Who are nymphomaniacs? Nymphomania in women: signs of a nymphomaniac who

Very often you can hear funny stories about representatives of the fair sex, who are extremely drawn to very intimate relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. For them, neither age, appearance, status, or inner world is a hindrance. Sometimes even gender differences are not taken into account. Indeed, there are women whose libido is off the charts and this is not entirely fun, because nymphomania is a kind of diagnosis. Nymphomania can be defined as incredible sexual activity - hypersexuality and a constant craving for sexual intercourse.

If we turn to the mythology of the ancient Greeks, the first mentions of nymphomania (or rather nymphs) are found among them. These sophisticated, attractive ladies lured men into their networks in order to satisfy their desire. It was thanks to the nymphs that people learned what carnal love is. This is where the name of this illness comes from: “nymphe” - bride, “mania” - passion. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato designated this condition as “rabies of the uterus.” He assumed that a certain beast, the uterus, inhabits a woman’s body with excessive passion. It evokes thoughts about childbearing in the female carrier. And in order for conception to occur as early and quickly as possible, this same “uterus” pushes an innocent woman into the arms of many different men. The ancient Greeks, of course, tried to the best of their ability to fight this disease: in particular, they applied some incense to the causal area. It’s hard to believe that the patients recovered, but several centuries later they still learned to fight this disease.

Statistics show that literally every third man would like to meet a nymphomaniac woman. And this desire is quite understandable. Firstly, such a lady will never, ever give up various sexual experiments and fantasies that a man dreams about. Secondly, she will not be modest, embarrassed or embarrassed. In addition, a man will never have to listen to complaints that his woman has a headache today or anything else like that. And most importantly, in order to get such a woman, it is not at all necessary to put in a lot of effort and effort. It’s enough just to be a man in that very sense, and that’s it!
But, despite such magnificent prospects, not everyone, even the most gallant and strong man, can withstand a long-term union with a “nymph.” After all, such a woman is completely tireless, and she does not need any breaks or smoke breaks. Maybe she is already fed up with love and tired, but just the thought that sex and affection are possible will give her new strength.
Medical experts say that nymphomania is quite rare; only one woman in two and a half thousand may suffer from it. But in southern countries this figure is slightly higher (about 6 times), because southern people are famous for their hot temperament. How can you identify a nymphomaniac in a crowd of people? It may seem that this is quite simple to do, but in fact, this is not entirely true. Such a woman can dress and look very modest and chaste, so that by external signs it will be very difficult to say that this particular woman suffers from nymphomania. The most important thing that reveals the essence of her nature is her behavior. Her look, her demeanor, her pronounced readiness for sex (heaving chest, licking her lips). And this is not flirting at all, this is precisely lust and desire. As a rule, everyone in the area knows about such a woman, because no matter how hard you try to hide your personal life, it will not work, especially if you are such an extraordinary person. She, undoubtedly, is a constant object of gossip and gossip.

Such women should be pitied rather than maliciously discussed and hated. In fact, such a woman will never find true satisfaction, even though she can experience an infinite number of the most powerful orgasms. Such women cannot even think about anything other than sex. They are very promiscuous in men, and the “animal” that sits inside them constantly pushes them into the most incredible connections and incomprehensible relationships with incomprehensible types. And is there anything to envy here?

Those women who experience constant desire day and night should be seriously wary. You can cope with this illness on your own: find yourself a really interesting activity that you enjoy, find a second, third job, start major renovations in your house, start attending sporting events. Pay attention to your diet: aphrodisiac foods such as cheese, nuts, chocolate and seafood should be excluded from the menu.

If you are unable to help yourself with self-medication, then it is strongly recommended to seek the help of a specialist doctor.

Nymphomaniacs are frequent heroines of intimate stories and erotic stories. When hearing the word “nymphomaniac,” many men imagine a kind of sensual lady with an increased sexual appetite and plump lips. At the very first request, the search engine gave me several stunning phrases: “Nymphomaniacs are magnificent women,” “I would give a lot to have her as my wife,” “I want everyone to be a nymphomaniac.”

But either we have a different understanding of this definition, or ninety percent of the male population using the Internet is crazy. Because nymphomania, alas, has nothing to do with lovely creatures - nymphs. Nymphomania, or, as it is also called, andromania (from the Greek andros - man), is a mental disorder characterized by excessive sexual desire in women. The disease is rare, occurring in only one woman out of two and a half thousand. The course of this disease is accompanied by obsessive states bordering on aggression. As we can see, it’s not very attractive.

In men, manifestations of this condition are called satyriasis. This term originates from Greek mythology, where forest deities in human form, but with goat legs, were called satyrs. They were cheerful, loved to sing, were distinguished by their addiction to alcohol (after all, the retinue of Dionysus) and excessive sexual activity.

Previously, nymphomania was considered one of the manifestations of hysteria, “rabies of the uterus.” Plato also described the uterus as a kind of beast that inhabits a woman’s body and longs for fertilization. With a low frequency of sexual intercourse, a woman could become distraught. This definition, which has long lost its relevance and has sunk into oblivion, is often used in everyday life. This is how a woman’s aggressive, hysterical behavior is described.

In today's society, there is a growing misconception about the true meaning of the word "nymphomaniac". Most people see sexy beauties with standard proportions, constantly craving caresses and not indulging in “headaches.” I am forced to dispel this established stereotype. As mentioned above, this is a manifestation of a mental disorder in which a woman is not aware of her actions. These cannot include prostitutes who portray irrepressible sexual needs and receive material rewards for each contact. They are well aware of why they are doing this and what it entails. Women who abuse promiscuity do not fall into this category. They behave this way for certain reasons, sometimes known only to them. And these are not girls whose upbringing is the opposite of Puritan. And not girls with a high sexual constitution. Yes, this has little to do with sensuality and passion. And “hot”, liberated, brave girls are different.

This is not imaginary freedom, not promiscuity and not love for sex. This is an uncontrollable, pulsating craving for sexual contact. A kind of conveyor belt approach. A woman who is characterized by this syndrome does not think about the number of partners, about contraception, about safety, about any other characteristics of the partner, in addition to sexual agility. She is exhausted from dissatisfaction and the inability to get sexual release. Sometimes the disease manifests itself in conjunction with sexual coldness. Then she can reach the edge. She is insatiable, crazy and uncontrollable. All her thoughts and fantasies are aimed at just one aspect of our life. She does not strive to make her partner happy. It is difficult for her to build relationships, because not every man is able to accept this. She may suffer from emptiness and loneliness. If she is strong in spirit, then she fights it. She succeeds in this with great difficulty, since at one stage of rehabilitation society may reject the presence of her illness and attribute everything to her. She can be either a young charmer or an ugly old hag.

A very unattractive image emerges. So should this be considered a compliment and a desirable image? Hardly. And maybe you shouldn’t insult your beloved women with such an inappropriate definition? I think that as our partners and life partners we want to see incendiary, passionate, breathtaking, sexy, sweet, greedy, daring, with a healthy and high sexual appetite, exciting the flesh and exciting the soul...

To deal with this issue, you first need to find out what nymphomania is. Nymphomania is a certain type of increased sexual desire.

Most often, hypersexuality manifests itself in adolescents, but nymphomania is characteristic of people of different ages.

Nymphomaniacs experience constant sexual dissatisfaction, high sexual activity, the emergence of erotic fantasies and regular searches for sexual partners.

Women who suffer from nymphomania are called nymphomaniacs. Sometimes the term nymphomania is used in a figurative sense, characterizing an overly active girl who likes to regularly have sexual intercourse with different partners.

Women with increased sexual desire have several distinctive characteristics that help them to be recognized among other liberated representatives of the fair sex.

  1. Indiscriminateness when choosing a sexual partner. To satisfy their instincts, such representatives of the fair sex often do not care what their chosen one looks like. They do not pay attention to a person’s gender, age, external data, character, position in society and social status.
  2. Rare achievement of orgasm or inability to achieve it at all. Nymphomania “gives” its owners regular sex, while not giving the opportunity to get satisfaction. Frigidity is observed in the overwhelming number of nymphomaniacs, which makes their sexual desire not a physiological, but a psychological phenomenon.
  3. Uncontrolled excitement. If other people can control their arousal and experience attraction only to certain people, then nymphomaniacs are not capable of this. Nymphomania cannot be controlled, so such women do not know how to direct their own sexual desire in the right direction.

Many men who do not understand the topic believe that this phenomenon can be considered positive.

They do not see the negative aspects, imagining only an always available female individual who is ready to stay in bed around the clock, constantly fulfilling the whims of her lover. In fact, everything is not like that.

Unlike banal promiscuity, where promiscuous sexual relations occur between a man and a woman, nymphomania is accompanied by psychological pathologies.

The most common problem of nymphomaniacs is neurosis, which is the basis for the development of an uncontrollable desire to engage in sexual intimacy.

However, their difficulties do not end with one problem; an obsessive desire to obtain satisfaction can be caused by manic-depressive psychosis, brain damage, schizophrenia, mental retardation, and asociality.


If it is not difficult to find out who nymphomaniacs are, then dealing with the consequences is much more difficult. They are individual and directly depend on the upbringing of a particular person, his attitude to the institution of marriage and to social society as a whole.

For some women, nymphomania turns into a list of sexually transmitted diseases. Others receive an unwanted pregnancy as a “reward” for their promiscuity. Still others even go as far as incest (sexual intercourse with close relatives), thereby destroying both their lives and family well-being.

Psychotherapists who prescribe regular sessions help get rid of this illness.

The specialist helps you get rid of the obsessive desire to have sexual intercourse with any suitable object, and also teaches you to enjoy making love with your only chosen one.

To reduce sexual desire, girls are prescribed special medications and put on a strict diet, where they are prohibited from consuming any natural aphrodisiacs - chocolate, seafood, spicy foods.

Alcohol is also prohibited during treatment, even in small doses.

Attitude towards nymphomaniacs

People who know the essence of the issue superficially or do not know the exact definition of this term at all perceive nymphomania negatively, criticizing girls. Of course, there are no positive aspects to this disease, but women should not be blamed for this.

They are not able to control the development and worsening of this disease, unlike the same runny nose or flu, where, when the first symptoms appear, immediate help can be provided and further infection of the body can be stopped.

Women often themselves repent of their actions. They wish for their illness and try with all their might to get rid of it. Only many do not know who to run to for help - to doctors, to relatives or to a lover. They are afraid to seek advice and try to cope on their own, while regularly receiving negativity and disapproval from society.

If you encounter a nymphomaniac in your life, do not rush to condemn her lifestyle. Most likely, she herself knows about her problem, but has not yet understood how to deal with it. The best solution in this situation is to advise the woman to see a good psychotherapist for specialized help.

Nymphomania - this term is often applied to females who exhibit extreme sexual activity and have an increased libido. In medicine, this terminology is used only for those women who are not able to control their passion for sexual intercourse with new partners. Nymphomania undoubtedly belongs to female ailments and stands alongside frigidity, but it is diagnosed much less frequently.

Representatives of nymphomania include women who derive pleasure not so much from the orgasm itself, as from the process of having sex. In addition, such women are not able to experience regular satisfaction with a permanent partner, and therefore require new connections. It is distinctive that girls who have high but controlled sexual activity are not classified as nymphomaniacs. The question then arises, what are the hallmark signs or symptoms of nymphomania?

Experts have been studying this problem for a long time to find ways to solve it and came to the consensus that three reasons can provoke the development of such an illness as nymphomania in a woman.

Causea brief description of
Traumatic brain injuryAs you know, there is a special section in the brain called the hypothalamus. It is he who is responsible for the vital innate needs of a person - the feeling of thirst and hunger, the desire to sleep, sexual desire based on the instinct to reproduce.

Hypersexuality also occurs in the hypothalamus, which transmits signals to increase libido. Thus, a woman experiences increased attacks of arousal, as a result of which she feels pain in the abdomen and lower back, she becomes hot, and the sensitivity of the genital organs increases significantly

Hormonal changesThe normal functioning of the ovaries is not distinguished by any pathological changes in the female body; in case of their dysfunction, a failure occurs at the hormonal level, the consequence of which can be nymphomania. This is explained by the uncontrolled production of not only female, but also male hormones
Women's illnesses and mental disordersNymphomania directly depends on women's health and, of course, on their mental state. When a failure occurs in one area or another, a woman ceases to control her libido, which leads to pathological sexual desire. The root causes of the development of nymphomania are the following diseases:

mental disorders after a depressive state that become manic;
presence of tumors;
ovarian diseases

Fact! Uterine rabies is exactly the second name for nymphomania, which is extremely rare in everyday life. Nymphomania is a term of Greek origin that translates as “bride” and “passion.”

Types of nymphomania

The disease manifests itself in girls during puberty (eleven to fourteen years old). It is at this age that the first conscious interest in the opposite sex begins to appear. Closer to fifteen or sixteen years old, an irresistible desire to have sex arises and then, after losing her virginity, the girl begins to regularly change sexual partners. It is in such teenage girls that a congenital sexual pathology – nymphomania – can be diagnosed.

Attention! Congenital nymphomania is a rather complex disease that is difficult to treat. To eliminate the disease, you will need regular visits to a psychotherapist and internal willpower.

Often certain events can occur in a woman’s life that will entail dramatic changes in her sex life. A number of factors can cause acquired nymphomania in an adult woman. The development of nymphomania can be provoked by:

  • pregnancy and hormonal changes in the female body;
  • postpartum depression that does not go away for a long time;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • sexual violence;
  • moral shock.

Consequently, acquired nymphomania is conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Menopausal. Occurs due to menopause in mature women.
  2. Andromania. The phenomenon is typical exclusively for young girls.

It is important! Menopausal changes entail a restructuring of the body, but libido either remains unchanged or decreases slightly. If a woman exhibits signs of nymphomania, then after menopause she will have an increased sexual desire, which is difficult to control, so the patient experiences constant moral and physical discomfort.

Imaginary andromania, which manifests itself in young women, requires special attention. The phenomenon involves leading a promiscuous sex life for self-affirmation. That is, a girl regularly changes sexual partners, thus increasing her self-esteem and establishing herself through sex with a new partner. At the same time, on a psychological level, the girl is convinced that she is attractive and causes constant desire in the opposite sex if she has a large number of sexual partners.

Attention! Imaginary andromania, along with nymphomania, is a dangerous pathological phenomenon that requires urgent treatment from a psychotherapist.

Please note that there are several concepts that can easily be confused with nymphomania, but in fact, they are not as dangerous as nymphomania itself. We should start with promiscuity - a pathology that occurs as a result of brain damage and is characterized by hypersexuality. In addition, the following are not considered a pathological disorder:

  • love addiction;
  • the desire to assert oneself through sex with a new partner due to a breakup;
  • the period of falling in love, when people experience increased sexual desire for each other;
  • high libido.

How to recognize a nymphomaniac: main signs

One of the primary signs of nymphomania is a continuous, uncontrolled desire to find a new sexual partner. In second place after this is constant excitability, which is atypical for a woman’s normal behavior. That is, sexual desire arises even when looking at the opposite sex or thinking about it.

If a nymphomaniac has a permanent partner, then she will satisfy her sexual needs with him, while showing complete selfishness. A nymphomaniac wants to get satisfaction in any way. If sexual hunger is not satisfied with a regular partner, then an active search for a new one begins.

Attention! Manifestations of nymphomania can be very dangerous for a woman’s life, since on a psychological level she loses her feeling of disgust. Under the influence of continuous sexual desire, the mind becomes completely clouded. The desire to obtain sexual satisfaction does not stop a nymphomaniac from the risk of acquiring serious sexually transmitted diseases and even AIDS.

An obsessive desire to experience new sensations and pleasure with a new sexual partner is an integral characteristic feature of nymphomania. In general, the following typical symptoms of nymphomania are distinguished:

  1. A woman is constantly looking for sexual partners; she cannot stop at just one man.
  2. Repeatedly having sex with a partner brings dissatisfaction.
  3. Sexual desire is uncontrollable.
  4. Sexual preoccupation and constant thoughts about sexual intercourse.
  5. External indicators and personal characteristics of a man do not interest a woman at all, the only goal is sex.
  6. A constant need for a new sexual relationship; in its absence, hysteria or other mental disorders occur.

Attention! Women who have been diagnosed with nymphomania are first advised to undergo a long course of treatment with a psychologist or psychotherapist, since the problem is of a mental nature.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

The disease is diagnosed by a sex therapist if the woman comes to the appointment on her own. Nymphomaniacs who deny the fact of pathology significantly complicate the possibility of diagnosis. After all, in order to determine nymphomania, a woman must pass a special psychological test. In the process of answering questions, the main problem that worries the patient will be identified. If the test cannot accurately establish a diagnosis, then an additional sex therapist can prescribe instrumental and laboratory tests that provide the opportunity to confirm the disease.

Video - Nymphomania

General characteristics of a nymphomaniac

A nymphomaniac cannot be identified by visual signs. A woman with this problem will never dress provocatively or show sexual desire through her behavior. You can assume that a woman is a nymphomaniac during a conversation.

Healthy women with a characteristically increased libido can switch active sexual energy to sports, self-satisfaction or get other release from the body, while for nymphomaniacs there are no other sources of satisfaction, only as a new man.

Often in medicine there is a dissonant phenomenon - a nymphomaniac with signs of frigidity. Thus, an overly aroused woman cannot have an orgasm. Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that arousal for a nymphomaniac with frigidity is a subjective phenomenon. That is, despite the fact that there is irresistible sexual arousal in the head, there is no reaction from the genitals to natural arousal.

Nymphomaniacs who are able to get an orgasm are still not able to be maximally satisfied and get complete release of the body, as happens with any healthy woman. It is this that pushes the nymphomaniac to have sexual intercourse with new partners.

Attention! Even after intercourse, a nymphomaniac feels sexual hunger, and orgasm does not bring any physiological satisfaction.

Acquired type climacteric nymphomania is characterized not only by psychological symptoms, but also by physiological ones. Mature women may experience itching in the genital area, as well as depression, which is accompanied by constant mood swings.

It is not difficult to recognize the disease on your own; it is much more difficult to find the strength to go to an appointment with a sex therapist or psychotherapist. A woman suffering from nymphomania or one of its manifestations, andromania, should be aware that this is a psychological disorder that requires specialized help. There is no need to worry when making this diagnosis, since there are treatments that eliminate uncontrolled libido.

Treatment of nymphomania

This is a serious illness that causes moral and physiological discomfort, which destroys personal life. Treatment must be specialized and have a systematic approach. Therefore, a woman is recommended to visit several specialists.

SpecialistWhy is a consultation needed?
PsychotherapistIf a woman has characteristic signs of nymphomania, then sessions with a psychotherapist are mandatory. Thus, a specialist will help identify the problem and find ways to solve it. In addition, to reduce hypersexual activity, it is recommended to take tranquilizers and various sedatives
MRI specialistSince nymphomania can develop against the background of a tumor or any formation, it is necessary to conduct magnetic resonance imaging
EndocrinologistThe occurrence of acquired nymphomania may occur due to hormonal disorders. Therefore, a visit to an endocrinologist is a must. This specialist will write a referral for a test to determine hormone levels. After normalization of hormonal levels, the problem with nymphomania may disappear on its own
ImmunologistIf a woman suffers from nymphomania, then she is recommended to visit an immunologist who will prescribe a special diet that excludes aphrodisiac foods (seafood, nuts, chocolate)
VenereologistThe diagnosis of nymphomania involves promiscuous sex life, therefore, to exclude sexually transmitted diseases, you should definitely visit a venereologist

After a comprehensive examination, a specialist is able to find out the exact cause of nymphomania, confirm the diagnosis and determine the course of necessary treatment.

When a woman notices increased libido, but the signs of nymphomania are not clearly expressed, then experts may recommend taking Bromcamphor. In case of uncontrolled libido, which causes life discomfort, the nymphomaniac should take sedatives and regularly visit a psychotherapist. In general, the prognosis for treatment is only favorable and upon completion of therapy, the woman returns to a normal lifestyle. You can learn briefly about what nymphomania is from the commentary of a psychotherapist.

Video - What is nymphomania

Nymphomaniacs are women who have an increased interest in constant sexual intercourse and are overly preoccupied with their sex life. This increased sex drive can occur at any age.

Signs of nymphomania in women

Typically, pronounced hypersexuality manifests itself in some adolescents during puberty. But hypersexuality should not be confused with nymphomania. In the first case, signs of sexual desire appear at a specific period of life, for example, in adolescence or young adulthood, and after some time the activity decreases. And nymphomania can manifest itself even in mature women. This form of “obsession” with sex does not pass quickly and without leaving a trace; it can grow and lead to sad consequences.

Nymphomaniacs have several distinct signs by which they can be recognized:

  1. Constant sexual desire, fantasies. They are capable of sexual intercourse even in a place that is not suitable for this activity.
  2. Such women have a large number of sexual partners. This can make their lives more difficult, as they and their partners are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. They are constantly looking for new people with whom they are ready to have sex, even with strangers.
  3. It doesn’t matter to a nymphomaniac whether the partner she has chosen is attractive or not. She is only interested in the process itself - sexual intercourse. Such women are not picky when choosing partners. Usually, they are not interested in a person’s appearance, age, social status, character, or gender.
  4. Nymphomaniacs have sex regularly, but do not always enjoy it or achieve orgasm. For them, sex is a common thing - a ritual. Such sexual attraction is not physiological, but psychological.
  5. Nymphomaniacs have uncontrollable arousal. If ordinary women are able to control arousal and sexual desire, and it occurs in relation to a specific person/partner, then nymphomaniacs do not have control.
  6. A large number of women “obsessed” with sex have psychological deviations and may suffer from neuroses, psychoses, schizophrenia, and asociality. Nymphomania can develop due to such diseases.

Nymphomaniac stars

Many famous people working in show business try to hide their personal lives from paparazzi and journalists. But they don’t always succeed. It happens that even the most intimate details of their life can “pop up” in the press or on the Internet.

Lindsey Lohan

This person had a lot of unpleasant situations. But, of course, she was also accused of sexaholism due to the large number of partners with whom she met and appeared in public. In addition, Lindsay was tormented by erotic fantasies at night.

Angelina Jolie

In recent years, the actress has been playing the role of an exemplary mother. But in her youth she was passionate about novels and led a busy life, constantly changing partners. Jolie was married to Billy Bob Thornton, whom the press attributed to a sexaholic.

Britney Spears

She has no luck in her personal life. Britney had quite a few romances, but she never found her love and soulmate. In her youth, she suffered from depression more than once. To “take her mind off” the negativity, Britney was addicted to drugs and took part in orgies. Although, she was once even an example for many - an ambassador of virginity in the USA.

Paris Hilton

In the 2000s, Paris was constantly plagued by scandals. She was accused of many “sins,” including nymphomania. In 2010, Romiro Benitez sued Hilton for sexual harassment.

Kim Kardashian

This star is inextricably linked with sexual stories. Kim would not be herself if it were not for the scandals associated with her intimate life. For some time, Kim worked as an assistant to Paris Hilton, who had previously been noted for nymphomania. They were inseparable at social events and other events, before Kardashian “went from rags to riches.”

One day, her boyfriend leaked an explicit video online. Everyone found out that Kim is still that “hot thing.” Afterwards, Kim became famous and popular, partly building a career on her “obsession” with sex. According to some sources, she monetized the “hot” video, because Kardashian is capable of a lot for the sake of money.

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