How to properly care for your heels at home? What to do with yellow heels? Whiten heels at home.

82 787 3 It doesn't matter what size your feet are, but if you are a woman you should take care of your feet. Sometimes you meet a woman on the street, beautiful, with makeup, stylishly dressed, smelling nice, but when you pay attention to your heels, it immediately becomes clear that she doesn’t take care of them and all her beauty dissolves. I heard from many friends that when choosing a girl for a relationship, they (guys) often pay attention to their legs. Some on the calves, others on the fingers and feet. So if you are still looking, then be prepared for anything, in case your unkempt legs scare away the prince.

A woman should pay due attention to her heels all year round, and not just when spring comes. And you don’t have to run to a beauty salon for this. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to clean rough heels and how to make heels soft at home.

Why do heels become rough?

Only babies have smooth heels by nature; if you see a woman whose heels are soft and smooth, without a single crack, believe me, this is the result of long and hard work. And you won't have such heels if you don't try. The skin on the heels gets rougher over time and why does this happen? Let's look at the main reasons:

  • Violation of personal hygiene rules. Regular washing and cleansing of the skin of the feet also refers to the procedure of personal hygiene, and violation of its rules leads to rough skin.
  • Some people are not familiar with the pedicure procedure, they think that pedicure is applying nail polish and that's it. But in fact, pedicure implies complete care of the nails and skin of the feet.
  • Synthetic socks or tights. As everyone knows, synthetics do not allow air to pass through, your feet begin to sweat, bacteria multiply, and an unpleasant odor and fungus appear.
  • Too dry skin on the feet can also cause cracks. If lovely ladies think that only their face and hands need to be moisturized, then they are deeply mistaken. Feet are no less susceptible to dryness.
  • Unbalanced diet. If your body lacks any vitamins, namely A and E, it can respond to you with rough heels.
  • If you have rough heels, you may like to walk barefoot, including at home. Try to give up this habit; your bare feet are more susceptible to dryness and cracking.
  • Incorrectly selected shoes. For example, in the summer you should opt for sandals with a closed heel, this way you will protect your heels from sun rays and frequent chapping. The rest of the time, carefully choose high-heeled shoes and avoid wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes.
  • More serious diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus can also cause dry feet, which in turn affect the formation of cracks.

How to make your heels smooth at home

The most effective method of dealing with rough heels is the use of special foot baths. The composition of the baths can be different: herbal, salt and soda, depending on the characteristics of your skin. After using the bath, the skin of the feet is thoroughly cleansed using fine-grained pumice or special. At the end of the procedure, a moisturizing cream is applied. For maximum hydration, you can lubricate your feet with olive oil and put on plastic bags at night, and in the morning you will be surprised how soft and smooth your feet are.

Read more about foot baths on our website soon.

Folk recipes for masks for soft heels

If your heels seriously suffer from cracks and corns, then it is advisable to apply special masks to your feet after using the baths.

  • Egg and lemon mask . Break the egg, separate the yolk from the white. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of starch. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask to your feet until it dries completely, and then rinse with warm water. Finally, apply nourishing cream to your feet.
  • Honey and olive oil mask . Mix honey and olive oil in equal quantities and apply the resulting mixture to your heels for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water.
  • Zucchini mask . Take a young zucchini and grate it on a fine grater. Place the resulting mixture in clean gauze and then apply to the problem area for 30 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied to the feet.
  • Honey and banana mask . Grate the banana on a fine grater. How many bananas are the same and take honey. Move everything. Apply the resulting porridge to your heels and wrap your feet with plastic wrap. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Aloe mask . Grind an aloe leaf in a mortar, apply the resulting mass to the problem area, wrap in cling film and leave overnight, and in the morning you will see an amazing effect.

Using hydrogen peroxide for heels

Surely, every home medicine cabinet has hydrogen peroxide, by the way, and it is very effective in combating rough skin on the feet. We will tell you how to clean your heels with hydrogen peroxide. But first, it is worth noting that this substance is quite aggressive in nature, so its use requires compliance with all recommendations.

There are 3 effective recipes using hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water in a ratio of 1 to 6, respectively. The water should not be cold, but slightly warm. Next, take a small piece of gauze, soak it in the resulting solution and wipe the area of ​​your feet for about 5 minutes, and then clean it with a pumice stone.
  2. You can also steam your feet in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. Take hot water (1.5 liters), as hot as possible so that your feet can withstand this temperature. Add 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and steam your feet for about 5-10 minutes. After steaming, you can clean your feet using a pumice stone or a foot file.
  3. And the third recipe contains, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, table salt. Fill a basin with warm water, add 2 tbsp. l. salt. Keep your feet in the basin for about 7 minutes, then add 3 tbsp to the same basin. hydrogen peroxide and continue the procedure for another 5 minutes. When finished, clean your feet with a pumice stone.

Using hydrogen peroxide, you can treat not only rough skin on the feet, but also corns. Take a gauze lotion, soak it in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the corn for 2 hours (you can apply it with a band-aid)

Using Aspirin for Soft Heels

Aspirin is, so to speak, heavy artillery that can cure the most advanced type of rough heels. How to clean your heels with aspirin?

The recipe is as follows:

  • 10 aspirin tablets
  • Medical alcohol

Grind the tablets into powder, add iodine and alcohol. Apply the resulting mass to damaged areas of the skin after the procedures. An infusion based on aspirin promotes rapid healing of cracks and softens the skin of the heels.

Heels like a baby in 10 minutes

You have an important event, but you don’t have any time for a pedicure, then you need to know how to quickly make soft heels at home. We offer you an express procedure:

  • Wash your feet thoroughly using cleansers and then dry.
  • On dry feet, apply the foot cream you usually use. Allow the cream to be completely absorbed.
  • Then take a special foot file, soak it in warm water and rub it over the problem area on your feet. Continue this procedure until all the rough skin comes off your feet.
  • Then wash your feet thoroughly again, apply rich cream and put on special cosmetic socks. You can use regular soft cotton socks.

Of course, this express method is not suitable for advanced cases. If your heels are very rough and have many cracks, then it is better to resort to more serious methods of softening your feet.

For the big guns, we invite you to try the new, amazing Scholl Velvet Smooth foot file. Personally, I have already experienced it myself. Here

  • All procedures are performed on clean feet.
  • It is better to carry out foot skin care procedures in the evening, so your feet can fully rest during the night.
  • Never cut corns or cracks with sharp objects (blade, razor or scissors). You can only injure yourself.
  • If you use more powerful products, never neglect the instructions. Observe the proportions strictly, and then nothing will threaten your health.
  • Do not use rough pumice. If you think that a rough pumice stone will help you deal with rough skin on your feet faster. You are mistaken, you will only injure your skin; instead of pumice, you can use a scrub.
  • Treat your feet regularly, just as you brush your teeth.

Now you know how to effectively clean your heels at home, so there is no need to spend a considerable amount of money for a similar procedure in a beauty salon, because everything can be done at home and using simple and affordable products.

Yellow heels are a problem that men and women often face. The cause of yellowish skin may be due to illness. In most cases, feet acquire an unnatural color due to untimely, poor-quality foot care.

Many women notice changes and try to combat this deficiency only when the weather gets warmer, when they want to change closed shoes to summer open sandals.

Pedicurists note that the skin dries, flakes, and cracks more often (yellowishness appears on the legs) due to inconsistent care. Remembering their heels in May, girls are horrified by their appearance: they actively begin to exercise their feet, but not in every case the dermis quickly acquires a healthy appearance.

Heels need to be given time all year round so that rough growths of dead skin are removed in time and do not become the cause of fungus.

There are a number of reasons why the skin on the heels changes color:

  • hard, uncomfortable shoes, staining soles;
  • wearing heels, staying on your feet for a long time;
  • synthetic clothing: socks, tights;
  • diseases of internal organs.

How to whiten at home

If the disease causing yellowing of the skin has not been diagnosed by a doctor, you can solve the problem and whiten your heels with the help of a dermatologist, a pedicurist, or yourself at home. Cleansing, whitening, and moisturizing the legs cannot be done in one or two sessions and get a 100% result.

It will take time to get the yellow feet in order. At home, every housewife can prepare baths, compresses, masks, ointments according to folk recipes. If you apply them daily for 20-30 days, the yellowing will disappear. All recipes are easy to make and do not require large amounts of money. The procedures themselves relax the legs, improve blood flow, and remove dead, discolored skin easily.


  • Aloe leaf juice – 2-3 tbsp. spoons, hot water – 2 liters, milk – 0.5 liters, honey – 2-3 tbsp. spoons. Properties of the resulting liquid: antiseptic, enhances regeneration, reproduction of collagen in the dermis, moisturizing, slowing down the aging process of the skin.
  • Lemon juice – 2-3 tbsp. spoons, hot water - 1.5 liters. After 20 minutes spent in water, the problem areas are rubbed with a slice of citrus, it brightens the dermis. The whitening effect will be noticeable after just a few procedures.
  • Baking soda - 3 tbsp. spoons, hot water - 2 liters, liquid soap - 10-20 g. Soda has the properties of cleansing, healing, and whitening the skin.
  • Apple cider vinegar – 3 tbsp. spoons, hot water - 2 liters. This ingredient is a natural bleach and cleaner, which contains vitamins E, P, C, A, B, acids, and trace elements.
  • Hydrogen peroxide – 3 tbsp. spoons, hot water - 2 liters. Peroxide has healing, cleansing, whitening properties.

After therapeutic baths, wash your feet with running water, wipe dry, and lubricate your feet with cream or balm.


  • Heel mask with aloe: beeswax cube size 1*1*2 cm, sunflower or olive oil – 100 g, glycerin – 1 tsp, castor oil – 1 tsp, aloe leaf juice – 2 tbsp. l. Melt the wax in a steam bath, add the remaining ingredients, and apply to problem areas. Wrap your feet in film and put on socks. The mask should be on your feet for 20 minutes to an hour, after which you need to remove it, wash with warm water, and apply cream. 1 session will not give a positive effect, the procedure must be repeated daily until you get a positive result.

Face or hand products are not very effective: they are not intended for hard skin on the feet.

  • Egg yolk, lemon juice - 1 tsp, starch - 1 tsp. The mask is used after baths. 30 minutes is enough for the skin to receive a vitamin charge, hydration, and whitening. You can remove the egg mask quickly and easily using running warm water. Cream after removing the mask is required.


After baths, compresses, masks and for prevention, people suffering from yellow, dry, painful heels are recommended to rub ointment or cream on their feet at night. You can make it at home by purchasing inexpensive ingredients at the pharmacy: calendula ointment and vitamin A.

To get rid of yellowness, you need to moisturize your feet and remove dead epidermis. Heel baths, masks, compresses, creams whiten and moisturize. Peeling is removed by peeling, fine-grained file or pumice.

Use pumice or a grater to move in one direction only! If you move up and down, left and right (and vice versa), the skin will remain rough. An unprofessional approach increases the chances of cracked heels.

Professional methods to get rid of yellowness

When the dermis is cracked and yellowness appears on the heels, you should seek advice from professionals - pedicurists. They will be able to cleanse yellow feet from dead flaky skin, brighten, and moisturize. The specialist will recommend preventive measures: creams, oils, scrubs, lotions.

You can buy white clay at the pharmacy: a bath with it heals, whitens and softens the skin. Spa gel socks with silicone heels are offered on the Internet. They remove yellowness, moisturize the dermis, and quickly heal cracks.

If the above remedies do not help, the yellowness remains or appears after a short period of time, you should consult a doctor. This skin may indicate internal diseases of the body. A dermatologist will check your condition and prescribe tests.

What disease may this indicate?

Yellowed limbs are not always a sign of unkempt feet. Sometimes the dermis on the legs changes color due to a malfunction of a person’s internal organs.

If a child's heels turn yellow, this is a sign of illness. Contact your pediatrician immediately. Diagnosis of such cases is only within the competence of the doctor.

People may not realize that there is a disease lurking in their body. But yellow skin on the legs is a visible symptom of a number of diseases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • diabetes;
  • skin fungal diseases in the area of ​​​​the feet, toes;
  • liver disease;
  • gallstones;
  • blood circulation disorders in the lower extremities: atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, endarteritis.

Obesity and smoking are factors influencing skin color changes. Watch your diet and quit smoking. Bad habits have a negative impact on the condition of the body.

Nadezhda Sergeeva |

08/21/2015 | 90810

Nadezhda Sergeeva 08/21/2015 90810

Rough, dry heels do not make our legs look good. How to make your heels soft at home?

Due to constant friction and stress, the skin on the heels quickly loses its smoothness, especially during the season of open shoes. And rough, rough heels are far from an aesthetic sight. In addition, a cosmetic problem can develop into a medical one: calluses and calluses quickly form on damaged skin.

The secret to smooth heels is regular care.

Make it a rule to spend a little time on your heels every evening. There is no need to do anything complicated: Don't overuse rough pumice

and under no circumstances cut off dry skin on your heels with a blade! If you clean your heels like this, there is a high risk of infection and serious problems. Do not rub steamed, wet heels with a pumice stone or an abrasive grater.

You can damage the healthy layer of skin and further increase dryness. Pamper your heels with warm baths a couple of times a week.

A heel bath with soap shavings and sea salt is especially good (dissolve 0.5 cups in a small amount of hot water). After the bath, enhance the effect with a heel scrub

from ground coffee and vegetable oil, mixed to a thick paste. The skin will become smooth and moisturized. Get a massage every day

, rubbing any heel product into the skin - a regular moisturizer or oil.

To keep your heels smooth and soft, wear comfortable shoes, and in the warm season, often walk barefoot on textured surfaces.

There are many ways to make your heels soft at home. We have chosen the three most effective and simple ones.

This recipe has been tested by our readers and received a lot of rave reviews. So:

1. Spread clean and dry (not steamed!) heels with cream (any emollient, maybe baby cream).

2. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

3. Now arm yourself with a file or a rough grater for the heels, lightly wet it with water.

4. Rub your heels with gentle and quick movements. Within a minute, you will see the dead, dry skin peeling off and falling away.

5. Continue cleaning the heels; when the file dries out, moisten it with water again.

6. When you polish the skin completely, wash your feet and again apply cream to the cleaned areas.

7. Put on cotton socks and let your feet rest for a while.

If you do this procedure at night and go to bed in socks, the next morning you won’t recognize your heels! They will become pink, smooth and soft, like a baby's.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

Vinegar for heels is a very useful remedy. It not only removes dryness and softens the skin, but also kills fungus. And in combination with glycerin, the effect is enhanced several times.

To get rid of rough heels, make a compress of apple cider vinegar and glycerin at night.

1. Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

2. Soak pieces of gauze in the mixture and apply to the heels.

3. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on soft socks.

4. Leave the compress overnight, and in the morning wash your feet and apply cream to your heels.

You need 3-4 such procedures, but the result will be visible after the first application. This method helps even with shallow cracks in the heels.

Hydrogen peroxide for soft heels

A bath with hydrogen peroxide for your heels will help, even if your feet are completely neglected and the soles are very rough.

1. Take a small basin or bowl and pour 1.5 liters of hot water into it. The temperature should be such that you can tolerate it.

2. Add 4 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and stir.

3. Submerge your feet in water and steam them for about 10 minutes, depending on the condition of your heels.

4. Use a soft pedicure brush to remove any white, dry skin from your heels.

5. Apply cream to your heels and massage thoroughly.

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent substance, so you should do this heel bath no more than once a week.

These methods will help you quickly get your feet in order. If you know other effective measures to clean your heels and make them soft at home, please share them with us.

Many women experience yellowing of their heels, which occurs for various reasons. This defect brings particular inconvenience in the summer, when everyone changes into light and open shoes. But what to do if your heels are yellow? Let's consider this situation in more detail.

Causes of yellow heels

Yellow skin on the heels is an overgrown stratum corneum and indicates metabolic disorders or digestive problems.

Heels may also be yellow due to gallstones or liver disease, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.

How to whiten your heels

What same do if heels become yellow? How to remove the stratum corneum and whiten your heels? Of course with the help of foot baths:

    With apple cider vinegar. Add 2 tbsp to warm water. spoons of vinegar and leave your feet for 15 minutes. Rub your heels with artificial pumice, and then rinse your feet with cold water, dry and apply cream.

    Soda - soap bath. Half a teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of liquid soap in water. Beat the foam intensively and place your feet in the resulting solution. Brush your heels with a pumice stone or pedicure brush.

    With white clay. Water is added to the clay purchased at the pharmacy and the feet are placed in the bath. After softening, rub the heels and rinse the feet with water, lubricate the heel areas with cream.

    With hydrogen peroxide. A few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are poured into warm water, where the feet are placed for 20 minutes. The product exfoliates and whitens the skin of the heels well.

    With egg yolk. An egg mask made from yolk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and starch and a teaspoon helps effectively.

The mask is applied to steamed heels, after drying, it is washed off with warm water and moisturized with cream.

In addition, it is recommended to wipe your heels with lemon juice, which returns softness and whiteness to the skin. After this, you need to treat the skin with pumice and apply a special moisturizer. Repeat the procedure a few days later. In the future, dead skin can be removed with a foot scrub twice a week.

We hope that you now know what to do if your heels are yellow. If the proposed remedies do not help and the yellowness does not disappear, then it is best to consult a doctor for advice. In any case, a persistent change in color indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Are you looking for information on how to whiten your heels at home? Stay and you will learn about all the effective ways that you can use without visiting a salon. Many people have encountered this problem, and this question is especially relevant in the summer. Why does the skin on my heels begin to turn yellow? Most often, the reason is that in winter our feet cannot “breathe” normally due to the thick and warm shoes that we are forced to wear. Sometimes poor-quality shoes make themselves felt, leaving paint that eats into the skin. In summer, heels may turn yellow and crack when walking barefoot on hot ground.

One of the serious causes of yellow skin on the feet, according to doctors, is the growing stratum corneum, which may indicate metabolic disorders and digestive problems. A change in the color of the heels may indicate gallstones or liver diseases, which ensure that the body rids itself of toxins. And when the skin, on top of everything else, also cracks, there may be problems in the kidneys. If none of the advice given below helps you, or the effect is very short-lived, still consult a doctor.

How to whiten heels at home when there are no special grinding devices or whitening creams at hand? Believe me, this is actually possible and, moreover, it will not pose any special difficulties. The main thing is to be patient. Let `s start?

We save ourselves with soda

We will talk about ordinary baking soda, which probably every housewife has. Sodium carbonate works great in baking. But it also has other undeniable advantages - it is an antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory agent. Baking soda also perfectly disinfects, eliminates odors, fights fungal diseases, and reduces sweating. These are undoubted advantages, but we must also warn about the disadvantages: against the background of frequent and prolonged use of soda baths, there is a possibility of imbalance in the skin. Feet are immersed in such solutions for only fifteen minutes, no more than every other day.

If the skin of your heels darkens, becomes rough and begins to crack, it’s time to prepare your feet for therapeutic baths. Heat the water so that it does not scald, but is hot enough. Add soda to it (about 2.5 tablespoons per three liters), stir and immerse your feet in the resulting solution. After about ten minutes, the keratinized skin will steam and you can remove it with a pumice stone. Brush gently in one direction to keep the skin smooth. After steaming, rinse your feet with plain water. Lubricate your feet and put on cotton socks on top. Your heels will delight you the very next day, and after a couple of weeks they will acquire a healthy color and become completely smooth and even.

Sea salt to the rescue

This method is dictated by nature itself. Have you noticed that those who vacation on the coast always have perfectly clean heels? The thing is that the skin gets wet in the water, and the salt eats away the dirt. So it turns out that such a tandem perfectly cleanses the skin. But if it is not possible to take daily baths by the sea, you can arrange them at home. For such a cleansing and at the same time healing procedure, you will need hot water and sea salt, which can be easily sold in pharmacies.

The dosage is the same as in the first option. Immerse your feet in a hot salt solution, hold them there for 20 minutes, and then treat your heels with pumice. Rinse off the salt solution with plain water. Wipe your feet and spread them with nourishing cream. Wear socks with natural ingredients on top. It may take a week to get your heels in order if they are not in too bad a state.

Cleopatra's weakness

By today's standards, the recipe is not particularly cheap, but it is quite effective, provided that the skin of the heels is not too rough. To prepare the bath, use the recommendations given in the first recipe, just replace the water with milk. After steaming, be sure to walk over your heels with a pumice stone and then polish them.

Rinse (just rinse, no rubbing or soap), wipe dry and apply cream. In addition to light whitening, such a bath will also nourish your feet. Moreover, milk softens the effect of soda, so you can do the procedure every other day.

Vinegar with glycerin

Why these particular components? Vinegar, like an acid, promotes whitening, and glycerin softens the skin, helps remove the stratum corneum, and prevents future drying. Glycerin and vinegar can be used both as compresses and to make baths.

1. Softening mask. Pre-steam your feet in a saline solution (see second recipe), treat your heels with pumice. Mix vinegar (9%, apple) with glycerin in the same proportion. Spread this mixture on your heels, cover with plastic and secure. Put on your socks. Keep the mask on for up to four hours, then rinse your feet and rub them with a towel. You will see the effect immediately, but the process itself is long, so it is better to plan it on the weekend, or before bed.

2. In cases where one or two such masks cannot be used, you can try making night compresses. They are also prepared from glycerin and vinegar (3:1). Two pieces of fabric are dipped into this solution, applied to the heels and, after wrapping with cling film, socks are put on. After the third procedure, the keratinized skin will completely soften and it will be very easy to remove. Your heels will become clean and soft.

3. The most convenient way is still baths. For example, from a tablespoon of glycerin, three tablespoons of vinegar (table vinegar, or better yet, apple vinegar) and hot water. The feet are placed in the bath for 15 minutes, rubbed with pumice, rinsed and dried. This method is good when the stratum corneum is not thick.

Whitening with peroxide and aspirin

There is another whitening option, but it takes longer than those suggested above, but is also more effective. Perhydrol has a weakly acidic and slightly alkaline effect, so it can not only soften keratinized areas, but also whiten the skin. If you've tried all the recipes, but still don't know how to whiten your heels at home, this recipe should definitely help.

Do this procedure in the evening. Dilute 50 ml in three liters of heated water. the drug and keep your feet in the solution. After ten minutes, carefully scrape off any excess with a pumice stone. Then take 1/2 a pack of aspirin (analogue - acetylsalicylic acid), mash it so that a homogeneous powder comes out. Pour it into the cracks of your heels, rub lightly, put on socks and go to bed. In the morning, steam your feet again as you did in the evening, and scrape them again with a pumice stone. Rinse with water and dry. Take a little nourishing cream, add sage, rosemary, and tea tree oil drop by drop. Rub into your heels. Do this treatment three times a month and your heels will be in perfect condition!

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