Congratulations to the management for the New Year. How to congratulate the director on the New Year in your own words? Gifts for subordinates and colleagues for the New Year

Good day! Exchanging greeting cards and emails is an important element of business etiquette. Such a symbolic sign of attention will be an unconditional expression of your respect and will certainly be pleasant to your boss. Brief, but succinct, sincere, but business-like, restrained. This is exactly what a competent New Year greeting for a manager should look like.

We offer your choice of the best Happy New Year greetings to your boss in verse and prose. Whether it is a woman or a man, there is a congratulations for everyone. Choose and congratulate!

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to a woman boss in verse and prose

The house smells like fresh pine,
It's time to celebrate the New Year,
Round dances near the Christmas tree,
Driven by adults and children.
Congratulations to you, colleague,
We sincerely wish you happiness and goodness,
Let your life be blooming,
Let your dream come true.

A wonderful, bright time is coming,
You and I, colleague, will celebrate the New Year.
So let's lift this unnecessary heavy burden,
Backbreaking work and all sorts of everyday worries.
Today you and I, my beloved colleague,
We open our life to a clean slate,
And let it be like festive pure snow,
Your career ladder will rise upward.

It's hard to be a boss, no doubt.
And if it’s a woman, doubly so.
Opinions must be taken into account
To be a friend in peace and a judge in war.
To be loyal and at the same time strict,
Give orders and demand an account.
The boss has an enormous amount of work to do,
And my daughter is waiting for her mother at home!
We wish you a lot of strength and charm in the New Year,
Strong “Need”, fulfilled “I Want”!
Even though you are a boss, you are still a lady!
You can handle it, you can do it!

Our dear boss, Happy New Year!
You are so beautiful in this winter hour,
Let under the frosty sky,
Life will give you all the best.

May beauty continue to bloom
Slaying all the men around,
Let the soul of sadness never know
There should be no reason for sadness.

Happy New Year Boss Lady!
We wish it to come true
Your best wish
Super miracle waiting!

Let the snowflakes dance
He will call you to the world of happiness,
Fireworks will fly high into the sky
In these glorious moments!

Our dear boss, cordially
Happy New Year to you!
Let love surround you carelessly,
Happiness so that the light does not go out.

May good luck in every endeavor
Brings you pleasure and income,
May everyone's wishes come true,
Every moment blooms with smiles.

Dear boss, congratulations to you
Happy New Year today!
We wish you great success in everything
And life shone with goodness.

Let happiness pierce the soul,
Let love warm you every day and hour.
Let both problems and bad weather pass by,
Let peace never leave you.

Happy New Year! This year I wish you to devote as much time as possible to your loved one - to pamper yourself, to acquire a lot of things and jewelry. I wish that everything goes well at work and that your subordinates respect and love you.

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to a male boss in verse and prose

We wish you a Happy New Year, our constant director. Let the work not lose its intensity and positive vector. Let luck pursue you and let the insidious crisis run away. Let there be happiness in your personal life, May your business grow and prosper.

A strict but fair boss, a serious but positive man, the team is in a hurry to congratulate you on the New Year! We wish the entire company wonderful weather. Great and lasting personal happiness to you. So that money flows like water from a source. There was enough strength and health in abundance, The family warmed me with warmth and love.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts on the New Year
Celebrate a wonderful holiday without worries,
Find prosperity in every day,
Health, mood and success.

We wish you inspiration for your tasks,
So that each of them brings prosperity,
May the New Year bring you good luck,
Goals and plans leading to the top.

Dear boss, congratulations!
May the New Year fulfill your dreams,
Let health strengthen itself,
Surrounded by a sea of ​​happiness and warmth.

Your courage, calm and strength
They deserve respect, no matter how you look at it.
I wish that fate brought you
More joy, success and love.

Chief, let me congratulate you
Happy New Year to us from the bottom of our hearts,
May success take you by storm
In your fast round dance.

Let the money flow like a river,
Let the team respect you.
Let life be happy
And nothing upsets you.

We wish you Happy New Year
Happiness, joy, love,
The thicket is full to the brim
There will be home and family!

You are the best boss
Everyone among us knows
Let it be thick on the table,
To please the eye!

So that dreams come true too,
And we will help in any way we can,
Long life in abundance,
May she be so sweet!

The team of our company is in a hurry to congratulate you on the advent of the New Year, a new stage in your activity, which must become a significant period for all of us - a time of change for the better. Please accept our warmest wishes for goodness, health, love and spiritual harmony. May you, as if by a wave of a magic wand, be able to turn all your plans into reality, and may new victories bring prosperity and financial well-being to our company. We thank you for your professionalism and reliability, which gives us invaluable confidence in the future!

We hasten to congratulate our beloved boss on the most magical holiday! May luck always accompany you in all your plans and projects and help you achieve qualitatively new business and personal heights. May the coming year bring you meetings with reliable, accommodating and supportive business partners

Happy New Year, our dear boss. In the new year, I wish you to be a brave pioneer, a gallant captain, a courageous man, a successful figure, a worthy winner and the owner of a lucky ticket.

May the New Year bring new heights to your life. I wish your business prosperity, good health and good mood!

Happy New Year greetings to the school principal in verse and prose

Please accept congratulations,

Our school director.
Become bright and successful
A new year is coming.

Strength, patience and health,
Happiness, joy, good luck.
Let the school prosper
Let everything be resolved.

Dear Director, Happy New Year
The school staff congratulates you!
Let life be under a vault of happiness
It will shine like a shining diamond.

May your health become stronger
May your cherished dreams come true.
Let sadness not hurt your soul,
Let the sea of ​​warmth warm your heart.

Let your wishes come true
On this magical New Year!
We wish you only prosperity,
May school bring you joy!

Goodness, love, warmth, prosperity,
Lots of health, lots of strength,
We only want order in everything,
May every day be successful!

We wish you a Happy New Year
I was full of happiness and success!
May joy come this night,
Let there be a lot of laughter!

We would like to wish you all the best,
Let everything be fine at school
Let all things go to "five"
Live in peace and prosperity!

Happy New Year, wonderful director of the best school. May the coming year give you a lot of opportunities and good ideas, may only good news and happy events await you in the new year. I wish you health and prosperity in the family, respect and success at school, prosperity and good luck in life

Happy New Year! Let this year be easy and carefree for school and for your family. Wherever you appear, a good mood and positive emotions arise. I wish you to reach career heights!

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A wonderful holiday is getting closer and closer - New Year, and we are all preparing for it by buying Christmas trees and gifts for loved ones. Many people have a situation when they need to congratulate their boss on this wonderful holiday. And it doesn’t matter whether such a congratulation will be given at a New Year’s corporate party, or the gift will be given to him right in his office - in both cases, appropriate congratulatory verses are appropriate. We have selected several such quatrains on the Internet with congratulations to the boss on the New Year 2019, and each of them can be useful in this situation.

Today is a holiday, our happy New Year!

And Santa Claus brings us a Christmas tree from the forest!

I will congratulate my boss today,

I'll leave him a present under the Christmas tree!

Dear boss, I congratulate you,

And I wish him all the best.

May a glorious New Year come,

May it bring you happiness too!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

I send you warm greetings today.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

May you be healthy for a thousand years!

On New Year's Day, everyone's dreams come true,

There is so much happiness and beauty in the New Year.

Happy New Year to the boss,

I wish him well-being and happiness!

Santa Claus is coming to us for a joyful holiday,

Santa Claus carries a big bag for the holiday!

Santa Claus, congratulate my boss,

Wish him well and the best of everything!

Let's celebrate a glorious New Year together,

May you be lucky with your boss all your life,

May our and his dreams come true,

Let everything come true, love and beauty!

Everyone is dressed up and singing today,

Because today is New Year!

My boss and I are together again today,

So let's not sit in one place!

My boss and I will celebrate the New Year together,

And may he bring us happiness and love!

Congratulations to the boss today,

Of course, I wish him joy,

I'll give him a good gift,

And still a good job!

Happy New Year, adults and children!

Happy New Year, people of the planet.

I only want to work with you!

On New Year's Day, everyone's eyes glow,

There are always miracles in the New Year,

On this day the boss's dreams come true,

Everything you dream about comes true!

We will be together today, you and I.

After all, today you can’t even sleep,

It’s necessary because we’re celebrating the New Year!

On New Year's Day we will dance together,

Let everyone dance and sing by the Christmas tree,

May your dreams come true in the New Year,

My boss, hurry up and dream too!

Happy New Year, dear boss,

Happy New Year, my glorious boss,

I am glad to congratulate you on the holiday today,

After all, today is New Year’s holiday!

My dear boss,

It's good that I work with you

I will never leave you.

I wish my boss Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all employees!

The Christmas trees are all lit up today, sparkling everywhere,

Guests are invited to your house for a holiday!

The boss is good, congratulations,

I wish you good health and happiness,

May your dreams come true in the New Year,

May everything you dream about come true!

On New Year's Day people's dreams come true,

On New Year's Day, wish for whatever you want.

Happy New Year, I congratulate the boss,

After all, working with such a boss is good!

Today is a holiday, our beloved New Year!

And Santa Claus is already bringing us a Christmas tree from the forest!

We'll sing a song under the tree with the boss,

We live a fun life with a good boss!

We are going to celebrate the New Year today,

We will sing songs and dance with you.

I congratulate the boss today,

And I wish him success in his work!

I wish you Happy New Year,

And I will give you a beautiful song,

I wish you Happy New Year,

I love my boss very much!

The Snow Maiden came from the forest to us,

And brought fun and dancing to us,

Today, although it is cold and frosty,

But still, Santa Claus will hurry to us.

Come join us in a round dance,

And of course, sing along to the song!

Today the New Year is coming to us,

And our boss, of course, is waiting for him!

Happy New Year, dear boss,

Good work, fun with you,

After all, the New Year is coming again,

Every person is waiting for him.

Dreams come true on New Year's Day,

Tell Santa everything,

A star will light up for you in the sky,

And he will fulfill your dream.

On New Year's Day, get up in a round dance,

Sing a song with us soon,

Let all bosses' dreams come true,

They are all, of course, very, very good!


With these festive verses you can congratulate your boss on the upcoming New Year 2019. They can be spoken orally, or you can sign a greeting card with such quatrains. In any case, the boss will be pleased. It remains to wish our dear readers and their families happiness, health and prosperity in the New Year.

Happy New Year
You, boss, with all my heart.
I sincerely wish you happiness,
Sometimes you need to rest
To keep the work moving,
Never be sad!
And now - forget your worries,
It's time to celebrate!

As if on a holiday, I go to work,
Ready for Sunday and Saturday
I will work under your leadership!
So that your health does not let you down,
So that happiness is always nearby,
So that loved ones love,
I wish you, boss, a Happy New Year!
May great luck await you!

The team congratulates you,
After all, the New Year is rushing towards us!
Today, forgetting about the bad,
Let's have fun!
May happiness come to you soon,
Celebrate this day
We wish you loyal friends!
And don't scold us.

Today is a holiday on the planet,
And it's called New Year!
Be the happiest person in the world
I wish you joy!
Thank you, leader,
We all cannot cope without you!
Strive to achieve your goal
And may you be lucky in life!

Thank you for your understanding,
Sometimes difficult tasks
You distribute to your subordinates,
But you are always held in high esteem by us!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And I wish you well in the New Year!
Like a lady boss you are good
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

You, as a woman, are beautiful,
Let me tell you.
As a boss, you are dangerous,
You cannot but be respected!
Congratulations to you on the New Year,
And we want to be like this -
Never getting discouraged
Love the dear team!

Congratulations, boss,
I wish you a sweet life,
Don't be sad and don't be sad,
Celebrating this holiday.
May the New Year be joyful,
And good luck will come to you!
Let every day be blissful,
And love to you all year round!

May the New Year bring love,
And it will give you a lot of luck.
May he fulfill his dreams again
And leads you on the right path.
Subordinates are quick to say,
That they respect you very much!
You are like a mother to the team!
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts!

To you, our beloved boss,
We dedicate these lines -
We wish you a new year
Don't be too strict with us,
So that more often in the year of the snake
Our salary was increased
Well, we wish you -
May you rest more!

Congratulations for the boss on the New Year 2019 of the Earth Pig, choose below in the article.

Happy New Year greetings for the boss 2019 in verse

Hurry up Happy New Year
Accept congratulations,
Dear boss,
We couldn't find you better.

We wish you success
Never lose heart.
And we also wish you
Prosper and win.

You lead our team
And you govern us wisely.
Happy New Year!
Let him please you with income,
Bright success, prosperity,
May everyone's wishes come true,
So that at work and in the family
You were always in charge.
We wish you very strong nerves,
The ideas are always great.
May the coming New Year
It will only bring you happiness.

May the New Year be successful,
All problems will be solved at once.
Let there be no problems at all,
And the profit will come 10 times!

Try to live without stress,
And smile at everyone more often.
May the year pass without grief
And it will give you inspiration!

Under your leadership
It's very easy to work with!
You just need to learn
Work with all your heart.

Here you put your soul into the matter -
And everything will get better
With a special approach!
Boss, Happy New Year!

The New Year is knocking on the door,
And everyone wants to believe in a miracle.
Let your wishes come true
And the year will bring prosperity.

May there be peace and light at home,
I wish you many years of health.
May your days be filled with warmth
Let all sorrows become sleep!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, boss,
So that the New Year brings joy,
So that he gives you happiness,
So that luck follows on your heels.

So that with the coming of this year
Income increased threefold,
So that everything you have long dreamed of,
Easily turned into reality!

New Year's greetings for the boss 2019 in prose

Happy New Year, a new beginning on the path to success, happiness and prosperity. You are a wonderful boss and a good person, and I wish you not to lose these qualities in the new year. May you be lucky all year, may you succeed in achieving any goals, may this year be good and successful for you.

Our dear, dear, best boss! Our friendly, cheerful, hardworking team with all our hearts and with all sincerity hastens to congratulate you on the New Year, new changes, new emotions and happiness! We wish you that every new day will be better, brighter, more entertaining and productive than the previous one, that you will be surrounded by conscientious, efficient and good people, that all your ideas and plans will come true!

I wish you the summit of Everest in the New Year! May all your deeds and actions be doomed to resounding success! Boundless happiness and joy to you and your family in the coming year! Let the love and care of your loved ones become your shield from all misfortunes and problems. I wish you fabulous wealth and grandiose victories!

Happy New Year! You are an example for every subordinate, you are truly a wonderful person. I want to wish you patience, high achievements, wisdom, good spirits, strength, satisfaction and stability. May prosperity reign in your family. Happy holiday!

How to congratulate your boss on New Year 2019

As if on a holiday, I go to work,
Ready for Sunday and Saturday
I will work under your leadership!
So that your health does not let you down,

So that happiness is always nearby,
So that loved ones love,
I wish you, boss, a Happy New Year!
May great luck await you!

Today is a holiday on the planet,
And it's called New Year!
Be the happiest person in the world
I wish you joy!

Thank you, leader,
We all cannot cope without you!
Strive to achieve your goal
And may you be lucky in life!

You are like our boss -
Gloomy... even menacing!
And in fact -
You're just serious.

And also responsible
You're getting to the point,
And the decision is right
You always find it.

We wish you a new year
Smile more often
Make a little joke
And even laugh!

We, in turn,
We won't let you down -
After all, one way
We are coming with you!

The New Year is coming soon,
We promise not to be lazy in it,
Our team will remain proud
Working next to you every day!

Despite the routine of life,
We have found a second family!
And we are sure that the team
You are needed as the helm of a ship!

Happy New Year,
You, boss, with all my heart!
I wish you the best
On New Year's Day like this!

The New Year is already coming to earth -
And on the Holiday the days are light and good.
Energy, excellent health
We wish our boss from the bottom of our hearts!

Live inspired and rich.
Let warmth, comfort and laughter await you at home,
Let there be only joyful dates
And let success accompany you in everything!

There are garlands everywhere, smoke above the chimneys.
We want to congratulate the boss on the holiday!
Success in business, easy days without adversity,
May the New Year give you health!

Happy New Year to you, boss,
Let life be wonderful!
The most worthy person
The team loves you very much!

I want to wish you a Happy New Year,
And I wish you success!
Let all your worries be a joy,
Don't let yourself be discouraged!

Easy and simple to implement
Let your cherished dreams come true!
No big deal - don't worry!
Let joy overflow!

Happy New Year
You, boss, with all my heart.
I sincerely wish you happiness,
Sometimes you need to rest

To keep the work moving,
Never be sad!
And now - forget your worries,
It's time to celebrate!

The team congratulates you,
After all, the New Year is rushing towards us!
Today, forgetting about the bad,
Let's have fun!

May happiness come to you soon,
Celebrate this day
We wish you loyal friends!
And don't scold us.

To you, our beloved boss,
We dedicate these lines -
We wish you a new year
Don't be too strict with us,

So that more often in the new year
Our salary was increased
Well, we wish you -
May you rest more!

Our boss! Happy New Year
I congratulate you,
Goodness and health
Today I wish!

Let them come true
Your wishes!
Good luck and happiness!
And life will become more beautiful!

Happy New Year to the boss,
Let's make a hearty toast.
May the road be easy,
Success and happiness await you in everything!

Live joyfully and boldly,
Colleagues and friends nearby.
Let your business prosper
And the family prospers!

I congratulate the boss on the holiday,
I wish you success in business and health.
There are lights everywhere, New Year is not far away.
So let only good things await you in it!

Congratulations to you, boss,
And on a wonderful New Year
I wish you only the best!
Let success come in business!

Dear boss, congratulations
And wishes for better new days.
Be more patient when working with us,
And surrounded by devoted friends.

May the New Year bring you good luck,
Let love disturb your peace,
Let life go with happiness only in addition
And let it be like this for the whole year!

Everyone's favorite leader,
Our friendly team congratulates you!
Reliable guardian angel,
We wish you to stay for the New Year!

And let the years fly by quickly,
Accumulating triumph, victories and successes!
The star of luck will never go out,
Shining on your historical milestones!

Dear boss, please accept our sincere congratulations on the New Year. May good luck and success accompany you in all your endeavors in the coming year. We wish you peaceful service at work, comfort and warmth in your family, less grief and adversity. Let your eyes shine with happiness, and let sincere love live in your heart.

On the New Year we congratulate
We send our greetings to the chief:
Laughter, money, inspiration,
Sandwiches with caviar.

Be healthy, leader.
Smile on New Year's Day.
You are a winner in life.
Live in a hassle-free world.

Santa Claus gifts for you
He will bring it in his bag.
Let the New Year be bright!
We'll sing together too!

New Year plays with snowflakes,
Looking for protection and abode.
He will come to visit you very soon,
Our dearest leader!

A whole cartload of gifts will be brought to you
And even things we never dreamed of.
And this will move you to tears,
Taking your problems and sorrows with you!

It's not easy to successfully lead a team. But you managed it perfectly last year, which means it will be even better in the coming year! We wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality, fresh ideas and the right decisions in the New Year! We congratulate you on the New Year of success, victories and achievements!

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