Pattern for the heel of the sock. Methods of knitting the heel of a sock on knitting needles

A reinforced heel was knitted several decades ago. In recent years, needlewomen have returned to it again. Simple knitting pattern + more resistant to wear. Suitable for wearing under shoes.

Usually socks are knitted on five needles. Knitting is located on 4x, the fifth is knitted.

The heel is knitted on two knitting needles. The tip from the set of loops should look inside the leg. If you fold the knitting so that two knitting needles are on top, two on the bottom, then for the left leg the tip should be on the right. For the right leg - on the left.

We begin the strengthened heel by transferring the knitting to one knitting needle. We do not knit in circles, but knit and purl rows. Knitting on one needle, knitting with the second needle.

We do not touch the knitting on the upper needles yet.

You can first knit one front row, one purl row.

Reinforced heel. Knitting pattern

Next we knit according to the pattern: one knit stitch, remove one unknitted, one knitted one, one unknitted; knit to the end of the row. Knitting is on two needles, so we remove the first loop unknitted - this is the first edge stitch. We knit the last loop purlwise. This rule applies to both the front side and the back. With these edging“braids” are formed, from which we will later raise loops.

We knit from the wrong side all loops purl. We also knit the unknitted loops on the front side

The loops, which are removed unknitted, will form a convex braid according to the pattern.

The length of the heel lift (number of rows) depends on the volume of the leg. For an average fullness leg of size 37-39, 12 - 15 rows are sufficient.

Video instruction

The heel of the sock is the most “washable” part. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers darned their socks in these very places. Such a scheme will make this part, vulnerable to holes, stronger.

If you like to knit socks in a simple pattern, for example, a reinforced heel would look great!

After knitting the reinforced heel, the heel itself is knitted. One way is a horseshoe heel. You can see a step-by-step description of knitting.

Woolen socks knitted at home,— what could be more pleasant on cold winter evenings? In knitting, they are considered the simplest products, but they also have their own nuances. The most difficult thing for beginners is the heel, which requires mastery of certain skills. But if you wish, you can cope with this without much difficulty by learning how to knit the heel of a sock in a classic way.

How to knit the heel of a sock?

The heel of the sock is the place subject to the greatest wear, so when knitting it should be given more strength than the rest of the product.

  • To do this, as soon as you approach the heel, add nylon to the main wool thread. Divide the knitting fabric into equal parts. Start knitting one part, which will become the heel. To make knitting more convenient, drop all the stitches from two knitting needles of this part onto one.

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  • Now proceed to knitting the heel in height. To determine the required height, remember, the number of edge loops must be equal to the original number of loops on one knitting needle. If at the very beginning of knitting a sock there were 15 loops on the knitting needles, then the number of edge loops should be 15, and for this you need to knit 30 rows.
  • Finish knitting the heel height with the front row, this is mandatory. To shape the heel, decrease the middle stitches of the heel portion of the knitting. To do this, visually divide the finished canvas into 3 identical parts. If the number of loops cannot be divided by 3, then add the remainder obtained from division to the middle. For example, the total number of loops is 34, leave 11 at the edges, and leave 12 loops in the middle.
  • Knit the first decreasing row using purl stitches. Knit the first part of the side loops and all the loops in the middle, except one. Knit the remaining loop together with the loop of the second outer part.
  • The second row is knitted like the first. First knit the side loops, then the middle part without one loop. Now knit this loop together with the first loop of the second side part of the heel.

Thus, until only the middle heel stitches remain on the knitting needle, alternate the first and second row. Knit the heel until its length is the same as the length of the middle part of the sock.

Knitting sock heels: classic version

Before you start knitting the heel, prepare the threads and 4 knitting needles. The knitting needles must be the same thickness. After you knit the top of the sock to the beginning of the foot and the elastic, select the type of heel you want to knit. The heel of the sock can be knitted in 2 ways: at an angle or classically straight. It is best to opt for a straight heel, it is simpler.

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  • On two adjacent knitting needles, knit a fabric with a number of rows of 2 p. less than the number of loops on the knitting needles. Knit it alternating knit and purl stitches.
  • Then proceed to knitting the edge of the heel. Distribute the loops from 2 knitting needles to 3. Knit the middle part, borrowing loops from the remaining knitting needles.
  • Be sure to knit the last loop on the middle knitting needle in each row with the loop located on the outermost knitting needle next to it. You should have so many rows that the loops remain only on the fabric of the middle knitting needle. This way you will tie the bottom of the heel.
  • Add loops from the side edges of the heel, redistributing them onto 4 knitting needles and continuing to knit the fabric in a circle. In each row, be sure to narrow the fabric by 2 loops on each side until their number is the same as at the very beginning of knitting an elastic sock. Only after this can you continue knitting to create the toe.
  • If you still decide to knit the toe of the heel at an angle, change the proposed pattern a little. In this case, the heel angle is created at the junction of the knitting needles only by decreasing and then increasing the number of loops in the side of the heel. With this option, knitting the heel with knitting needles and the sock takes on a more rounded shape. Typically, this knitting option is used when machine knitting tights and socks.

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Knitting sock heels with knitting needles at an angle

Take 2 knitting needles, wool thread, synthetic or gray thread.

  • First tie the heel wall. To work you will need the first and fourth knitting needles. Transfer the loops to one needle. Decide on the desired height and knit the required number of reverse and straight rows with facial loops.
  • Calculate the number of rows as follows: the number of edge loops should correspond to the number that was on the knitting needle. For example, there were 10 loops on the knitting needle, which means there are 10 edge loops, as a result, 20 rows are needed for the heel wall. The last row of the heel wall should turn out to be the front one.
  • Now move on to knitting the heel cup of the sock. Divide the finished fabric into 3 equal parts and transfer them to separate knitting needles. Add the remaining loop to the middle. You should have an equal number of loops on the right and left needles, and a little more on the middle one if the total number of loops was odd.
  • Knit the first row of the heel with purl stitches. Take 6 loops from the left side, and then from the middle. Purl the last loop of the middle part together with the loop of the right side. Leave the remaining side loops unknitted and turn the knitting over. Now the front side of the heel is in front of you.

By learning how to knit wool socks, you can protect your entire family from the cold in winter. We will explain how to knit socks. Having mastered the recommendations for beginners step by step, you can move on to more serious things. You will not be confused by jacquard patterns, patchwork style, knitted patterns and braids on socks.

p.s In the last article we looked at how to crochet socks

You will be able to create knitted socks with patterns designed for women, men and children - it will not be difficult for you.

How to knit socks on 5 knitting needles for beginners

We will tell you how to knit socks on 5 knitting needles for beginners. With this knitting technique, the products are obtained without seams. We knit the socks in a spiral so that they fit perfectly to the leg. The process starts from the top of the sock towards the toe, knitting must be done in the round. The loops are cast on four of the prepared knitting needles, with the fifth being the working one.

To calculate the number of loops required, you need to take into account the leg circumference. You will need two such circles:

  • in the instep area, measured from the heel to the instep;
  • legs near the foot, measured above the bone; this is where the leg is thinnest.

Both of these dimensions must be added and the resulting value divided by two, obtaining the average circumference. If the circumference in the instep is 31 centimeters, and in the thin part of the leg - 21 cm, then their sum is 52 cm, and half of it is 26 cm. The set of loops is calculated from this size. The number of stitches obtained by calculation must be rounded to a multiple of four so that there are no problems with working on four knitting needles.

Having collected the required number of loops, divide them equally between four knitting needles and begin to form an elastic band using the circular knitting method. Its size is usually 5-6 cm, but you can reduce it if you wish. Next, using the knitting method, 7-8 centimeters are knitted to the beginning of the heel.

It is necessary to knit the heel of the sock on knitting needles from half the number of stitches, the rest remain on those knitting needles that are not currently used. On two of the knitting needles, a 5.5 - 6-centimeter fabric is knitted, representing the height of the heel. Its size is related to the rise of a particular leg; it can be made smaller, but after size 35 it is a constant size.

Now you need to provide the heel with the necessary shape, make it descend, dividing the loops into three equal parts. If the number of loops is not divisible by three, that is, there are excess loops left, they must be connected to the central heel part. The loops located in the center can be continued to be knitted further, and the loops forming the sides of the heel are connected to the loops located in the center.

The descent of the loops should begin from the wrong side and end from the front side. Two-thirds of all loops are knitted purl-wise, after which two loops are knitted together with a purl-type loop - the last of the central ones and the initial one from the third part. Then the knitting unfolds and continues on the front heel side. During the turn, the initial loop is removed without knitting.

Knitting continues with knit stitches, and the last loop from among the central ones with the initial loop from the first part is knitted together using the broaching method (the first of the loops is removed, the second is knitted like a knit stitch, after which the removed loop is transferred to the previously knitted one). Next, the knitting is turned again, the initial loop is removed without knitting it, and everything is repeated.

Knitting must be continued until the side loops are closed. Next, the loops are cast on the side heel part, in each even row one of the loops is cast on, and in addition another loop is made, therefore, three loops are cast on for two rows. Next comes the transition to the circular knitting method.

The loops left on the knitting needles are put to work, the loops are again cast on from the sides of the heel and from its central part. The initial row is knitted with knit stitches, then in each even circular row, starting from the tip of the first knitting needle, the 3rd and 2nd loops are knitted with a knit stitch, and on the 4th knitting needle the 2nd and 3rd stitches are knitted knitted together using the broach method. This way the heel fits better to the foot.

The decreases are repeated until the number of loops is equal to the initial one, which was cast on at the very beginning of the work. The foot is knitted around the circumference in knit stitch up to the beginning of the big toe or to the tip of the little toe. Next the toe is knitted. The loops are decreased as follows: in an even row, the 3rd and 2nd loops from the tips of the first and third knitting needles are knitted together using the knit stitch type, and on the 2nd and 4th knitting needles, the second and third loops can be knitted together using the broaching method. When only half of all stitches remain, these removals begin in all rows until the last four stitches remain. All that remains is to pull them together with thread and tie them. Now you have an idea of ​​how to knit socks.

How to knit socks on two needles for beginners

Having learned how to knit a simple pattern of socks using five knitting needles, let's now see how to knit socks on two knitting needles. In this case, you can also use circular knitting needles. This method allows you to knit beautiful socks; the patterns allow you to create patterns of varying complexity. Some people are concerned that this knitting technique leaves a seam on the toe. But it is enough to finish it beautifully, to connect the edges correctly, so that this seam is not noticeable either by sight or to the touch.

Video examples of knitting on five needles

Knitting socks using five knitting needles for beginners. The women's sock with an elastic band is knitted on short needles, size 3.5. For knitting, you need to cast on 48 loops, which are evenly distributed at the rate of 12 loops on each knitting needle.

Video lesson:

Socks for beginners. Knitted on five needles from cuff to toe. Knitting needles No. 2 were used. There are 250 meters of yarn per 100 grams. The fiber in it is half wool and half acrylic. The socks are designed for sizes 35–37. The length of the sock is approximately 20 cm. This is a classic way to create socks.

Video lesson:

The simplest classic, seamless granny socks, knitted on five needles. Designed for the feet of a two-year-old child whose foot length is 14-15 centimeters. Knitting needles number 2 - 2.5 were used, yarn produced by Pekhorka, Derevenskaya, it contains 100% wool. There are 250 meters of thread per 100 grams. It doesn't hurt to have leftovers of the same wool in other colors to create jewelry. Cast on 10 stitches on each knitting needle.

Video lesson:

Children's socks knitted with knitting needles. Since the sock is small, you can knit on three needles, and 10 stitches are cast on each. The work begins with knitting an elastic band 1:1.

Video lesson:

Knitted socks for beginners. The yarn should be the same thickness as the knitting needles. If you take a thread thicker than the knitting needles, the sock will be denser, and if you use a thread that is thinner than the knitting needles, the knitting will be less dense. The socks will be knitted in two threads. The yarn is 200 meters long per 100 grams. For the toe and heel area, synthetic thread is used in addition to woolen thread. You can use nylon thread or wool mixed with synthetics. Knitting needles with a diameter of 2.5 millimeters were used.

Video lesson:

Video examples of knitting on two needles

Warm socks without seams for foot size 37-38 will require 60 grams of yarn, half wool and half acrylic. In a skein there are 240 meters per 100 grams. You can use knitting needles with diameters of 3.5 or 4 mm. The work starts from the front, then the sole fabric is knitted and finally the heel. Socks are knitted on two needles.

Video lesson:

Simple socks, knitted on two knitting needles. It’s easier to knit on two needles, although you end up with a sock with a seam. Knitting needles No. 3.5 and yarn were used, in which there are 240 meters per 100 grams. Cast on 50 loops - 48 for the sock itself and two edge loops.

Video lesson:

Socks on two knitting needles are knitted from half-wool, which will require about 100 grams. Knitting needles used are No. 2. The socks are designed for foot size 37, but if you want, you can increase the size. A seam is formed on the inside of the sock.

Video lesson:

A simplified method of knitting socks using two knitting needles. This is twice as fast as with five spokes. To clarify the number of loops, it is better to knit a sample of 10 or 20 loops. After knitting the elastic, you can switch to knitting in stockinette stitch.

Video lesson:

A simple way to make knitted socks on two knitting needles. Many people find it inconvenient to work with five knitting needles, but socks that do not have a seam can be knitted using only two knitting needles. It is advisable to use multi-colored yarn, enough leftovers. Knitting needles used number 3.5.

Video lesson:

Cast on the number of stitches on two knitting needles according to the girth of the leg and distribute the loops evenly across 4 knitting needles. In our case, 44 loops for knitting a sock for a 6-7 year old child. We knit the cuff of the sock with a 2x2 elastic band.

We knit 8-10 rows in stockinette stitch (depending on the desired length of the sock).

To knit the heel, we continue to knit on two needles - the 1st and 4th. The number of rows should be equal to the number of loops on 2 knitting needles. If there are 22 loops on 2 knitting needles, then the number of rows is equal to 22.

Next, to form the heel, all heel loops must be divided into 3 equal parts. And then we knit only the middle part of the three, simultaneously decreasing the loops on the sides. Namely: we start from the wrong side and knit the loops of the side part, the loops of the middle part, and we knit the last loop of the middle part together with the first loop of the other side part with a purl loop. We turn the knitting.

We knit the middle part from the front side. We always remove the first loop unknitted. To decrease the side part from the front side, remove the last loop of the middle part as in knitting, knit the 1st loop of the side part and put the removed loop on the knitted one. Turn the knitting.

We continue decreasing the loops until only the middle part loops remain on the knitting needle.

After this, cast on the side loops on the knitting needles. To prevent the cast-on loops from forming holes, cast on the loops with crossed loops. After casting on the stitches on four knitting needles, there will be more stitches than there were before knitting the heel. All excess loops should be reduced. To do this, at the end of 1 needle, knit the last 2 stitches together. And at the beginning of the 4th knitting needle we make a decrease with slip (that is, slip 1 loop, knit the second one, put the slipped loop on the knitted one).

Between each decreased row, knit 1-2 rows without decreasing. We continue decreasing until the original number of loops remains (what was before the heel was formed). You will have an instep wedge.

Heel in short rows or boomerang

Cast on the knitting needles the required number of stitches corresponding to the size of your feet. In our case, this is 44 loops. Knit an elastic band of the required height, several rows using stockinette stitch. To knit heels in short rows, you need to knit stitches on the 1st and 4th knitting needles. First, we make a calculation - we divide the loops on these two knitting needles into 3 parts. In our case, we divide 22 loops into three parts. The middle part is the width of the heel - 8 loops, 2 side parts - 7 loops each.

We knit the upper part of the heel.

1st row - knit stitches on the 1st and 4th knitting needles. Turn the knitting and knit the 2nd row: 1 double loop (leave the thread before work, remove the 1st loop, pull the thread back, while the loop is put on the knitting needle and becomes double), knit the remaining loops purl.

Double loops help avoid holes in the fabric when forming the heel.

3rd row - 1 double loop (thread before work, remove the 1st loop as a knit stitch), knit all other loops to a double loop. We turn the knitting.

4th row - 1 double loop, knit the remaining loops purl to a double loop. Turn the knitting.

We knit in short rows until there are 8 loops left between the double loops.

Knit two rows of knit stitches in the round. Next we knit the lower part of the heel.

1st row (loops of the 1st and 4th needles) - knit 16, turn knitting,

2nd row - 1 double loop, purl 9, turn knitting,

3rd row - 1 double loop, knit all the loops up to the double loop, knit the double loop, knit the next loop, turn the knitting,

4th row - 1 double loop, purl all loops up to the double loop, purl the double loop, purl the next loop, turn knitting,

etc. repeat until the bottom of the heel is completed.

After this, we begin knitting in the round on four knitting needles.

Knitting socks is a fascinating, but also difficult activity, since this process contains several rather complex elements that cannot always be knitted correctly the first time. This is especially true for the heel, because this is the area that requires precise calculation of the required number of loops.

If the measurements from the leg were taken incorrectly, the knitted product will not fit well on the leg and will cause a lot of discomfort while wearing.

What elements does the sock consist of?

Before knitting socks, it is worth finding out what sections the knitted product should consist of.

A traditional sock includes the following elements:

  • The cast-on edge is the uppermost part of the sock, which is assembled using various cast-on methods.
  • The leg is the part of the product that is directly adjacent to the edge of the sock. As a rule, it is formed with various patterns, since the leg is most noticeable when wearing socks in shoes;
  • The heel is an important component of the product, which is assembled in both straight and reverse rows. The most common methods for shaping this area are the “boomerang” and stepped heel;
  • The instep wedge is a detail that makes the toe more “fitted” by connecting the heel and sole loops. It is in this area that the number of loops (units) is reduced so that the product fits the leg;
  • The foot is the segment between the toe and the heel. It is usually assembled using stockinette stitch from fairly strong threads, since the foot experiences serious stress while wearing;
  • The toe is an important component of the sock, which covers the toe area. As a rule, it is assembled using a tape method, thanks to which it is possible to narrow the part, making it suitable for the size of the fingers.

Knitting with regular knitting needles

How to knit the heel of a sock correctly with regular knitting needles? This master class will cover two assembly methods: the corner formation method and the rotation method. Each of them has its own characteristics, so let’s look at the diagram step by step on how to properly knit the heel of a sock with knitting needles.

In any case, the assembly of the workpiece begins with the elastic band and the formation of the stocking. Having knitted to the heel area, you need to fold all the loops located on 3-4 knitting needles onto one. To clearly demonstrate the method, we cast on 20 loops, imagining that this is half the circumference of the product.

Angle formation method:

  • Set of loops. Forming small loops, knit the first row purlwise. In this case, the first loop must be removed and not knitted. In addition, the last unit, on the contrary, is always knitted on the wrong side. At the end of the first row, a double loop should be formed from the last two units;
  • The first row should be formed so as to shorten the last loop;

  • The second row is formed in a similar way. The following rows are knitted in the same spirit, but only one loop should be decreased in each of them;
  • When only 9 units remain on the knitting needle, the reduction must be stopped;
  • Then pick up the shortened last stitch and knit it;

  • After this, pick up and knit a loop in the front row;

  • Continue assembling the workpiece in the same way, adding one unit in each row;
  • By picking up all the shortened loops, you will get a formed heel of the socks.

Rotation method:

  • To knit the heel of a sock using this method, form 21 stitches;

  • Then you should knit the workpiece using the stocking method: one row is assembled with knit stitches, and the second with purl stitches;
  • In this way, 14 rows are formed;

  • Next, knit the first 7 units, then 6, and knit the last with the first unit of the last seven;
  • Unfold the workpiece and knit 6 units, and connect the last one together with the first one from the very first seven;

  • Continue knitting in the same way until you only have seven middle units left;
  • Then pick up all the side eyelets, resulting in the required sock piece.

"Boomerang" method

How to knit a boomerang toe heel » ? The pattern discussed in this master class will allow you to knit a heel and toe with 2 knitting needles: 1st and 4th. Since the part formed using this method is shorter than usual, 1 cm before assembling the element, start knitting in satin stitch. To assemble a boomerang heel, divide the loops into 3 equal parts.

After this, knit the piece in short rows from the outer part of the product to the inner one, starting the process from the outer loops:

  • Assemble the first row in stockinette stitch together with the last unit, and then unfold the workpiece;
  • When assembling the purl row, form a double loop. In this case, it is desirable that the thread tension be good, otherwise holes will form in the part;
  • Next, place the yarn in front of the workpiece and knit all units purlwise;
  • In the third row, first form a double loop, and knit the rest using the knit method. Then turn the workpiece again;

  • 4th row, start with a double loop, and then knit inside out until the last double loop;

  • Then form two circular rows on all units;

  • Next, knit all double loops as described above.

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