Causes of skin peeling off on a child's hands. The child's fingers are peeling off

Skin is our protection from environmental influences. In addition, it is one of the very first organs to respond to changes in the state of the body. That is why close observation and examination is necessary if a child has peeling skin on his fingers.

The causes of this problem are different: both easily solvable and requiring long-term treatment. It is very important to start adequate treatment quickly and on time. The most common causes of peeling are the following:

The skin on children's fingers peels off for a variety of reasons, however, in all cases, this is precisely a consequence of some diseases, and not an independent pathology. That is why treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause.

Types of peeling and preliminary “identification”

Sometimes you can tell by the appearance of the skin what the child is suffering from. Of course, even in this case tests will be required, but it will already be clear what kind of testing is required.

So, if the skin between the fingers peels off, there is a high probability of developing scabies. Peeling on the side of the finger indicates the presence of a fungus.

If flaky spots have formed on your hands, you need to pay attention to their color - silver-white scabs are characteristic of psoriasis, dark gray ones indicate ichthyosis, while pink or red color “hints” at lichen.

If, in addition to peeling, there is an increase in temperature (and the temperature is primary), this is almost always a symptom of an infectious disease. One option is scarlet fever. At the early stage there are no characteristic symptoms; often the body overcomes it on its own. If, 14 days after an inexplicable spike in temperature, the child’s fingers begin to crack, he probably suffered from scarlet fever.

Food allergies are extremely rarely expressed in this way, since the allergen must be very strong to cause peeling of the skin on the hands. However, contact allergies or exposure to chemical elements of this kind may occur. The obvious option is to use inappropriate detergents. In this case, cracking will occur not only at the fingertips, but throughout the entire hand. If only one peeling finger is found, the child probably touched an allergen. In this case, most likely, the affected area will have a clear boundary. The skin will most likely not just flake off, but peel off in layers.

Very often at the end of winter, the skin on a child’s hands cracks. Most often, this is a lack of vitamins. Many parents do not take this seriously, especially if there is no itching. However, this approach is incorrect, since peeling indicates major problems: the skin is constantly renewed, layers grow imperceptibly; if it doesn’t work on the fingers, it means the body simply doesn’t have the strength. If you do not correct your child’s diet, problems may arise within the body.

If the symptoms on the fingers of both hands are similar, then this indicates problems within the body, while a different picture on the left and right hands indicates contact exposure or dermatosis.

What to do if your child's skin is peeling

The first reaction to the beginning of peeling or cracking of the skin should be to shorten the nails. Even if there is no itching (or not yet), the child will itch. If the nails are long, he can not only cause wounds to himself, but also introduce an infection there. After this, you need to see a doctor: first, a dermatologist. What can be done if immediate treatment is impossible, and harm is scary?

To minimize the risk of infection getting into cracks, you should wash your hands. There is no need to wipe them, it is better to gently blot them with a towel. A very young child can wear special mittens on his hands to prevent scratching and possible spread of infection to the skin. For those who already know how to remove mittens, it is recommended to bandage their fingers loosely.

Sometimes, if a child’s skin is cracking, herbal baths or various creams are recommended. However, until the causes of cracks are clarified, this should not be done.

If you are firmly convinced that the skin blister, which caused cracks and peeling, appeared as a result of a burn, it can be lubricated with special products. However, if the burn is serious, consultation with a surgeon is required.

Diagnosis and treatment

In addition to a visual inspection by a specialist, tests are required. This can be a scraping from the damaged area or a smear from the same. If it turns out that a serious disease is present, then a number of more tests will be required, which will be prescribed by a specialist whose profile it belongs to. However, often it is enough to analyze material from the skin, since all the existing causes have been well studied, and the correct treatment has been selected for each of them.

The main rule during treatment: strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations. Everything he prescribes must be followed. Whatever the reasons for the skin on your hands cracking, your doctor knows much more about them than you do. He knows better modern remedies that can quickly overcome a specific ailment. Self-use of drugs can lead to either an overdose, or a relapse, or wasted exposure to strong drugs without achieving results. And children will be forced to undergo again, often a long course of treatment.

Important! In order to put an end to the child’s suffering, so that his hands do not peel off and the skin on his fingers does not crack, it is necessary to carefully follow the specialist’s instructions, avoiding amateur actions.

We recommend watching a video about skin problems with skin problems, says Dr. Komarovsky


It is quite difficult to talk about prevention when the range of possible causes of peeling on the fingers or fingertips is so wide. Still, in order to avoid the most common problems, it is enough to follow the basic (simple) rules:

  • feed the child nutritious food containing the required amount of vitamins and other useful elements;
  • accustom your child to regular hygiene procedures, including washing hands after a walk, playing with animals, before and after eating, etc.;
  • timely response to emerging diseases.

It is important to remember that only a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Even if you are sure “that your neighbor treated hers with thistle and it helped,” you should not use a similar remedy for your child: if there is another reason for peeling and cracking, this can aggravate the skin condition.

All parents know how quickly children grow, but at the same time they have to deal with various difficulties. For example, sometimes the skin on the fingertips peels off. There are several reasons for the violation, and we will consider them in detail.

Why does the skin peel off on a child's fingertips?

Every pediatrician will tell you why the skin on the fingertips of a child peels off. The fact is that the baby’s immune defense is initially weakened, so many extraneous factors can lead to disturbances. As a rule, the cause of peeling skin on the fingers of children can be associated with various factors and phenomena:

  • lack of vitamins in the diet;
  • diaper rash;
  • fungal infections;
  • stress;
  • food allergies;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • worms.

When the skin on the tips of a child's fingers and toes peels off, parents should not panic. They should contact a pediatrician, who, after diagnosis, will prescribe suitable treatment methods.

Often young mothers do not trust doctors and want to figure everything out on their own. This is not surprising, so we will look at the most common reasons in more detail.


When a child's skin peels off on the pads of his fingers and toes due to an allergy, it can be difficult to discover what exactly is causing the problem. You might have changed your soap or bought a new toy. Anything that the baby has not been in contact with before may contain allergenic substances. Sometimes new objects, including toys and rattles, trigger allergies.

Food allergies to various foods cannot be ruled out. It is important to exclude from the diet everything that you gave your child for the first time. It is likely that the peeling of the skin on the child’s fingers will go away on its own.

Fungal infections

Having discovered how the skin on the fingers of children peels off, the cause can be looked for in fungal diseases. In this case, redness and itching additionally occur. You need to see a pediatrician as soon as possible, but don’t even think about choosing antifungal medications for your baby on your own, since there are different types of fungi.

Insufficient amount of vitamins

Lack of vitamins is the third popular reason why the skin on the pads of a child’s fingers peels off. This happens from the age of three years, and to eliminate the disorder you may need to take multivitamin complexes. If there are no serious diseases, the skin condition will return to normal in a matter of days.

Pay special attention to peeling skin on the fingertips of newborns. In the first few weeks, the skin on your hands should gradually renew and peel off. In this case, the baby does not experience any discomfort. This process is completely normal and does not require treatment. You just need to periodically lubricate your fingers with oils and creams for newborns.

Preventive measures

As for prevention, when a child’s skin peels off on the pads of his fingers, it is very simple. You need to adhere to a few basic rules:

  • feed your baby nutritious food containing vitamins and beneficial microminerals;
  • teach your child to practice regular hygiene, especially washing hands after contact with animals or upon returning from the street;
  • take prompt action if signs of peeling occur.

Only an experienced doctor can determine why the child’s skin is peeling off on the pads of his fingers and what the treatment should be.

How to treat peeling fingers in children

First of all, if you notice peeling skin on your child’s fingers, consult a doctor who can refer you for examination and testing. Based on them, the specialist will make a diagnosis and be able to determine the treatment regimen and its duration.

When the dermis of your fingers begins to peel off due to a deficiency of vitamins, the doctor will probably prescribe multivitamins from the pharmacy. Additionally, it is necessary to review the diet by adding foods containing vitamins B, A, C and E.

When a child’s skin peels off due to fungal infections, the pediatrician will prescribe an ointment or cream (Radevit, Aekol, etc.). The product should be applied to the areas between the fingers, and its effect will be noticeable within a few days.

During the cold season, diaper rash sometimes occurs on the skin due to mittens. It is better to wash them off using a special cream or gel with a drying effect.

In case of allergies to food products, medications and household chemicals, you need to determine what exactly causes the reaction. For treatment, gels, ointments and tablets are prescribed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby’s body.

For additional nutrition and moisturizing of the skin in areas of peeling between the fingers, use baby creams such as Bepanten, Mustela and Bubchen.

A condition where the skin on a child’s fingers and toes peels is quite common. It is called desquamation - scaly exfoliation of the epithelium or other tissues from the surface of the organ due to pathological changes.

Desquamation can accompany various diseases or be the result of external irritation. Symptoms of desquamation can vary depending on its cause. There are different types of skin peeling:

  • Transparent bubbles that are filled with liquid. When they burst, a dense skin crust forms.
  • A scattering of small bubbles on the skin.
  • Excessive dry skin, prone to flaking and itching.
  • Manifestation of the influence of external stimuli.

The result is unchanged - the child’s fingers and toes peel off.

Peeling skin on fingers and toes: causes

The cause of desquamation of the epithelium may be calcium deficiency in the child’s body. This reason is the most harmless of all. In other cases, signs of desquamation indicate the presence of diseases. Possible reasons why the skin on a child’s fingers and toes peels off may be:

  • helminthization;
  • hereditary skin diseases;
  • allergic skin diseases;
  • infection with staphylococcus or streptococcus;
  • skin infection with fungi;
  • various skin injuries (burns, frostbite, radiation);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • hormonal changes;
  • constant stress;
  • taking medications for an extended period of time.

The skin on a child’s fingers and toes is peeling: what to do?

Your pediatrician will find out why the skin on your arms and legs is peeling. You may need to involve a dermatologist. In any case, treatment should be prescribed by a specialist. Therapy is selected depending on the cause of peeling. The basis of treatment is the elimination of the disease that caused the peeling.

Vitamins A and E are fat-soluble, so their absorption requires the consumption of animal and vegetable fats.

If desquamation is caused by external factors, then urgent restoration of the skin is required. Most often, proper nutrition is enough for this. Adjusting the diet involves introducing foods rich in vitamins A and E. These include: beef liver, eggs, vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cabbage), greens, fruits (peaches, plums, apricots) and some cereals (oats, barley, corn) .

Restoring the balance of nutrients and timely hygiene will save your child from unpleasant peeling of the skin.

If the skin on your fingers peels off and this process occurs constantly, it is likely that you are faced with some kind of disease or are simply not caring for your hands correctly. We suggest you study the main reasons why such a situation may arise and find out how you can get rid of it.

Causes not related to diseases

Dryness and flaking of the skin of the hands do not necessarily provoke diseases. In some cases, such a symptom may indicate improper hand care or adverse effects of external conditions.

To bring your skin back to normal, try to eliminate the influence of the following negative factors:

Dry indoor air and/or dehydration

The cells of our epidermis have a very strong need for moisture, and therefore, when the air is dry, peeling of the skin may occur. If in addition to this you drink little water, the skin on your palms and fingers can literally peel off.

Sometimes the problem may arise and/or worsen (for example, during the heating season) due to a hereditary predisposition. Thin and dry skin may run in your family. Therefore, if the skin on your hands dries out every winter, it is likely that this may happen to your child too.

Poor choice of hand soap

Unfortunately, the composition of many skin care products is so “chemical” that it can even cause severe dryness of the upper layers of the skin. To check this, try changing the soap and evaluate the result.

Lack of hygiene

People who spend a lot of time working with their hands in the ground or in construction often begin to peel off the top layer of skin on their palms and fingertips. In such cases, the cause of the problem lies not only in prolonged contact of hands with dirt, but also in the microdamage that the epidermis receives due to hard work.

Exposure to cold, habit of walking in the cold without warm gloves

Cold causes the blood vessels in the skin to constrict, so it begins to experience a deficiency of nutrients and moisture. As a result, some epidermal cells begin to die, and we observe peeling.

Using household chemicals without protective gloves

Outcast housewives are ready to scrub dishes, floors and walls with soap suds for days without using gloves. But this is a very bad idea - constant exposure to household chemicals on the skin of your hands often leads to damage and peeling.

Vitamin deficiency

If your body lacks vitamins, the skin will give the first signal. The hands suffer most severely from a deficiency of vitamins (A, E, as well as vitamin C), which very often accompanies the body in the spring. At the same time, in children, peeling of the skin due to vitamin deficiency occurs even more often than in adults.

Long-term medication use

Sometimes dry and flaky skin, including on the hands, appears as a side effect of taking hormonal drugs or antibiotics. This situation can occur in both a child and an adult, and after some time after a course of treatment it often disappears on its own.


Due to frequent experiences, even hormonal disruptions can occur in the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that some people, due to nervous experiences, begin to notice that their skin is peeling off. However, this symptom is very individual and appears more often in children.

Diseases accompanied by peeling skin on the fingers

Another cause of hand skin problems is a progressive disease. In addition to peeling, it may be accompanied by itching, rash, cracks in the skin and other unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, peeling skin on the fingers and palms of the hands occurs due to:

  • Allergies. An allergic reaction can occur to hand care products, food products, and even frost. Try to trace exactly when you noticed that the skin on your hands was peeling, what you did before, where you were, what substances you came into contact with, what food you ate. All this will help to quickly identify the allergen and eliminate it.
  • Eczema. This disease has a dry form of manifestation, in which only flaky scales form on the skin, without moist blisters.

  • Fungal infections of the nails and skin. Symptoms of bending depend on its type. These are often red spots with scaly edges. Only laboratory analysis can confirm the diagnosis.
  • Viral and bacterial skin infections. Any skin infection causes an inflammatory process, which in turn can result in peeling and detachment of certain areas of the body. In their place, wounds may appear. These diseases include candidiasis, chickenpox and papilloma.
  • Helminthiasis. Due to the presence of worms in the body, metabolism is significantly disrupted, and therefore the upper skin layer on the arms and legs can dry out.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas. The consequence of this state of the body is metabolic disorders, hormone production and vitamin deficiencies, causing dry skin.
  • Neurological diseases. If our nervous system works “like a clock,” this ensures the normal production of hormones by the body. When a person suffers from neurological diseases (for example, epilepsy or seizures), the normal functioning of the body is disrupted. One of the consequences may be peeling skin.

What to do if your fingers and palms peel off?

If you have tried changing your hand care, but your skin condition has not improved, be sure to consult a dermatologist! An experienced specialist will examine your hands, refer you for tests, and only after that will be able to make a final diagnosis.

If you are found to have dermatological problems, you will need to undergo treatment; if there are any others, the dermatologist will redirect you to another specialist (if the reason why the skin is peeling is hidden in neurology - to a neurologist, to problems with digestion - to a therapist or gastroenterologist).

If the skin on your child’s hands and fingers begins to peel off, do not delay visiting the doctor - quickly visit a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist with your baby.

Under no circumstances should you leave the problem unattended in the hope that it will go away on its own! If your hands suffer from fungal or viral diseases, many of which cannot be recognized visually, painful or festering wounds may soon appear at the site of peeling.

And don't try to scratch or pick at the affected areas. By your actions, you can damage not only the skin, but also deeper tissues, as well as introduce infection into them.

Prevention of peeling of hands and fingers

If your fingers are constantly peeling off, you should think about how to properly care for them.

You can learn about this in detail at an appointment with a dermatologist, but we will share with you only the most basic rules:

  1. Replace the soap you usually use with a more gentle and nourishing one. It doesn't have to be liquid soap - for some people it becomes the direct cause of skin problems.
  2. Use nourishing hand creams regularly. It is especially important to do this if the skin layer is just beginning to peel off.
  3. Avoid washing your hands in water that is too hot or too cold to avoid damaging your skin.
  4. Apply oils periodically to moisturize the skin on your hands. Dermatologists recommend using oils from almond, jojoba, peach, wheat germ, flax, avocado, olive, lavender, coconut and lemon for the skin of your hands.
  5. Make hand baths from starch (for 1 liter of boiled water, 1 tablespoon of starch) and oatmeal (steam 2 tablespoons of porridge with a glass of boiling water, and after 10 minutes add one tablespoon of honey and kefir). Keep your hands in the bath for at least 20 minutes.
  6. Use gloves whenever you come into contact with household chemicals (even while washing dishes). If you washed the floor without gloves, be sure to apply cream to your hands after work.

  1. When it's cold outside, be sure to wear gloves or mittens.
  2. Balance your diet and drink about 2 liters of water daily. If you don't know what a healthy diet should be, visit a therapist or nutritionist.
  3. Take vitamin complexes, especially if flaking and flaking of the skin is affected by the time of year. But only a doctor can prescribe vitamins.
  4. Take care of the air humidity in your apartment. Use special humidifiers or place vessels with water near the radiators in winter.

The simplest thing you can do to prevent your skin from peeling is to always carry a hand moisturizer with you. Try to apply cream to your skin whenever you feel that the surface of your hands is tightening, and also before you go out into the cold.

Video: what reasons can lead to dry hands and fingers?

When the outer layer of the epidermis peels and the skin on the fingers peels off, you should consult a dermatologist to eliminate the problem. He will tell you what products are suitable for softening the skin, help identify the cause, and, if necessary, prescribe an examination. In most cases, the skin on the fingers peels off due to chapping, vitamin deficiency, and malfunctions of the internal organs.

Why does the skin on my fingers peel off?

After the first signs appear - dryness, peeling, detachment of skin particles, a person should try to eliminate the discomfort with the help of emollients and restore the beauty of their hands. If these actions do not produce results, then you should contact a specialist, he will conduct an examination and tell you why the skin on your fingers is peeling. All causes of illness belong to two groups:

  • internal, caused by a disruption in the functioning of the main organs;
  • external, appearing after exposure to extraneous stimuli.

The child has

The epidermis on the hands of children is more vulnerable than that of an adult. External symptoms appear after a slight change in temperature, pressure, or damage. If a child has peeling skin on his fingers, this is not direct evidence of an illness; external irritants may be the cause:

  • poor hand washing;
  • fungus;
  • frostbite when children forget to wear mittens or gloves;
  • burn;
  • allergy to powder;
  • weathering.

When none of the reasons are suitable, then the skin on the fingers of children may crack and peel due to internal intoxication. Such symptoms are disturbing during:

  • staphylococcal infection;
  • food or drug allergies;
  • scabies;
  • viral disease;
  • worm infections;
  • vitamin deficiency.

At this age, the child cannot yet explain his feelings on his own. It is important that parents of children under 2 years of age carefully monitor the child’s behavior; this will make the doctor’s task easier. Correct diagnosis based on external signs, which differ in different diseases, will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and quickly prescribe a drug for treatment.

In an adult

The outer layer of a person's skin changes monthly, and new dead cells are formed instead of old dead cells. In case of health problems, this process is disrupted, causing discomfort in the form of redness and cracks. There are significantly more factors that cause the skin on an adult’s fingers to peel off than a child’s. Among the reasons causing dryness and flaking of the epidermis:

  • age and aging;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • allergic reaction to aggressive detergents;
  • skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, dermatitis, fungus;
  • dehydration, lack of moisture in the body;
  • non-compliance with the regime;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • consequences of hormonal imbalance;
  • metabolic disease;
  • damage resulting from injury, frostbite, thermal or chemical burns;
  • the body's reaction to a nervous breakdown;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas.

Often the skin on the fingers peels off not due to a serious illness or external factors, but due to poor nutrition. Cooking food in the wrong way, using large amounts of fat, eating salty, smoked, or too sweet foods provokes disturbances in the functioning of the liver and intestines, which can affect the skin. This problem can be eliminated more easily than others: you just need to change your diet, and the peeling will disappear.

In spring, the skin on your fingers will peel off.

If the disease is seasonal, it worsens during certain periods of the year. In early spring, the skin on your fingers will peel off after it gets warmer outside and people start taking off their gloves. At this time, it is very humid outside, and the cold wind contributes to chapped hands. Another reason for this condition is spring vitamin deficiency. After a long winter, the body needs additional components and substances that will help restore the epidermis.


After the patient consults a doctor, a full diagnosis is carried out, which includes a visual examination and tests. The dermatologist conducts a survey of the applicant, clarifying the symptoms, paying attention to the severity and localization of damage in order to understand the nature of the pathology and prevent further development of irritation.

If the skin on your hands near the nails cracks, turns red and peels, it may be a fungus transmitted by contact. If red paired dots are found between the fingers, which the patient constantly combs, then this is scabies. A blood test, scraping, or smear taken from the affected area will help confirm the presence or absence of the disease and clarify the diagnosis.

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