Volumetric wedding letters. Volumetric letters for wedding decor and photo shoots

Don’t want a banal wedding photo shoot, after which there won’t even be anything to decorate your family photo album with? Then a great solution is to use letters for a wedding photo shoot. We will tell you what you need for this, how to make them and design them. In this article you will find detailed video tutorials on making various letters, find out how much they cost, where you can buy them and rent them. But most importantly, you will understand how to pose with them to get really interesting pictures.

A wedding photo shoot will become much more interesting and lively if three-dimensional letters serve as props for it. You can order them or make them from something with your own hands. Materials may be as follows:

  • Cardboard. This is the simplest and most budget option. If possible, it is better to use corrugated cardboard, because it is thicker and the product turns out to be more voluminous. This material is perfect for the warm season; during the rainy season it will be inappropriate. Here you will find it.
  • Styrofoam. The accessory is lightweight and can be attached to each other without any problems. Polystyrene foam is malleable, so it’s a pleasure to make with it.
  • Plywood or wood. Any woodworking master can cut out letters for a wedding photo shoot. All you have to do is coat them with varnish. If you are planning an eco-wedding, then you can leave the wooden items in their natural form, without coating.
  • Plastic. Plastic props are practical and durable and will not be affected by rain. And if the letters get dirty, they can be easily wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Textile. Printed letters can be used not only for a wedding photo shoot, but also as interior decoration. The only negative is that when photographing they can become dusty or dirty, so the outer material (pillowcase) must be removable.
  • Flowers. For such props you will need a base - it can be cardboard or plywood. You can use both roses and chrysanthemums. This material is perfect for carrying out. You can read how to organize it and what is needed for this in a separate article.
  • Corrugated paper. She, like flowers, is an element of decoration. The letters from it turn out to be lush and rustle pleasantly.
  • Metal. You can order it from an artistic forging workshop, it will turn out very impressive.
  • From candles. You won't be able to make such letters, but you can create a small fire show. To do this, you need to lay out some word, numbers, initials of the newlyweds or a date on the ground from burning candles. It will look especially beautiful in the snow. We have collected more interesting ones in another article. They will help you get amazing photos.

Volumetric letters made of foam plastic

What you need to make and design decorative letters

To make letters for a wedding photo shoot with your own hands, you only need a little patience, imagination and auxiliary materials.

Stencil templates

It is not profitable to buy stencils, since it will not be cheap (especially if you order the whole alphabet). One letter can cost 100 rubles or more. Therefore, it is much easier to download ready-made templates from the Internet using the following links:

You can also download it here in PDF format. After receiving the sample, all that remains is to print it, glue it on cardboard and carefully cut it out.


Anyone can paint cardboard letters, whether personalized or any other, with gouache, watercolor, oil, or acrylic. Foam props can be colored using spray paint. Metal letters will require special metal paint. It is best to work with it in the air.

Flower letters for a wedding photo shoot


An original solution would be to place the initials of the newlyweds or the wedding date in a frame. It is difficult to make one with your own hands, so frames are usually ordered from workshops. They can be made of plastic or wood. The contents of the frames are combined with a frame of decorative ligature.


To design letters you can use:

  • rhinestones (placed on glue);
  • ribbons (adhesive or tied);
  • decorative flowers, hearts, bows;
  • lace (suitable for soft fabric letters);
  • garlands needed to create glowing letters.

Sample words for letters for a wedding photo shoot

It would be ideal to prepare the entire alphabet to take beautiful photographs, and even make 2 or 3 of the most popular letters. This will allow you to fantasize during the photo shoot itself and lay out various words for interesting shots.

Budget method: come up with phrases, print them in Word format, combine them into a monogram and print them on thick paper.

You can choose any font: openwork (with sinuous curves), strict (printed and smooth), cheerful (slanted in different directions, varying thickness of letters), etc.

Beautiful glowing letters

Ideas for beautiful wedding words

Here are the options in Russian and English:

  • love (love or fishing);
  • happiness;
  • happy together;
  • my husband; my wife (my husband; my wife);
  • newlyweds (married);
  • wedding;
  • family;
  • you and me (you and me);
  • bitter (now a kiss);
  • family surname or names of young people;
  • wedding date;
  • humorous phrases (got hooked, caught in a net, she said “yes”, now mine, now mine, let’s light it up today, this is a wedding, etc.).

Three-dimensional figures that are useful for a wedding photo shoot:

  • hearts;
  • arrows (to point at each other);
  • just frames of different shapes;
  • ampersand icon – &;
  • mathematical signs: plus, minus, equal, etc.

How much do volumetric letters cost?

The cost of letters for a wedding photo shoot depends on several factors:

  • material;
  • size;
  • phrase length (amount of material used);
  • design (the more openwork elements, the more expensive).

So, one letter made of white plastic 25 cm high will cost about 500-800 rubles. (depending on the region). If you want it in color, that’s plus another 200 rubles. A wooden word Family, 40 cm long and 15 cm high, will cost 1500-1700. The exact same word made from plastic will come out cheaper - about a thousand rubles. If you need several words, it turns out to be a tidy sum, so sometimes it’s cheaper to rent letters.

Letters in the form of balloons

Where to order letters

Link to online store for ordering Cost (in rubles)
ya-soglasna.ru 500-3000
lite-form.ru 90-2000
toppenoplast.ru 985-1380
teamostyle.ru 550-1600

Where to rent letters

Link to the company's website for rental Cost (in rubles, per day)
lite-form.ru From 200
danilova.pro 350-9090
rezpen.ru 3000-10 000
leks-studio.ru 1000-13 000

Glowing letters

How to make letters for a wedding photo shoot with your own hands: video master classes

We offer 3 simplest options.

Foam letters

Before you start watching the master class video, you should prepare the following:

  • polystyrene foam (approximately 2x2 m);
  • black marker;
  • construction knife;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • brush;
  • some light wallpaper;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • roller;
  • garlands as lighting.

Production time – no more than 30 minutes.

Cardboard letters

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • masking tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • dye;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler.

Production time – up to 15 minutes.

Here is a video with step-by-step instructions:

Huge letters made of corrugated paper and cardboard

To create huge letters we will need:

  • ruler;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper, white and red;
  • pen
  • scissors;
  • polystyrene foam scraps;
  • hot glue gun;
  • masking tape.

Production time is 20-30 minutes.

Here is a video with detailed instructions:

Wedding photo shoot ideas with letters

To ensure that the bride and groom don’t get confused during the photo shoot, we offer various options for posing photos with three-dimensional letters:

  • Place it on the ground. The newlyweds are posing in the background, they will be out of focus.
  • Lay it out on the ground (floor). The bride and groom sit or lie down next to each other. The photographer takes a perspective from above (from a tree, from a staircase, from the second floor of a building).
  • Keep in hand. If the phrase is two words (“happy together”; “we are happy”; “together forever”), the groom stands behind the bride, holding one word in front of her. The bride holds the second word so that the phrase is logical.
  • Smile. The bride smiles joyfully and holds the word “wife” above herself, and the groom holds the word “husband”.
  • With balls. Helium balloons are tied to a word made up of letters (surname of the newlyweds, “wedding”, “family”). The letters are held above the head by the newlyweds, as well as by the groomsmen and bridesmaids.
  • With relatives. On one side of the bride stands the mother and mother-in-law, on the other - the father and father-in-law. The bride holds the phrases “my moms” and “my dads,” and relatives help support the arrows pointing in the appropriate direction. A similar photo with the groom.
  • A little humor. The bride holds one of the humorous inscriptions (“he’s mine”; “now Ivanova”; finally married”) and grins contentedly. The groom shrugs his shoulders doomedly, but with a smile and spreads his arms to the sides.
  • Kiss. The guests stand and hold the word “bitter” laid out from individual letters, and the crouched young people kiss. Or guests can sit while the bride and groom stand.

Ready-made letters can be placed in the created one. Want to know how to design it yourself? Another article will help you with this. From it you will learn what is needed for this, what should be taken into account when organizing it, and where it is best to do it.

It will be possible to distribute a letter to all guests who line up the congratulation “Be happy!” or “Congratulations on your marriage!” By the way, don't forget about punctuation marks. If commas or periods can be ignored, then you will definitely need exclamation and question marks to convey emotions as accurately as possible.

Letters can be used not only for a photo shoot, they will also help entertain guests. Here is a video of a fun competition with them:

Options for placing letters and arranging people for photos are usually born on the spot. If the photographer is a professional, he can also suggest some interesting ideas.

A wedding should remain in the memory for a lifetime. That is why a couple in love hires a photographer and orders a video shoot. This year, the use of letters during a wedding photo shoot has become fashionable. Many countries have already adopted this tradition, making photographs unique and interesting. Letters for a wedding will complement the overall theme of the photos and refresh the boring procedure of photography. There are many varieties of this accessory. How to choose what is right for you?

Options for making letters for a wedding

A photo shoot involves the use of letters, with the help of which words will then be created. They put the initials of the husband and wife or a whole phrase about love. Here you can show maximum imagination and rely on your taste. The process of coming up with phrases and preparing decorative elements is a lot of positive emotions and pleasant memories. Take the matter seriously, because only in this case will you get a photo theater with its own plot. So, what are the decorative signs?

  1. Plaster.
    Plaster signs are particularly durable. Gypsum of suitable quality does not deform due to exposure to negative environmental factors. Wedding letters will not break during transportation. Plaster accessories have clear outlines, so you can easily recognize a particular letter in a photograph. You can choose any font. Typically these letters are white, but they can be painted any color.
  2. Foam.
    Foam letters can be found at modern weddings. This accessory will not break during transportation, because it weighs very little. However, foam products are inferior in strength to gypsum products. You can even transport large letters to the right place. Do you want to have a photo shoot outside the city? So, opt for foam signs. Such accessories are decorated with sparkles, pebbles, and special foam. If you have a limited budget, then you should opt for bright paint. It will play the role of decoration and at the same time highlight the letters in the photo. All the necessary qualities are intertwined in foam products, so newlyweds often choose such letters.
  3. Fabric letters.
    Accessories for a holiday photo shoot can be made from fabric. Wedding letters do not need to be sewn, which greatly simplifies the manufacturing process. The master will wrap a piece of beautiful fabric around the voluminous accessories and attach it with glue. If you decide to make the letters yourself, then make sure that the size of the chosen fabric matches the size of the accessory. Take as much fabric as you need to make each letter. It is better to choose a bright and interesting fabric with a large pattern. As a result, you will get original and eye-catching photographs. Symbols can also be made from fabric and cotton wool, which will become a filler. Accessories become like soft toys. The main advantage of such letters is their low weight.
  4. Letters made of corrugated cardboard.
    Some people think that nothing can be made from paper or cardboard. However, symbols made of corrugated cardboard also have a right to exist. Do you want to get interesting and vibrant photographs? So, make a choice in favor of original corrugated cardboard signs. There are two types of letters: flat and three-dimensional. Flat signs are cut out and painted in the color you like. Three-dimensional symbols are created by gluing together several blanks of corrugated cardboard with tape. They look much more impressive than flat letters. Find master classes on the Internet that will teach you how to make voluminous accessories for a wedding photo shoot yourself.

We make letters for the wedding ourselves

Do you want to make your own accessories for a photo shoot? This is very easy to do, because there are no special secrets or tricks. You will need a little time and imagination. Symbols from corrugated cardboard or foam plastic are cut out using a sharp stationery knife. Then they need to be covered with fabric or decorated with sparkles, rhinestones and foam.

Did you like plaster accessories better? So, entrust their production to professionals. In the skillful hands of a master, plaster will turn into a real work of art. As a result, you will receive high-quality and interesting photographs that will decorate your family album.

Letters for a wedding photo shoot: where to buy and how much it costs

Modern wedding salons offer you a wide range of letters for a formal photo shoot. You will find special inscriptions in specialized institutions. The cost of an inscription for a wedding photo shoot is striking in its affordability - from 300 to 2000 rubles. The final price depends on the size of the inscription, the quality of the material used, and the number of decorative elements. A huge assortment of letters, entire inscriptions and figures will give you the opportunity to easily choose an accessory for a special photo shoot.

Using letters during a wedding photo shoot is your chance to remember the holiday for the rest of your life. In the future, you will look at interesting wedding photographs and remember your wedding day again.

Three-dimensional letters will become a bright accent of wedding decor, decoration of the bride’s room and interesting props for a photo shoot. These can be the initials or full names of the newlyweds, the wedding date, various words of the corresponding topic or figures.

Few people know that you can make three-dimensional letters with your own hands. The material for their manufacture can be cardboard, foam or wood. For decoration you can use lace, satin ribbons, fabric, artificial flowers, thick threads, beads and sparkles, or you can simply cover the letters with paint.

What is needed to create letters from foam plastic

To make three-dimensional letters with your own hands from foam plastic, you will need the following materials:

  • Styrofoam. You can buy it at a hardware store or use suitable pieces from the packaging of furniture and household appliances;
  • sandpaper, coarse-grained and fine-grained;
  • wallpaper scraps, newspapers or other materials for covering letters;
  • glue – PVA, wallpaper, superglue;
  • suitable decorations - ribbons, beads, flowers;
  • ruler, stationery knife, marker, scissors.

If thin packaging foam is used, it is better to glue it in three layers. Moment glue and the like are not suitable for gluing layers; they corrode the foam.

Making letters

Making letters from foam plastic

Pieces of wallpaper left over from renovation are perfect for decoration. First you need to paste over the side edges of the product, and then the front and back. The joints can be decorated with satin or lace ribbon, and you can also use beads, threads, and feathers as decoration.

You can secure the foam letters using mounting adhesive or double-sided tape.

Paper letters

Many people don't like the sound of crumbling foam, so you can use paper or cardboard instead. To make three-dimensional letters with your own hands from paper you will need:

Decorating letters from paper

You need to draw a letter on a cardboard sheet; it is advisable to use straight lines, without curves. Then, using scissors or a stationery knife, cut out two parts of the future letter along the contour. Cut strips of cardboard approximately 7 cm wide and with a total length equal to the perimeter of the letter. Step back 1 cm from the edges of the strip, bend the edges and stick strips of double-sided tape on them. Glue the sides to one side of the product. Glue the other side on top. The resulting three-dimensional figure can be secured with strips of tape.

You can trace the letter on designer paper and make a little allowance. Then cut out the outlined outline and paste it over the product. For decoration you can use beads, ribbons, lace and beads.

Today WedInMoscow will tell you how to make huge ones from which you can make a variety of words - LOVE or LOVE, your names, or make numbers corresponding to the date of your wedding. They can be used to decorate the hall where the event will take place. And the main components for making these letters will be ordinary cardboard boxes.

The color scheme is at your discretion - you can choose shades of the color palette of your celebration or, vice versa, make a bright accent. Believe me, guests will be photographed all evening in front of your creation.

DIY cardboard letters

– 4 large cardboard boxes

Cardboard cutting knife

Crepe or corrugated paper


Wide tape

Ruler in the shape of the letter T

Our letters are 76 cm high, 55 cm wide, and 17 cm deep. You can choose other parameters - make them larger or smaller.

Step 1.

Measure and mark a 55 by 76 rectangle on your box. This is the area where you will draw the letters. On each box (1 letter - 1 box), draw the outline of the desired letter, placing it along the longer side of your rectangle. To ensure that the lines of future letters are straight, use a T-shaped ruler.

Step 2.

Cut out letters from cardboard using a knife. Be careful not to scratch the surface you are cutting the box on. Since the box has two walls, cut right through two layers at once to save time.

Step 3.

Once you have cut out the letters, measure the sides of the letters to cut out matching 17cm wide strips that will connect the two parts of one letter.

Step 4.

Once all the letter parts are cut out, start gluing them together. To do this you will need strong thick tape.

Step 5.

Now it’s time to cover the letters with paper. First, we recommend covering all sides except the front with paper. Glue so that part of the paper “extends” beyond the edges of the sides so that the letters turn out to be seamless. Then do the front side.

One of the original accessories for wedding decoration can be the most ordinary letters and inscriptions from them! Moreover, they will play the role of not only stylish decoration, but also creative props for photo shoots.

What can letters be made from?

Letters for wedding decoration can be made independently from any available material: paper, cardboard, polystyrene foam, wire, wood, foam rubber, fabric, beads and even flowers.

If you do not have time to engage in this type of creativity, then a suitable option can be found in salons specializing in wedding or photo services.

Before making or ordering letters, decide on their size and wedding theme (of course, large and even large letters are most often used, but in some cases small letters will become original accessories).

What kind of letters can be for a wedding?

1. Paper letters. The simplest and most affordable option, but, unfortunately, short-lived and therefore not suitable for use in any celebration conditions and in any weather.

Paper letters can be attached to wooden sticks, which are stuck into decorative pots or given to guests during photo sessions. Letters hung on ribbons along the walls or in the form of arches look original. You can also assemble entire garlands from letters, laying out certain phrases from them.

2. Wooden letters. Needless to say, wooden letters are a more durable accessory than paper letters, and the scope for creativity is just as endless. Letters can be made from thin slats or boards, or from thick cubes of wood.

The color of the finished letter accessories can be anything - from natural to any combination of colors that you like (polka dots, flowers, just multi-colored spots). You can connect wooden letters using ropes, chains, slats, etc.

The only thing is that when choosing this accessory, you should especially carefully observe safety precautions and, for example, do not hang heavy letters over the heads of those getting married and guests.

3. Letters made of fabric, wool, knitting threads.

This option will appeal to needlewomen - if the wedding theme allows, then you can create cozy knitted letters for its decoration.

The latter seems especially relevant to us if the wedding is scheduled in the cold season - late autumn or winter.
In general, the letters for wedding decoration can be anything - it all depends on your imagination!

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