Stretching rubber shoes. Using boiling water

Although I don’t like rubber boots, at the dacha without them you can’t enter the forest after rain or go to the store in wet weather. The only problem is that it has become difficult to find boots for non-youth a full leg!

I ordered a pair of cute ones from the online store rubber shoes with short tops. I received it and... couldn’t pull it onto my legs - it’s too tight in the instep!

I turned to the Internet and read there a method for stretching rubber shoes. More precisely, not rubber, but PVC. 

The author of the advice strictly warned that the method is absolutely unsuitable for real rubber. PVC is able to stretch when heated, and after cooling it retains its shape. It was proposed to heat the boots in a simple way: by pouring boiling water into them.

Having found the letters “PVC” on the packaging of my boots, I decided to try it. While the water was warming up, I put high, thick socks with terry inside on my feet. Prepared a basin with cold water

for fast cooling.

Attention! It is better to place the boot in the sink to make it easier to pour boiling water from its softened depths. I filled one boot, waited a little, emptied it and put it on my foot. Be careful - it's very hot inside (I had to put on an extra sock). Then I walked a few steps and placed my booted foot in a bowl of cold water. After cooling, I removed and compared the volume of the boots - after treatment, 2 cm were added, otherwise the boot was not damaged. I repeated the procedure with the second one. Now puddles are no longer scary!

I think that stretching the shoes by more than 1–2 cm will still not work - the thin knitted mesh inside the boot may burst. As soon as September gave way to August on the calendar, rains came to the capital. Rubber boots are a real salvation in slushy and rainy weather, more practical shoes

just can't be found. However, it should be remembered that such shoes are not suitable for constant wear.

1. How to choose rubber boots?

When choosing boots, remember that they can be made from either natural rubber or PVC*. They can be easily distinguished by their weight. Lighter boots are most likely made of synthetic material, heavier ones are made of rubber. Boots from natural rubber

- 100% rubber - higher quality and will last longer. However, very few such boots are currently produced. But PVC shoes have completely different colors and patterns, since applying paint to synthetic material

To protect yourself, when choosing PVC boots, ask the seller for a certificate of conformity and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. Information about the material of the boots can also be found on the special liner, label or soles of the boots.

2. The surface of rubber boots should not be swollen or cracked. Also, there should be no scratches or whitish coating on it - such defects can cause the boots to leak. Fabric inserts (if any) must be firmly glued together.

3. It is better to choose a raised sole (so as not to fall if it freezes in the morning). In addition, there should be no gap between the base of the boot and the sole, otherwise the shoes may get wet. You should avoid stiff soles: if walking in boots is uncomfortable, you will put unnecessary stress on your spine.

4. When trying on rubber boots, you need to wear thick socks, because the boots themselves do not provide warmth. In addition, remember that you should be comfortable in the boots right away - they will not mold to the shape of your feet and will not wear out.

5. You can test rubber shoes after purchase: place them in a bowl of water. If they leak, take them to the store. Purchases with a receipt will be required to be accepted.

6. Another tip: if you want your boots to be more comfortable for everyday wear, you should pay attention to rubber shoes with a wool or felt lining. It is advisable that the lining can be removed from the boot and dried separately - this will make it easier for you to care for your shoes.

7. To protect your feet from direct contact with rubber, buy boots with insulation. In products High Quality used cotton fabric. In the insulated version, it can be fur (woolen, half-woolen fabric), flannelette (cotton), fleece (polyester).

8. Buy boots with removable insoles or with removable insulation - “socks”. They protect the foot from cooling, partially absorb moisture, and can be dried separately from the boots.

How to wear and care?

To keep the surface of the boots glossy and shiny, you can wipe them from time to time with a cloth soaked in a glycerin solution.

You should not dry rubber boots on a radiator - the glued elements may not withstand overheating and will begin to leak water.

To make wearing boots more comfortable, you can put warm or orthopedic insoles in them.

Rubber itself does not heat and cannot retain heat, and does not allow air to pass through.

Remember that rubber boots are practically impervious to air, so you should not wear them for more than three hours in a day. In addition, in order not to create a “greenhouse effect,” you should not wear rubber boots with synthetic or nylon socks.

When planning to go to a cafe or theater in rainy weather, do not forget to take replacement shoes, since in a warm room your feet in rubber shoes will sweat a lot, and when you go outside, you will freeze.

How did rubber boots come about?

1. The Indians were the first to discover the secret of the rubber tree sap. South America. They soaked clothes with it, turning them waterproof. With boots it’s even easier - the Indians simply dipped their feet in the sap of this tree. When it dried, a pair of waterproof boots remained on my feet.

2. American inventor Charles Goodyear invented the vulcanization method in 1839. Under the influence of high temperatures, he combined rubber with sulfur and obtained rubber, which he called “vegetable skin.”

3. In Spain, rubber boots are called “katiuskas” (katyushki), and in Great Britain - Wellingtons, named after the Duke of Wellington, who commissioned a shoemaker to modify 18th-century army boots. New sample shoes were made from leather, and only towards the end of the 19th century, after purchasing a patent for the use of vulcanization from Charles Goodyear, the production of waterproof boots was established.

4. Forty years after Goodyear's death, the Goodyear Rubber Company was founded - the largest manufacturer today car tires and other rubber products.

5. The Finnish company Nokia, before the production of cell phones, was renowned manufacturer rubber boots.

6. Fashionable style rubber boots given by designer Elio Ferrucci. He took three pairs of galoshes and painted them bright colors and took them to fashion magazine, asking the editor to take a photo and publish it. After publication, the painted galoshes became a sensation, and young Ferrucci became known in Milan.

*PVC- polyvinyl chloride, a thermoplastic polymer characterized by chemical resistance to alkalis, mineral oils, many acids and solvents. Does not burn in air and has low frost resistance (-15 °C). Heat resistance: +65 °C. Often used in clothing and accessories to create a leather-like material that is smooth and shiny.


Buying shoes is a responsible and very scrupulous matter, since a new thing should not only be beautiful, but also very comfortable. However, in practice, it very often happens that shoes or boots that fit perfectly on the foot rub calluses during the first walk. Of course, such an annoying misunderstanding can ruin all the joy from a long-awaited purchase. But you shouldn’t despair, as you can always stretch your shoes at home, making them more convenient and comfortable.

Leather shoes: secrets of fitting

Natural shoes lend themselves best to stretching and will wear out within a few weeks., stopping pressing in your socks and rubbing your heels. However, few people want to wait that long until a new thing can perfectly match the contours of the foot. The easiest way out in this situation is to wipe inner part shoes medical alcohol, vodka or regular cologne and walk around the house in it for about 20-30 minutes. In this case, shoes should be worn with thin cotton socks, which will absorb excess moisture.

An excellent means for stretching shoes made of genuine leather is steam. To do this, you need to boil the kettle and, while it is on the stove, bring shoes or boots to the spout and hold them over the steam for several minutes until droplets of moisture appear on the insoles. After this, you need to put the shoes on your socks and walk around in them for at least an hour, until the water has completely evaporated. The procedure for wiping the insides of shoes with a damp cloth soaked in hot water is based on the same operating principle. True, you need to make sure that not too much moisture gets inside, otherwise leather insoles deformed and will create a lot of inconvenience when walking.

If the shoes put a lot of pressure on the toes in the socks, you can treat the inside of them with 9% table vinegar, then put on new clothes and do not take them off for 20 minutes. If problems arise with a back that is too hard and constantly rubs against calluses, then in such a situation it is best to lubricate it from the inside a small amount castor oil and leave the shoes overnight in a warm, humid place, such as a bathroom. In the morning, any remaining oil that has not been absorbed into the skin will need to be removed with a paper napkin, and after that you can safely put on a new thing without worrying that it will cause you any problems.

Also too hard leather shoes can be softened with kerosene, which should be used to treat the insoles, heels and toes from the inside. After this, shoes or boots should be put on socks and walked around the house in shoes for at least half an hour. However, it should be borne in mind that after such a procedure, the new thing will be saturated with a characteristic smell, which will disappear no sooner than after a few weeks.

Often leather shoes If you don't wear it for a long time, it dries out and becomes deformed. To prevent it from stinging and rubbing your feet, you can use a proven the folk way stretch marks, which consists of rubbing the insides of shoes or boots with ordinary paraffin. After this procedure, the shoes should be left overnight, and in the morning, carefully remove the paraffin layer and lubricate the insoles, heels and socks with any vegetable oil. Then you should put on socks, put on your shoes and walk around the house in your shoes for at least 2-3 hours. If you don’t have time for this procedure, you can use special wooden lasts, which are sold in departments where shoe care products are presented. Such a last should be selected strictly according to size, otherwise dress shoes risk turning into some kind of trampled galoshes.

How to stretch leatherette shoes?

Artificial leather substitutes, which are widely used today in the manufacture of shoes, have one significant drawback. They practically do not stretch, and attempts to wear such shoes most often lead to characteristic stains or cracks appearing on the material. However, you can still try to solve the problem using regular Vaseline. They should lubricate the inside of the shoe. After a few hours, the remaining Vaseline should be carefully removed. soft cloth or paper napkin, after which you should put on socks and walk around in shoes for about half an hour. If this method does not help achieve the desired result, you can use the usual laundry soap, which should be used to thoroughly rub the inside of the shoes. After 5-6 hours, the soap should be removed with a damp sponge, then put the shoes on your socks and do not remove them until they are completely dry.

Folk remedies for stretching rubber and fabric shoes

If your sneakers or beach slippers are too tight for you, then in this case the easiest way out of the situation is to compact them tightly with newspaper, previously generously soaked in boiling water. It is best to do this in the evening, so that in the morning you can remove the newspaper and put on your shoes without any problems, feeling that the shoes have become noticeably more spacious and comfortable.

Leth is also suitable for these purposes, as it has the ability to perfectly stretch fabric and rubber. However, to achieve the desired effect, the shoes will have to be frozen. This is done as follows. In two tight cellophane package you should pour about 1.5-2 liters of water, then put your shoes in them and tie the bags tightly. To ensure that water does not leak, you can place your shoes in second bags that do not need to be tied. After this, sneakers or beach slippers must be sent to freezer for no less than 10 hours. When the shoes freeze, you need to remove them from the freezer, wait until the ice inside melts slightly, and carefully remove it. Wet shoes should be immediately put on with thin socks and not removed for several hours. For convenience, however, in such a situation it is best to use wooden shoes, with the help of which you can dry your shoes and give them the required shape much faster. However, it should be borne in mind that this method of stretching is not suitable for shoes made of natural and artificial leather, since after cold treatment it will lose its attractive appearance.

These are all just the first and most visible acquisitions. IN advanced cases possible curvature of the fingers, the appearance of “bones” on the fingers, which cause pain when walking and make problematic choice subsequent pairs of shoes.

Place the shoes in a bathtub or sink and pour boiling water over the inside. It is enough to just fill the insides of the product for a couple of seconds and immediately pour it out hot water. Blot the moisture, wait for the shoes to cool a little, and put them on your feet. Preferably over socks to avoid getting burned.

If you are afraid of getting your shoes wet, then this method of stretching shoes at home is suitable: do the same thing, first placing a bag inside each shoe so that the boiling water and the lining do not touch.

Not only boiling water will be effective, but also ice: fill two bags a quarter full with water, tie them and drop one each into your shoe. Place the structure in the freezer and remove it when everything is completely frozen. After the ice has melted, remove it from your shoes. This procedure is suitable for a strong, undemanding couple: not every material will withstand the cold test.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Faux leather does not stretch well and deteriorates easily: it cracks and loses its shape. But there are ways to stretch and

For example, thick cream or lubricate with Vaseline inner surface shoes. Wait 2-3 hours for it to be absorbed into the material, and then put on your shoes and walk in them for 20-40 minutes.

You can try what everyone is familiar with with newspapers: you need to stuff them tightly into each shoe, and then leave the pair to dry at room temperature. When stuffing, do not be overzealous so that the shoes do not become deformed. Also, do not try to speed up the drying process with a battery or hair dryer: excessive heat exposure can damage the material.

For wasteful people or those who need to stretch the narrow top of high boots: insert a bag into the shoes, pour any small grains, and fill it with water on top. The grain will swell and stretch the tight boots without your participation in 8-10 hours.

How to stretch patent leather shoes

Stretch patent leather shoes stands very carefully so as not to damage the top coating (it can crack and lose its shine). You can painlessly enlarge your shoes if the varnish is soft and thin skin(natural or artificial).

So to stretch patent leather shoes, mix alcohol and water in a 2:1 ratio, wet your socks with the resulting solution. Now put them on and put tight shoes on top. You should walk in your shoes for about an hour or two until the socks are completely dry.

There is another way to stretch patent leather shoes: treat the inner surface of the shoes with Vaseline or cream, focusing Special attention dense parts: toe and heel. Then you need to insert the lasts into the shoes (if you have them) or, as usual, put the shoes on with thick socks.

If your shoes are made of the now widespread polyvinyl chloride (aka PVC), and not of durable classic rubber, then stretching them is as easy as shelling pears. To check the material, all you need is a needle or awl and a lighter: heat the metal and touch it in an inconspicuous place (just don’t pierce them). If the boots begin to melt, then these are PVC and the shoes can be stretched.

To stretch we need:

  • several liters of boiling water,
  • deep container with ice water,
  • wool or terry socks,
  • your boots and your feet

Pour boiling water into it and wait 3-5 minutes: the material will become noticeably softer. Put on thick socks and move the bowl of cold water closer. Pour boiling water out of your boots, quickly pat them dry with a towel so as not to wet your feet, and put them on your socks. In the heated steam, stomp and walk around for a few minutes. Leave your shoes in cold water for an hour, and then don’t forget to dry it.

In many cases, rubber products are completely irreplaceable. Various seals, belts, hoses and other parts are found in the design of household items and automotive technology. But when long-term use or overcooling, they may become hard and unsuitable for further use. How to soften rubber at home? There are substances and methods of influence that help achieve the desired result.


This substance is capable of changing the structure of rubber and restoring the elasticity of products made from it. The procedure consists of soaking objects until the desired effect is obtained. Rubber big size can be carefully rolled before placing in a container with kerosene. After a couple of hours, the softened part should be removed and washed thoroughly.


There is another option - to bathe the product in a water-ammonia solution. The rubber should be placed in the prepared composition and left for about half an hour. Then the washed and dried part can be used for its intended purpose.

Silicone and castor oil

How can you soften the rubber, at least for a little while? Silicone will have a temporary effect on it. Having lubricated the surface of the object with it, you need to give it time to absorb, after which the product will be ready for use. A similar treatment can be carried out using castor oil.


In a situation where it is not possible to put a hose on a round part or pipe, immersing the desired part of the product in boiling water will help. After waiting a little, you need to remove the hose from the water and, without wasting time, install it in its proper place. This will be quite easy to do, since high temperature the material will steam.

Sometimes a problem arises with removing rubber elements from some structural parts. In this case, air heating will be effective. A hairdryer is used. Under the influence of a hot jet, the material will expand, as a result of which it will be possible to twist and tighten the element that has become pliable.

Such simple methods You can soften hardened rubber, thereby increasing the service life of popular products.

Probably every person in his life has experienced discomfort from uncomfortable shoes. Often women cannot resist buying beautiful patent leather shoes, even if they are not on sale suitable size. The euphoria from the purchase passes with the appearance of the first calluses, and the desire to return the shoes to the store arises. And even if everything was great when trying on in the store, then after a few hours beautiful new shoes can rub and press. The thing is that our legs sometimes swell. And the more load we give them, the more they swell. What to do with expensive shoes that are too tight? You can give it to a shoemaker, who, using “magic,” will fix everything. You can also stretch your shoes at home.

There are many ways to stretch your shoes. They are all good, but different shoes The effect is also different. For example, nubuck shoes are very sensitive and delicate, while varnish shoes can crack due to temperature changes.

How to stretch leather or suede shoes

As you know, suede and leather - natural materials. Due to this, shoes made from these materials can be easily adjusted. And even stretching shoes to size is not a problem if the shoes are made of suede. Below are a few ways to do this.

  1. Leather shoes can be adjusted to fit your feet using boiling water. This sounds scary, of course, but in fact everything is painless. You just need to pour boiling water into the boots and then pour it out immediately. As soon as the shoes have cooled down a little, put them on your feet and walk until they dry. However, if your shoes are made of artificial leather or leatherette, you shouldn’t do the boiling water trick, since only leather can withstand high temperatures.
  2. The second way to stretch shoes is also based on the laws of physics. You will need a regular thick bag or balloon. Place it in the shoe and fill it with water. Place everything in the freezer overnight. Water, turning into ice, will expand and increase the volume of your favorite shoe.
  3. A very common way to distribute tight shoes quickly - treatment with alcohol. Even vodka or the good old “Triple Cologne”, known since Soviet times, will do. It’s enough just to treat your shoes inside and out, put them on a thick sock and walk for two hours. Better, of course, around the house. On the street they won’t understand you like this. The heel of the shoe should be thoroughly treated with alcohol. This will make it softer and stop rubbing.
  4. Put on socks, tights or stockings and wear new shoes around the house for a few days. This is enough to slightly adjust the shape. For better effect Wet socks should be worn.
  5. You can purchase stretching spray at a shoe store. Just make sure it is suitable for suede before purchasing. At home, you should treat the inside of your shoes and let them dry.
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