What can a woman do in retirement? What should a pensioner do in retirement? Retirement - third youth

Many people who have already turned, say, forty-five years old, are looking forward to the moment when they get rid of their boring work and finally retire. However, once they actually retire, the question becomes relevant: “What to do next?”

General provisions

Unable to find themselves, having broken away from the team, people simply lie down on the sofa and slowly fade away in front of the TV. It should be noted that such a fate is not foreseen for everyone today, because there are pensioners who still find entertainment for themselves, which, as a rule, is completely unrelated to their former activities. So they begin to live a fundamentally different life. How can a woman earn money in retirement? Do the currently known methods really work? How can you achieve your dream and start making the most of your retirement? These and other equally interesting questions can be answered by reading the materials in this article.

To begin with, it should be noted that the options for earning money in retirement, collected in this article, will help bring not only real income, but also moral satisfaction, which today plays a practically key role, especially for retirees. Each person now has the opportunity to choose one of the options they like best for themselves. It is after this choice that he can become completely free and is given the right to manage his own time as he pleases.

How can a woman earn money in retirement? For example, many retired women devote themselves to their beloved grandchildren. You will certainly never get bored with the latter, and time flies by much faster with them. However, what to do if there are no loved ones and grandchildren who could visit the pensioner almost every day? This article is devoted to this issue.

How can a woman in a village earn money on her pension?

It is interesting that it is easiest for women living in rural areas (villages, hamlets and urban settlements) to cope with the issue of spending time. There she simply will not be able to get bored in a private house. Especially when a woman intends to engage in one of the following activities:

  • How can a woman earn money in retirement? In order to get moral satisfaction and increase the comfort of your own life, you can put things in order in your house, organize modern stylish renovations, and replace, for example, old wooden windows with plastic ones. By the way, it is absolutely not necessary to do everything yourself, because currently there are a huge number of specialized structures. Are you unhappy that their services are not free? Yes, but, firstly, it is often pensioners living in rural areas who are given good discounts: and secondly, good housing can be rented out quickly, because today so many city residents want to relax in the countryside.
  • How can a woman earn money in retirement? Another fairly bright option for making money is growing greens or seedlings for sale. This method can be doubly satisfying for a pensioner if he has a greenhouse or greenhouse, because under such conditions the finished product can be sold already in the middle of spring (it is at this time that it is valued much higher than in the summer). However, even without the presented structures, this small but such an interesting business will begin to generate very good income, which is seasonal in nature.

Additional business methods in the village

How can a woman earn money in retirement? Additional business options for retired women in the village include the following:

  • Growing flowers. It is important to note that this can be done both in the house and in the flower beds that are laid out in the yard. By the way, indoor flowers are also in great demand today.
  • Business on quail or chicken eggs. It is interesting to know that poultry farming is profitable because you only need to invest in it once. After this, you can buy a household compact incubator and rear the young animals yourself. By the way, in addition to eggs, you can also sell poultry directly, especially when it comes to chickens.
  • Breeding pigs, rabbits and other animals. It's no secret that their meat is always in demand.
  • Dairy business. You can have several cows (or one animal), which will delight the whole family with fresh milk in the morning. If you are not sure that caring for them is not such a difficult task, you need to pay attention to goats, whose milk is not only constantly in demand, but also extremely healthy.

What to do in the city?

How can a woman living in the city earn money in retirement? To begin with, it should be noted that, despite the absence of her own plot of land and a private house, a woman who has retired, even in the city, has the opportunity to find a sufficient number of activities that will not only bring a stable income, but also moral satisfaction. For example, the following types of activities are good options for a city resident:

  • Tutoring is an ideal way for former teachers to earn money. In this way, they can provide subject-specific services, help with tests and exams, and prepare students for entry into higher education. It is important to add that this activity is paid very well.
  • Hand Made is nothing more than the formation of certain products for sale with your own hands. Thus, a retired woman has the opportunity to knit or sew exclusive accessories, clothes, and also make unique souvenirs. By the way, selling your own products independently is not a necessary condition, because today it will not be difficult to find competent assistants.

What else can a pensioner earn money on in the city?

How can a woman earn money on her pension at home if she lives in an urban area? The following activities are good options in such circumstances:

  • Organization of a kindergarten for children, where a woman can look after a small group of children whose parents spend a longer period of time at work.
  • Sales of services related to clothing repair (custom tailoring is also appropriate here). It should be noted that this activity is suitable only for those retired women who undoubtedly have the necessary equipment and know a lot about sewing.
  • Making cakes, pies, and any other products to order. By the way, if a woman is not equipped to cook very tasty, she can significantly simplify the overall task, in other words, start preparing dumplings, dumplings and other semi-finished products. It is important to know that this activity only requires time, which retirees usually have plenty of.

Classes for advanced retirees

How can a woman make money on the Internet on her pension? This question cannot be confusing today, because innovative technologies have certainly reached not only the smallest, but also the wisest. If a woman considers herself to be an advanced retiree and is well versed in modern technology (especially when it comes to computer technology), then she can easily find a fairly profitable occupation for herself on the Internet. It would be advisable to consider all currently effective aspects of this topic in subsequent chapters in more detail.

What exactly can you do on the Internet?

How can a woman earn money on her pension at home on the Internet? Today, the following activities can be successfully implemented on the World Wide Web:

  • Writing articles to order (let them be advertising articles, descriptions of commercial products, or just articles on various topics to choose from).
  • Promoting your own blog. Thus, a retired woman, endowed with a wealth of experience and very wise compared to modern generations, can very profitably share her personal knowledge in any field with readers, as well as earn money from advertising.
  • Writing custom essays, tests, coursework and diploma projects. Of course, this option is simply ideal for teachers, as well as teachers of higher educational institutions who have retired.
  • Using services that offer the simplest types of earning income from the World Wide Web. These include taking various tests, reading emails, clicking on links, and the like.

Your own store? Is quite real!

What should a woman do in retirement to earn money? Just don’t think that it’s too late for a woman to open her own store after fifty. Her life in this case is just beginning. That is why a great many new opportunities are open to a pensioner. Thus, with a strong desire and sufficient initial capital, you can easily implement this idea. It is important to note that we are talking not only about large-scale structures, but also about small ones, for example, fruit stalls. By the way, a good option that requires less time and effort, in this case, is opening a franchise.

Implementation of the idea

How can a woman earn money in retirement? As it turned out, a good option for making money and getting moral satisfaction is to open your own store. It’s great if close people help a pensioner in this matter, because the matter actually requires a lot of time and effort. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, starting from the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur, and ending with the search for suppliers and determining the range of commercial products. If you make a positive decision on opening your own store, you should approach the organization very seriously and, of course, formulate a rough business plan (or better yet, a detailed one) in order not to “burn out” in your chosen business.

Activities in retirement are worthy of respect!

How can a woman earn money in retirement? Above we discussed a very interesting and at the same time modern option for earning money for retired women, which is working on the Internet. It is important to note that generating income from the World Wide Web can be recommended even to those women who have never used computer equipment for personal purposes before, and today do not know how to turn on and make this terrible machine work. But it’s no secret to anyone that nowadays learning something fundamentally new to oneself is nothing more than an extremely exciting and interesting activity.


As it turned out from the materials of the presented article, a person’s life does not end with retirement, and perhaps it is just beginning. There is no longer the same job, which often causes a lot of disappointment and inconvenience, there is time for personal affairs and the opportunity to see loved ones more often. Today, it is not at all difficult to find an activity that could make a pensioner look at his own life in a completely different way, as well as receive a pleasant bonus to pension payments and, of course, a sea of ​​enchanting impressions. The main thing in this matter is to never get hung up on the fact that your only fate in the event of retirement is watching fake talk shows and all kinds of TV series that simply take up precious time, but in return do not bring one bit of benefit.

Third period, autumn of life. As soon as they don’t call the retirement age. Contrary to popular belief, pensioners are not only grandmothers on benches at the entrances and “old people who are still knocking on dominoes.”

Also called well-deserved rest. But does this necessarily mean that people sit in front of the TV day and night, sleeping until their heart's content? And the only entertainment is grumbling about the inadequacy of the younger generation in all respects?

A person, absorbed in worries and the crazy rhythm of life, has no idea what to do in retirement and what to do with so much time. Whereas many activities and opportunities open up precisely after retirement.

The third age is not a time for despondency

Nature works in such a way that any change is stressful for a person. They are the threshold beyond which the unknown. Therefore, at first, a retired person may believe that he has been thrown overboard from life. Hence the despondency, bad mood, bad thoughts. This condition is addictive, so you need to immediately start planning further actions.

An example of this is the success of people, part-time jobs for retirees, which turned them into successful businessmen. One developed the ideas, but since there was no investor, he implemented his ideas himself and became the director of a large company. Another woman decided to help her grandson pay for his education and after 5 years turned into a successful businesswoman, owner of a chain of stores.

Research shows that the number of travelers among retirees has also increased. Many couples strive to visit places where they could not go in their youth, and are in a hurry to experience unforgettable emotions.

Activities Options

Now all kinds of courses, part-time jobs, schools and much more are provided for pensioners. In order not to get lost in the abundance of offers, you need to decide on your desires, and based on what your darling wants, choose methods of implementation.

So, what can you do in retirement:

    open your own business;

    learn new skills and master other professions and languages;

    finally start traveling;


    get involved in handicrafts;

    become an advanced user;

    make money online;

    fulfill old and secret dreams;

    participate in programs for retirees.

The listed options make up a list of the most popular and bring pleasure and even income. In fact, retirement age is not a diagnosis, but open new opportunities and time, which young people so often lack. In addition, it is a great chance to prove to yourself and others that life during this period is full of interesting things.

Open your own business

Someone dreamed of a perfume shop, someone reads the classics and gets upset when they don’t find the book they need in the library or store. The main thing is to find a product or service that would be interesting to sell.

Now there are many free trainings and programs that make learning how to run a business competently as easy as shelling pears. There are sites on the Internet dedicated to business ideas with plans posted.

In addition, you can open your own private enterprise at any age. And you can easily prepare the documents yourself. A simplified system of the process of starting a business makes it possible to become an entrepreneur in one day.

On your side - experience and wisdom, the ability to understand people. Professionals advise starting a business with two or three positions, and then increasing the range of services, guided by the needs of customers.

Another plus is the availability of cash payments. Risk is a noble thing, but it is much more pleasant if at least some minimum is left behind. What can you do in retirement if not fulfill your dreams?


Many people, upon retirement, feel as if they are degenerating without communication, the need for development and aspirations. You can compensate for this by starting training.

Let your walk around the city be accompanied by looking at advertisements and various offices of companies that provide training services. Also, all the necessary information can be found on the Internet.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just courses for retirees. There are many organizations that recruit multi-age groups. There are often cases when at a dance school they become the favorites of the group or give a head start to the young ones.

In addition, no one canceled lectures, libraries, video and audio courses, trainings, and so on. Many of them are free.

The advantage of such training is that it completely eliminates the hated word “must”. Doing something for yourself is always easier and more enjoyable.


“Where I have not been: in Paris, and in Berlin, and in New York... Yes, I have not been to Voronezh either!” The phrase shines with sarcasm, which will touch every person who is a traveler at heart. What to do in retirement if not make friends with many countries and cities, immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of different peoples and be filled with impressions?

It's great if you have a small number of grandchildren. Then you will not only please yourself, but also give an unforgettable experience to your children. You will provide children with long-awaited moments of rest from the squealing and hassle associated with little monsters.

Travel restrictions are dictated only by health status and financial capabilities. But if the vacationer is a newly minted successful businessman, then why not heal on the shore of the foamy sea?

Among the things you can do in retirement, travel is one of the first places in popularity in the ratings of various websites and magazines, as well as special publications. Travel agencies even offer special tours for them at a lower price than regular ones.

Play some sports

It's never too late to take care of yourself and start leading a healthy lifestyle. This is even more necessary in adulthood than in youth. The body is no longer the same, and you need to try to at least strengthen and preserve your health.

There are known cases when women of advanced age (not just retirement age) showed miracles of flexibility that would be the envy of young gymnasts. And retired men carry tables with their teeth and do push-ups with their fists.

If setting world records is not part of your plans, then morning exercises, walks or jogging will significantly improve your overall well-being. You can also involve your grandchildren in such activities.

You can enroll in a sports section where equally active people participate. Or organize a chess tournament in your home yard.

Suitable for former athletes as training for the younger generation.


When the question arises: “What do people do in retirement?”, in the imagination of many, a granny in glasses immediately appears, finishing her hundredth kilometer scarf. In fact, needlework does not end with knitting. Quilling, patchwork, drawing, modeling from dough or polymer clay also do not limit the list of activities.

Both women and men can find themselves in this. You can acquire the necessary skills through magazines, courses, and even pure imagination. The choice of materials is wide.

The beauty of this activity is that it can generate income. There are two main options:

    organize your own creativity studio and teach it to others;

    put your creations up for sale.

Handicrafts make it possible to find many new acquaintances with similar interests, to find peace and tranquility. A pleasant bonus will be financial incentives from clients. And you will have to bother with the gift much less - a masterpiece made with your own hands is highly valued.

What's a retired man to do other than patiently hold his beloved's yarn?

Become a user

The Internet is erasing boundaries. And not only between cities and countries, but also between age categories. Communication on social networks has gained such momentum that seeing an elderly person on a bus with a fancy phone surfing the World Wide Web is a common occurrence.

Computer courses for retirees will help “dummies” become professional users. In addition, you can use the miracle of technology in business. This will facilitate many processes and allow you to reach a new, high-quality level of doing business.

Computer courses for pensioners also teach simple programs that will make communication with clients, colleagues or friends more accessible.

At the moment, a large number of courses are being organized in which those interested will be willing to learn how to communicate with complex technology. Some become so immersed in the process that they become top-level IT specialists.

Take advantage of programs for retirees

Due to the fact that not everyone can live on a grand scale, the state and private entrepreneurs are trying in every possible way to support and ease the burden. For this purpose, special programs for pensioners are being created.

They are aimed at creating cheaper goods and services, and also involve a large number of discounts. In addition, this is both a PR stunt for the company and an opportunity to save money for retirees.

Paradoxically, sometimes young people also pursue such programs because they offer more benefits. These include training events and courses for retirees.

Make money online

Another way to spend your leisure time profitably is to earn money online without straining yourself. For this purpose, you took additional computer courses. Now that the mystery of Google has been comprehended, you can safely strain it by searching for part-time work on the Internet without investment or risk.

Through this great invention, you can sell your crafts, resell foreign goods, write articles, and so on.

There are also a lot of other ideas on what to do in retirement and at the same time not only earn money, but also enjoy your favorite activity.

Make your dreams come true

There's nothing better you can do in retirement than start making your dreams come true. This may be a long-forgotten but desired recklessness or a set of activities that are described above.

Firstly, no one has the right to judge you, and in adulthood everyone comes to understand this. Therefore, even the most daring dream has the right to exist and come true.

Secondly, while health and time allow, why not do what you have long wanted? Moreover, you can put it off forever and never have time to do what you wanted.

Based on all of the above, we hope that the question: “What to do in retirement?” will never be left unanswered for you.

Finally, the long-awaited retirement! Everyday work is over, the opportunity has arisen to devote yourself to your favorite things. Despite all the advantages of the new situation, Russian pensioners have always had rather conservative views on this issue, therefore, even after finishing their working career, they strive to live “the old fashioned way”, preferring aimless gatherings in front of the TV, depriving themselves of a free and harmonious life.

People who receive pension benefits after many years of work feel depressed. This is a completely normal reaction of the body, which occurs in connection with a change in the rhythm of life, because now there is no need to rush somewhere every morning, to live in constant bustle. Communication with former colleagues is reduced to a minimum, the circle of communication is narrowed. What remains is the routine plus occasional visits from grandchildren. Some retirees feel isolated, which forces them to literally live near the TV; others passively cope with everyday worries, forgetting about their interests.

Fortunately, many “young” pensioners have begun to realize that retirement is not the end of life, but rather, on the contrary, a new period that promises many exciting discoveries. Retirement age is a time to remember your old passions, as well as a chance to acquire new ones.

It happens that when a person reaches retirement age he has not acquired any hobby. This means that the period has come when it’s time to listen to yourself, understand what worries you, evaluate your spiritual values, give free rein to your imagination, and begin to bring ideas to life.

Probably, many people will call new hobbies the eccentricities of older people; such a judgment is incorrect. A hobby for a pensioner is the self-realization of an individual who has already achieved success in life.

Old age is a time to pay attention to yourself and your family; this opportunity is not always available in youth, when people are pursuing a career. There is no need to succumb to melancholy, because for a “young” pensioner everything interesting is just beginning; everything awaits him that he could not pay attention to before. So, what should retirees do?

Choose an activity you like

Every “young” pensioner chooses a hobby to his liking: some devote all their time to fishing, some are crazy about embroidery, others like to burn or saw out wood. There are also hobbies that are available to everyone, which allow you to spend your free time excitingly and usefully; let’s look at them in more detail.

Developing a love for culture

Reading classical literature is accessible to everyone. The main condition is good eyesight and access to books. For some, it is more convenient to join a library, while for people with poor eyesight, listening to audiobooks is an option. Doctors recommend that pensioners read a lot for a number of reasons: reading promotes the development of intellectual abilities, and thanks to reading, the risk of developing senile dementia is reduced.

Connoisseurs of beauty will benefit from visiting galleries, exhibitions, theaters, and the Philharmonic. Such leisure raises the cultural level, education, and gives a feeling of involvement in society.

If you are an active retiree

Dancing classes bring amazing results. Scientists have confirmed that dancing helps improve the sense of balance and endurance, which gives stability and also eliminates accidental falls. In addition, retirees have the opportunity to make new social contacts.

People who led an active lifestyle should continue exercising, only with less stress. If a pensioner’s physical condition does not allow him to exercise, he needs to choose more simplified programs such as: Nordic walking, swimming pool, various types of yoga, golf, cycling, table tennis. Movement will have a positive effect on the condition of the body, and will also brighten up the everyday life of a pensioner.

  • Mind games
    To preserve your memory and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, you should learn to play poker or chess. These games can also serve as a reason for the whole family or company to get together, which will relieve retirees from loneliness.
  • Pensioners who are passionate about politics will be able to devote themselves entirely to this matter. They may participate in community organizations or help those in need.
  • Volunteering
    Volunteer work is a way to spend time usefully and also feel needed. Such a hobby will free pensioners from bad thoughts and help them realize their importance. Help the people who need you right now and you yourself will feel better.
  • Writing a memoir
    It may seem as if your grandchildren do not care about the details of your life, but as time passes, they will read your letters, absorbing information about your life with great interest. Reflect in your memoirs the era in which you lived, so that your grandchildren know the path you took. If you wish, you can publish your book and then give it to your family.

About the influence of negative thinking, which is important for a pensioner to remember

Negative thinking is a common obstacle to living a fulfilling life. An individual susceptible to this type of thinking is prone to constant complaints, is sure that everything is only happening for the worse, and therefore prefers to remain passive. Such thoughts need to be eradicated and come to the realization of your individuality, and then begin to create your future.

It is important to know:
“The results of Yale University researchers showed that people who were afraid of growing old throughout their youth were more susceptible to heart attacks, heart attacks and strokes 30 years later. Those who treated old age as a new period, as a rule, had little exposure to serious health problems. It should be concluded that the fear of old age has a negative impact on the psyche, so tune in to a positive mood.”

Leisure of a pensioner

To maintain a good mood and appearance, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Who said that fitness, aerobics, and running are exclusively for young people? There are sets of exercises specially developed by doctors for pensioners. These techniques help a beginner gradually achieve results.

It is worth paying attention to anti-aging skin care. There is no need to buy all the expensive branded creams, because you can start making cream at home, learn how to do it yourself, and create an individual beauty formula.

The rejuvenating effect of walking has been confirmed by many experts, but the result will only be noticeable if it is done regularly.

Those who are in good shape will find hiking to be an interesting option, while Nordic walking is more suitable for beginners.

Organize your wardrobe

If, when you were young, you had the skill of knitting or sewing, but then abandoned the hobby as unnecessary, then why not remember it now? Possessing these skills, a woman has the opportunity to impose and sew on herself a lot of cute things, to replenish her wardrobe with new skirts, robes, and sweaters. Follow fashion trends, go shopping, read fashion magazines, which provide detailed descriptions of how to create elegant looks from existing items.

Smarter entertainment

To maintain a good memory, it will be useful to solve crossword puzzles, as well as get involved in various logic games or memorize poetry. To keep up with the times, start studying computers, this will make you younger in the eyes of your loved ones, and you will be able to share your achievements with friends. Don't limit yourself to just social networks; start learning useful programs, such as image editing software. Knowing how to use a computer opens up many opportunities for a retiree.

Hobby, home comfort

Retirement is an opportunity to start improving your home. You just have to find a suitable hobby that will help make your apartment feel cozy. This could be, for example, home floriculture - an aesthetically pleasing activity. It is better to start with less demanding plants or by growing herbs in pots.

If you have no experience in floriculture, try to buy two inexpensive flowers and start with caring for them.
The skill of knitting, sewing, weaving, making souvenirs, the ability to decorate furniture will contribute to creating comfort in the house, and the material for your new hobbies can be found at home, these can be old things that can be used as scraps to sew a new thing, blanket or bag from them. or chair covers.

Cooking can be called a traditional female occupation, but a working woman rarely finds time to devote herself completely to this activity. Retirement is the perfect time to start mastering the culinary arts. Start studying new baked goods, desserts, and start reading literature about various cuisines of the world.


Today, such areas of needlework as knitting, felting, and macrame are more relevant than ever, so if you discovered a penchant for any of these decorative arts in your youth, then feel free to resume mastering these skills.

Go to shops for handicraft lovers, there you will find ready-made embroidery patterns, where you don’t need to draw anything, where your task is the most creative - to embody beauty. The set, as a rule, includes threads and beads; all that remains is to create and delight your loved ones with your creativity.

If you are passionate about making something new, then try making toys from nylon socks for your grandchildren. Perhaps the most difficult area of ​​needlework is felting from wool, but the possibilities of this type are very extensive; with the help of felting you can create toys, bags, shoes, hats; in felting you can truly give free rein to your imagination and create anything.

Assiduous pensioners will be interested in a type of needlework called kanzashi - this type involves creating flowers from ribbons, from which you can create jewelry or even designer costume jewelry.

For those who do not have the opportunity to make a large financial investment in their new hobby, the following women's hobbies are suitable:

Origami- the art of folding paper. Such a useful hobby will appeal to both men and women, and most importantly, it is quite affordable. You should start with simplified figures, then, as you improve your skills, you can move on to more complex techniques, such as modular origami.

Modeling is another option for an economical hobby; you can sculpt from clay or salt dough. Master this area of ​​decorative art, thus solving the issue of original gifts for loved ones.

Additional income in retirement

In our progressive age, it is quite commonplace that it is quite possible to turn any of your hobbies into income.

Additional income can come from knitting and custom sewing. You can distribute your services via the Internet.
People with well-developed taste are suitable for working as a photographer. By combining several new skills with the ability to photograph, it becomes possible to create your own master classes and successfully implement them. The topics of master classes can be very diverse, for example: making crafts, decoupage, culinary master classes.

Retired man


This type of activity can be a useful hobby for older men. With this skill, you will be able to create various decorative elements. In addition, woodworking lovers pleasantly note the calming effect of this hobby.


Chess is the hobby of real men. This hobby helps develop critical and abstract thinking and is a good way to while away time with a friend or grandchild.


If women are more inclined to grow flowers on the windowsill, then a hobby like gardening is perfect for men. To start gardening, all you need is a small plot of land and basic equipment. Working in your garden in the fresh air has a positive effect on health and allows older men to feel in harmony with nature. And what a joy it is to watch the planted plants grow and the fruits ripen.


A cult male hobby. This type of leisure is available to everyone; in addition to its accessibility, this hobby can also be considered useful. Fishing allows you to feel like a real breadwinner, relieve nervous tension, and also enjoy nature, the morning dawn and clean air, which is very useful for men of retirement age.

Wood carving.

For those who do not have the financial ability to purchase all the necessary tools for real woodworking, this type of hobby such as wood carving is suitable. You will need: a block of soft wood, a special knife, and free time, which is exactly what a “young” pensioner has in abundance. Wood carving helps you relax and drive away unnecessary thoughts. Start learning a new hobby with the help of special literature and begin to realize your ideas.

Brewing is a hobby for real men

For those retirees who have long dreamed of learning something new and unusual, you should try home brewing. This hobby will open you up to a whole world of new technologies. For such a hobby you need to acquire special equipment. Knowledge about brewing can be gleaned from specialized literature. Experiment and delight your loved ones and friends with a natural homemade product.


Perhaps in your youth you dreamed of mastering the skill of drawing, but never got around to it. Retirement can serve as an incentive to learn. Many people mistakenly believe that talent is needed to practice drawing; in fact, the main thing in painting is practice. To start your classes, a canvas of brushes and paints will be enough, and all other equipment can be purchased in the process. It should be noted: watercolor painting is not as hard on the wallet as oil painting. The choice is yours.


"I am 57 years old. A year ago I retired. To be honest, I never thought that retirement would be a tragedy for me. For as long as I can remember, I dreamed that someday there would come a time when I wouldn’t have to rush headlong to work, when I could do what I really wanted, without finding minutes to clean up my apartment and cook a delicious dinner. But everything turned out wrong. I don't know what to do with myself. The first week of my new life was spent getting some sleep and doing a thorough cleaning of the apartment. I stayed with my daughter for another week (she recently moved to another city), and then that was it! I get up in the morning and another empty day begins. I'm not used to watching TV for hours - I can't stand TV series. I don’t need to go to the store; how much does a single woman need? I can easily get by with a packet of kefir and a couple of sandwiches. My health is fine, but it turns out that I buried myself alive. Previously, when I came home from work, I was so tired that I simply did not have time for sad thoughts. And now I constantly think that old age has come. That no one needs me anymore - my daughter has grown up long ago, her mother-in-law, who lives in the same city, is with her grandchildren. My husband died 7 years ago. It happens that for a week I do not utter a single word. I can’t find a new job - who will hire me at this age? But before, I enjoyed the respect of my colleagues, was considered a good specialist, and was valued by my superiors. What now? So, when I retire, all I can do is wait for death?” Nina Mikhailovna, Moscow region.

Unfortunately, for many people, retirement is not accompanied by joy, but by stress, melancholy and apathy. Thoughts about impending old age come to mind, that you need to give up your job to young people, that they can already do without them at work. Those who were engaged in active creative activities at work and those who live alone, far from their children and grandchildren, suffer especially greatly from “retirement stress”. For them, retirement sometimes becomes a real tragedy. But I want my stay in pensioner status to be no worse than adolescence or maturity. He talks about how to adapt to your new social status and continue to enjoy life after retirement. psychologist Irina Vasilyeva.

Step by step

As retirement age approaches, a person goes through several stages. The first is the so-called pre-retirement phase. Retirement seems to you in the distant future, but at the same time a feeling of anxiety arises. During this period, many begin to save money, begin to develop summer cottages, where they plan to spend a significant part of their time after retirement, and some begin to look for a hobby. This approach is absolutely correct. After all, after such preparation, people cease to be afraid of leaving work.

The next stage is romantically called “Honeymoon”. It starts immediately after retirement. A person experiences a feeling of euphoria from newfound freedom - there is no longer any need to rush anywhere, you can do what you love. But, unfortunately, after the “honeymoon” there often comes a phase of disappointment, which, as a rule, arises because the picture of retirement life that a person painted in his imagination does not correspond to reality. For example, you were sure that when you retire you will devote yourself to raising your grandchildren, but your children refuse your help. Or you have picked up a hobby, but your health condition does not allow you to do what you love. For many, the phase of disappointment gives way to a stage of reorientation and stability - a person begins to realize his strengths and weaknesses and select an appropriate activity. But there are people who, despite all their efforts, cannot find themselves.

The main thing is self-confidence

Domestic and foreign psychologists agree (and this is confirmed by numerous studies) that people with average and high self-esteem adapt best to retirement. That is why those who cannot come to terms with their new status first of all need to start treating themselves better. Remember your achievements more often, do not reproach yourself for the mistakes you have made, perceive every small victory (for example, you made a profitable purchase or shared the recipe for a signature pie with your neighbor) as a big success.

You are responsible for your life

Try not to shift responsibility for your life to someone else. Many pensioners believe that those around them are to blame for their bad mood and feeling of uselessness: children who do not want to live with elderly parents, former bosses who sent a valuable specialist to retire, friends who rarely come to visit. But you yourself must be responsible for your life. And you live first of all for yourself. Many people think that there is no need to cook a delicious lunch for themselves - they say, you can eat semi-finished products, there is no need to clean the apartment - no one comes in anyway, etc. However, all this must be done. Let it be through force first, forcing yourself. But over time, these simple everyday actions will help you cope with sadness and bad mood.

Find something you like

Of course, the best way to have a painless retirement is to find something you enjoy doing. One of my friends, after retiring, started setting up a flower garden under her own windows. By the way, gardening work made her the most popular person in the entrance. Neighbors, who for many years did not even know my friend’s name, began to communicate with her. She became acquainted with all the residents of the house and made real friendships with some of them.

Another problem that “beginning pensioners” face is the inability to communicate with people “just like that,” not about business. It seems to many that people may perceive such “conversations about nothing” as intrusiveness. It's not like that at all. There are a lot of lonely people. Don’t be shy, if someone doesn’t want to maintain a dialogue with you, this is not a tragedy at all. Many people find help in finding new acquaintances... a dog. Get a four-legged friend. Dog lovers are a special caste; they always have a topic for conversation and company for a walk.

How do we imagine life after retirement? Our imagination paints approximately the same picture: we wake up in the morning rested and well-rested, we don’t need to rush anywhere, no one else will get on our nerves and constantly demand something from us, now we can calmly do household chores, go for a walk, watch our favorite TV series , bake pies and enjoy your own freedom. But as practice shows, “doing nothing” and monotony very quickly become boring. It becomes boring, often older people even fall into despair and despondency because they do not know what to do with themselves. And no one has canceled the economic component. It’s no secret that you can’t spend much money on a Russian pension, but pensioners also want to live, not survive. That is why the question very often arises: what should a woman do in retirement in order to earn money and diversify her monotonous everyday life?

Activities for the soul

So, what can a woman do in retirement? If the financial issue is not so important, then you can choose a hobby for the soul. For example, take up floriculture, grow vegetables and fruits at the dacha and treat the whole family to them, get chickens or rabbits... Or, for example, master some type of needlework. For example, embroider pictures, knit warm scarves, socks or handbags, make toys and books from felt, etc. You can do nothing special at all and devote your time to your grandchildren. Or go traveling and finally visit where you have long wanted to go, but never had enough time.

But most retirees still want to find a hobby that would bring not only pleasure, but also at least a small income. What should a woman do in retirement?

Network business

What should a 55-year-old woman do in retirement, when she has just finished her working career, but is still full of strength, energy and desire to do something? If you have experience in sales, then an online business can be a good way for you to earn extra money. There is nothing complicated about this - you need the desire and ability to sell goods and symbolic financial investments (in order to be accepted into the team, you will need to buy something from the company’s products).


But this is a great option for former school teachers or university professors. You can prepare applicants for exams, help schoolchildren improve their knowledge in some subject, teach a foreign language. Nowadays, video tutoring is becoming increasingly popular. If you have a computer and Internet access, then not only children from your city, but also residents of the whole country can become your clients.

Cakes and sweet pastries

What should a 60-year-old woman do in retirement, when she is so bored of relaxing and doing nothing? Just an ideal option is to make cakes, pastries, pies, cupcakes, donuts and other sweets to order. If things are not going well with your baking, then you can simplify the task and sell semi-finished products of your own production: homemade dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, cutlets.


You can make something with your own hands for the soul. But no one is stopping you from making money from it. It is enough to have a little patience and master some interesting type of needlework. For example, design wedding accessories (treasury, glasses, champagne, candles), crochet stylish items, sew clothes to order, create original jewelry or souvenirs.

Wedding decoration

In retirement, you can devote your life to beauty and master the profession of a wedding decorator. In this case, a small financial investment will be required to purchase a structure for a screen at the newlyweds’ table, fabric, some decorative elements and decorative flowers. But, all your expenses will pay off after the first wedding. And on the Internet you can find many video tutorials on wedding decorations. By the way, many practicing decorators regularly conduct webinars (both paid and free) where they teach the art of their craft. Or you can turn to designers from your city, who, for a fee, will teach you everything and reveal all the most important secrets of their interesting profession.


What else can a retired woman do? Alternatively, you can purchase a gel balloon and open your own business selling balloons. The demand for this product is huge, because balloons are the main attribute of any holiday. It is economically profitable to buy a balloon of a larger volume, then the profit from each balloon sold will be higher. But in this case, you will need strong male hands to transport it from site to site. If there are no helpers, then you can limit yourself to a small balloon, charge for small orders and pump the balloons at home.

Writing texts

If you know how and love to write, then you can try your hand as an author on exchanges for selling texts, of which there are quite a lot now. You will need to register and leave responses to those tasks that you think you can easily handle. As soon as the customer approves your candidacy for writing the text, you can immediately begin work. If you fulfill all the conditions of the task and submit a high-quality text on time, payment will be credited to your account immediately.

Another option for earning money is writing reviews on specialized sites. You can share your opinion about absolutely any product and service. And the more people view your response, the more money you will be able to earn.

You can write coursework, essays, and dissertations to order. Or just do computer typing.

Finally, an option for the most advanced retirees is their own blog on social networks. Now this type of income is in great demand. Nothing special is required from you. Just publish photos and share your observations, opinions, interesting stories. The more interesting your profile is, the more people will follow you. And as soon as your personal blog gains popularity, you can start posting advertising posts there and earn decent money from it.

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