3 ditties about Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa ditties for adults and children - a fun farewell to Winter! For my beloved for a scarf

A selection on the topic "Chastushki for Maslenitsa for children"

We are with all the honest people
We'll sing ditties for you,
We are spending Mother Winter
And let's begin to welcome spring.

Everyone is grimy with soot
Our kids are in the yard.
They are bored with winter -
She is burned in effigy.

The whole class is in love
Into super tasty pancakes,
We chew a mouthful of them
And we’ll sing ditties for you!

Oh, pancake, pancake,
Looks like the sun
Warm, golden,
Ruddy and fragrant.

Hey boys and girls,
Stretch up your strength,
Everyone needs strength now,
May you eat pancakes for a week!

The sun is rising in the sky,
He's calling us all to a round dance!
Have fun, sing, dance -
Welcome Red Spring!

In our cooking class
Dexterous, skillful!
Everyone is in bright, elegant dresses,
And the pancakes are burnt!

Us this week
Everyone is jealous of the model
After all, pancakes for all of us, friends,
You can eat, but they can’t!

From pancakes me and my girlfriend
You can’t even pull me away by the ears,
We don't like porridge,
My friend and I are foodies!

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Beautiful girl.
If she came to us,
We will burn winter to the ground.

From sifted flour
Bake a bunch of pancakes.
Everything with a golden brown crust -
We'll eat it with caviar.

I'm eating pancakes, the bell is ringing,
I open it and there’s a puppy there,
How to grab your pants
And shouts: “Come on pancakes!”

I ate the fifth pancake,
My skirt burst.
I'll go sew up my skirt
To eat pancakes again.

We were sledding
And we ate too much pancakes.
We had fun every day,
And then we went home.

They burned an effigy on a hill
We doused the ashes with bleach
So that it does not revive
And let spring appear

I'm eating pancakes, the bell is ringing,
I open it and there’s a puppy there,
How to grab your pants
And shouts: “Come on pancakes!”

Oh friends, I'm tired
I didn’t have time to bake the pancakes
All the relatives came to visit
I didn't get the pancake.

Hey friend, don't be bored
Eat a pancake, drink tea!
And you want more -
I don't mind, eat it all!

We are not afraid of frost,
Today we will burn Maslena.
Let's have some fun
With bright, rainbow fire.

25 healthy pancakes
I ate it in one sitting.
And now on new trousers
You won't find clean places.

We used to meet Masdilka,
They rode her on a sleigh.
To go for a ride today,
We need to borrow snow.

The ice on the river has already cracked!
All the people are having fun!
Bakes pancakes with cottage cheese -
Maslena is waiting for a week!

Maslenitsa has come to us,
This means being pancaked.
To be love and to be kind -
Give everyone a pancake!

I made a test basin,
I'll treat you to pancakes.
And praise me
I will bake a mountain for you!

We sang ditties for you,
How good!
You clap your hands
In gratitude from the bottom of my heart!

We sang ditties for you,
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you
May you clap for us!

We hope that our selection of Maslenitsa ditties for children helped make your holiday bright and unforgettable.

Simple, easy to remember ditties for kids. Easy to teach, fun to sing, and fun for everyone!

Maslenitsa ditties for kids. Age: 2-4 years.

In this oily season
I baked a mountain of pancakes
I'm baked, I'm tired,
She started treating everyone!

Murka the cat said:
“Give me some pancakes too,
With them - sour cream in a bowl,
Best pussy breakfast ever!”

Off my plate
Damn, the squirrels stole it,
They sat on a birch tree,
We ate the damn thing in no time!

The bear said to the people:
"There is nothing better than honey,
Serve it here with some honey -
Just a fairy tale, not food!”

Forty set the table,
Called everyone over for pancakes:
"Hares, wolves, wild boars,
I’m looking forward to visiting you for pancakes!”

My mom's pancakes
Fragrant and delicious!
I'll kiss my mom on the cheek:
“Feed pancakes to your daughter!”

Grandma bakes pancakes
And keeps an accurate account of them,
And Vanyusha, grandma’s grandson,
I ate as many as 30 pancakes!

Hands and pants covered in oil,
I ate pancakes with butter,
And where do these spots come from?
I ate pancakes carefully!

Maslenitsa. Ditties for older children: Age: 5-8 years.

To what extent, to what extent
Damn looks like the sun
I'll swallow the pancake
I will shine for everyone like the sun!

I'm eating pancakes, the bell is ringing,
I open it and there’s a puppy there,
How to grab your pants
And shouts: “Come on pancakes!”

From pancakes me and my girlfriend
You can’t even pull me away by the ears,
We don't like porridge,
My friend and I are foodies!

Something like Kostya Ivanov
I ate 10 pancakes
And then Kostya added
10 centimeters tall!

I'll dip the pancake in sour cream,
I will eat with appetite,
Let even your heels be covered in sour cream,
There is no tastier food, guys!

Cheeks, nose and lips covered in oil,
Waists don't fit into skirts,
After Maslenaya, apparently,
We'll all have to lose weight!

We are in sour cream - me and dad,
And Timoshka's cat's paw,
Pancakes with sour cream
Simply super delicious!

Us this week
Everyone is jealous of the model
After all, pancakes for all of us, friends,
You can eat, but they can’t!

Ditties for middle school children. Age: 9-13 years.

The whole class is in love
Into super tasty pancakes,
We chew a mouthful of them
And we’ll sing ditties for you!

Hey boys and girls,
Stretch up your strength,
Everyone needs strength now,
May you eat pancakes for a week!

I'll bake a bunch of pancakes,
I'll put caviar on them,
I’ll invite Kolya to dinner,
Eat pancakes, Kolya, to your heart's content!

I'll come visit Nastya
For pancakes - what happiness!
Bring a treat!
For pancakes - Grand Mercy!

Under the spring sound of drops
The titmice sang songs to me,
I listened to their songs
I ate pancake with jam!

My little brother Ilyushka
All dirty, like a pig.
What happened, I know -
Ilya ate pancake with jam!

If only we had lessons instead
Make batter for pancakes
And bake pancakes at once
For the whole school, for the whole class!

We greeted Spring in droves,
“Come, Spring! - They shouted. –
Sit next to us at the table,
We’ll treat you to pancakes!”

Maslenitsa ditties for teenagers. Age: 14-18 years.

No, believe me, really
Better than Shrovetide week,
All week with all my heart
Eat pancakes, walk, dance!

Behind our ears, what to hide,
Can't tear myself away from the pancakes
Let everything wait
Maslenitsa has come to us!

I'm the envy of everyone
I eat pancake with caviar,
Nothing tastes better, I won’t hide it,
Pancake with caviar!

Invited on a date
I'm Masha, Luda, Anya,
Well, in return for a date, I
I eat pancakes with sour cream!

I'm watching my figure
I value my appearance,
“Pancake is good for your figure,”
I'll tell you exactly!

I've been eating pancakes all week
Stopped getting into my pants
Let me not stand up in my pants, don’t sit down,
I will continue to eat pancakes!

We ate pancakes for a week,
We barely fit into dresses,
Let the outfits be small, so what?
Pancakes are still more expensive!

We are ditties, as best we can,
They sang to you about pancakes today,
Our bow to you, gentlemen,
And let's eat pancakes!

Be sure to involve children in preparing for the holiday. There are many children's songs for Maslenitsa. They will help introduce the child to their native culture and tell the story of this fun festival. Children's songs can be learned for Maslenitsa at school or kindergarten, or for a home party. Invite your child's friends and their parents to visit, make a stuffed animal together, sing songs, and then eat pancakes! Great memories guaranteed.

Folk songs for Maslenitsa

We have collected several simple incendiary songs that will be useful for folk festivals.

Oh, Maslenitsa!

Oh, you, Maslenitsa, you are a liar!

Deceived, deceived,

She didn’t let me go for a walk!

Go away, Winter, go to bed,

Send Spring!

Goodbye, Maslenitsa!

Our Maslenitsa

And we are waiting for Maslenitsa, waiting.

We look out the window and take a look.

We'll see the cheese and butter in our eyes, we'll see it.

Our Maslenitsa is annual, annual.

She is a dear guest, dear.

She doesn’t come to us on foot, she doesn’t come to us.

Everything is driving around in cars, driving around.

You, Maslenitsa, are a torticollis, a torticollis,

Oh, and we'll meet you well, well.

We are covering the mountain with pancakes, covering it.

Drizzle oil on top and pour.

Like a mountain made of cheese, everything is steep, everything is steep,

And from the oil the mountain is still clear, everything is clear.

Oh, you, Maslenitsa, reach out, reach out!

You grab onto the oak tree, grab onto the deck, grab onto it!

Maslenitsa is coming

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,

Our annual guest,

Yes, on painted sleighs,

Yes, on black horses,

Maslenitsa lives for seven days,

Stay seven years.

Spring! Spring is red!

Come and join us with joy!

With great mercy!

With tall flax!

With deep roots!

With plenty of bread!

The annual Maslenitsa has arrived,

Our dear guest!

She doesn’t come to us on foot,

Everyone arrives on horseback.

Her horses are black,

They have golden manes,

And the sleighs are painted.

Ditties for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa songs should definitely charge you with fun, energy and joy, because we welcome spring and say goodbye to the boring winter! So ditties are perfect for this holiday.

Option 1

Let's start singing ditties,

Please don't laugh:

There are a lot of people here,

We might get confused!

My friend and I were walking,

They stuck cheese on the mountain,

They covered everything with pancakes,

They poured oil on top!

Wide Maslenitsa,

We boast about you

We ride in the mountains,

We'll overeat on pancakes!

Spring is not spring

And we said goodbye to winter

I baked pancakes

But you refused.

Like on Shrovetide

Pancakes were flying from the table,

And cheese and cottage cheese -

Everyone was flying under the threshold!

Girls, the oil can is coming!

Who will take us for a ride?

In Parsley's yard

Sivka disappears.

Maslenitsa - white legged

Stay with us a little,

For a week, for a day,

For just one hour!

Option 2

Come, come in

For golden brown pancakes.

Today is Maslen week -

Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslena

Eat 50 pancakes.

I'll eat them with some baked goods,

I'll try to lose weight.

Bake, godfather, pancakes,

Yes, so that they are magnificent.

Today is Maslen week -

You can eat too much.

The Martians have arrived

We were satisfied.

Their plates are not empty

And full of pancakes.

I ate the fifth pancake,

My skirt burst.

I'll go sew up my skirt

To eat pancakes again.

Play more fun, accordion,

Maslenitsa, don't be sad!

Come soon, spring

Drive winter away from us!

We stop singing ditties

Until another evening.

You sit until the morning

If there is nothing to do.

Have a fun and delicious Maslenitsa!

Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve pancakes to everyone!
So that the pancakes are heaped,
and all with caviar!

Maslenitsa means we are alive,
Once we walk, we will live,
And overeat with pancakes,
Have fun and love.

Let's go for a ride down the hill,
Let's drive away sadness and melancholy,
Let's say goodbye to winter,
She can no longer be helped!

Let it burn like a fire in half the sky
Head made of straw
Throw it into the fire quickly
Firewood from past love.

Daring Russian dance
Spin to the accordion...
We say goodbye to Maslenitsa!
Where are you in the spring? Wake up!

Since the ancient times
The Sun Festival is coming to us in a hurry.
He is one of the earliest
Looking out the windows on a spring day.
This Maslenitsa is rushing
Along the streets of relatives.
The whole village is drinking and partying,
Eats pancakes in a large piece:
With sour cream and nardek,
With fish, meat and caviar.
The holiday becomes wider with each century,
Don't call it a game.

I eat pancakes, maybe pancakes
It wasn't completely cool in the pan,
But don't let this bother you anymore,
I’ll eat them with gusto even without you.

I eat pancakes so sincerely and tenderly,
I have been starving for so long.
I will eat pancakes silently, hopelessly.
I would rather choke, but not give it to others.

We congratulate you on the tender Maslenitsa,
The time has come for pies to reign.
The winter farewell cannot be enjoyed without pancakes,
We invite you to song, to jokes, to joy!

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa
Walks all week with all his heart!
Bakes pancakes, pancakes, crumpets,
Ruddy as the sun. Nice!

The holiday is famous for its merry round dance,
All honest people sing and laugh.
Maslena the beauty welcomes spring.
Goodbye winter, see you in a year!

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Give up all your worries,
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha.

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
We'll meet you with a butter pancake,
Cheese, honey, kalach
Yes, with cabbage pie.
Great Lent awaits us all,
Eat up for future use, people!
Walk all week
Eat up all your supplies.

This holiday is coming to us
Early spring
How much joy it brings
He is always with him!
Ice mountains await
And the snow sparkles
The sleds are running down the hills,
The laughter doesn't stop.
At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends for pancakes,
Let's eat them together.
Noisy, fun
Cheese Week,
And behind it is Lent,
Time to pray.

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
You cling to the oak tree, to the deck!
Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa
Seven years old
And everything about Maslenitsa
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa is a deceiver!
Deceived, deceived,
She didn’t let me go for a walk!

Like on Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

Today we rejoice -
Today is farewell to winter
With pies and pancakes,
In the noise of a lovely commotion.
The sleds are flying down the hill,
The girl's eyes are burning,
Songs, dances and festivities
It's been a day in a row.
Young people are not too lazy to look
Nominated all day:
Grooms - girls
And brides - to the guys,
And my mother-in-law has pancakes
The son-in-law grunted contentedly: “Ah!”
I probably ate about forty pieces -
What a festive scope!
This is Maslenitsa
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

Proverbs and sayings for Maslenitsa.

"It's not buttery without a pancake"
"Ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes"
"Not life, but Maslenitsa"
"Maslenitsa, I'm going around, I'm saving money"
“At least pawn everything from yourself and celebrate Maslenitsa”
“It’s not all Maslenitsa, but there will be Lent”

Maslenitsa week by day

Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese Week!
You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.
We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY... The “MEETING” is coming.
Bright sleds slide down the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

“PLAYING” carefree is a joy for TUESDAY.
Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
A rich and golden Pancake week pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY comes up – it’s called “Gourmet”.
Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - everything is on the table!

And on THURSDAY - the free “RAZGULAY” comes.
Ice fortresses, snow battles...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat it with caviar and salmon, maybe a little simpler,
We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

SATURDAY is approaching - “SISTER-IN-LAW'S TREAT”.
All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.
The holiday continues, general fun.
A nice farewell to Zimushka!

Bright SUNDAY is coming quickly.
Everyone eases the soul on “FORGIVEN DAY.”
The straw effigy - Zimushka - is burned,
Dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

The fair crowns the magnificent festivities.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
In a year we will meet Beauty again.
Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

The tradition of singing ditties on Maslenitsa arose relatively recently. If no one now remembers exactly the date of birth of ritual songs, then about ditties we can say with confidence that they are only 150 years old and these funny quatrains appeared in the last third of the nineteenth century.

The short verses glorify Maslenitsa rituals, family and friendship relationships, farewell to Winter, and, of course, the most popular holiday treat - pancakes, which are given special attention in simple rhymes.

A ditty for the holiday of Broad Maslenitsa is an obligatory guest. It can be simple, composed of one quatrain, or more voluminous: up to 5 quatrains or more. The simpler the rhyme, the more interesting the ditty. The couplets are uplifting, cheerful, have a simple motive and easy rhyme. They are sung to the accompaniment of a button accordion, accordion, or phonogram.

Especially for Maslenitsa, we have written funny ditties for adults, and funny ditties for children - choose which one you like best!


* * *
Open the gates
Maslena came to the yard,
We'll bake pancakes and take a walk -
Say goodbye to winter together!

* * *
Like during Shrovetide week
We ate pancakes with jam.
They ate, they ate until they were full,
But Yegor said that it was not enough!

We'll feed him again
Let's remember his tricks.
On Sunday we treat you,
So we forgive him everything!

* * *
There are songs and round dances everywhere.
The window is full of people.
There is no edge, no end.
Maslenitsa has begun!

* * *
Egorka and I played
They gave us sweets and cookies.
It's good to welcome Spring,
We'll go play again!

* * *
All the neighbors agreed -
The pile of pancakes was flooded.
Come and have some refreshment
Take a ride down the pancake slide!

* * *
Masha and I have been friends for a long time
We keep our ears on top
Here's the news:
Maslenitsa has begun!

* * *
Let's bake pancakes,
And put them in trays,
To treat the boys,
Forgive them for their pranks!

* * *
Me and my friend Natasha
I’ll sing a little ditty for you:
Well, prepare a prize
Serve the pancake with caviar, please!

* * *
The cat sat on the window,
Raised my paws up
And she said: “Everyone is walking,
I went to Maslena!”

* * *
The guys and I were walking
And we saw Spring and Winter,
We need to set fire to Winter,
Drive away the winter cold!

* * *
The guys and I got together
We rode sleighs all day,
Not believing my happiness -
Hello, Maslenas week!

* * *
Mom scolded me
That I didn't clean well.
I'll ask myself for forgiveness
On Forgiveness Sunday!

* * *
Olya and I baked pancakes,
Mothers will say: “Super daughters!”
We got up early at dawn -
Shrovetide is just around the corner!

* * *
Oh swing carousel!
Stop rocking us
They already ate pancakes without us -
Where can we get pancakes today?

* * *
Get away from the snowstorm
We're already tired of you -
Let's drive away Winter!
Have fun celebrating Spring!

* * *
We played the lottery
They gave me a lucky ticket
It turned out to be a gray goose!
What to do with him? I'm afraid!

* * *
I offended Masha a long time ago,
And I didn’t see her all day.
I beg your pardon,
On Forgiven Sunday!

* * *
The mouse and the cat made peace
We treated ourselves to pancakes with butter,
I won’t drive them away -
Today we must forgive everyone!

* * *
Get ready kids
There will be games until the morning!
Maslena goes into the yard -
Everyone is invited to the holiday!

* * *
The ice on the river has already cracked!
All the people are having fun!
Bakes pancakes with cottage cheese -
Maslena is waiting for a week!

* * *
I made peace with my sister.
I say: “Now you sing!”
She sings cheerfully
Handing out pancakes with tea!
Why is it so cheerful?
Maslenitsa has come to us!

* * *
Our Murka is not stupid
Refused to eat the mouse
She doesn't even need porridge
He says: “Come on pancakes!”

* * *
Tuzik stopped barking
Today he is ideal!
I was able to forgive everyone today -
Lay down quietly in your booth!

Dad said without worry:
Our dog knows Sunday!
Come visit us -
Tuzik is glad to see our guests!

* * *
We baked amazing pancakes
And decorated beautifully:
Some with dill, some with jam -
The treat was a success!

* * *
We rode horses
And we ate too much pancakes,
This is how farewell to Winter -
There is no more fun time!

* * *
We baked a rosy pancake,
We found the eyes with the berry.
Mouth with a smile, ears to listen
Now I hate to eat it!

* * *
I forgive all my friends,
I promise to be exemplary.
Today is Sunday -
I apologize to everyone!

* * *
We were invited to a holiday
And they dressed them up.
We will meet Maslena,
Say goodbye to Evil Winter!

* * *
The stuffed animal stands on a leg
We'll wave a spoon at him.
We'll ask for porridge now,
And we'll throw you into the fire!
Let all bad weather burn away
And all people will be happy!

* * *
I love my mom!
I'll give her a pancake.
I wish you to be beautiful
And everyone is amazingly happy!

* * *
We rode a horse
Our sleigh moved quickly.
We all need to refresh ourselves -
Have some tea and pancakes!

* * *
I bake pancakes for friends -
I can bake a lot
Pancake, damn, one more -
There is no reason to be sad!

* * *
I took a walk today
I was pushing the cat in a sleigh.
We became friends with her -
Thanks to the Winter Farewell!

Ditties for adults

* * *
Like during Shrovetide Week
We ate a pan of pancakes,
They drank and sang until dark,
Go away quickly, Winter!

* * *
We baked a lot of pancakes -
Let's give Spring a ride!
Let's keep pace with her,
Pancakes are quick to eat!

* * *
Winter is angry and grumbling,
Yes, everyone is in danger of frost.
Well, we're having a blast -
Let's see off the winter with laughter!

* * *
Get into the sleigh quickly
And welcome the clear spring!
Treat everyone with pancakes,
Forget about worries!
Have fun until the morning
Old people and children!

* * *
My friend and I ate pancakes
And they gained a hundred pounds of weight,
Now let's drink water,
To shape your figure!

* * *
Maslenitsa is fun,
Doesn't tell me to sleep peacefully!
We all need to walk together,
So as not to miss Spring!

* * *
My darling cheated on me -
He rode a goat to Crimea,
But on Shrovetide week,
Suddenly he returned to the Gazelle.
Tells me: Sorry!
I love your pancakes!

* * *
Like during Shrovetide week
There was fun in the yard:
Sashka danced with Masha,
Damn, he put sweet stuff in her mouth!

* * *
I'll spread caviar on the pancakes
I'll roast a pig,
Let all the people around say
How luxuriously I live!

* * *
Hurry up and climb onto the pole
Win a huge prize at once!
Here are some great fun things to do:
Get rich for free!

* * *
Pancakes, butter, pies,
Don't be shy - take it all
Let's say to Maslena: “Thank you”!
The table is set for the guests to marvel!

* * *
Meet Maslena more friendly,
Pour everyone a glass!
And if you pour more -
You'll burn the Scarecrow faster!

* * *
We need to stand wider -
Drive away the fierce winter.
Then wave your hand,
And invite Spring to your place!

* * *
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!
They are visible from a distance.
Treat us quickly,
Forgive everyone for insults!

* * *
Like all Shrovetide week,
We ate pancakes with caviar,
They drank mead with tea,
Forgot about grievances!

* * *
On this holiday,
My husband brought a pillow.
He says: “I will fight!
To treat yourself to pancakes!”

* * *
The people burn the olive tree,
Seeing off the Snowy Winter.
May Spring come soon
We need Red Spring!

* * *
How to see off Winter
We gathered at the club.
They sang songs, ate pancakes,
They wanted to spend the winter
May Spring come soon
And it will bring joy to everyone!

* * *
How our Grisha climbed onto a pole -
He now hangs above everyone else,
Call the tower quickly,
Take off our Grishka!

* * *
I treat everyone to pancakes,
I forgive everything for insults!
And I ask you to forgive me,
Treat me to pancakes with honey!

* * *
Like Maslen week
We put on everything new.
After all, when will it happen now?
A chance to go out in public for a holiday?

* * *
Krasna Maslena stands,
And he's shaking from the cold.
We will light fires
Burn off all grudges with her!

* * *
Oh, dear friend,
You dance like a young girl
Know Winter has gotten to you
If you didn’t even stand!

* * *
Music plays everywhere
And the whole people convenes.
We will meet Maslena,
Eat pancakes with tea!

* * *
Maslenitsa dear!
There is no end to you!
I will be friends with you
I want to spend the winter!

* * *
Horses, sleighs, kids -
Everything is “twisted” in the morning.
We celebrate the holiday with joy,
We say goodbye to the Evil Winter!

* * *
I'll spread some butter on the pancake,
Yes, I’ll put some caviar,
Let all the neighbors know
How I spend the winter!

* * *
I’m standing in a sheepskin coat and telling my friends:
We need to meet Maslena,
We can't freeze!
Put on your fur coats quickly,
Open the doors wider!

* * *
My little one is like a calf -
He can't live without me!
I forgive him for everything
Happy holiday to all of you, friends!

* * *
Like during Shrovetide week
The rooks have already flown to us,
That's right, they feel that we -
Celebrating the end of Winter!

* * *
I'm so full of pancakes
Pies and pretzels,
And then another barbecue
That's how he came to me,

And I also ate porridge -
I didn’t regret my belly!
Celebrated Maslena holiday
I'm really tired of food!

* * *
Misha, Masha, get ready!
Compete in relay races -
Let's have a fun walk
Drive away winter further!

* * *
To meet Spring sooner,
We need to spend the winter
And also ask for forgiveness,
And forgive your friends!

* * *
Don't be bored today!
Put on your fur coats immediately,
Set out the treats
Forget all grievances!
We will burn the effigy
Welcome Red Spring!

* * *
I'll tell you, friend,
What is today such a day -
We need to forgive each other!
And give up on everything.
Pour vodka into glasses,
Delicious pancake snack!

* * *
So Maslena has come,
Brought fun to everyone.
Let's walk happily
Drink tea and pancakes!

* * *
How Nikola had fun
Got drunk on Sunday!
And he said: “Farewell me,
Pour more vodka!”

* * *
Winter is angry and grumbling
And the breath is cold.
Let's sing and have fun
To say goodbye to her quickly!

* * *
Porridge was distributed on holiday,
People stood in line
The train has no end in sight!
It's Maslenitsa!

* * *
I'll put a pancake in my mouth
I’ll tell everyone how happy I am.
Come on, pour a glass,
I'll be even more fun!

Everyone who will perform ditties on Maslenitsa should throw on a small festive attribute in the form of a painted scarf.
It will look even better to perform ditties in Russian costumes - add a little rustic accent and your ditties will be a success!

Watch a video about how wonderfully the members of the folklore group “Fanlights” perform Maslenitsa ditties.

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