnant woman’s back is really pinched.

Weight gain

The load on the spine during gestation increases not only due to the growing uterus, but also due to the fact that the joints and ligaments of the spinal column and pelvis become softer over time. This leads to pain.

Unpleasant sensations appear after 20 weeks. They are caused by constant pressure on the nerve endings. Such pain occurs in almost all pregnant women.

To relieve pressure and release the nerve in the back, you should wear.

  • Get on your knees.
  • Rest your elbows and forearms on the floor.
  • Stay in this position for a while.

This exercise helps relieve stress on the spine. Should be performed for 20 minutes several times a day. The exercise is completely safe for the baby, but before starting it is better to consult with your doctor. It is possible that a pinched nerve has occurred.

Problem requiring immediate treatment

If a nerve is pinched in the back during pregnancy, immediate treatment is necessary. This occurs due to the fact that the nerve root is compressed by the intervertebral discs.

Most often, this phenomenon is observed in pregnant women who have previously had similar back problems. And especially often in women with a history of spinal column pathologies.

This condition can be provoked by:

  • severe weight gain,
  • polyhydramnios,
  • swelling,
  • multiple pregnancy.

The phenomenon occurs due to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the spine. As the weight continually increases, the spinal disc can slip out of place and pinch a nerve.

In this case, it can be argued that the pregnant woman has a pinched nerve in her back. Most often this occurs in the lumbar and sacral regions.

Types of problem

The main signs of a pinched sciatic nerve are:

  • severe unilateral pain;
  • lumbago in the lumbar region, going down to the tailbone;
  • discomfort when returning to a standing position from a sitting position;
  • muscle weakness.

In pregnant women, this problem can cause problems with bowel movements and urination.

First aid

What to do if your back gets pinched during pregnancy? In this case, it is necessary to relieve the pain syndrome, which can harm the condition of the mother and child.

When a woman is in an interesting situation, she should not take medications without a doctor’s prescription and consultation.

Therefore, the first step is to contact a specialist who will prescribe adequate and safe treatment.

It is better to choose drugs of natural origin that do not penetrate the fetoplacental barrier.

To prevent this condition, you need to do yoga for pregnant women, swimming in the morning and wear a bandage.

All physical activity can be given to the body only with the permission of a doctor and provided that the pregnancy proceeds without any complications.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Pregnancy is a serious test of strength for the female body. Very often, expectant mothers experience similar troubles, such as back pain. For some women, this ailment is natural, because it is caused by a large load on the spine. Others have to undergo serious treatment to feel better, since the cause of their suffering lies in the pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. The signs and treatment of the disease are discussed further in the article.

The development of sciatica, or pinching of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, is not an exceptional problem, but rather a natural one. When a new life is warming inside, a woman does not belong to herself, and her body is forced to adapt to heavy loads. As the uterus enlarges, there is less and less space left for internal organs located nearby, so they are forced to move in different directions. The valuable “burden” loads the pelvic bones, compressing the vascular network and affecting the nerve endings. It is not surprising that many pregnant women suffer to one degree or another from pain in the back, hips and buttocks. In some cases, the sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy.

Where is the sciatic nerve located?

The sciatic nerve is an outstanding element of the human body. What makes this neural tube remarkable is that it is larger in size than all other nerves in our body. It is based on sensory cells and motor neurons of the spinal cord. The diameter of the sciatic nerve in an adult can be 1 cm.

The bundle of neural tubes of the sciatic nerve begins in the lumbar region, namely in the pelvis. It is very long, so it covers many parts of the lower part of the human body. Through an opening in the pelvis it passes under the gluteus maximus muscle and from there it reaches the surface of the thigh. The lower the sciatic nerve descends, the smaller nerve branches are disconnected from the main tube. These small “branches” provide a whole range of sensations to our hips and buttocks. In addition, they serve as a link between the central nervous system and the pelvic joints. Descending lower, the sciatic nerve reaches the popliteal fossa and divides into two branches: tibial and peroneal. Thus, all muscles, joints, skin on the legs and feet have sensitivity due to the network of nerve fibers, which is formed on the basis of the sciatic nerve. Due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, a woman’s lower body is attacked by excruciating pain that can turn her life into a real hell.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve in pregnant women

The large neural tube that controls nearby muscles can fail for several reasons. Let's look at the most common factors:

  • strong pressure exerted on the sciatic nerve by a several-fold enlarged uterus. A large muscular organ compresses a section of the neural tube located at the exit from the spine;
  • an enlarged uterus, excessive fullness, polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies can provoke displacement of a worn disc in the spine;
  • relapses of diseases that the woman suffered before she became pregnant.

Most often, it is the latter factor that becomes the fundamental impetus for the development of neuropathy in the form of a pinched sciatic nerve. Undoubtedly, all the prerequisites for the appearance of the disease could have arisen in a woman earlier, but it was pregnancy that became the catalyst for the pathological process. Pinched sciatic nerve can be a concomitant symptom of the following diseases:

  • hernia;
  • osteochondrosis, infectious inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • diabetes;
  • back injuries suffered in the past;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • tumor development;
  • blood clots;
  • inflammation of soft tissues.

If damage to the sciatic nerve occurs solely due to pregnancy, the disease usually manifests itself during the third trimester. The uterus is now large enough to place more stress on the areas where the neural tube runs. However, if unpleasant sensations appear in the lower back, the expectant mother should not rush to conclusions and immediately make a diagnosis.

It is considered absolutely normal during pregnancy that pain in the lower back is annoying only after exercise, and after some time it goes away. This is a consequence of softening of the joint ligaments as a result of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Wearing a special bandage and exercises to relax the vertebrae will help get rid of the problem. Back pain goes away most quickly if you stand in a knee-elbow position for 15 minutes several times a day.

Symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy

In rare cases, if there is a pathology, the expectant mother does not experience any unpleasant sensations. But basically the disorder is manifested by unilateral pain of different nature and localization. A number of signs indicate that the sciatic nerve hurts during pregnancy:

  1. First, the discomfort is concentrated in the lower back, then moves to the sacrum, and then spreads along the entire leg to the tips of the toes.
  2. The pain can “shoot” along the entire length of the sciatic nerve, or it can pulsate only in its individual areas, selectively.
  3. Pain often changes location – where it will hurt next cannot be predicted.
  4. When the sciatic nerve is pinched, the sensations are very diverse. The pathology can manifest itself in the form of numbness without any additional symptoms, burning, tingling, lumbago, nagging pain. For example, one area of ​​the leg may feel numb, while another part of the leg may feel painful.
  5. With this disease, a woman cannot get up from a sitting position, it is impossible to roll over from side to side while lying down, and it is very difficult to move at all.
  6. Sometimes the disease during pregnancy is manifested by the only symptom – numbness of the toes. The fingers lose mobility so that the woman is forced to change her gait.
  7. Pinching of the sciatic nerve can be complicated by disruption of the functioning of organs and systems. In this case, patients are unable to control the urge of the bladder and bowels, and they often experience an increase in body temperature.

If one or more of the listed symptoms appears, the expectant mother should inform her gynecologist about this during her next scheduled visit. However, some changes in the condition of a pregnant woman are a reason for immediate contact with a medical facility:

  1. Sharp, sometimes unbearable pain in the lower back is a sign of pinching or some kind of kidney disease. In this case, the woman is practically immobilized: the painful sensations are so strong that she cannot bend forward or to the sides, move her legs, or roll over.
  2. Impaired control of bladder and/or bowel movements.

In isolated cases, the sciatic nerve becomes pinched during pregnancy already at an early stage. The reason for this usually lies in the specific position of the expectant mother's uterus. After some time, the pain subsides, as the pregnant uterus rises higher and no longer presses.

Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Unfortunately, today doctors do not yet have a clear answer on how a pregnant woman can overcome the problem associated with a pinched sciatic nerve. Often, the gynecologist advises the expectant mother to simply endure the pain. However, in this case, you should not despair - you can always make an appointment with a neurologist or osteopath. You cannot figure out how to treat the sciatic nerve during pregnancy on your own - the risk of harming yourself even more is too great. Even if the pain is too severe, it is better to wait for consultation with a specialist than to practice dubious massages or use of medications. In addition, most effective medications that could help are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

So, what treatment methods for the sciatic nerve during pregnancy can a doctor recommend?

  1. Physical exercise. Regular special exercises will ensure the correct alignment of the vertebrae, strengthen the muscles, and thus eliminate pinching.
  2. Blockade with painkillers. Injections are indicated only in exceptional cases when the expectant mother is in great pain.
  3. Massage. With the help of the procedure, you can put all the vertebrae in place. This point of treatment should be entrusted to a competent specialist.
  4. Local medications. Ointments, gels and creams prescribed by your doctor will help stimulate blood circulation and thereby reduce pain. Expectant mothers are allowed non-steroidal medications - for example, Diclofenac in the form of suppositories.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy with traditional methods

The help of traditional medicine can only be sought with the approval of the attending physician. To eliminate pain along the affected sciatic nerve, healers recommend using warming wraps. The expectant mother will need something warm: a down scarf, a warm scarf made of natural wool, or a special elastic belt for the lower back. The sacrum and buttocks should be rubbed with any warming ointment, and then the sore spot should be wrapped. This procedure is best done at night.

Warming compresses will also help improve your well-being if the sciatic nerve is pinched during pregnancy. They act in the same way as anti-radiculitis ointments. To prepare the compress you will need 1 head of garlic or horseradish root. Garlic or horseradish should be grated on a fine grater, evenly distributed over gauze folded in several layers, applied to the affected area and wrapped in a warm scarf.

When a pinched sciatic nerve takes the expectant mother by surprise, you can try to eliminate the problem with a shower, exposing the affected area to water of different temperatures. It is necessary to alternately water the affected area with cool and warm water. The method is really effective, but you should take into account that water for a pregnant woman should not be made too cold or hot.

Therapeutic exercises for pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Pinching causes a lot of inconvenience for a pregnant woman, but this is not the time to give up if all else fails. Physical activity will help relieve some of the pain. We offer a few simple exercises:

  1. Pelvic tilts. I. p. - squatting, emphasis on straightened arms and knees. Your hands should be placed shoulder-width apart, and your knees should be placed directly under your hips. Slightly arch your lower back and hold this position for 1 minute (you can increase it over time). At the same time, you need to keep your head straight, and not lower it down. Repeat several times.
  2. There is a similar exercise for standing. Spread your legs slightly, bending them at the knees, and at the same time you need to push your hips slightly forward. Extend your arms straight in front of you to maintain balance. Bend your back, stay in this position for a few moments and return to the starting position.
  3. To cope with pain, you should carefully, without haste, stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh. Place your leg in front of you on a low support and begin to smoothly lean your body towards your leg. At the same time, you will feel the thigh muscles in the back tighten. Freeze in this pose for a while. Make sure that your back remains straight and your breathing is even during the exercise. You need to perform 10 repetitions, and then change legs.

Pinched sciatic nerve during childbirth

Pinching of the sciatic nerve, caused by specific metamorphoses of the “interesting” position, usually resolves itself after the baby is born, and the young mother’s well-being quickly returns to normal. But if painful symptoms do not disappear even after the birth of the child, the woman should seek help from a specialist in a narrow field to identify the true causes of the ailment.

Sudden pinching of the neural tube can also occur during childbirth, when a woman is under extreme stress. The problem occurs when the pelvic bones come apart. This is a natural process necessary for the successful birth of a child. But when the bones return to their previous position, they can compress the neural tube. If unpleasant symptoms do not go away after childbirth, the woman will need a full examination and comprehensive treatment.

The development of neuropathy during the active phase of labor can be caused by muscle spasm when a woman pushes. This can also occur due to dislocation or displacement of the vertebral discs if the woman in labor is under the influence of painkillers.

Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine and the high professionalism of doctors, pinching of the sciatic nerve during childbirth is not an obstacle to the safe birth of the baby. However, after childbirth, the disease requires the closest attention of the woman herself and doctors. A child needs a healthy mother, so a woman should get serious about treating this unpleasant disease as early as possible.

Yoga for the well-being of expectant mothers. Video

The joy of expecting a baby can be overshadowed by acute pain in the back. During pregnancy, such painful sensations are difficult to bear not only physically, but also psychologically.

Sciatica (the source of pain) is a specific disease and requires careful treatment. It is complicated by some restrictions, given the woman’s condition.

In contact with


The uterus, increasing in size, begins to put pressure on the surrounding internal organs and it happens that it touches the sciatic nerve passing through the lumbar region. In the third trimester, the baby turns around and a pinched nerve occurs, which causes acute pain.

In addition, a common cause of this disease in pregnant women is displacement of the discs, which begin to compress the nerve roots of the spinal cord. In this case, painful sensations appear in the organs, as they are innervated by these nerves.

It should be noted that pregnancy does not affect inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

But expectant mothers often suffer from unexpected attacks of sciatica. If at least one vertebra is damaged in a pregnant woman, it will certainly cause inflammation or will itself affect the nerve.


Sometimes it happens that sciatica in pregnant women can be confused with other diseases. Therefore you need to know. The main symptom is pain with the following parameters:

  • Piercing nature of pain. It can be called sharp or shooting.
  • The pain affects the buttocks, thighs, popliteal fossa and even the lower leg. It happens that painful sensations spread over the surface of the entire leg. And in the lower back they appear immediately or are initially absent.
  • Depending on the form of the disease, the pain is chronic or manifests itself in attacks.
  • Pain of varying severity. Sometimes it is almost not felt, but in other cases, any movement is accompanied by unbearable pain.
  • The pain is always only on one side.

Neurological abnormalities for sciatica:

  • Changes in the sensitivity of the skin of the lower leg (except for the inner surface) and foot.
  • There is a violation of the muscle movements of the thigh.
  • Due to a prolonged uncomfortable position, the muscle tone of the limbs and lumbar region changes. Pregnant women begin to look for a comfortable position with minimal pain and try to maintain it for as long as possible.
  • Impaired movement leads to atrophy of the posterior muscles of the thighs and legs.

Diagnostic symptoms:

  • Dry skin.
  • Thin and brittle nails.
  • The development of osteoporosis (the bones of the lower leg are destroyed).
  • Changes the color of the skin due to changes in the lumen of blood vessels.
  • Sweating disorder.
  • The thin skin begins to resemble papyrus.

Pregnant women acutely feel pain, which often paralyzes the lower back. Movements become difficult, as the pain is very acute.

Important! Standard therapy alleviates the onset of symptoms, but sciatica can be completely cured only after the birth of a child.


What to do to treat sciatica during pregnancy? This question is very complicated, since some diagnostic methods are contraindicated.

Usually prescribed:

  • special gels and ointments;
  • certain medications (steroids and analgesics);
  • physiotherapy;
  • massotherapy;

Alcohol-containing irritants are prescribed as local treatment to increase blood circulation. Ointments and gels are a salvation, since they act locally, are quickly absorbed and do not have any effect on the fetus. They are divided into groups:

  • chondoprotectors – relieve pinching (Teraflex, Chondroxide);
  • warming - improves blood circulation (Finalgon, Capsicam).

Important! You should know the place where the nerve is pinched and smear exactly this place, since the knee, shin, and thigh can hurt.

Exist that help relieve pain:

  • Be sure to do 10 squats every day. Thus, the tone of the leg muscles is maintained. But if it’s difficult, you can lean on the back of a chair.
  • Stand against the wall and touch it with your lumbar region. Relax and then repeat. This exercise allows you to stretch and relax your back muscles.
  • Lying on your back, slowly spread your legs with a delay of 15 seconds.
  • In the same starting position, stretch your legs forward one by one (pull your heel).
  • Lie on your side and raise your upper leg (at least 7 times).


You definitely need to make adjustments to your life, otherwise the disease will return:

  • watch your posture and it is recommended to use a bandage;
  • walking;
  • shoes without high heels;
  • sleep on a hard-covered bed.

If you follow all the necessary rules, the disease will not only recede, but will never remind you of itself.

Causes of back pain and effective exercises in the video:

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee for eliminating sciatica during pregnancy. But if a woman does not neglect special exercises, follows all the doctor’s recommendations and monitors her diet, then sciatica will be much easier to bear, since the body will always be in good shape.

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Sciatica during pregnancy is a fairly common problem in the last trimester. The fact is that an increase in the size of the uterus provokes compression and displacement of all neighboring internal organs. The load is placed on the pelvic bones, as well as on the nerve trunks and blood vessels.

Why does the sciatic nerve hurt in pregnant women and what can be done about it? Along with an enlarged uterus, arthritis and spinal cord hernias can cause this problem. The pain intensifies when bending, turning, or sudden movements. This disorder is also associated with a complication after a viral infection or injury.


The sciatic nerve is responsible for sensitivity, and therefore signs of its pinching are appropriate. Initially, pain appears, which can be burning, aching, shooting in nature. This symptom is most often localized in the lower back and can radiate to the buttock and down the entire leg, right down to the toes. Sometimes expectant mothers feel tingling, numbness, and a feeling of goosebumps. Such manifestations prevent a woman from sitting, sleeping, and impair the motor function of the limbs.

Sciatica during pregnancy is very painful, since during this period the use of medications is limited, and the woman’s organs become too sensitive. In addition to the reasons that cause the pathology in question in any person, there are factors that are characteristic only of pregnant women. Of course, an enlarged uterus puts pressure on nearby internal organs and can also affect nerve fibers. Pinching is possible when the baby turns upside down. The pathological process in expectant mothers may be accompanied by such severe pain that it becomes difficult to move or bend over. Sometimes the temperature rises.

Since the sciatic nerve is the longest in the body, it interacts with many internal organs. A disease such as sciatica has one peculiarity: its manifestations signal some other problem that the pregnant woman has.

The intensity of the symptoms of the disease varies in each specific case. The pain can be weak and pronounced, aching and shooting. Sometimes one leg goes numb, but the other one is very painful, and you may also feel a tingling sensation in your toes. Perhaps the most unpleasant symptom is loss of control over your bowels and bladder. However, this condition is very rare and requires urgent medical attention.


If during pregnancy a woman notices any signs of damage to the sciatic nerve, she should not look for answers on the Internet, magazines or from friends, she should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a possibility of self-medication harming the unborn baby. Low back pain can be a manifestation of more than just the disorder in question. Such symptoms indicate problems with the kidneys, for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other diseases.

If the mother is unwell, the baby also suffers. Sciatica during pregnancy requires special treatment. First of all, it is necessary to maintain bed rest on a hard surface. The doctor may also prescribe anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, which should be administered bypassing the digestive organs. In addition, physical therapy and acupuncture are prescribed. Alternating warm and cold compresses helps relieve inflammation and pain.

The peculiarity and complexity of treating pinching in pregnant women is that many medications have a negative effect on the child. That is why you should contact a neurologist and therapist at the first symptoms.

Basically, the pathological process is eliminated using traditional and folk methods. The first include pharmaceutical ointments, gels, injections, and rubbing. You should not use the pills during pregnancy: it can have a bad effect on the development of the baby.

But external means are the safest. They act locally, practically do not penetrate into the blood and therefore do not reach the fetus. For example, you can use Menovazin, which has a good analgesic effect. It contains anesthesin, menthol, novocaine. Also, for women in an interesting position, Voltaren (Diclofenac) is allowed. The drug is available in ointments, gels, suppositories, and injections. This medicine is best used topically.

Non-traditional methods of therapy include warm baths with salt and massage (manual and classical), which also perfectly relieves muscle spasms and eliminates pain. For sciatica in expectant mothers, a warm compress on the lumbar region is helpful. Special physical exercises help relax tense lumbar muscles and help relieve disturbing symptoms. Of course, the problem in question is widespread during pregnancy, but the discomfort disappears almost immediately after childbirth.

Every woman needs to know how to carry out treatment in such a situation, because this disease develops quite often, especially in the last trimester. The growing fetus puts a lot of pressure on the sciatic nerve, which is accompanied by severe pain in the legs, as well as in the lower back and buttocks.


To alleviate the condition, you can perform simple exercises, such as pelvic tilts. You need to squat down and get on all fours. Keeping your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees under your hips, arch your lower back and hold this position for several minutes. The neck and head should be at the same level.

This exercise can also be done in a standing position. To do this, you need to spread your legs slightly, bend your knees, and push your hips forward. Hands should be held in front of you for balance. Arch your back and return to the starting position.

Stretching the muscles of the back of the thigh helps well with illness. You need to place a strong chair in front of you and place one foot on its seat. You should slowly lean forward so that the back of the thigh tenses and works. The back should be straight. Stay in this position for a few minutes and straighten up. The exercise must be done 10 times and change legs. When performing, it is important to maintain correct, even breathing.

It is worth remembering that if you experience lower back pain during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. Only he will be able to correctly assess the situation and prescribe adequate treatment. You should not allow your relatives to massage; it should only be performed by a professional.

Pinched sciatic nerve during childbirth

If sciatica during pregnancy is caused only by the position of the fetus in the uterus, then after childbirth the pinching goes away and everything returns to normal. When the symptoms do not subside and the pain continues to bother you, a more thorough examination is required to determine another cause of the pathology. However, the lesion can develop not only during the period of bearing a child, but also during the process of delivery. At this time, the female body experiences enormous stress, and the sciatic nerve can become pinched when the pelvic bones move apart. In this case, it is important to undergo further examination and continue treatment.

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