What does it mean if a girl looks. How to attract a girl with your gaze

In search of signs of sympathy, many guys begin to think that a girl’s glance in his direction means interest and a desire to build a relationship. Unfortunately, in reality this is not the case.

There are a huge number of reasons why a girl might look into your eyes, and most of them will not have to do with her liking you. This means that you will be able to concentrate on more significant things than the girl’s gaze. However, maintaining eye contact is a must to build a strong relationship with a girl. This is an important part, and we'll talk about it now.

Why do girls make eye contact?

If you notice that some girl is looking intently at you, then you need to understand what this could mean:

The girl is looking at you for something. Yes, yes, such a banal thing that many people forget and let pass by. In fact, a girl can just read the inscriptions on your T-shirt, and you will already sit and dream of how you will take her as your wife and start a family.

The girl looks through you, she is lost in thought. There are also situations when a girl is thinking about something and, quite by accident, fixes her gaze on you. And it turns out that she is looking at you, but she is not here.

The girl is mad at you. If you somehow offended a girl, then her gaze can mean anger. She examines you and at the same time fantasizes about revenge and retribution. Not the most pleasant outcome for you, but anything is possible.

The girl is bored. For example, a girl sits on a bench and looks at all the passers-by in order to somehow amuse herself. And it so happened that her views and yours coincided. She's just bored, and you're already starting to think something about her.

The girl is thinking about you. For example, a girl wants to borrow your camera for a couple of days. She sits and thinks about the best way to ask you. For ease of thought, she focuses her gaze on you.

The girl trusts you. During a conversation, many people focus their gaze eye to eye to show trust in the other person. For example, you tell her something, and she looks into your eyes, showing her approval. This also includes components such as:

  • The girl is interested in what you are saying.
  • The girl approves of your story.

The girl is interested in you. And finally, we’ve come to the point where a girl can show you her interest with her eyes.

What does it mean if a girl looks into your eyes?

In our society, we have some rules and symbols that people use for ease of communication. So let's agree on the following things:

1) If you are in a normal environment and notice that a girl is looking at you, then most likely this is a coincidence, and such a look does not carry any meaning. It doesn't mean anything.

2) If you are in a place where guys and girls are supposed to get to know each other, for example, a club, party, gathering, etc., then the girl’s gaze at you with a smile is for getting to know each other. These are the accepted norms and rules that people use in this specific place.

In other words, if you saw that someone at a party/gathering looked at you and smiled (embarrassed), then you just need to go up to meet her. This, firstly, will show your courage and determination, and secondly, you will not waste time on thinking and guessing. I received a signal - I went and checked, everything is simple.

Should you look a girl in the eyes?

Now let's move on to the topic of visual contact. When you communicate with a girl, you should maintain visual contact with her: eyes to eyes, eyes to lips (if you want to show your attraction).

This visual contact gives you several advantages:

1) This is how you show the girl your confidence and calmness. When you are the one who constantly cowers and hides your eyes, you get the impression that in front of you is a slippery guy who cannot be trusted. Therefore, if you want to get a positive decision from a girl, you need to show your confidence and reliability. Girls love reliable guys.

2) You show your trust and approval. When a person tells some kind of nonsense, we nonverbally show our irritation by rolling our eyes, turning our heads, closing our posture, etc. Unfortunately, girls often say things that we don’t like, but we still have to listen to them firmly and keep the conversation going. For this, eye contact works best.

3) Also, looking eye to eye shows the girl that you are listening to her and are interested in her. And as we know, this is the main way to win a girl’s heart. From here we can confidently say that you should look a girl eye to eye when talking to her.

Let's summarize the girl's look

The girl’s look either means nothing, or it’s an offer to approach her to get to know her - it all depends on the situation.

When talking to a girl, you should always look her in the eyes, this will make you look more confident (i.e. better and more attractive).

It's always better to approach and meet a girl than to try to decipher her look.

In the process of communication, people voluntarily or involuntarily use gestures and facial expressions, various movements. This is body language, which refers to non-verbal communication. For an attentive person, the look of the interlocutor, his smile, posture, subtle movements of his arms and legs will tell more about the person than his words. In dialogue with the opposite sex, men and women often deliberately use various gestures designed to demonstrate sympathy. Of interest are unconscious motor reactions performed at the reflex level. They are the ones who reveal the true intentions of the partner.

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The role of nonverbal communication

Due to the norms accepted in our society, men tend to be more open in expressing their intentions. If he likes a girl, the guy can express this directly - come up, get acquainted and start communicating, during which the partners get to know each other. Women tend to hide their sympathy, waiting for a man to make the first move; they then seek to get to know him better and see if he can be trusted.

Therefore, the girl’s attitude often has to be deciphered. To do this, you should pay attention to several factors: eye expression (this is the most significant signal), posture, facial expressions and gestures.

If your partner’s words do not correspond to his gestures, then you should focus on them, and not on speech. In everyday conversation, the share of information conveyed not in words reaches 80–90% (up to 60% - body language and 30% - timbre and tone of voice, intonation of statements).

It is no coincidence that the eyes are called the mirror of the soul. For a woman, visual contact is sometimes the only available means by which she can attract the man who is interested in her.

Conscious gestures with the eyes

Visual contact is necessary to initiate communication. In situations where acquaintance is expected (club, cafe, university, etc.), the guy notices how the girl “makes eyes”: looks straight into the eyes, then looks away to the side and down. This gesture is repeated several times.

You can check this intention by looking at the girl closely. If she is not interested in communication and the look “in the eyes - down” was accidental, she will demonstrate embarrassment: she will look to the side or up, focus on other things, her purse, phone, etc. If the gesture is repeated in response, and the girl is also Raises her eyebrows and smiles, she is trying to express sympathy.

In Russian culture, unlike Western culture, a smile shows a person’s real mood. In Anglo-American communication, a smile serves the rules of public etiquette, when a person simply needs to demonstrate a lack of aggression and a friendly attitude. A Russian person smiles only if he is in a really good mood, he feels sympathy for the interlocutor and the smile is completely consistent with the communicative situation.

A similar gesture often used by women is the furtive glance. She does not look directly into the man’s eyes, but sideways, with her eyelids slightly lowered. When she sees that her partner has paid attention to her, she quickly looks down and to the side. This creates an exciting feeling in a man that he is being spied on.

The area of ​​the interlocutor’s body that the woman most often looks at is important. In the psychology of communication, a business, informal and intimate view is distinguished.

If you imagine a triangle on your partner’s face, the vertices of which will be his eyes and the middle of his forehead, and during communication you concentrate your gaze on this area, this creates a serious and businesslike atmosphere. In communication between a man and a woman, it signals unavailability, coldness or unfriendliness.

When people communicate in a non-business or formal situation, eye contact is concentrated in the triangular area between the eyes and mouth of the partner. If a girl uses such an informal, or social, look, but is friendly, willing to talk and laugh, she is not yet ready for a closer relationship. Perhaps she is only interested in her partner as a friend.

An intimate look shows interest. The “informal triangle” from the eyes covers the entire face, goes down to the chest, and if the interlocutors are at a sufficient distance from each other, then to the level of the hips. In an inappropriate situation, such a look can confuse or puzzle a partner.

If you really like a girl, you can try to look at her carefully and for a long time. The brain reacts to the gaze of a representative of the opposite sex in such a way that reciprocal sympathy arises. The man seems to convey his attitude through his gaze, and the girl begins to think that she is also in love. This technique works when there is already a certain attraction on the part of the partner.

Unconscious signals

Gestures made unconsciously are the most meaningful. But they are the most difficult to interpret. Many gestures depend on a person's personality and are often invisible. They must be considered in conjunction with other manifestations of body language.

If a girl likes a man, she involuntarily tries to meet his gaze as often as possible, constantly watching him with her eyes. The gaze itself is quite long - about 7 seconds in a normal conversation. The girl seems to be peering at her partner. Research shows that lovers maintain eye contact 75% of the time during a conversation (compared to 30–60% for friends of the same or opposite sexes).

The importance of the duration of visual contact in a couple’s communication has been experimentally proven. Men and women who did not know each other were asked to talk without looking away. They noted that romantic feelings arose during this, which did not appear when they talked in the usual way.

If a girl experiences positive emotions when meeting, the level of dopamine (a hormone produced during pleasant sensations) and oxytocin (the bonding hormone) increases in her blood. The brain receives signals that cause a desire to get closer to the object you like, and as a result, the pupils reflexively dilate. This indicates interest and sympathy for your partner. Phenylethylamine released at this moment increases the heart rate, causes excitement and makes a person blush at the sight of the object of sympathy.

These are reflex physiological manifestations that an ordinary person is not able to control. They can be used to determine how interested the partners are in each other.

Women tend to look “eye to eye” during communication if they trust their interlocutor. If during a conversation a girl does not lower her eyes for a long time and smiles slightly, she thereby demonstrates approval: she is interested either in the content of the statement or in the narrator.


Not every glance of a girl towards a young man will mean interest and desire to get to know each other. For example, in a state of thoughtfulness, both men and women have situations when the gaze stops at another person by chance, only because his appearance does not evoke negative emotions. In this case, the eyes look at the object, but the thoughts are far away.

If the communicative situation does not involve acquaintance, then a girl’s one-time glance at a guy most likely means nothing. To avoid an awkward scene, there are several factors to consider. The following cases are not signals to initiate close communication:

  1. 1. The girl looks at the guy and smiles, but this is part of her job: waitress, store manager, salesperson. Service industry workers are required to maintain visual contact with the client, demonstrate goodwill and friendliness.
  2. 2. The girl looks intently with a neutral expression on her face because she is examining something for the man: a watch, inscriptions on a jacket, the style of clothing. It is possible that she is considering a gift for her boyfriend, brother, father.
  3. 3. The girl looks at the guy in the same way as at all other passers-by. Most likely she is bored. When there is no book, smartphone or tablet, while waiting for transport, or in line to see the doctor, girls like to look at those around them in order to somehow entertain themselves.
  4. 4. It happens that a girl’s gaze means dissatisfaction, annoyance or anger, which is caused by a violation of etiquette (loud talking on the phone in a public place, slurping at a table in a cafe). At the same time, there is no smile. This view calls for order.

When communicating with girls she knows, prolonged visual contact means that she is thinking about the guy in some sense (not necessarily romantic). For example, she needs help installing a computer program. Looking at her classmate, she thinks about how to ask this, whether it will be awkward. It's easier to think when an object is in her field of vision, so she fixes her gaze on it.

At a club or at a party, young people are expected to meet. In this situation, a long look from the girl, accompanied by a smile, is a non-verbal permission to start a relationship. This corresponds to the norms of behavior accepted in society.

Women tend to be afraid of people's judgment and labeling. Therefore, even if a guy likes a girl, it is unlikely that she will make the first move. Having correctly recognized non-verbal signals, you can approach and introduce yourself.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

I remember how I was walking along Kamergersky Lane, asking a nice woman to take a picture of me with a husky, then I knew nothing about the signs of female sympathy, and even more so about an intense gaze. But something clicked inside and she and I looked intently into each other’s eyes.

I felt her first looking into my eyes, then lowering her gaze to my lips. Afterwards, a dialogue began and numbers were exchanged. This look led to 4 months of communication and cool emotions, and to this day she is just a good friend. But how did I foresee this at that second? This is what this article is about... it is as useful as possible and contains valuable content, let's go.

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In the article I want to tell you what will happen if you look at a woman, how to look at a woman in such a way that she will like you and give some hint of sympathy. You will also learn what to do if a girl doesn’t look at me (or rather at you))

Non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman - this can be an intense gaze or, so to speak, a bed gaze.

By the way, those are the huskies) Very cute dogs

“Bed gaze - in films they show us how young people wake up in the morning and look passionately into each other’s eyes. In the gaze you can see passion and a sea of ​​sex”

Why does a girl look intently into your eyes? A girl expresses her sympathy in this way... looks intently into your eyes, which means she likes you, she feels sympathy for you, and this will have a good effect on your further dialogue.

While browsing the Internet, I came across an interesting experiment. “Sociologists conducted a study - The effects of mutual gaze and their influence on romantic love.

They placed forty-eight men and women in a large hall. The people didn't know each other. Each of them was given a task.

During a conversation, someone had to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, and someone was supposed to look away to the side.

Oh that look

Then the experiment participants were asked about their partners. The researchers were interested in how people perceived their interlocutors.

And do you know what the results were? Subjects who looked into each other's eyes reported greater feelings of attraction...

Closer bonds were created between them, and several couples experienced feelings of romantic love. Simply put, if you make eye contact with a beautiful stranger when you meet her, it will help ignite the fire of love in her.”

After this, the question immediately goes away: “Why do lovers look into each other’s eyes?” After all, now there is scientific proof.

Let me give you a small analogy. Let's imagine, you see a beautiful car on the street, what do you do? Yes, you can’t take your eyes off this car, you look and enjoy how gorgeous it is; this equates to sympathy. It will be similar - Antipathy, before your eyes, a young man vomits in a club, you immediately look away. Because you are not pleased to look at all this = Antipathy.

Also, how often does a guy avoid a girl’s gaze? This means he doesn’t like her, there are other points, I’ll write about that below.

How to learn to look into the eyes

At an early stage of communication with a girl, when you just met, you can catch her eye and hold it. This way we will prepare her for close communication and show our sympathy.

The girl subconsciously understands all this and perceives your sympathy, which will be reflected very well in your future communication. Don't be afraid to look intensely into a girl's eyes. Some people are shy about looking directly at you, others don’t have the confidence to do so, but treat this as a new stage in your life’s journey.

How often do you look girls passing by in the eyes?

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    I practice constantly. Adds confidence to me 40%, 138 votes

    Sometimes by chance it turns out 21%, 72 vote


Visualize it, think about it in your mind. Allow yourself and your thoughts everything, absolutely everything, you will immediately notice how your eyes will change, how your pupils will dilate and believe me, the girl will feel it. The main thing is to dare, look straight into the eyes and think about the good.

Girl's look

You can’t attract a girl with an empty, boring look, you need your eyes to sparkle, yes, in the literal sense of the word. Here is a girl looking into your eyes during a conversation, but nothing happens, your gaze is empty. How to light a fire in your eyes, well, show your sympathy and desire to get closer to a girl?
Visualize it, think about it in your mind. Allow yourself and your thoughts everything, absolutely everything, you will immediately notice how your eyes will change, how your pupils will dilate and believe me, the girl will feel it. The main thing is to dare, look straight into the eyes and think about the good.

Girl's look

Signs of female sympathy or signs of a woman falling in love can be measured through gaze. When a girl looks into your eyes and they light up, what do you think is going on in her head?

I can convey in text what her look means when she looks straight into your eyes. At this time, the girl has thoughts like “I like you, get to know me better, I want you, let’s go to you.” Yes, yes, that’s what she thinks about when she looks intently into your eyes.


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