What to make from a wedding dress. Should I store my wedding dress? Cautions and Tips

English proverb " Something old and something new, something borrowed, something blue“—without an old, new, blue or borrowed item, not a single girl gets married abroad, and compliance with these customs is considered the key to a happy marriage. Our country also has old traditions: the dress must be white, of a solid cut, with an odd number of buttons, it must not be shown to the groom and, of course, it must be kept after the wedding. However, over time, everything changes: wedding dresses amaze with the variety of cuts and colors, and not everyone keeps them in their closet for years after getting married. So what can you do with the dress after the wedding? Let's try to figure it out.

Life hack #1: Family heirloom

This option is suitable for sentimental women who want to see their daughter or granddaughter walking down the aisle in the same dress in the future. To prevent your outfit from losing its decent appearance, you need to approach its storage wisely. The dress should not be stored in a plastic case on a hanger: this will cause it to become deformed and turn yellow.

After the wedding, take the veil, gloves and dress to the dry cleaner, and then put all items in separate covers made of natural fabric, and metal elements in small bags. It is best to store a future family heirloom in a closet in a spacious box along with moth repellent - this way the fabric will not be spoiled by either dampness, light or insects.

Lifehack #2: Wedding cashback

It’s no secret that a dress is not a cheap thing, and lately there has been a growing tendency to get married in a simple dress from the mass market and spend the money on a honeymoon, but many girls still want to buy “that same” luxurious dress, the price of which can reach hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Wedding fashion is fickle, so it’s best to sell the outfit immediately after the ceremony: the sooner you do this, the more money you can “get back”, and the price depends not only on the brand and condition of the dress, but also on the presence of a veil, handbag, gloves or shoes.

As a rule, it is impossible to guess that an outfit was bought second-hand, and many young wives offer accessories as a gift to speed up the deal - it is equally beneficial for both the seller who wants to recoup the costs and the buyer who cannot afford to buy the dress at full price. boutique price.

Lifehack #3: Cleaning karma

Hurry to do good deeds - this poetic line, which has become an aphorism, may well become a guide to action for recent brides. A wedding dress can be given to someone who dreams of a luxurious outfit for the most important day, but cannot buy it.

There are many advertisements on the Internet, but you need to choose carefully - many of them, unfortunately, are not posted by the most honest people, and you run the risk of seeing a dress donated with all your heart on one of the sales sites. This can be avoided by giving a gift to someone you know who you like well and want to please. Another option is the theater, where the donated dress will certainly be used.

Lifehack #4: Fifty-fifty

If there are people willing to rent your dress, you can gradually return all the money spent on it and keep the wedding symbol as a keepsake. Place your ad only on trusted resources: in popular communities on social networks with a large number of positive reviews and on specialized websites.

Before you rent out your dress, you need to tidy it up because no bride wants to get married with a birthday cake stain on the hem. So that you don’t have to contemplate stains from other people’s treats and other unpleasant surprises, be sure to sign a rental agreement with detailed terms and conditions for using your outfit. Of course, you need to take money up front, and you shouldn’t inflate the price too much.

Lifehack #5: Emotional shake-up

A dress that is stored correctly remains snow-white for a long time, and can be worn more than once or twice - for example, on a wedding anniversary, which many people do, and even to work, if its design is suitable for everyday use. In recent years, bride processions have also gained popularity: wives with a wide range of experience put on their white dresses and, in full dress, with hair and makeup, walk through the city in a column, and then participate in competitions together with their husbands.

There are many examples of such traditions in the world - for example, King Mswati III of Swaziland organizes a parade of brides when he wants to choose a new wife to join the others. True, African brides do not parade in snow-white dresses, but in loincloths. Apparently, the spectacle is truly spectacular - the king presented the last chosen one, the thirteenth wife Phindile Nkambula, with a new BMW X6 and a separate palace.

Life hack No. 6: All the best for children

One of the most popular ways to extend the life of a wedding dress is to sew it into a baby envelope. Most dresses are still white, and this color is suitable for both girls and boys, and you can decorate your first outfit with a blue or pink ribbon. The tradition, which is steadily gaining popularity, has a deep meaning - in the old days it was believed that parents who sew clothes for children from their own, thus convey to them their love, support and protection. Many mothers use wedding dresses to sew not only envelopes for discharge from the maternity hospital, but also baptismal clothes for babies.

Lifehack No. 7: Both in the feast and in the world

From a disposable and prohibitively expensive item, a wedding dress turns into a universal outfit for all occasions: lush crinolines, tight uncomfortable corsets and scatterings of fake diamonds are becoming a thing of the past, giving way to minimalist looks, gentle boho, natural rustic style and practical transformers.

Any studio can help you alter the dress: it can be divided into a fluffy summer skirt and crop top, turned into a maxi sundress, a cocktail dress, or decorated with contrasting color elements, such as ribbons or a veil. Another option is to turn a wedding dress into an intimate one, although in order to give a new flavor to family life, for some, putting on a veil on time is enough.

Lifehack #8: You for me, I for you

The dress can be exchanged for something of equivalent price, but this option is not very popular yet. Many girls consider the exchange to be something blasphemous, but there are also those who are ready to part with their white outfit, veil and rhinestone shoes without regret and receive in return an item or service that is more relevant for the current wife than for yesterday’s bride.

Most often, “that same dress” is exchanged for several “just dresses”, but there are other options - however, in order to find a decent one, you will have to spend a lot of time on specialized sites and forums.

Lifehack No. 9: Make a mess

Tear it, pour paint on it, drown it in mud and burn it - all this can also be done with a wedding dress, if you want to add photos to the family album in the “trash the dress” style, that is, “dress in the trash.” The main rule is one - no rules: selflessly destroy the dress as you please, and ideas for a photo shoot can be found on any social network using the hashtag #TrashtheDress.

There are many reasons to follow the fashion trend of destroying a memorable outfit - in return you will get incredible impressions, a lot of fun and bright, unique pictures that will collect hundreds of likes. The dress can also be destroyed right at the wedding - then not only the guests and the bride and groom, but even the workers of the wedding palace and random passers-by will definitely never forget it.

Watch Get Dressed for the Wedding: UK weeknights at 6:30pm on TLC!

The day you've been waiting for has come to an end. The newlyweds' dress and suit have gone to the dry cleaner, the veil hangs solemnly in the bedroom, the shoes are neatly folded in a box. There is one floral accessory left that has never been used, and it will soon wither. So what to do with the bride's bouquet after the wedding? The Svadebka.ws portal team offers several options:

  • leave as a keepsake, if it was made from artificial materials,
  • take it down to the river.

In the case of fresh flowers, the main thing is not to let them wither. To do this, immediately after the celebration, refresh the flower cuts and place them in settled water at room temperature. This will give you a couple of days to think about the question “What to do with the bride’s bouquet?”

How to store an artificial bridal bouquet?

This does not require complex actions, because they are not subject to temporary changes. A composition made of beads, ribbons, and felt will not lose its original appearance for many years, and you will show it to your children, and maybe even your grandchildren. Here it is important to know how to store a wedding bouquet correctly, because it will become crumpled if you throw it on the far shelf of the closet, or it will be eaten by moths if you forget it in the closet. Set aside a small corner of holiday memories, where there will be photos from the holiday and flowers in a beautiful vase. But if there is not enough space in the apartment, choose a cardboard box that is the right size for it. You can also store the bride's bouquet by wrapping it in newspaper or craft paper after the wedding: take it out either on your anniversary or on any other day, you will see the accessory in its original form.

Is it possible to store a wedding bouquet after the wedding if you dry it?

More and more often, girls order two compositions:

  1. the main one, incredibly beautiful, with a chicly decorated stem of the wedding bouquet,
  2. understudy, a simpler option that a girl throws at her unmarried girlfriends.

What to do with the caught bridal bouquet and how long to store it is the concern of the lucky woman who caught it. But the main option can be dried after the wedding so that it does not have time to fade. Where to put the dried bridal bouquet is up to you: you can, according to the sign, burn it on the first wedding anniversary, or you can admire it as much as your heart desires. Burning “festive dried flowers” ​​on a calico anniversary is an omen of a happy family future and a ritual of the logical completion of the first stage of the couple’s life together. By keeping the accessory with you, you can decorate a memory corner, as described earlier. The main thing is to make sure that there are no insects in it. Hiding it in a box or paper is unlikely to work, because dry plants are very fragile and brittle. And remember, keeping dried flowers at home is not a good omen.

Where should you put the bride’s bouquet after the wedding if you don’t want to throw it away?

If you have spent a lot of time and effort to create the perfect bridal bouquet, then you don’t want to throw it away. Drying it and keeping it indoors doesn't seem like a good idea either. Then you should do the following: on the third night after the wedding, lower the wedding bouquet onto the river with the words “Let the flowers that my betrothed gave me float with the flow, and they will bring years of happiness to my beloved and me. Filled with clean water, pampered by the sun’s rays, sail around the world, bring us health.” This ritual, according to the sign, charges the family with positive energy for many years. Don't forget to take a photo of this action.

Other Use and Disposal Ideas

If you are confused whether to keep the bride's bouquet, listen to your inner voice. How important is it to you, does it have a symbolic meaning, or is it just a decoration that complemented the image, and will soon simply lose its appearance. If you choose the second, then the question arises whether it is possible to throw away the wedding bouquet. To begin with, you can officially throw it away at the end of the holiday: over your shoulder into a crowd of unmarried girls - this is the most natural way to get rid of it. But if for some reason it was not possible to do this, then let it stand for several days in a beautiful vase, please you with pleasant and exciting memories, and when it begins to fade, throw it in the trash, discarding all prejudices. Don't think about bad things - they won't happen!

Girls are also interested in whether it is possible to store the bride’s bouquet at home with their mother or mother-in-law. There are no bad signs or prerequisites in this regard. Only if its presence does not interfere with the owner of the home, make sure that no one is allergic to pollen.

Do you want your marriage to be successful and your wedding dress to become a talisman and amulet for your family? In our article, we have collected all the folk signs, superstitions and traditions that are associated with the choice of color and style, sewing, fitting and purchasing a dress for a wedding. In addition, you will learn why the groom should not see the bride in a dress, what to do with the outfit after the wedding and how to protect yourself from the evil eye and attract good luck and love into your family life.

The traditional color of the dress, rooted over many decades, is white and this is not without reason, as it symbolizes innocence, purity and joy. A white dress also signifies a white sheet, from which a woman’s new life begins as a wife and keeper of her own hearth.

However, an increasing number of brides these days prefer other colors of their wedding dress in order to stand out from the rest.

If you are also one of them, before giving preference to a dress of any other color, you should familiarize yourself with their meanings:

  • Gold color is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and good luck in your endeavors. A gold wedding dress can bring stable financial flow and career success into your family life.
  • Silver. It is not advisable to choose a silver-colored dress - it is believed that this leads to the transience of family life and the married couple will quickly separate or live without consent and mutual understanding.
  • Pink the color symbolizes tenderness, love and romantic feelings. This outfit can contribute to a long and happy family life, but according to some versions, this color can bring financial difficulties to the newly formed family.
  • Red. It is believed that a red wedding dress protects the bride from damage and the influence of bad people. In addition, the color red symbolizes the wisdom and maturity of the bride. If you want to choose this color, be sure to read the article in which we tell you how to choose the right accessories based on style and type of appearance.
  • Violet. Opinions about the purple color of a wedding dress also differ - according to one information, it means a sudden divorce, and according to another, the emergence of strong, strong love and deep affection between spouses for each other.
  • Black. A black dress is not recognized in almost all European countries, since this color is considered mourning and portends an extremely unhappy family life, a lot of tears and possible widowhood. It also symbolizes repentance for what she has done, which will lead to the bride’s emotional balance being undermined soon after marriage.
  • Blue. A blue wedding dress can lead to the fact that one of the spouses will be absolutely indifferent to the wishes and opinions of the other.
  • Blue. But the light, delicate blue color symbolizes purity and sincerity in relationships. The marriage promises to be happy and unusually strong, because the spouses will have no secrets from each other and will be as open and honest as possible.
  • Green the color is a symbol of modesty, therefore such a wedding dress will most likely lead to a modest but happy family life, without an excess of financial benefits.
  • Orange The color, in addition to its cheerful appearance, symbolizes respect among society. A wedding dress of this color promises respect for the family; friends and relatives will listen to the opinion of the spouses on almost any occasion.
  • Brown just like black, it does not promise anything good in family life - it can bring about a sudden divorce, which will entail a long division of jointly acquired property.
  • Beige. A beige or cream-colored outfit, despite its delicate appearance, can lead to adultery and frequent quarrels.

Signs associated with buying a bride's dress - is it worth taking someone else's?

Choosing the color of a dress is certainly very important, but purchasing the right outfit is also of great importance.

The wedding dress must certainly be new, and not bought second-hand or rented; saving on such an important element of your wedding can lead to a life of severe debt.

In addition, a rented dress from someone else can transfer to you a charge of negative energy from previous brides, since there is no way to find out about the fate of each of them.

If you still have no other option, clean it with a church candle and Epiphany water, this will protect you from possible damage that may occur on it.

You should not get married in a dress from your first, unsuccessful marriage - there is a risk of repeating the unhappy experience.

You can sew a dress with your own hands - such an outfit carries a powerful charge of positive energy and is guaranteed to eliminate most of the risks associated with it. The same applies to an outfit that your older sister or best friend sewed for you.

When selecting accessories for a dress, you should aim to buy shoes on Friday and a veil on Tuesday. The outfit itself should be purchased on Wednesday.

Pay special attention to the selection of wedding shoes– you should not wear sandals, these should only be shoes with closed toes and heels, since open shoes symbolize family life in poverty and misery.

If you buy a dress with cash, you should save the change and not spend it for at least the next three months.

The subtleties of choosing the right style - length, neckline, texture

The right style of wedding dress can also influence a successful family life:

  • The dress must be one-piece; an outfit like a corset skirt is unacceptable, as this leads to separation of the spouses.
  • There should not be too many different weaves and knots on it - this will lead to a confusing relationship between husband and wife.
  • The dress should not be above the knees - the longer the outfit, the longer the family life will be.
  • You should avoid a too deep neckline and an overly open back - this symbolizes frivolity and frivolity, which can lead to adultery.

How to try on a dress correctly - signs, superstitions and traditions

Important nuances that will help you get married successfully and bring good luck into your family life include the correct fitting of a dress.

By remembering a few simple rules, you can avoid unexpected, unpleasant surprises:

  1. When trying on, you cannot put it on through your legs - only over your head, only then putting your arms through the sleeves.
  2. When trying on a wedding dress, you need to wear white underwear. The same underwear should be worn on your wedding day.
  3. Under the dress you should wear any item of clothing that has a large number of knots - this protects from the evil eye throughout the entire time from the start of preparation to the end of the wedding.
  4. During fitting, you cannot take an unmarried girl with the same name as the bride as an assistant, so that she does not steal her destiny.
  5. On your wedding day, it is advisable to take as your assistant a married woman who has lived in a happy marriage for more than seven years.
  6. If a button comes off the wedding dress during fitting, sew it on using two stitches - this will contribute to a long life together with the groom.
  7. Neither before nor after the wedding ceremony should anyone be allowed to try on both the dress and all the accompanying accessories - this will contribute to frequent quarrels between the spouses.
  8. You cannot try on a wedding dress just like that if you are not going to get married. It is believed that by doing this you can scare away the future groom.
  9. Before the wedding, the groom should under no circumstances see the bride’s wedding dress - this can lead to a quick separation, unpleasant incidents during the wedding, frequent quarrels and adultery. In general, only the closest people need to show off their outfit. The fewer people who see you in it before the wedding, the better.
  10. Be careful that the dress does not tear during fitting. Tearing a wedding dress is a bad omen, which predicts an evil mother-in-law who will not love her daughter-in-law too much.
  11. Under no circumstances should the dress be ironed by the bride herself or her mother, and in order to avoid unexpected, unpleasant consequences, it is better not to iron it at all. The same prohibition applies to filing - it is recommended to give the item to the studio, or entrust it to some distant relative.

If you want to try on a dress, do not take with you any sharp or piercing accessories that can hurt you, since blood on a wedding dress is a very bad omen.

Wedding dress after the wedding – what you can do and what you can’t

Signs do not prohibit wearing your wedding dress after the wedding, but you should not sell, borrow or rent it for money. Also, you should not let even your closest friends and relatives try on your outfit - this is fraught with conflicts between the newlyweds.

These prohibitions apply not only to the dress itself, but also to all additional accessories for it - it is recommended to put the outfit with all the elements in a box and hide it in the closet, including a veil, shoes, bouquet, linen, hairpins and hairpins.

However, there is another opinion: some experts recommend cutting it into many pieces and using it in the interior - it is believed that this way positive energy will be constantly present in your family.

Opinions also differ about passing on the dress to next generations - in any case, it is better to do this only if your family life was very successful, so that failures are not passed on from mother to daughter or granddaughter.

Do not throw it away under any circumstances, much less burn it - this can both have an extremely negative impact on your married life and greatly undermine your physical health and mental balance. Besides, you can’t throw away the veil. But you can throw away all other items of your wedding wardrobe.

However, this can be done with a dress that was left after an already broken marriage - burn it or destroy it in another way - this way you will completely rid yourself of negative energy, bad memories and open the way to a new life.

If you are getting married for the second time, you should choose a dress that is not white, since it is believed that the woman has already lost her innocence and purity, and it is also recommended to replace the veil with other accessories - a tiara, hat or veil.

: don't get hung up on it

I would like to say right away: despite the fact that there are many signs and superstitions associated with a wedding dress, there is no need to get too hung up on them. After all, there was a time when our ancestors simply went to the registry office or village council in everyday clothes, and then lived happily ever after for decades.

If you think about something bad all the time, then it will certainly happen, so there is no need to stress yourself out on the eve of the wedding in anticipation that at some point something unexpected and unpleasant will definitely happen. It's better to just relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday.

Video on the topic


  • Signs about the bride's wedding dress
  • Signs associated with a wedding dress

Tip 2: Where to put your wedding dress, veil and ring after a divorce

After a divorce, when all the worries have been left behind and all the formalities have been settled, it comes down to little things that there was no time to think about before. The dress and veil, carefully stored after the wedding, no longer evoke pleasant associations, the wedding ring burns the hand, and there is a desire to get rid of these things, reminiscent of an unsuccessful marriage.

A wedding is a joyful and beautiful event. Many girls, after their wedding, keep things that remind them of this happy day throughout their lives. Unfortunately, in our time, divorces are no longer rare. For some reason, the marriage does not work out, the family is not a family at all, and those who swore eternal love to each other put their signatures on divorce documents. The dress and veil, so carefully stored after the wedding, no longer evoke pleasant memories, and the wedding ring is removed out of sight. All these things become unnecessary. They take up space, but no longer carry the positive meaning for which they were kept. Of course, you can just throw everything away, but there are ways to get rid of these things for your own benefit.

Getting rid of it profitably

The easiest and most emotionally detached way to get rid of wedding attributes is to sell. If the veil and dress are in good condition, without damage, you can sell them online on some popular trading platform, for example, on Avito. You can also try taking them to a wedding dress rental salon. They regularly update their assortment, because dresses after several weddings lose their attractive appearance, and it happens that they are simply not returned for rental. With a ring, the situation is even simpler; it can be returned to any nearest one. If you don’t go into beliefs and folk customs, then that’s all. Use the proceeds from the sale to throw a party with your girlfriends to say goodbye to your unsuccessful marriage. This will help you get through an unpleasant period in life easier. Or just spend it on your needs, let it benefit you, at least this time.

A ritual for happiness in your personal life

In order to get rid of memories of a past marriage for the benefit of the future, there are many different rituals. One of them is cleaning the house. First, you will need to put your dress and veil in order, wash them and carefully check that there is nothing left of you on them: hair tangled in the veil, brooches or pins from the evil eye. All this needs to be removed. After that, you need to sell everything along with the ring. Use the proceeds to buy everything to clean the house: mops, brushes, rags. You need to buy on the market, overpaying, without taking change. It's like you're paying back with interest for a failed marriage. Then you should do a general cleaning of your house, clean everything and sweep with these brushes and mops, and then throw them away. In this way, you clear your home of the past to open the doors to the future.


This method is suitable for those who have undergone a wedding ceremony. The wedding dress and ring themselves carry strong energy, but if they are also wedding items, then their energy is a hundred times stronger. Not every couple getting married gets married in a church. If you decide to take such a step and subsequently get divorced, it is unlikely that you will simply sell your wedding dress. The solution in this case is very simple - donate everything you have left from the wedding to the church. Rings, candles, icons, towels - you can simply take all this to the church, and sell the dress with the veil and donate the money received for them.

Whatever method of getting rid of your wedding items you choose, believe that it’s all for the best and look confidently into the future.

Divorce is far from the most pleasant stage in a person’s life, but on the other hand, it is an opportunity to start over with a clean slate. To do this, you need to decide what to do with the debris of your past life, including in the form of wedding attributes. The Svadebka.ws portal will tell you what signs and rules exist in this regard.

What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce

Family psychologists and folk omens express almost similar opinions on what to do with an engagement ring after a divorce. Here are a few of them.

The ring is considered a symbol of deep feelings and a strong connection between a man and a woman. Regardless of which finger the wedding ring is placed on, it has not only monetary, but also emotional value. After the divorce, the latter leaves, but the memories remain. At the same time, they can hinder a person’s further development and interfere with building a new life. Therefore, experts answer the question of whether it is possible to wear a wedding ring after a divorce as follows:

  • Remove immediately after the notarized divorce.
  • If the procedure drags on for months, then it is better to remove it when you are completely ready to say goodbye to this relationship.
  • For some couples, the mere discussion of divorce is a reason to stop wearing jewelry, making their decision to separate a confirmation of their intention after the conversation.

The ring should be removed when the relationship loses its value and a further path of reconciliation is no longer visible. Therefore, you should first dot all the i’s within yourself and only then begin to act.

What do folk signs say?

Many years of popular experience also have their own point of view on this issue. So, it is usually recommended:

Therefore, it is believed that after a divorce, it is best to either melt down the engagement ring or take it to a pawnshop. The proceeds should be sent to charity, with the help of which positive energy will be restored. In any case, you should not give or keep an engagement ring after a divorce, because it can serve as the source of a protracted series of failures.

Where to put your wedding dress after a divorce

As a rule, it itself is quite voluminous, takes up a lot of space in the closet, and after a divorce it even becomes a symbol of an unpleasant past. Folk signs answer the question of where to put your wedding dress after a divorce.

If you don’t pay attention to superstitions, then here’s what you can do with this attribute.

What to do after a divorce with wedding attributes - according to your conscience or in accordance with signs - decide for yourself. In any case, the portal site advises not to be afraid to part with things, because the most important thing is not them, but the emotions and impressions that are inside us.


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