How to cook sugaring paste at home. Sugaring recipes

Several hundred years ago, sugaring was first used in Iran (the current name of Ancient Persia). Herbal infusions and various oils were added to the sugar syrup. Everything in the complex perfectly soothed and protected delicate and irritated skin.

After all, in ancient times, oriental beauties completely got rid of their hair, i.e. all over the body. Hair, with the exception of the head, eyelashes and eyebrows, was prohibited among concubines and wives of officials. This was considered a great sin and disgrace for a noble girl of marriageable age. According to Eastern beliefs, if a girl had hairs all over her body, she was cursed for 7 years.

When we try a variety of cosmetics and chemicals on ourselves, we don’t think about how much this can affect the health of our skin.

But caring for the beauty of the body also means using natural products whenever possible. We offer several recipe options for sugaring mixtures at home. This is an old proven method, try it too!

How to quickly cook a sugaring mixture in the microwave?

The recipe is simple, there are few ingredients, and they are the most common ones that can be found in any kitchen.

Prepare a container in which you will cook; you will also need an ordinary tablespoon and a teaspoon. To avoid getting burned when you need to check the caramel, drop it into water; if it hardens and does not spread, the caramel is ready.

So, for the mixture we take:

  • water – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 6 tablespoons;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon.

All ingredients must be mixed in a prepared container. If you add more citric acid, the paste will not be able to harden to the desired consistency. Heat the mixture in the microwave for one minute; the liquid should turn from white to pale yellow. Stir and microwave for another 15 seconds, your liquid will gradually change and acquire a more saturated cognac color.

Wait until it cools down, but not completely. Scoop up a small amount of the cooled mass with your hand and knead it with your fingers. Add the rest of the hot mixture little by little, this will make it easier on your fingers and the mixture will be homogeneous.

Another simple way is to prepare the mixture in a steam bath or gas, in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

This option is called thick sugaring, and it differs in that it is cooked in larger quantities. Excellent at home, economical and profitable!

The recipe is the same as described above, only the amount of ingredients has been increased several times.

A little advice: after the sugaring is ready, but still remains hot, cover with a lid - this will provide it with greater elasticity and it will not harden quickly. How many and what ingredients will you need?

Taken for the mixture:

  • 10 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 7 – 8 tablespoons of water;
  • 0.5 large lemon.

Combine everything, mix and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and stir continuously until the color turns honey-colored. Pay attention to the consistency, it should be thick, like pancake batter. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

Here are a few more cooking secrets:

  • when the mass is ready, and so that it does not harden for a long time, you will need a spoon of water, pour it over the mass, thereby preventing a crust from forming;
  • add a few drops of aloe juice - this will have a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • to fortify the mixture, add a few drops of vitamin A, E - they have an oily consistency, have a beneficial effect on the skin and promote hydration;
  • A glucose ampoule will soften the skin and make the procedure less painful.

How to apply the sugaring mixture?

Knead the finished mass until soft and elastic; it is better to apply it to steamed skin, against hair growth.

Remove according to hair growth, thereby you do not injure the hair follicle and prolong the effect of hair removal.

It is best to wash off the remnants of the sweet mass with a decoction of chamomile, or a decoction of string, which act as antiseptics for open pores and have soothing and antibacterial properties.

Also, after the procedure, it is advisable to thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub of ground coffee and rice flour. This method can be used to treat the entire body, even the face.

Sugaring provides excellent hair removal, the most gentle cleansing, after such careful treatment of your body - it will be incredibly grateful to you and will thank you with its silkiness and velvety.

If you have varicose veins, i.e. large “nodes”, it is better to abandon this method. If you have so-called mesh on your legs, it is better to consult a doctor.

If there are wounds, scratches, or cuts on the area of ​​skin that you are planning to treat, then wait until everything heals.

Body hair removal is a necessary procedure for modern women, which is dictated by fashion. Depending on genetic characteristics, the area of ​​hair removal and the number of areas of hair removal vary from woman to woman. Some have to epilate only the bikini area, legs and armpits, others – arms, areas on the face, etc.

Sugaring at home is actually very simple

The larger the area to be epilated, the more time and effort the procedure takes, which is why women want to do it as rarely as possible. Salons offer many solutions. Relatively new is hair removal using a sugar-containing paste. This is not a cheap procedure, especially since it can be done at home.

Pasta recipe ingredients

Cooking sugaring at home is not only simple, but also economical. To prepare the paste you need the following ingredients:

  1. Sugar;
  2. Lemon juice;
  3. Water.

If you use 1 kg of sugar for the mixture, the resulting paste will last for 4 months. For 1 kg of sugar you need 8 tablespoons of water and 7 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Unlike wax, use . It does not cause sharp sensations of discomfort and acute pain, like wax strips. However, for beginners, it is better to train on the least painful areas first, such as the legs, and only then move on to the more painful ones - armpits, bikini, face, etc. In addition, reviews indicate that irritation from sugaring is less than from waxing. In addition, the remaining paste is easier to wash off the skin.


The peculiarity of the procedure is that it can be performed without using fabric strips. But if someone is used to them, then you can use them. But in the absence of stripes, greater efficiency of the material is achieved.

The master takes a small piece of caramel and kneads it in his hands until it acquires sufficient plasticity. “Spreads” the caramel onto the areas you want to remove hairs in the opposite direction of hair growth, forming a thin layer of caramel on the skin.
After a few seconds, after the caramel has cooled for some time, the plate must be torn off the skin with a sharp movement. You can apply the paste to strips of fabric and apply them to the skin, and then use them to pick off the caramel. If the mixture cools and hardens during the process, it is heated in a water bath.

Preparing paste for sugaring at home, step-by-step cooking instructions: citric acid is also needed

Cooking paste for sugaring will not work quickly. But it stores well, and therefore it can be prepared immediately in quantities sufficient for several uses. If you make it from 1 kg of sugar, the resulting paste will be enough for 12 - 15 leg epilations.

It’s better to make sugaring paste at home in a saucepan that you don’t mind, since the sugar can burn if you’re not careful enough.


Prepare the mixture as follows:

  • Mix 1 kg of sugar, 7 tablespoons of lemon juice and 8 tablespoons of water in a saucepan;
  • Place the mixture over high heat so that the sugar quickly begins to melt, but does not have time to burn. Stir it constantly. Wait a few seconds;
  • Reduce heat by half and cover the pan with a lid. So you need to cook the sugaring paste for another 10 minutes. After this time, open the lid and stir the mixture. You will notice that it now looks more like caramel and smells like it;
  • Leave for another 10 minutes and stir again;
  • Leave covered for another 10 minutes. Open the lid and check if the sugar has reached a liquid, uniform consistency. If not, leave for another 10 minutes without stirring. If yes, stir and leave for another 10 minutes;
  • After this time, the sugar should begin to gurgle;
  • After a few minutes, the composition will become homogeneous and transparent, without visible inclusions, and will begin to clearly boil and form foam. Open the lid and simmer for another 5 minutes, stirring gently;
  • Pour the mixture into a tall plastic container.

Fill the pan with boiling water immediately, otherwise you will not be able to wash it. The mixture cools down to a state in which it can be worked within 3 hours. Making sugaring paste at home is not difficult, but it is a lengthy process.

Executing the procedure

You can apply the paste either manually or using a spatula or napkins. Applying with a spatula requires some skill, since the paste is quite thick and sugaring yourself in this way may be inconvenient.
When applying caramel, stretch the skin in the opposite direction of hair growth. Thanks to this, you will achieve maximum hair coverage with the paste. This means that more of them will be removed. Wait 1 – 2 minutes. The paste should not completely harden, but should firmly grip the hairs. After this period, pick the caramel in the direction of growth.

Arms and legs - the right approach

It is easiest to do sugaring at home in this area. It is the most convenient and physically accessible. Pain and discomfort are minimal. The procedure is quick due to the fact that the composition can be applied immediately to large areas, etc. Only after the procedure on the legs and arms is not too painful can you move on to more delicate areas.

One piece of paste can be reused by kneading it again in your hands and rolling it out again if it has become soft enough. It is better to start the procedure on steamed skin, so there will be less discomfort.

Epilation of the bikini area

It is more difficult to do sugaring in the bikini area correctly at home. The skin in this area is delicate, so the feeling of discomfort may be stronger. It is better to use a thicker paste for the bikini area and armpits. Since the skin there is more moisturized, liquid pastes will flow down and not grip the hair tightly enough. As a result, the result will not be very good.

You need to act in the same way as in the area of ​​​​the legs and arms - apply the paste against the growth of hairs and pluck according to the growth. However, apply it to small areas. Both when applying and when removing, be sure to stretch the skin, as in the bikini area it is not as elastic as on the arms and legs.

Armpits are afraid of sugar paste

Doing sugaring hair removal at home (as in salons) is extremely painful due to the specifics of this area. However, there are several ways to reduce pain. Home anesthesia can be used. Steam the skin before starting the procedure or, conversely, cool it by applying ice cubes to it. However, even with a very thick paste, the procedure should be carried out on as dry skin as possible, so before applying the paste, dry it thoroughly with a napkin.

Pull the skin taut and spread the paste. Wait a few seconds. Pull the skin taut again and pull off the caramel.


Sugaring strips at home are very easy to use on the face. The procedure in this area is the least painful. Even compared to legs and arms. This is due to the fact that the hairs on the face are thin and do not have a powerful root. They are easier to remove and do not cause such discomfort.

Regardless of the area in which hair removal is carried out, the length of the hairs should be 4–5 mm for those who have previously done sugaring or waxed hair, and 6–8 mm for those who are epilating the skin for the first time.

Hairs 2 mm or less in length are almost impossible to remove using this method.

Hair removal at home with sugar is possible, and even useful (with the exception of contraindications). We bring to your attention basic recipes that have already been tested by the fair sex through personal experience.

If the recipe you use is not on the list, be sure to write)

Sugaring recipe with citric acid

  • 250 grams of granulated sugar (10 tablespoons);
  • one and a half teaspoons of citric acid;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;

Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and place on low heat. Stir occasionally until all the sugar has dissolved. And stir the product again until the mixture boils. And when the brew begins to boil, stir more diligently, otherwise the caramel will burn. When the paste has acquired a honey color, it is time to remove from the heat.

The consistency of caramel for sugaring should be such that you can roll it into a ball without any problems. Or you can skip cooking and use the recipe using strips. The advantage of citric acid is that, compared to natural lemon juice, you don’t have to guess the concentration (after all, lemons vary in acidity). If you add acid, the caramel does not harden as it should; if you add less acid, it is not plastic.

Sugaring recipe for 10 spoons of sugar

  • 250 grams of sugar (10 tablespoons);
  • one tablespoon of water;
  • half a lemon juice (enough juice to completely wet all the sugar);

Cook as in the previous version. If you didn’t follow through and the color has already become dark brown, it means that the mixture has been overcooked and will be too hard. If the mixture is cooked for about 1.5-2 minutes, then it will be possible to use fabric or paper strips (the paper should be thick).

Recipe 3 ( sugaring at home again with citric acid )

  • 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 0.6 tablespoon of citric acid;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;

Over low heat, stirring occasionally, bring the sugar and water until golden brown. When the mixture begins to foam, add citric acid. Notice how the color becomes darker. The product should become quite viscous. Remove from the heat and leave the depilatory caramel to cool. .

Recipe 4

  • 3 tablespoons or 65 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of water;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer over low heat. Continue cooking and stirring until the paste turns a dark yellow color. Let the pasta cool. You can pour additional cold water into another container to wet your fingers with it. When the mixture has cooled, it can be applied to the hair without prior “massage” and epilation can be carried out with sugar. .

Recipe 5

  • 3 sugar, 1 water, 0.5 lemon juice (or citric acid);

Pour everything into the container in which you will cook. Let it simmer over low heat. Stir occasionally until the color of the mixture resembles caramel. Pour the paste into another container and let it cool. This sugar paste is suitable for hair removal with a ball.

Recipe 6

This composition is also suitable for hair removal with thick sugaring.

  • 10 tablespoons or a glass of sugar (250 grams);
  • 7-8 the same tablespoons of water;
  • juice from half a large lemon;

Mix everything and put on low heat. When the caramel begins to boil, stir the substance without stopping. Continue for about 10 minutes. By this time, the color should turn into honey, and the consistency should resemble syrup. Remove from the stove and do not touch - let it cool. Once the mixture has cooled completely, it should resemble play dough.

Sugaring paste (Recipe) 7)

  • 20 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 8 of the same spoons of water;
  • teaspoon of citric acid;

Mix all ingredients in a metal bowl and place on the stove to warm over low heat. Stir occasionally until the mixture comes to a boil. Now turn the heat down as low as you can and continue to cook, stirring constantly, until you get a deep amber color. The viscosity should be such that when you lift a spoon with the mixture, drops do not fall from the tip, but lazily slide down, like liquid honey or molasses. Have you achieved this effect? Remove from heat and pour into a jar. This amount of mixture is enough for several depilation procedures. The cooled mass may be a little hard, but with kneading it becomes softer and when the ball stops sticking to your hands, it means it’s ready caramel hair removal.

Recipe 8

The volume that is prepared will be enough for the entire summer season.

  • kilo of granulated sugar;
  • 64 ml water (8 tbsp);
  • and a little less (7 tablespoons) lemon juice;

Combine water, sugar and juice in a saucepan and place over high heat. For about one minute. Stir and after another minute reduce the heat to low. Cover the mixture with a lid and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring. After another 10 minutes, the granulated sugar will begin to melt, continue stirring. After 10 minutes the paste will begin to boil again. Cook again for 10 minutes. Stir the mixture and continue to cook it for 5 minutes, but after removing the lid. Total, 45 minutes. Now pour the paste into a storage container. The mixture must cool down before use. To avoid getting burned, do not use hot sugaring!

Homemade recipe 9

Place everything in a saucepan, place it on low heat or stove and, stirring constantly, cook the mixture until it turns brown. Monitor the process so that the granulated sugar does not stick to the container and burn. Pour into a storage bowl and let the sugaring cool for at least 10 minutes. A properly prepared mixture does not spread on the palm of your hand and easily rolls into a ball.

Recipe 10

  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 32 milligrams of water (4 tbsp);
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice;

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and place on the stove on low power. Cover with a lid. Stir every 5-10 minutes to prevent the sugar from burning. Cool the mixture and feel free to use sugaring .

Recipe with citric acid 11

  • 130-150 g sugar;
  • 30 ml water;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;

Mix everything and heat over low heat. Cook for about 25 minutes, remember to stir. The mixture should become golden in color, and the consistency should be such that in your hand you can roll a ball from a piece of paste that tactilely resembles plasticine. Let the mixture cool and proceed with the procedure.

Sugar hair removal at home as effective as sugaring in a salon. Success lies only in experience and selection of a recipe that is convenient for you. Read about that in the next article.

Beautiful silky skin without hair is a dream for women and a mystery for men. Many representatives of the stronger sex are unaware that there is a hair removal technique called sugaring.

You can get rid of excess hair on your body in a salon or at home by making your own sugar paste for sugaring. There is more than one recipe, and all you have to do is choose the one that suits you and master the technique of this procedure.

The main advantages of sugar hair removal at home are the ability to save money on visiting a salon and get a beautiful body without unnecessary hair for literally pennies.

To make sugaring at home quick, painless and effective, you need to buy or make a special paste. Its main components are sugar and water. Some sugaring recipes contain honey, lemon juice or citric acid. The proportions of the products are different, but the result is the same - a viscous caramel designed for removing hair from the armpits, bikini area, arms, legs and face. Some women even manage to improve the shape of their eyebrows with the help of paste.

If you plan to buy sugaring paste in a store, look for its composition on the label or in the instructions. The finished product contains sugar, water and lemon. From natural ingredients to nourish or soften the skin, essential oil, molasses, and honey can be added to caramel.

It happens that sugaring contains not only natural substances, but also synthesized dyes and flavors. We do not recommend buying such a product, because it is impossible to predict in advance what negative reactions the body will react to it.

To carry out sugaring at home, you will additionally need:

  1. Body Scrub. It will exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis and ensure tight adhesion of the caramel to the hair surface. Using a scrub after sugaring prevents ingrown hairs.
  2. Antiseptic. Essential for disinfecting the skin and eliminating germs. Sold as a special lotion for sugaring. You can also use cologne or rubbing alcohol.
  3. Talcum powder or body tonic. Such products have a degreasing effect.
  4. Moisturizing cream. The nourishing cream nourishes stressed skin, moisturizes it and relieves swelling. Irritated areas are treated with Panthenol.
  5. Hair growth retardant. Optional but desirable participant in depilation. The average smoothness effect from sugaring was noted by women at 2 weeks. An agent that inhibits follicle activity helps prolong it.


Let's look at how to prepare sugaring at home for one session.

You will need three standard ingredients:

  • Sugar – 6 tsp.
  • Water – 2 tsp.
  • Citric acid – 2 tsp.

Sugar is poured into a metal container and poured over with water. Place the dishes on low heat and continuously stir the contents with a spoon, otherwise it will burn. As soon as the color of the mixture begins to sparkle with yellowish notes, and the product itself begins to exude the smell of caramel, pour lemon into a bowl and remove the paste from the heat.

Your sugar should completely melt and turn into a homogeneous viscous mass. Simmer it under the lid over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then transfer the paste into a plastic cup and let it cool.

The mixture can also be prepared in large quantities. Then you will store it in a dry, dark place, and before use, heat the required amount in a water bath. In any case, the mass should be fusible and pliable, but not flow through your fingers. This sugaring recipe is intended for hypersensitive tissues.

How to cook sugar for sugaring

If you want to cook caramel for sugar hair removal with lemon juice, the proportions of the ingredients will be different:

  • Granulated sugar – 300 g.
  • Lemon juice – 40 ml.
  • Cold water – 40 ml.

How to prepare a mixture for home sugaring:

  1. The components are placed in a container with a thick bottom (first liquids, then sand). Mix everything and place the saucepan on a moderately preheated oven.
  2. The mixture is brought to a boil, the heat is reduced and the product is boiled for 5 - 7 minutes. Do not be distracted from the process of preparing the sugaring paste; the contents of the container are constantly stirred with a wooden spatula.
  3. When the liquid acquires a golden hue, the dishes are removed from the oven and the quality of the caramel is assessed. Its consistency and color should resemble honey. If the finished product turns out to be too light, it needs to be cooked further. If the paste is overcooked, it should be discarded. You should not pour caramel down the sink, as it hardens in the pipes and impedes the passage of descending liquids.

How to do the procedure correctly at home

Knowing how to properly prepare a mixture for sugaring at home, you need to learn the intricacies of sugar hair removal itself. If you have stocked up on all the products that we wrote about in the first section, then all that remains is to find time for a beauty session. So let's begin...

  1. Knead the paste with your hand like modeling clay. It will soften and begin to cast like mother-of-pearl.
  2. Apply the product against hair growth, and remove the adhesive mass strictly according to hair growth. In this case, the vegetation will be pulled out along with the bulbs, which is important for the duration of the effect.
  3. When trying to remove sugaring, slightly pull the area of ​​skin being treated. Movements must be confident and sharp.
  4. Rinse the depilated area with warm water, dry thoroughly and lubricate alternately with an antiseptic and moisturizing/nourishing cream.

You need to work with sugar paste with dry hands, because the product does not tolerate moisture. Wear gloves or dust your hands with talcum powder to prevent moisture or sweat from ruining the caramel. As a last resort, wipe your palms with paper towels.

If the length of unnecessary hair exceeds 2 - 3 mm, it must be cut with scissors. Sugaring on short hair is convenient and painless. If you have no experience, take your time, fill your hand as much as you need. To keep the caramel pliable during the session, keep it in a steam bath. At the end of sugar hair removal, wipe off the remaining sugaring from your palms with wet wipes or wash your hands with warm water.

Manual sugaring technique

When performing manual hair removal, use a thick mixture for sugaring (see recipe with citric acid, where the paste is boiled for an additional 10 minutes). Experts recommend manual sugaring techniques for removing mustaches above the upper lip and hair in the bikini area and armpits.

The rules of the manual sugaring technique are as follows:

  1. Take a piece of caramel and knead until the product becomes sticky.
  2. Slowly roll the ball against the hair growth, spreading it onto the scalp.
  3. Tear off the sugar strip along the hair growth.

Bandage technique

To perform sugaring using the bandage technique, you will need to cook liquid caramel (cooking time from the moment of boiling - 10 minutes). This method is aimed at depilating large areas of the body - arms, legs, thighs.

Hair removal according to the rules of the bandage technique:

  1. Distribute the warm mass on the body against hair growth using a spatula. The layer should be thin and uniform.
  2. Place a paper strip of the same size on the sticky surface. Smooth the strip so that it adheres to the caramel. Instead of paper, you can use thin fabric.
  3. With a sharp movement, tear off the strip along the hair growth.
  4. Disinfect the skin with an antiseptic and soothe it with moisturizing milk.

Sugaring of the face

A fluff above the lip or a noticeable mustache in women spoils the appearance of even the most pretty face and gives rise to complexes. But sugaring solves this problem too. Take just a little bit of caramel and apply thinly on your face against hair growth. Sharply tear off the Velcro after 20 seconds, moving your hand in the opposite direction.

Deep sugaring of the bikini area

Compared to hair removal on arms and legs, bikini sugaring at home is a more sophisticated procedure. The technique for performing sugar hair removal is the same, but the tenderness and inaccessibility of the delicate area cause trouble. To avoid severe pain when tearing off a layer of caramel, the hairs must be shortened in advance with manicure devices.

Let's consider sugaring the bikini area in the form of instructions:

  1. One leg is placed on a raised platform.
  2. A small sugar ball is rolled with your palms and gently stretched over the hair area.
  3. Do not take a lot of skin at one time. The optimal size of each new area is 2 x 2 cm.
  4. The Velcro is pulled against the hair growth and wait until the paste hardens (about 30 - 60 seconds).
  5. The skin is stretched and the sweet layer is sharply torn off in the direction of hair growth.
  6. If there are still hairs left in the bikini area, they are carefully shaved off with a machine in the direction of growth.
  7. The procedure is completed by washing the genitals with warm water and applying a nourishing cream.
  8. Repeat the manipulation after 10 days, not earlier.

Regardless of which area of ​​the body you have sugar hair removal done, do not sunbathe or visit a solarium for the first few days after the procedure. Otherwise, pigmented lesions or burns will appear on your skin.

Sugaring is hair removal with thick sugar paste. The procedure is distinguished from other methods of hair removal:

  1. Efficiency. Sugar paste captures even short hair, and the technique of removing the mixture (in accordance with growth, and not against it, as, for example, with waxing) prevents ingrown hairs.
  2. Availability and ease of use. You can make your own sugaring paste and perform the hair removal procedure in your own bathroom.
  3. Safety. Sugaring does not injure the skin.
  4. Naturalness. Classic pasta is prepared exclusively from natural ingredients: sugar, water and lemon. The risk of allergies is minimized.
  5. Duration of the resulting effect. After sugaring, the skin remains smooth for 2-3 weeks.

How to cook pasta

Classic sugar paste


  • 2 cups sugar;
  • ¼ glass of clean water;

If you don't have lemon on hand, replace it with juice (6%). Just keep in mind that there will be an unpleasant smell in the kitchen while cooking.


Mix all the ingredients in a thick-bottomed saucepan and place it over low heat. Stirring constantly, cook the mixture for 7 minutes until it turns yellow. After this, cook the pasta for another 2-5 minutes, stirring constantly. The time depends on the type of stove and the strength of the fire.

To find out if the pasta is ready, do a test. Scoop up some of the sugar mixture with a spoon and drop it into a glass of cold water. In just a couple of seconds, catch a drop. If it has hardened and you can roll it into a ball, the paste is ready. If the drop is slippery and inelastic, cook the mixture a little more and repeat the test.

Be very careful not to miss the moment of readiness. Towards the end of cooking (immediately after the mixture turns yellow), test the paste every 10-15 seconds.

Pour the finished paste into a plastic or glass container with a wide neck. Close the lid tightly and after 5 minutes put it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. During this time, the paste will cool to the desired temperature: 30–40 °C. The bottom and walls of the container will become warm.

If you are worried about the safety of the refrigerator and do not want to put a very hot mixture in it, wait until it cools down at room temperature. In this case, there is no need to cover the pasta with a lid.

The original honey-based sugaring paste is prepared in the microwave.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ¼ cup honey;
  • ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Mix all the ingredients in the container where you will store the pasta. If it is a plastic container, make sure it is microwave safe.

Place the mixture in the oven and cook for 10–15 seconds at maximum power. Then remove the bubbling paste, stir and let it settle. Microwave the mixture again for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the procedure about five times. There may be more or fewer repetitions depending on the power of the device.

After the fourth time, check the readiness of the paste: drop the mixture into cold water and try to roll it into a ball.

How to prepare for the procedure

The skin must be prepared for sugaring. This applies to legs, arms, armpits, and bikini area. Estimate the length of the hairs. Ideally they should be from 4 to 8 mm. However, this requirement is quite conditional. You can safely do hair removal even with a length of 2 mm.

On the eve of sugaring, use it (it is better to choose the one without oil). Scrubbing will remove the dead skin layer and release ingrown hairs, if any.

Immediately before epilation, take a hot shower to steam your skin. This will make it easier for the paste to penetrate the hair follicles.

Degrease the skin with an alcohol-containing solution and be sure to wipe dry so that the sugar mass adheres well to the hair.

To remove excess moisture, you can use talcum powder, although some ladies believe that powder interferes with the adhesion of the paste to the skin. Try it for yourself and decide which is more convenient for you.

How to do sugaring

Scoop out some paste. Lightly knead it with your fingers and apply to the skin against hair growth. Then sharply pull off the paste along the hair growth, holding the skin with your free hand.

Don't pull the paste up! Your fingers should move parallel to the skin.

Treat small areas for high-quality hair removal. Do not apply the paste to the same place more than three times. Otherwise, you risk getting irritated.

There is a second sugaring technique - bandage. For it you will need fabric or paper strips. Apply the paste to the treated area against hair growth. Place a strip on top, smooth it out and tear it off sharply in the direction of hair growth.

This method is more suitable for hair removal of legs and arms. But in the areas of the armpits and bikini (especially deep) it is not very convenient to work with strips. There it is better to act precisely.

How to care for your skin after sugaring

After the procedure, rinse off the remaining mixture with warm water. Treat the skin with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine or miramistin) or thermal water. During the day, do not use lotions and scrubs, protect epilated skin from sunlight, and do not visit public bodies of water.

Sometimes inflammation appears after sugaring. They can be removed in 2–3 days with a healing ointment, for example, dexpanthenol. It is enough to lubricate the affected areas several times a day.

How to store pasta

Homemade pasta should not be stored for more than a few days, otherwise it may become sugary. Close the jar with the mixture tightly and keep it away from sources of heat and light. Before use, heat the required amount of paste in a water bath.

When not to do sugaring

Before undergoing the procedure, make sure that you have no contraindications to it. The list includes:

  1. Mechanical damage to the skin: scratches, abrasions.
  2. Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis.
  3. New growths on the skin: benign and malignant.
  4. Acute viral diseases. Against the background of reduced immunity, hair removal can be very painful.
  5. Diabetes. Microscopic amounts of sugar penetrate through the pores into the blood vessels.
  6. Problems with the cardiovascular system. Painful sensations can cause deterioration in well-being.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before sugaring.

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