How to dye your hair blonde. Blonde hair dye: choosing options without yellowness

Top stylist of the image laboratory “Persona”

There are only two options for dyeing blonde: when we work with natural color and with previously dyed hair. Let's figure it out in order!

You already have dyed hair and you decided to go blonde:

If the hair was previously dyed with any dye, it does not matter - permanent or tinting, then the hair contains an artificial pigment. This means that regrown roots with regular blonde dyeing will become lighter, and previously dyed hair will simply change the color pigment slightly, but the shade will not change significantly.


Simply put, we will not get a satisfactory result. There is a rule that every professional hairdresser knows: the dye does not lighten previously colored hair. What to do in this case?

To create a blonde like Candice Swanepoel, you have to try

A few important secrets:

  • To dye previously dyed hair a light shade, we need to blond it! Blonding is the removal of natural and artificial pigment from hair. But you need to remember that along with the hair pigment, it also loses other components, it is destroyed. How much hair will be damaged during bleaching depends on the quality of the product, the correctness of the procedure and, of course, the exposure time. The last point is very important, but, alas, not every stylist will be able to determine how much time your hair needs. Therefore, contact only a proven professional!
  • With any lightening, be it dye or blond, two pigments in our hair are destroyed: pheomelanin and trichosedirin (these are yellow and red pigments). It is difficult to completely remove them, and it is not always necessary. But it is precisely because of these pigments that the result sometimes turns out not the way we intended - yellow, yellow-orange, orange... To prevent this from happening, after bleaching you need to neutralize these two pigments - tint. As a professional, I will say that every colorist should know how and with what to deal with unwanted lightening background in each specific case.
  • Let's talk a little more about toning - the final stage of the process of turning blonde. Toning is aimed at filling the hair with artificial pigment and caring components. A special preparation will close the hair cuticle, which opened after bleaching, and will create a protective film around the hair for shine and radiance of color!

Just a dream - blonde, like Lara Stone

You have undyed hair and you decided to go blonde:

If your color is not naturally very dark, then you can work with ammonia or, as stylists correctly call it, permanent dye.

It works like this: you apply the dye, and the process of lightening and coloring occurs simultaneously, without those intricate steps that need to be taken when lightening previously colored hair. It all depends only on the correctness of the chosen color and on the brightening abilities of the dye.

I strongly do not recommend dyeing dark hair at home yourself - there is too much risk of ruining your hair and ending up with a completely different color than you dreamed of. Most often, dark hair is turned into blonde using the same scheme as dyed hair - we have already talked about this.

Important: After a complex dyeing procedure, it is recommended not to wash your hair for 1-2 days, since during this time all reactions stop, the ph level of the hair and scalp is normalized, the pigment is oxidized and fixed in the hair.

So, you've already become a blonde! What you need to know:

  • Renewal coloring should take place every 2-3 weeks, maximum 4! You've become a blonde and you have to understand that walking around with wildly grown roots is not comme il faut.
  • After lightening, you need especially careful hair care. The products you used before are no longer suitable, because care for a brunette and a blonde cannot be the same. The words: “I still have some mask and conditioner left there...” - forget it!
  • Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to maintain color. After lightening, hair often looks dry and lifeless. To prevent this from happening to you, try to moisturize your hair as much as possible using special products and, if possible, avoid styling with a curling iron or straightening iron at least sometimes.
  • Use hair masks with caution - they work deep in the hair structure and displace artificial pigment. Therefore, consult with a specialist which mask is best for bleached hair.

1. After lightening your hair, use products for colored hair for at least 2-3 weeks (ideally, special lines for blondes): this way you will be able to preserve their color and shine longer. Further, many hair stylists advise alternating care products for colored hair with those that you usually use: for volume, restoration, etc.

2. Be sure to use various products to shine your hair - masks, oils, serums, etc. After bleaching, the hair becomes more porous and shines unevenly in the light. As a result, it may seem that the shade is different along the entire length. Plus, shiny hair always looks beautiful!

3. Use a hair mask at least once a week - bleached hair needs intensive nutrition and restoration more than any other hair. Choose hair masks containing vegetable oils and proteins, amino acids, keratin, ceramides: these ingredients will provide the most intensive care to hair weakened after dyeing. And it is useful to apply oil elixirs to the ends of the hair; in addition to protecting and nourishing the hair, they also make it more shiny. The main thing is that the composition contains not synthetic, but natural vegetable oils!

Save blonde: 8 main rules for caring for bleached hair

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Christina Aguilera, Having started her career as a platinum blonde, she managed to be a red-haired, pink-haired, brown-haired, and brunette... Now the pop star is blonde again. By the way, it is Aguilera who is credited with one of the most unusual celebrity home recipes for hair care - they say that masks made from... ketchup are very helpful for good color and shine of blond hair.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Jennifer Aniston has been doing in recent yearsThathighlighting, then bronding, or simply dyeing the hair blonde. And she looks much better blonde, you must agree! The actress has her own recipe for hair beauty - sea water sprays, which she always carries in her purse.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Star of the series Pretty Little Liars by Ashley Benson whom all fans are accustomed to seeing as a blonde, also somehow couldn’t resist experimenting with hair color. But she was brown-haired for only a few months - soon after changing her color, the actress was noticed wearing a light wig, and then she dyed her hair back.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

One of the sexiest Hollywood blondes, Blake Lively she wears makeup exclusively for roles - the girl was both a brunette and a redhead, but men, of course, like Lively the blonde most of all. Advice from hair colorist Blake Lively Rhona O'Connor: If you do not want your new hair color to fade quickly, do not wash your hair within 48 hours after dyeing.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Although many believed that dark hair color makes Charlize Theron brighter and even sexier, less than six months passed before the actress returned to her usual blonde. The star's hit product is oils for deep conditioning hair, with their help she restores hair after filming in films and commercials.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

U Dakota Fanning Scandinavian roots, so it’s not surprising that blonde suits her very well. The girl was brown-haired not for long - just a couple of months, exclusively for filming the film “Hide and Seek”.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Cameron Diaz a natural blonde, she experimented with different shades of hair: she was a burning brunette, brown-haired, bright blonde, and even “bald” (in fact, a special wig cap was used). The actress is a fan of Evian mineral water. Diaz always carries a small bottle of spray with her and uses it as a toner and moisturizer for her skin and hair.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Drew Barrymore whose natural hair color is dark blond, feels most comfortable as a blonde and believes that hair color greatly influences the character, behavior and attitude of others towards you. “I had the most fun of my life with red hair. As a brunette, I was offered serious and interesting roles, and when I was a blonde, I had no end to fans,” the actress admitted on the eve of her 35th birthday, before once again becoming a blonde. “Blonde hair makes you look younger,” she says.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Emma Stone - She is a natural blonde, but she does not hesitate to change her hair color for roles. A trendsetter in the field of hair trends, she, oddly enough, became a redhead, dyeing her hair during a screen test for "Superpeppers." The young star is sure: everyone takes blondes less seriously, even in Hollywood, where the cult of blondes reigns. “At the very beginning of my work, I had an agent who believed that as a blonde, I could only play cheerleaders. And one day, wanting to change my situation, I dyed my hair brown, and a week later I got my first role,” the actress admitted in an interview.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Natural blonde Emma Watson often tinted her hair darker and thinks it makes her look more mature and serious.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Ann Hataway Both blond and rich chestnut look the same, and dyeing your hair is not a problem for the actress. However, she no longer wants to cut her hair short. If only again for some very desirable role, as was the case with "Les Miserables."

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

For filming the sequel "Sin Cities" Jessica Alba I had to lighten my hair again. Actress stylist Robert Ramos I did this in two stages so as not to damage them. Meanwhile, the star wrote on Twitter: “Bye, bye brown hair!”

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Dark-haired Sarah Jessica Parker, who at the beginning of her career was given the eternal roles of gray mice-girlfriends of the main characters, became a blonde before the film "L.A. Story"- and this was the beginning of the takeoff of her career. Now the actress can afford any hair color, but she doesn’t wear anything darker than ash blond and light chestnut.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

The owner of luxurious hair Julia Roberts doesn't spend much time caring for them. If the shade fades, go to the colorist, but this usually happens before an important event.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Nicole Kidman It is unlikely that she would have become an object of admiration for millions of fans, maintaining her nondescript natural hair color. Stylists once gave the star's golden shade of hair a name - “strawberry blonde.” And at one time there was even a rumor that to maintain it, the actress rinses her hair with cranberry or strawberry juice.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Kristen Stewart I am sure that you can experiment with hair color and length endlessly. “It’s so exciting to change just with one hairstyle,” - says the actress.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Chameleon model Linda Evangelista“wore” a variety of hair colors and hairstyles. And sometimes, thanks to the efforts of hairdressers, she became simply unrecognizable.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

According to American press reports, hair care Lindsey Lohan spends $800 a week and visits the salon at least twice a week Andy Lecompte where she gets masks and other restorative hair treatments.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Early career Madonna She was firmly convinced that men prefer blondes and every two and a half weeks she tinted her hair roots with hydroperite so that no one would guess that they were dark. Now she doesn’t pay attention to such conventions and prejudices!

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

The sexiest girl on the Planet Miley Cyrus Before becoming a short-haired blonde, she managed to be a long-haired brown-haired woman. But she became the sexiest, being a blonde - and that says a lot!

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Yes, yes, and Monica Bellucci I managed to visit the camp of blondes! However, she came to her senses in time. And she did the right thing, otherwise she would hardly have been among the owners of the most luxurious hair: her hair was very difficult to lighten, became brittle and lost its shine.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Gwyneth Paltrow She has admitted more than once that she prefers being blonde. By the way, this spring the actress and her hair stylist David Babai opened a salon for express hair styling, where clients are also offered environmentally friendly hair products.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Natalie Portman For a long time I remained faithful to the dark color. But, as they say, don’t promise - and last year, when Hollywood was gripped by yet another blonde craze, she became a blonde.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Turning blonde was a success Rihanna not easy: despite the fact that the colorist lightened the hair in several stages, the hair still suffered. However, this did not deter the star from numerous experiments with hair color. U Rihanna your recipe: if your hair looks bad, you just need to cut your hair shorter!

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Rose McGowan Some time ago I dyed my brown hair almost completely white. By the way, in her early youth she did everything the other way around - she preferred radical black.

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Victoria Beckham Victoria Beckham wouldn't be if she hadn't gone blonde. However, what did she do with her hair (according to the tabloids, her weekly budget for personal care is about $15,000).

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4. To maintain a cool blonde, use a special toning shampoo or leave-in conditioner (usually such products have a purple or blue tint). Tint pigments take time to work, so leave them on your hair for 5-7 minutes (if your hair is very light, 3-5 minutes).

5. If you dry your hair with a hairdryer or use a styler, be sure to use heat-protective products: the more shades your hair is lightened, the more fragile and defenseless it becomes against external influences.

6. From mid-spring to mid-autumn, use hair care products with SPF - look for sunscreen filters in shampoos, conditioners, and conditioners. Ultraviolet radiation severely damages bleached hair, and it also fades faster.

7. If you go to the pool, first apply protective oil to your hair (you can use any vegetable oil - olive, avocado, etc.). Because bleach, copper salts and other impurities can cause bleached and highlighted hair... to turn green. This happens especially often if your hair is very light, or if you went to the pool in the first days after dyeing.

Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

(shampoo, conditioner and leave-in spray-veil Flash Filler) with a complex with UV filters, chamomile extract and panthenol to protect hair from dullness and brittleness, designed specifically for the care of colored and natural hair of blonde shades

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Mask for colored hair "Splendor of Color" MasqueForBeautifulColor, Oribe with a complex based on vegetable oils, keratin, phytoceramides and plant extracts for moisturizing, softening coarse hair, protecting against ultraviolet radiation and loss of color and shine

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Leave-in protective repair hair spray K-PAK Leave-in Protectant, Joico with a reconstructive complex based on keratin, plant extracts and oils to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation, thermal damage, moisturizing, nourishing and conditioning

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Shampoo for preserving the color and shine of dyed hair Soin Vegetal Capillaire “Vegetable hair care”, Yves Rocher with a plant phytocomplex based on natural oils and hawthorn extract

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Revitalizing hair serum “7 essential oils”, Аloxxi with jojoba, olive and walnut oils for conditioning, protection and styling

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Range for preserving the color and shine of dyed hair Reflection Chroma Captive, Kerastase(shampoo-bath, balm and mask) with the Systeme Capture complex, based on zinc gluconate, linseed oil, UV filters and vitamin E to restore hair structure, color intensity and protection from negative environmental influences

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Heat protection hair sprayHeatprotectionmist,Toni & Guy Hair Meet Wardrobe with conditioner and antistatic effect

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

Shampoo to maintain the color of bleached hair and prevent the appearance of yellowness “Silver highlights” Silver Reflex Shampoo, C:Ehko Men, conditioning restorative hair cream-balm C|8 Nutry Conditioner Cream, Napura and other products for professional skin and hair care at home - in the May MaxiCase

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Save blonde: 8 rules for caring for bleached hair

New line for shine, protection and softness of hair “Flax and Sweet Almond Milk”, Le Petit Marseillais(shampoo, conditioner and mask) with almond milk, flax extract, monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A and E.

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8. The easiest and most affordable way to revive the color of light or bleached hair is to rinse it after washing with a decoction of chamomile flowers. It is not surprising that many stars like to resort to it, and celebrity hair stylists and colorists every now and then recommend to their clients various professional products with chamomile extract.

You can radically change your appearance not only through plastic surgery. The fastest transformation is considered to be changing your hairstyle - dyeing it a different color. There are especially many people who want to change their color from brunette to blonde; photos of such transformations can be found in abundance on the Internet.

Advice! In salons, coloring begins from the roots and is carried out throughout the head. Then the curls are finished along the entire length and combed.

Harm from lightening

If you have problem skin, light strands will only highlight all the pimples and redness.

  • Using aggressive dyes can turn healthy curls into weakened and burned ones. This will increase hair loss.
  • After washing, you will need to use rinse aids, since without special products it will be impossible to comb bleached curls.
  • Abuse of the lightening procedure can lead to disruption of the structure of the curls. At the same time, the hair will lose elasticity, and will also become brittle and weakened.

Advice! When using chemicals, you should take care of the skin of your hands and face. Do not use lightening for dull, brittle and dry hair with split ends.

Removing yellow tint

To achieve a cool blonde, it is worth removing the yellowness that has appeared. The yellow tone can be extinguished with purple. In this case, you can use tinting paint. This composition acts superficially on the hair and does not cause harm to it.

You can also try special paints with anti-yellow properties.
Experts recommend using tinted shampoos, balms or tonics in pearl, ash or silver shades.

Yellowness can be removed using natural remedies. To do this, make a honey mask or a mixture of onion peels.

Advice! You can use shampoo in diluted form. In this case, three parts of regular shampoo are added to one part of the tint composition. A similar mixture can be used every third wash.

What not to do when dyeing?

Even if you have a strong desire to quickly change your appearance, you should not rush too much with the lightening procedure. You need to carefully bleach strands in the following cases:

  • In case of damage to the skin.
  • For those with damaged and thinning strands.
  • In the presence of allergic reactions.
  • After dyeing with henna.

Advice!You need to start bleaching only after thinking carefully. After all, if you want to return your color back, you won’t be able to do it.

Which shade should I choose?

There are many shades of blonde hair. The specialist will help you choose the appropriate tone. In this case, the paint is selected taking into account the color type of appearance:
For spring girls, light blond, ash and cold blond are suitable.
The ideal option for a summer color type would be a golden tone, honey, as well as the color of champagne or wheat.

In autumn, you should be careful with bleaching. It’s better to stick with coloring or highlighting.

Platinum, ash and light brown shades are suitable for winter girls.

Advice! Burning brunettes should not use radical hair lightening. It is better to choose more gentle bronding or ombre techniques.

Features of caring for damaged strands

  • Washing your hair is done only with lukewarm water using a special shampoo for bleached curls.
  • After washing, you should use a nourishing balm to reduce fragility.
  • Periodically it is worth using restorative masks that contain natural oils.

  • Among folk remedies, you can use rinses made from decoctions of nettle, chamomile and burdock.
  • Strands need to be hidden from intense sunlight.
  • You should not frequently use curling irons, straightening irons and hair dryers. If necessary, you need to use thermal protection products.

After dyeing your hair, in a couple of weeks you will notice regrown roots that don’t look neat. In this case, you need to tint the strands along the entire length. When painting using various techniques, such a procedure should be entrusted to a professional.

Regular hair care will always make you look stylish and elegant. At the same time, blond curls will become healthy and shiny.

Many Hollywood stars and Russian beauties choose cool blondes. In combination with an even skin color and makeup, you get the image of a fatal beauty that conquers the hearts of all men. But natural cold blonde is practically not found in nature; the shade is obtained with special dyes followed by care products to eliminate yellowness. How to choose the right lightening hair dye without yellowness?

What is the best lightening paint without yellowness - how to choose the right lightener

The final result of lightening depends on the natural color of the curls, previous chemical dyeing procedures and the condition of the curls. Here are the basic rules for changing your hair color to light:

  • Before bleaching, you need to treat damaged hairs. The pigment does not lie smoothly on loose, dry scales. Lightening will further dry out your hair.
  • To prevent the red pigment from previous staining with henna or paint from appearing, you need to remove it with special means.
  • When changing color from dark to cool blonde, you need to carry out step-by-step coloring.
  • If the natural color of the curls has a warm shade, then you need to lighten it to get a cool blonde with platinum dyes.

The choice of paints in stores is huge; in addition to mass-market products, many professional brighteners are offered.

On the product packaging you need to look for the “no yellowing” mark. It is intended for ash, platinum, silver, pearl tones.

Casting Creme Gloss

The following types of Garnier dyes are suitable for lightening dark hair:

  • Color sensation. Lightening products contain ammonia, are easy to apply and provide guaranteed results even on 100% gray hairs. The palette includes an ash-silver shade, an icy shade, and an ultra-blonde platinum shade, allowing you to lighten dark curls. The formula contains pearl particles and floral oil with a pleasant scent. Lightened curls will shimmer and shine.
  • Olia does not contain ammonia. The product contains more than 60% valuable oils. Shades of ashy, pearlescent, natural superblond allow you to get lightening without yellow tints. The dye has a mild effect and is not suitable for gray hair.

Loreal Preference

The L'Oreal company offers clarifiers in different series. They belong to the premium price segment and color hair as carefully as possible:

  • PRÉFÉRENCE Platinum provides 6-8 tones of lightening. The product does not contain ammonia and has a thick consistency. Curls acquire shine for a long time.
  • Line PRODIGY presents a coloring system with micro-oils. The product provides 100% coverage of gray hairs without creating a wig effect. Curls acquire bright color, softness and shine.
  • CASTING CRÈME GLOSS Contains royal jelly, provides care and long-lasting color. The ammonia-free product is suitable for gray hair and restores damaged structure. The dye is effective for eliminating yellowness on previously bleached strands.

PALETTE “Phytolinia”

PALETTE dyes from Schwarzkopf have an affordable price and are effective for lightening dark strands. The main thing is to study well.

  • PERFECT CARE does not contain ammonia. Silk extract in the composition gives silkiness and shine. Innovative technology of multi-layer coloring with cool or platinum blonde provides a shade without yellow tints.
  • Products Phytolines contain nourishing oils and Jojoba milk. They are suitable for toning bleached hair or permanent lightening. Shades of pure blond, super ash, white sand do not have yellow pigments.

If you need to lighten your hair color by 6 or more tones, then use persistent ammonia-containing products. To tint and eliminate the yellowness of bleached strands, it is recommended to use gentle, ammonia-free products.

What to do if your nails peel and break. A big problem, but there is a solution - what to do if.

Find out how to choose an oxidizing agent for paint. And in order not to be disappointed by an expensive procedure, find out in advance.

Which dye from the professional series is better to lighten hair?

Product lines for professionals have a wider palette than mass market products. In addition, beautiful ones are often obtained by mixing several colors.

The dyes contain valuable oils and extracts of medicinal plants that provide hair care and restoration. If you choose the right tone of a professional product, the shade will remain on your curls for at least 8 weeks.

The best products from professional lines for lightening curls without yellowness are:

  • Igora Royal Highlifts extra light blonde shades. The composition of the products is enriched with vitamin C, which strengthens and enhances the shine of curls. The dye is mixed with an oil-based oxidizing emulsion and has a gentle effect. Shades of sandre, ash, sandre extra, sandre violet will allow you to get a cool, clean blonde. She is the one who leads the creation of the blonde.
  • Available in cream and powder form. The product is intended for strong hair lightening and has a mild effect. The product provides guaranteed lightening of even dark curls, and is kept for no more than 30 minutes. The resulting light color can be easily tinted by any means.
  • Goldwell Silklift suitable for use on previously bleached curls and, if necessary, changing the shade by 5-8 tones. The product has 2 shades Beige and Ash without yellow pigments. The system includes lotion, lightening powder, stabilizer. The products contain unique patented components and pigments that control the background lightening. The dye is intended for professional use.

To maintain a pure shade, you must use shampoos and conditioners designed for cool blondes. Products based on decoctions and herbal complexes can give yellowness to curls.

You need to wash and rinse your hair with clean water. If possible, use boiled or mineral water.

The best dyes for tinting bleached hair

For tinting, unstable dyes are chosen that do not penetrate into the hairs, but remain a film on the natural sheath.

The products have a minimal percentage of ammonia or do not contain it at all. Tinted blondes have a brighter color, the strands become elastic and soft.

Dialight by L'Oreal

With the help of tinting agents, you can remove yellowness and add versatility to the shade. The best products are:

  • Intensive toning from LONDA Professional. Contains Vitaflection reflective microspheres. Curls retain their rich color for up to 24 wash cycles. The formula of the product is enriched with waxes and lipids. Curls acquire shine and silkiness. Suitable for hair with no more than 50% gray hair.
  • Dialight by L'Oreal is a tinting product for giving hair a rich color. The dye does not contain ammonia and is mixed with an oxidizing agent from the Dialight series. It has a convenient consistency, is easy to apply and does not flow. After tinting, a slight lamination effect is observed, the strands become soft and smooth.
  • Wella Color Touch contains components that help smooth out damaged hair structure. This palette has a lot of rich shades that have super durable fixation of coloring pigments. Curls acquire a bright shine and rich shade that lasts up to 8 weeks.

More interesting shades can be found in such lines as

You will find an overview of the best Russian-made organic cosmetics.

Cost and reviews from girls about use

Professional products are expensive, but their negative impact on curls is minimal. The prices for some products are given in the table:

Not all girls can lighten their hair without showing yellow tints. When contacting a salon, you can repaint it cold blonde even on dark curls. Here's what girls say about lightening dyes:

  • Vasilisa, 28, Moscow:“I have a natural dark brown color. I lighten up in the salon with Igora Royal Sandra Violet. The strands after the procedure are very soft, the color is even without yellowness.”
  • Evgeniya, 34, Saratov:“To get a cool blonde, I use Garanier color sensation in the shade icy. The dye adheres well to my light brown strands. The color lasts up to 1.5 months; I additionally use shampoos and conditioners for cool blondes.”

Color Sensation

How to lighten dark hair without dye

If you are not ready to use chemical dyes, but dream of light curls, then use one of the natural lightening methods.

A mask of heated fresh honey can whiten hairs and restore their structure. The product is distributed over the strands and scalp, and additional heating is provided with a plastic cap and a warm towel. Leave the honey for at least 6 hours, rinse with warm water.

If you have a naturally fair complexion, you can give it a cool tone by regularly rinsing with brewed green tea. For 5 liters of water you will need a cup of strong tea. An effective way to turn your hair blonde is a combination of a lemon mask and rinse.

To prepare the mask you will need 10 ml of vodka, 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 50 ml kefir, beaten chicken egg, 1 tbsp. l. shampoo. The components are mixed until smooth and distributed among the curls. Leave the product on for about an hour and wash off with water. Complete the procedure with a rinse aid prepared from 5 liters. water and 50 ml lemon juice.

A result worth a lot of effort


This video explains how to get the desired blonde without yellowness.

Last week the site introduced. Interest among readers inspired us to continue the topic, but this time we will talk about the immortal classic - blonde dyeing.

In order to conquer everyone with golden curls, today it is no longer enough to simply lighten your hair. Hollywood film stars and fashionistas dictate the fashion for complex coloring, where several shades are mixed and the effect of sun glare is created.

The main feature of modern blonde technology is the naturalness and well-groomed nature of curls. Let everyone think that this is your natural hair color! The exception is creative dyeing methods, where pink, purple or turquoise colors are mixed with a light shade.

Have you decided to change your image? Be inspired by the site’s collections of fashionable blondes and be sure: with this coloring you will look luxurious!


Complex coloring, where a smooth transition from dark to light shade is achieved using the “color stretching” technique. The play of sun glare on well-groomed strands, visual volume and mesmerizing shine are its calling card. With this coloring, even curls loose over the shoulders will outshine a glamorous cocktail hairstyle.

Pearl blonde

Initially, it was believed that this shade was suitable for a cold color type. Later, thanks to experiments with pearl blonde, a new trend appeared - “salt and pepper” coloring, which gives the strands a silvery tint. Now colorists are working with warm shades to create the effect of sun glare and even add a “pink” to the hair color.

Nude blonde

Nude is about mixing warm and cool shades to create a natural effect. This newfangled style has already been “tried on” by Cara Delevingne, Lady Gaga and many other stars of foreign show business. Its success is not accidental: a nude blonde suits almost everyone, looks natural and refreshes the complexion.

Honey blonde

The basis of this coloring style is warm golden shades, to which a little “red” is sometimes added. Honey blonde is a godsend for dark-skinned and dark-eyed girls. It looks discreet and natural, visually giving the hair additional volume.

Cold platinum

Platinum blonde is well known to everyone, but recently it has changed a little. Today, Instagram fashionistas and Hollywood film stars prefer lightening with an emphasis on cool shades. Icy blonde - this is the name of this style - is rapidly gaining popularity among the female clientele of beauty salons.

Vanilla blonde

Warm vanilla tone is equally good for both single-color and complex coloring. Whatever style you choose, do not take risks with performing the procedure yourself. A cheap store-bought product will give your hair an unsightly yellow tint - but this is not at all the effect you expect.

baby blue

And this coloring style was invented for brave girls who are not afraid of image experiments. The base of baby blue is the familiar platinum blonde, to which turquoise, blue and even lilac shades are mixed. Sometimes it is enough to simply color the ends of the strands: then you will get an extravagant ombre.

Strawberry blonde

No, this is not at all dyeing your hair a flashy bright color. For strawberry blonde, golden, peach and, of course, pink shades are mixed. The resulting shade advantageously emphasizes both warm golden and cool porcelain skin tones.


As in the case of shatush, in this technique several natural shades are mixed to make the hair sparkle with sun highlights. But it differs in the method of applying the dye: the master dyes the strands with sweeping movements. The result is a natural effect and beautiful color tints. There are no color restrictions for balayage: the desired shades can be selected from a warm or cold range.

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