How often can you use a face mask? How to use a face mask correctly You can use a mask every day.

I note that this is not a post-review of specific products, this is a description of my scheme for using masks, and for each product either there have already been posts or there will be posts.

And I can’t help but note: as always I'm just describing my diagram, the way I approach the "mask theme", that is, exclusively your experience, and I’m not giving information from a textbook about cosmetology or something like that.

1. Steaming the skin.
For some reason, lately, in posts about masks, questions have appeared about steaming the skin before masks: I never describe this point in reviews, because I take it for granted - of course, before any mask, the skin must be prepared, I usually remove makeup, I wash my face with gel or foam, then I go to the shower, and only after the shower I apply the masks. I never specifically steam my face, because I have rosacea and sensitive skin that reacts with redness to too hot steam, so “shower” steaming is more than enough - in the shower (although I wash my body, but still) because moisture and soft steam, the pores of the skin open and this is the most ideal time to apply a mask. Which? This is point number 2.
That is, if you apply the mask to unprepared skin(I know that some people don’t even wash their face with a banal cleansing gel, but simply moisten it with water - my sister often does this), then the effectiveness any masks are rapidly moving towards zero.

2. Combination, not use alone.
You know, I’ve been using masks for many years, at least in duets, and even in triplets - that is, I apply masks that complement each other one after another, the same thing cosmetologists do (and this is exactly what I learned when a hundred years ago I went to cosmetology courses for fun - I was 19 years old then, and since then, multi-stage application of masks has been my priority).

In general, I’d rather make three masks in a row once a week than to apply them 3 times a week, but one at a time - with multi-stage use, the effect increases significantly, only in this case the result is absolutely clearly visible.

Here's my step diagram:

~ first, on the steamed skin I apply either something acidic, or something mildly scrubbing, or enzyme powder- it also gives a peeling effect. All such products dissolve dead cells in the stratum corneum of the skin, making the pores at the surface softer and cleaner, but at the same time they do not draw out the contents of the pores! You've probably noticed that after acid masks, the skin glows, but the blackheads were there and remained in place? That’s it: acids don’t draw out, they dissolve what is on the surface, and you shouldn’t scold them for this (and say “I don’t see the effect of this mask”), this is their feature, but not a minus.

The exception is masks that combine scrubbing particles + clay - these usually remove dead cells and draw out the contents of the pores (in the photo this is a remedy for Antipodes ), or scrubbing particles + clay + acids - this is even deeper. But I still prefer to combine similar masks with others, so the effect, of course, increases.

I wash off all such masks with warm water.

Here are my acid and scrub masks at the moment (p the ost was only about , everything else will be on the blog soon. And before I’ve written about similar ones more than once, here ):
. .
~ then I apply masks with clay - it is clay-containing ones that draw out the contents of the pores and do it much better after the acids at the first stage have dissolved and softened the dead cells. I currently have very few masks like this, but I have enough:

There was a post about all these masks - mint, strawberry (I don’t really like it, but don’t throw it away. It’s already running out) and here (here it combines clay + soft scrubbing particles + acid, so I most often use it without the first stage, but I steam it anyway).
Here are other similar masks that I liked and about which I also made posts: with clay and volcanic ash , with clay and cleansing particles, with ghassoul clay.

After washing off some masks with clay, particles of the clay itself remain in the pores. For me, this is solved by using a sponge, which I use to remove the mask - at the very end you can lather it a little with a mild cleanser and lightly walk over the places where the pores accumulate - this will make them “ringing” -clean, you'll see.
I wash it off with warm water.


~ then I apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask- at this moment the skin is well cleansed and all the beneficial components are absorbed almost immediately, literally in 5 minutes, the hydration is much deeper and higher quality than if you use these masks alone.
Moisturizing masks are also needed for oily skin, which is often dehydrated, but for all other types they are simply necessary. Well, and nutritious. Masks from this section prevent peeling, relieve irritation, smooth, soften wrinkles, and stimulate cellular activity.

These masks also have one “secret” - they don’t have to be washed off, almost all of them can be left on the skin, especially if your skin is dry (in all other cases, you can simply remove it with a damp cloth and then apply your usual care or not apply it at all).
Here are my hydrating masks at the moment:

Hmm, I haven’t written about any of them yet, but I’ve already made posts about similar ones before, I’ll repeat my favorites: an excellent nourishing mask, moisturizing with minerals and algae, moisturizing.

I wash off all such masks with cool, closer to cold, water.

Or at this stage I use a rag Asian mask, any of them, they all give a good effect, it’s just not always convenient to use them - they open best after about half an hour of being on the face, which for me is often too long and I don’t find it vermeni. Therefore, I alternate them with masks from a tube, but in any case, I always have a supply of such masks. Yes, and eyelid patches are always available in large quantities, I already wrote that I use them in the morning almost every other day:

True, I only wrote about the calming ( ), about pull-up ( ), and about eyelid patches (). By the way, regarding eyelid patches: I have a review ready for a new batch of new products I’ve tried, I’ll post this soon.

This is my scheme for using masks. I apply all cream masks.
I try to do such multi-stage procedures at least twice a week, but, by the way, too often is also bad - even with oily and insensitive skin, using masks more than three times is not a good idea. O it (except for moisturizing ones - they can be used in a course at least every evening).

I hope you found it interesting, thank you for your attention!

Self-prepared masks from natural ingredients can significantly improve the appearance and overall condition of your hair. However, in order for home remedies to be beneficial, you need to study the rules for their application before using them.

By learning the answers to the most frequently asked questions about hair masks, you can avoid most common mistakes.

How often do hair masks?

Daily use of masks is undesirable: hair accumulates nutrients contained in the product, and if you do not take breaks, oversaturation will occur very quickly.

Too many beneficial elements can damage your hair - it will start to fall out. The optimal frequency of applying a nourishing mask to the hair is once a week. It is recommended to use compositions based on vegetable oils even less often - no more than 2 times a month. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, for medicinal purposes (fighting dandruff), some products are recommended to be used more often, but in such cases this is usually especially emphasized.

Can you make hair masks every day?

Nourishing and preventative masks should not be used daily. However, when taking an intensive course against hair loss, for example, masks with the appropriate composition can be used.

How to properly make a hair mask?

In order for a hair mask to bring maximum benefits, it is necessary to prepare it correctly and apply it to your hair. What you need to know:
  1. If the composition contains oil, it is recommended to heat it to 40 ° C in a water bath before combining it with other components.
  2. Apply the finished product, which contains oils, to dry, unwashed hair. Before using other masks, your hair should be washed and lightly dried with a towel.
  3. You can massage your scalp while applying the product only if your hair is clean. Otherwise, along with nutrients, dirt will penetrate into the cells, which will not be beneficial.
  4. The mixture is applied to the roots and then distributed along the entire length of the strands using a comb.
  5. If the hair is dry, then most of the mass is applied to the entire length and - especially - the ends; for oily hair, it is concentrated on the skin and roots.
  6. To ensure that as many nutrients as possible penetrate into the cells, after applying the product, wrap the scalp with film or put on a shower cap and wrap it with a towel on top.
  7. The length of time for which you leave the mask depends on its composition: oil-based ones can be left on all night, while aggressive compositions are washed off after half an hour.
  8. To remove the remaining product from the head, use warm, but not hot water.

Should you use the mask on clean or dirty hair?

After washing your hair with shampoo, the scales open up, and in this state it is much easier for nutrients to penetrate the cells. After contact with the components of the masks, most of the scales close, making the hair smooth and shiny. Therefore, it is believed that it is best to apply home remedies to pre-washed and lightly towel-dried hair.

How many times should I use a hair mask?

The frequency of using masks depends on the problem that needs to be solved.

Thus, masks that activate hair growth should not be done more than once a week for normal hair and once every 10 days for dry hair. Such compositions should not be used on damaged ones at all.

For nutritional products, the frequency is the same, and if the general condition of the hair is good, then you should use masks even less often - once a month.

It is advisable to use home remedies aimed at combating hair loss once every 7 days for 1-3 months.

Can you make hair masks for pregnant women?

If a woman’s hair begins to fall out during pregnancy, then home remedies made from natural ingredients seem to be the only method to combat the problem.

Masks can be used by pregnant women, but it is important to ensure that the composition does not contain harmful or allergic ingredients. You cannot use products to which the prescription requires the addition of dimexide or nicotinic acid - they are prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. It is very important to thoroughly wash off the mask with shampoo.

Is it possible to make masks on colored hair?

After exposure to dyes, hair weakens and becomes dry, and it is quite natural to want to improve its condition. You can use homemade masks to improve the health of your curls, but you need to select recipes designed specifically for colored hair.

The most effective are products containing vegetable and essential oils, fruits, eggs, medicinal herbs and liquid vitamins.

What masks to make for hair growth?

Different masks for hair growth are based on the action of different ingredients that have a positive effect on blood circulation and the general condition of the scalp and hair follicles. Hair growth activators can include: cosmetic oils (castor, almond, burdock, argan and jojoba), essential oils (ylang-ylang, cinnamon, clove, bay, sage, rosemary), mustard, onion juice, red pepper tincture, cognac , cinnamon, ginger, herbs.

What masks to make for thick hair?

Volume and thickness finally become available to all beauties without the use of special purchased products (all kinds of sprays, mousses and varnishes): most masks of this kind lift the hair from the very roots, which increases its visual volume, makes it thicker and makes it possible to style it in a lush and beautiful hairstyle. Masks also stimulate the growth of new hairs; after a month you can notice “undergrowths” on the head

What hair masks to use in winter?

In winter, hair often becomes overdried, begins to fluff, and becomes electrified. What to do, if

Added to these problems is increased fragility due to winter nutrition poor in vitamins. In order to maintain the health, elasticity and shine of your curls, you need to pay special attention to their care. Recommended for strengthening and healthy hair.

What oils are hair masks made from?

If your hair has become dull, has become brittle, split ends have appeared and you are not at all happy to look at yourself in the mirror, you need to urgently provide first aid. The most effective in this case will be the use of oils. More details

What masks to make for dandruff?

Despite the abundance of special pharmaceutical products aimed at combating dandruff, folk remedies do not lose popularity. And this is quite understandable: natural hair masks against dandruff at home, they act gently, do not contain chemicals, and successfully cope with the problem.

To avoid a relapse, because the cause has not been eliminated, you should start washing your hair with natural shampoos and hair washes, because SLS and other components in shampoos cause dandruff and oily hair more often than any internal problems in the body. If the shampoo is natural, this does not mean that you will have to walk around with an oily head and unkempt hair, as some people think. No, on the contrary, your hair will become healthy and truly beautiful. After all, the film on the hair from silicones, under which there are actually weak, dull hairs, gives only an optical effect. Of course, at first (2-3 weeks) the hair will return to normal and there may be a feeling of unwashedness, due to the fact that the glands continue to secrete the same amount of fat that was necessary to restore the flora after using aggressive surfactants. When the body readjusts itself and realizes that it no longer requires so much sebum, the hair will become beautiful, healthy and will remain clean for more than three days.

How often can you make face masks? Types of masks and features of their use.

Today, it is perhaps impossible to find a woman who has not made face masks at least once in her life. This skin care product has become incredibly popular among modern women due to its instantly noticeable effect, ease and convenience of application, as well as a pleasant procedure.

It would seem that for any of the ladies it is quite obvious how the mask is made, how long it needs to be kept on and how often to do it. However, there are some nuances that should be considered more closely.

How often to make face masks: practical recommendations

The composition of each mask is individual. It will largely depend on the type of facial skin and the purposes pursued by its use. The exposure time of the masks will also differ from each other. The only things that remain virtually unchanged for all types of masks are the preparation procedure and the rules for applying them to the face:

  1. If the mask is prepared independently, then it must be kneaded immediately before application.
  2. Before covering your facial skin with the mask, it must be thoroughly cleaned with water and cosmetic gel, soap or lotion.
  3. It is advisable that the woman remain in a supine, relaxed position for the entire period the mask is on her face. You need to try not to show any emotions through facial expressions and not grimace
  4. The effect of the mask is enhanced if the skin has previously been steamed cold or hot.
  5. In order to achieve long-lasting results, all skin products must be applied strictly according to the instructions, and courses of treatment and prevention should preferably be repeated regularly.
  6. There is a special technique for applying a mask or cream to the face along massage lines: facial products are applied from the wing of the nose to the ear, from the center of the forehead to the temples, along the jawline from the center up and from the upper lip to the ear
  7. Residues or excess masks must be removed with a cotton pad soaked in cool water or special cosmetic wipes.

How to properly apply a face mask?

As for the frequency of using a particular mask, the usual rule “The more often, the better” is not relevant here. After all, some components of the mask can have a tightening or drying effect with frequent use. Or, on the contrary, over-hydrate already oily facial skin. Therefore, you should apply the mask strictly based on the recommendations and skin type.

How often to use masks for different skin types?

Everyone knows that each skin type needs its own, individual care. With such care, the intensity of use of masks must also meet certain rules:

  1. Since oily skin is characterized by enlarged pores and a large amount of sebaceous secretions, it should be cleansed more often and moisturized less often. Therefore, nourishing masks in this case are applied no more than a couple of times a week, but cleansing and peeling masks can be used at least two to three times a week
  2. For those with normal skin, it will be enough to carry out cleansing procedures once a week and nourishing and moisturizing manipulations once a week.
  3. Dry skin is the most susceptible to flaking and drying out. Therefore, the entire range of measures for caring for this type of skin should be aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the epidermis (at least three times a week). At the same time, it is better to reduce any cleansing or scrubbing masks to a minimum (no more than once a week)
  4. The situation with combination skin is considered more complex. This type requires careful observation and identification of the dominant qualities of the skin. If the latter is prone to excessive sebum secretion, then moisturizing masks should be applied no more than once a week. If, on the contrary, it is too dry, it is advisable to soften it more often with the help of nourishing masks
  5. If your skin is sensitive, you can regularly use moisturizing masks (two to four times a week). However, you should ensure that they do not contain components that can cause allergic reactions. Also, sensitive skin is strictly prohibited from coming into contact with abrasive substances.
  6. Problem skin (rich in pimples, blackheads and blackheads) requires a whole range of care. Firstly, it needs to be cleaned regularly. Secondly, she needs nutrition and hydration. And finally, for problem skin it is advisable to use soothing and drying products. It is recommended to do each of the listed manipulations at least twice a week.

Determining skin type

How often can you make nourishing masks?

Nourishing face masks are designed to heal the skin and restore its excellent appearance. They saturate the epidermis with missing minerals, give it firmness and elasticity, and help smooth out surface wrinkles.

Nourishing masks are universal and suitable for all skin types. As mentioned above, it is necessary to use masks based on the type and condition of the skin. The frequency of use will also depend on this factor.

Industrially produced nourishing masks are recommended to be used about three to four times a week. Masks prepared with your own hands at home from natural ingredients can be used every day if your skin condition requires it.

How often can you make moisturizing masks?

As a rule, moisturizing and nourishing masks are usually used in combination. They complement each other perfectly and enhance the effect of their mutual impact. A moisturizing mask helps restore the skin's moisture balance and replenish the missing level of moisture.

The frequency of use of moisturizing masks absolutely coincides with the frequency of use of nourishing masks.

How often can you make anti-aging masks? How often can you make anti-wrinkle masks?

Closer to the age of thirty, telltale wrinkles may begin to appear on a woman’s face. They are not yet very noticeable and do not completely age their “lucky owner”, but it is advisable to start fighting them at the first sign of them.

Then you can delay the appearance of the next, deeper crow’s feet, as well as visually reduce and smooth out existing ones. For these purposes, it is necessary to use anti-aging masks, either industrial or homemade.

However, first you need to find out how often you can make anti-wrinkle masks. Regardless of the production of the mask, there are several constant and general rules regarding their use:

  1. The composition of the mask should correspond to your skin type. It should not contain components that can cause an allergic rash or irritation.
  2. You can use anti-aging masks from the age of twenty-five
  3. When preparing and applying the mask, you must strictly follow the recipe and instructions for use.
  4. Anti-aging masks are usually used about two to three times a week
  5. You should not skip procedures, otherwise the effect may be lost and you will have to start all over again

How often can you do whitening masks?

  • Women who have any age spots, freckles on their faces, or simply want to improve their complexion and get rid of unwanted dark circles under their eyes, are recommended to use whitening masks at home. However, the frequency of use of such masks will directly depend on skin type
  • Those with dry, sensitive skin should not repeat procedures with whitening masks more than once every two weeks. The same applies to women over forty years of age. This period is characterized by the appearance of age-related wrinkles and excessive dry skin.
  • Women with normal skin type can use whitening masks once a week. What frequency is recommended for combination skin?
  • Well, oily skin allows you to use such cosmetics about twice a week

Video: Face masks - how to choose?

Why do you need a face mask? This cosmetic product has a powerful effect, several times greater than the effect of a regular caring day or night cream for every day.

Mask mask discord

Each mask has its own range of benefits and properties to restore, heal and strengthen the skin. After the mask, the skin of the face becomes clean, velvety, elastic, toned, and as if shining with a pearl color from the inside. It is for this reason that some girls begin to openly abuse the use of cosmetics, counting on a permanent, fixed and prolonged effect.

However, think about it - if everything was so simple, and the daily use of a regular face mask would give such stunning results, would there be such long lines at the offices of professional cosmetologists and plastic surgeons? Moreover, daily use of such intensive care products can backfire and harm your skin.

How often can you make various face masks? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. You must study the instructions for the cosmetic product in detail and evaluate its composition. It happens that it contains quite aggressive chemicals, for example, silicones. They create the very notorious "Cinderella effect", which we, gullible women, so often buy into. Is it possible to do them too often?

Hardly. They are intended rather for express care, when you need to look brilliant in a matter of hours before a gala or other important event.

The same applies to healing, cleansing and drying masks containing concentrated salicylic acid. If you abuse such drugs, you can “accustom” your inflammation to them, thereby reducing further therapeutic results. In addition, salicylic acid, like other drying components, tends to dehydrate the skin.

And dry skin, deprived of natural nutrition and moisture, is most susceptible to premature aging and fading.

How often should you make masks?

“Is it true that making masks every day is very harmful?”– the answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Of course "overfeed" You can’t keep your dermis constantly either. But if you are in the active process of treatment, you may need a specific schedule for performing such procedures.

Ideally, regarding this point you have the opportunity to consult a qualified cosmetologist, dermatologist or biochemist. If this is not possible, you can try to figure it out yourself.

First of all, you need to study the instructions for a specific product. In the vast majority of cases, it indicates the optimal scheme, frequency and dosage of application, as well as the time of exposure to the skin. There is a golden rule for choosing a mask - like any cream or serum, this product should be selected based on the type and characteristics of the skin, as well as the age of the person using it. For example, if you are a young girl with sensitive skin, an anti-aging product or a product to eliminate excess sebum secretion will certainly not suit you.

All face masks can be divided into several categories:

  • Nutritious;
  • Restorative;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Whitening;
  • Detoxifying;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Cleansing.

When it comes to the question of how often you need to make ready-made face masks, this parameter is definitely the key one. Of course, moisturizing masks can be used at least daily, but only in spring or summer, and under no circumstances in winter. Nutrient products are used depending on the current condition of the skin (for example, with seasonal hypovitaminosis, this may be a daily need).

The frequency of use of restorative agents directly depends on the dynamics of treatment. Anti-aging compositions are used according to a specific scheme prescribed in the annotation.

And cleansing masks should not be used more than once a week! Otherwise, there is a risk of provoking abnormally increased sebum secretion, and, as a result, the active formation of open and closed comedones.

Home Remedies

Some women sincerely believe that homemade masks are exactly the product that can be abused without a doubt. However, this is not at all true. For example, a gelatin film used for deep cleaning of pores should be performed no more than once a week, otherwise the process of active formation and reproduction of “black spots” will only worsen.

What is a gelatin face mask, and how often should it be done? This is a special liquid composition based on gelatin, which is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the skin and then removed with a sharp movement in order to quickly free the pores from various impurities. Those with oily skin can do this on a daily basis.

Those whose skin type is combination should perform the procedure no more than 10-14 days, and the warm mass should be applied specifically to the “problem” areas of the face. And those whose skin is dry, thin and hypersensitive should completely abandon this idea. As you can see, everything is very individual.

Some girls are interested in how often they should make clay face masks. Clay, although extremely useful and safe, has pronounced drying and astringent properties.

Therefore, it should be used by analogy with a gelatin product.

A little about the ingredients of the compositions

Since masks and any other cosmetic products contain a huge variety of ingredients, we simply do not have the opportunity to sort them all out in detail. In addition, there are natural and synthetic products, between which, as you understand, there is a global difference.

Therefore, if anything in the composition you read alarms or surprises you, we advise you to turn to search engines and study the “interesting” component in detail. It is also worth checking yourself for allergic reactions. To do this, the mass from a stick or tube is applied to the delicate skin of the wrist and left for 7-10 minutes.

If redness, itching or red spots occur, you should stop using this product because one of its ingredients is not suitable for your body.

  1. If you see that the composition contains quite aggressive components, try not to use the product more often than once every 10-14 days. This category of masks includes mainly specialized healing, cleansing and rejuvenating products;
  2. If the composition contains more neutral and soft (ideally natural) ingredients, such a product is suitable for daily use. As they say, there would be enough time!;
  3. If we are talking about a homemade mask, carefully study the active ingredients of the products used. What purposes are they intended for, and what specific role do they play in care? Make a start depending on the objective information received.

The skin will definitely “thank” you if you use active products in doses and constantly alternate them. There is no need to focus on one product, even if it brings the best effect.

Homemade hair masks, whose popularity is growing every day, are the easiest way to improve your hair health and (or) give it an attractive appearance.

Proper use of such mixtures is a guarantee of a positive result and the key to the beauty and health of curls. Therefore, the question of how many times a week you can make different homemade hair masks is quite relevant.

In general, as for “kitchen” cosmetology, its benefits are absolutely obvious. Firstly, all recipes use natural, i.e. environmentally friendly ingredients. Secondly, the method of preparing and using homemade mixtures is quite simple and does not require any special skills. Just follow the mask recipe. Thirdly, homemade mixtures are quite affordable, since they usually consist of common ingredients available in almost every kitchen. And fourthly, homemade hair cosmetics are very effective.

According to experts, any hair, problematic or not, needs regular cosmetic procedures.

After all, the rhythm of modern life (constant stress, harmful environment, poor diet) has a bad effect on our hair. Therefore, homemade masks are simply necessary in this case.

Frequency of use of home mixtures

  • As we already know, the question of how many therapeutic and prophylactic compositions should be available over a certain period of time is quite relevant. Different homemade mixtures have different purposes - some against hair loss and to stimulate hair growth, others to moisturize the hair, and others to nourish it. Therefore, the order of their use, namely the frequency of use, is also different.
  • To find out how often to use a particular mask, determine:
  • the condition of your hair;

(for example, dry curls require more frequent nutrition than oily ones);

problem that needs to be solved.

To restore hair damaged as a result of dyeing, perming, etc., homemade mixtures need to be made 2-3 times. per week for 1-1.5 months. This frequency will help eliminate dryness and brittleness of the strands, strengthen the roots and restore vitality to the curls.
Some restorative masks, especially for severely damaged hair, can be done daily, for example: a mixture against split ends with ginseng and eleutherococcus.

Against hair loss and for growth

Many girls who dream of long, thick locks are wondering how often they can prepare formulations designed to combat hair loss and stimulate their growth. The most popular ingredients in such mixtures are mustard, red pepper tincture and alcoholic beverages, so let’s talk about how often to use these compounds:

  • Trichologists recommend doing a mustard mask once a week, no more. With dry hair, even less - every 7 days, i.e. twice a month (to avoid drying out the epidermis);
  • masks based on alcoholic beverages can be made once every 7 days. (for severe hair loss) or after a week (for preventive purposes);
  • pepper mixtures can be used every 7 days.

The duration of treatment with irritating components is 1-2 months.

For food

Nutrient formulations need to be made 1-2 rubles/7 days. For severely damaged strands, daily use of nourishing masks will be required with a total course duration of no more than 14 days. (for example, a mixture of burdock, almond, and coconut oils for very dry hair).

For hydration

The frequency of use of moisturizing compositions depends on the specific problem: if treatment is required - 2-3 rubles / week, if for the purpose of prevention - once every 7 days is enough.

For shine and smoothness


To cure seborrhea, use the appropriate mixtures 1-3 times/7 days, focusing on the specific recipe, condition and type of your hair.

Frequency of use of individual ingredients in masks

Let us separately dwell on some of the most popular components of homemade hair masks and the frequency of their use:

  • oils Considering the rich properties of oils, mixtures based on them can be made 1 rub./14 days. More frequent use will lead to excessive oiliness of the hair and clogging of the pores of the epidermis;
  • henna. More frequent use of compositions made from lavsonia powder is not recommended due to its strong coloring properties;
  • gelatin. A gelatin mask that has a lamination effect, in demand among today's beauties, needs to be done once every 7 days. for 2-4 weeks (course duration depends on the condition of the hair). More frequent use will have the opposite result;
  • clay. Clay mixtures need to be prepared 1 (for treatment) or 2 (for prevention) times every 7 days;
  • egg. You can cook masks with eggs for 1-2 rubles/7 days;
  • honey. Trichologists advise using compositions with honey 1-3 rubles/week;
  • vitamins. Vitamin masks can be prepared 2-3 rubles/7 days.

Important! Be sure to take a break between treatment and prophylactic courses. On average, this is half the course completed.

Knowledge of how often to use homemade therapeutic and prophylactic mixtures is necessary to achieve maximum effect from the procedures. Moreover, proper use of masks in accordance with the recipe will protect your hair from possible side effects.

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