Dry cleaning a jacket at home. Problem areas of the jacket

The jacket is an invariable element business suit. And even if office work is considered clean and dust-free, dirt quickly appears on the collar and sleeves of a jacket. And what if you need a jacket urgently, but don’t have time to take it to the dry cleaner? Return the jacket fresh look I can do it on my own.

Express collar cleaning

1. Clean the jacket collar with ammonia and salt

In 3 spoons ammonia Stir a teaspoon of salt until completely dissolved. Dip a cotton pad into this solution and, squeezing it out, wipe the collar in places where stains are present. When the greasy shine is eliminated, all that remains is to go over it again with a cotton pad, but this time moistened in clean water.

2. Soap solution against shiny stains

If you can't wash everything blazer, you can use soap clean only greasy collar, being careful not to get it wet through. Laundry soap bred in warm water(some fabrics do not tolerate high temperatures, and in the cold there is little chance of washing anything). Can be used washing powder, but only if you are sure that it is suitable for this type of fabric. Using a soft cloth soaked in soapy water and wrung out thoroughly, rub the stains on the collar and then rinse with a damp cloth.

3. Clean your jacket collar with a warm vinegar solution.

The product is true, but has a strong smell. After use vinegar solution the jacket needs to be aired. A solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1 to 10 works similarly (do not heat).

4. Alcohol vs. spots

Medical alcohol is too concentrated, a 40% solution will be enough. IN finished form- vodka. Use alcohol to wipe stains. Only the remedy should be good quality: fusel oils will be added to the surrogate greasy stains on the collar.

5. Half a potato with a high starch content

- also an excellent cleaning agent. After treatment, wipe off any remaining product with a clean damp cloth, otherwise white marks will remain.

The jacket looks respectable again. You can put it on and go to work.

A suit is a piece of clothing that adds elegance to one's appearance. Such garments are made from different materials, which means caring for each of them requires a special approach. The jacket is an integral part of the suit, which also needs to be cleaned. But not every housewife will take the responsibility of washing it in a machine so as not to spoil it. So the question arises, how to clean a jacket at home?

There are several cleaning methods: dry and wet

In order to clean the suit from hair and dust, you need to run it over it several times with a soft brush or a special adhesive roller. These items can be easily purchased at any hardware store. In addition to the roller, there are always spare cassettes with adhesive film. This way you can dry clean the product without much difficulty. It is recommended to clean an expensive suit only in this way.

Wet cleaning a jacket

Cleaning a jacket at home is carried out in several stages. First you need to carefully examine the suit in good lighting.
Contaminated areas should be cleaned with a brush dipped in a solution of ammonia mixed with water.

If you don’t have ammonia at home, you can replace it with vinegar, and instead of a brush you can use a cloth that will not leave lint or threads behind.
If the stains are too noticeable, then it is necessary to clean them using special stain removers. Today, choosing such products is not difficult, the main thing is to select them for a specific type of fabric that needs to be cleaned. To do this, you need to carefully read the label on the suit.

Wearing a jacket every day leaves not only dirt on it, but also... That's why you need to know how to clean a jacket and get rid of the unpleasant smell?

Methods for eliminating unpleasant odor from a jacket

That was less problems When removing stains and sweat odors, you need to carefully monitor your belongings and adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

How to clean a jacket collar

In every thing, there are places that get dirty most often and require special attention. Even an expensive suit, which is made of high-quality fabric, has such parts - sleeves and collars. When they become dirty, they lose their presentable appearance and an unsightly shine appears on them. There are several ways to clean a jacket at home without resorting to dry cleaning.

Soap and water

To carry out this procedure, you must use only children's or liquid soap, other species may leave behind white streaks. Take three tablespoons of soap, dilute in half a liter of water and stir well. Soak a stiff brush in this soapy solution and treat the shine that has formed on the collar, periodically rinsing the brush in clean water.

Vinegar solution

Take vinegar and water in equal proportions and use a cotton swab dipped in this solution to treat the shiny shine on the jacket. There is no need to worry about the unpleasant odor from vinegar; it will disappear very quickly. But this procedure will not only rid the collar of dirt, but will also restore the brightness of the material.


A freshly cut potato tuber in half will perfectly clean dirty areas on the collar. Use the cut part of the tuber to thoroughly wipe the shine on the area of ​​the fabric. Then you need to remove potato starch, which formed on the material. To do this, move a sponge moistened with water over the treated areas.

Ammonia and gasoline

Use a cotton swab or a cloth soaked in gasoline to wipe the areas where unpleasant shine. These are most often collars, cuffs or elbow areas. Then rub them vigorously with a brush moistened with ammonia. Turn on the iron and iron the treated areas through gauze or thin cloth. To remove the smell after cleaning, you need to take the suit out into the fresh air for 4-5 hours.

Ammonia and table salt

This solution can be used to clean not only a jacket, but also trousers. It is necessary to mix ammonia with salt in a ratio of 15:1. Treat contaminated areas with a cotton pad and then dry outside to remove Strong smell.

The suit can serve you well long years, if you are careful and take care of it in a timely manner. Still, if you value a suit, then it is better to stop wearing it regularly and replace it with simpler clothes.

Caring for a jacket often causes difficulties and many questions. But over the years of conducting household, I learned to solve this problem. I’ll share with you the secrets of how to clean a jacket at home and make it look beautiful again. appearance without much effort.

Jacket care

Do you think that dry cleaning your jacket is the only care option? This is wrong. Besides high price Dry cleaning and the length of the procedure force you to look for ways to remove stains from a jacket almost free of charge.

There are four main ways to clean a jacket at home. I will tell you about the features of using each method separately.

Method 1: Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is the basis for daily care, increasing the service life of your favorite clothes. This is the easiest DIY method for cleaning a jacket.

Detailed instructions:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Using a special clothes brush, scrub the entire surface of the jacket with intense movements.

The brush should not be too hard. To avoid microtrauma to the tissue, you need to choose a tool with soft bristles.

Step 2

For achievement best result The product must be laid out on a flat, horizontal, hard surface.

Step 3

Iron the jacket with a tack roller.

In this way you can not only remove minor dirt and stuck lint, but also refresh general form things, straighten small folds and creases.

After cleaning, you should let the jacket hang on a hanger for a couple of hours before using it again.

Method 2. Wet cleaning

If there are more complex stains that cannot be removed using a dry method, wet cleaning of the jacket is used. So, you can clean a men’s jacket that has significant dirt with a “soap solution”:

  1. Make it normal soap solution . Dilute liquid soap in a glass of warm water.

  1. Using a brush dipped in the solution, you need to treat the entire surface of the jacket;
  2. Next you need to dry the product naturally, hanging on a hanger.

Method 3. Dry cleaning

At first glance, dry cleaning clothes at home seems impossible. But in fact there are several ways to use it chemicals to improve the appearance of clothes. Let's find out how to remove shine from a jacket:

Image Way

Recipe 1. Ammonia

Make a solution of ammonia: 1 tbsp. spoon of alcohol per 1 liter of water.

This way you can easily clean the shiny sleeves of your jacket.

Recipe 2. Vinegar

How to clean a jacket collar at home? Wipe the contaminated areas with a cotton swab dipped in heated vinegar.

Recipe 3: Dry cleaning kits

Purchase a special cleaning kit for delicate fabric clothing. Use each item in the kit according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Method 4. Machine wash

Clothes made from soft fabrics, e.g. women's jacket or children's school jacket, washable washing machine.

To avoid adverse consequences machine washable, Do not forget basic rules safe operation:

  • Before washing your jacket At home, carefully study the information on the tag. Make sure the item is machine washable.
  • Choose the minimum temperature regime (30-40 °C) or not exceeding the parameters indicated on the tag.

  • Select the delicate fabric mode and the minimum spin amount. If you are washing an item for the first time, you can completely dispense with automatic spinning.
  • You can dry your jacket on a hanger, after shaking it and smoothing out all the jams and creases or on a horizontal surface.

Other materials - other methods

Choice optimal option How to clean a jacket is determined by two main parameters - its shape and fabric. For example, products with rigid molded parts are suitable for hand cleaning only.

What other materials require an individual approach?:

  1. Leather. A leather jacket should never be machine washed. It is also undesirable to expose it to brushes with bristles.

  1. Suede leather. Not only should suede not be machine washed, but it should also not be allowed to get wet in any way. Therefore, dry clean only.

  1. Wool. Wool jacket - requires the most delicate care. Use wet cleaning with slight wetness or machine wash without spinning at the lowest possible temperature.

In custody

I tried to put everything together possible options jacket care. I hope this instruction will help you resolve the problem. The video in this article will clearly demonstrate how dry cleaning at home can remove all types of dirt. For any questions, please contact us in the comments.

The jacket has long been an integral part of the wardrobe of both men and women. It gives the owner’s appearance a certain solidity and stateliness. But, like any other item of clothing, a jacket tends to get dirty and, accordingly, needs periodic cleaning.

In this article we will tell you what products you can use, how to use them, and how you can get rid of difficult spots on the sleeves and much more.

What types of jackets are there and how to clean them

If you decide to clean your jacket yourself without going to specialized institution(dry cleaning), you need to know some of the features of cleaning this particular item of clothing.

Jacket from suit fabric . Suit fabrics are mainly variations of elastin and polyester, with viscose sometimes added. Such jackets are wear-resistant and very elastic, they do not wrinkle and can easily be cleaned either dry or wet.

To clean the suit fabric of the product, prepare:

  • ammonia;
  • spray;
  • soft brush.

From water and ammonia prepare a solution in a ratio of 1:4, which is poured into a vessel with a spray bottle. Spray the liquid onto the material while moving the brush over the fabric. Upon completion of the procedure, hang the product on a hanger and leave until completely dry. The jacket should be dried at room temperature.

Suede jacket

Suede is a very delicate and rather capricious material. If an item made from such fabric is heavily soiled, it is not recommended to clean it at home, so as not to completely ruin it.

Suede product may not withstand washing, it cannot be twisted or squeezed, and also wash at temperatures above 40 °C, as it may shrink. But there is one fairly simple method, using which you can delicately and carefully clean your jacket yourself.

You will need:

  1. Rubber brush for suede.
  2. Steamer, kettle or steam generator.

Hang the jacket on hangers and hold over a boiling kettle or a pan for two minutes, and if you have a vertical steamer, use it to treat the product on both sides.

Under the influence of steam, the material will straighten and you can easily clean a damp cloth with brushes with rubber bristles. You need to dry your jacket in natural conditions, at room temperature.

Wool jacket

Woolen products require special treatment, but by following some rules for cleaning woolen fabrics, you can easily rid your jacket of any dirt.

Here are some simple tips:

  • Wash woolen items only in cold water and preferably manually.
  • To avoid shrinkage, dry the item strictly horizontally.
  • Do not roll or wrinkle the product; after use, carefully hang it in the closet.

For cleaning a jacket made of natural wool use a clothes brush. By devoting 1-2 minutes daily to brushing your woolen item, you will keep your jacket in excellent condition for a long time. for a long time and it will serve you for at least ten years.

A clothes brush effectively removes particles of dirt and dust from wool fibers that accumulate in the fabric during wear. Wool jacket can be steamed, in the same way as for suede clothing.

Problem areas of the jacket

You should start cleaning your jacket with problem areas, which are the elbow bends and the collar.

Several ways to clean your collar:

Vodka. Cotton pad moisten it in alcohol or vodka, treat the collar and iron it on both sides, covering it with gauze folded in several layers.

Water and ammonia. Wipe the shiny areas on the elbows with a napkin soaked in a solution of ammonia and water (1:4). For greater efficiency, you can add medical alcohol, then the ratios will be as follows: 5 g of ammonia and medical alcohol per glass of water.

After this, the elbow areas must be washed warm water, using a soft cloth or sponge and ironing it through gauze folded in 2-3 layers.

Liquid soap and water. Prepare a not too saturated soap solution from 0.5 liters of water and 3 tsp. soap Using a soft clothes brush soaked in this mixture, go over the dirty areas, remembering to rinse the bristles in a clean solution from time to time. After that, rinse off the soap with warm water using a cotton napkin.

Do not let the collar get wet through. After finishing the cleaning procedure, blot the collar several times with a dry cloth.

Not just any soap is suitable for this procedure, but only liquid soap or, in extreme cases, baby soap. Other types may leave whitish streaks on the product.

Vinegar solution. It also quite effectively removes dirt from suit material. If you are wondering how to easily and quickly clean a jacket collar, this method is for you.

  • Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 50:50 and heat slightly. Foam sponge or use a cotton swab to thoroughly wipe the shiny areas on the product. Vinegar can not only remove stains of dirt and grease from fabric, but also refresh the color of the product, returning it to its former brightness.
  • Heat a little vinegar, soak a piece of cloth or cotton wool in it and gently wipe the shiny areas.

Potatoes for peeling. Excellent for removing oily shine from suit fabrics raw potatoes. Wash the tuber and cut in half. Wipe the shiny areas with the freshly cut side of the potato, then remove potato starch from the material using a damp sponge.

Cleaning the entire jacket

So, you have cleared the problem areas. Now let's start cleaning the entire jacket as a whole. On flat surface(on the floor or on the table) spread a clean non-fading cloth (you can use a towel), place the product on top and clean it with a clothes brush.

After that, shake off the canvas and put everything back in the same order. Make a solution from ammonia and water(50g/l) and go over the entire jacket with a clothes brush soaked in the resulting composition.

Hang the wet product on hangers to partially dry. After 15–20 minutes iron gently it through gauze and hang it on the balcony or in the room, in a well-ventilated place.

Now you have learned how to clean a jacket yourself at home and maintain its appearance for many years.

Some useful tips:

  1. A leather jacket can be renewed with Vaseline: lubricate the product and leave for a while so that the Vaseline is absorbed. Then thoroughly rub the treated areas with a woolen cloth.
  2. Suede items can be cleaned with a solution of water and ammonia (4:1). Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and clean the contaminated areas. Then, stir 5 g of vinegar in 1 liter of water and walk over the same areas with a cloth soaked in this solution.

How to clean a jacket? This question interests both men and women, because such a piece of clothing is found in the wardrobe of both sexes. Unfortunately, its wear does not go away without a trace, and there is a need to wash the product. Not every housewife dares to simply throw a jacket into the washing machine and start the main washing cycle. This is especially dangerous to do when the item of clothing is made from suit fabric. At home, cleaning a suit or a separate jacket is a feasible procedure for everyone.

Attention! If you are worried that you might damage an expensive item, you can use dry cleaning services.

Jacket cleaning algorithm

The algorithm for cleaning a jacket is quite simple. It is recommended not to use a washing machine, as this may cause individual elements of the jacket to shrink. As a result, it will no longer be possible to wear it.

Important! Before cleaning, you need to check the safety of the chosen method on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material, for example, on an internal seam.

The algorithm itself involves performing actions in the following sequence:

  • cleaning areas that get dirty more than others, for example, collar, elbow, sleeve;
  • cleaning the main part of the garment.

Cleaning the collar

Cleaning the collar is done first, as this is one of the places that gets dirty most often, for example from sweat. One of these recipes will help with this:

  1. Ammonia with salt. It is necessary to prepare a solution depending on the scale of the contamination. In this case, you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt for every 6 tablespoons of ammonia. You need to moisten a piece of cotton wool or a sponge in this solution (the material should not be hard or rough). All that remains is to clean the greasy collar.
  2. Ammonia with water. For one part of ammonia you need 3 parts of water. The solution is created in the required volume depending on the amount of contaminants. In the resulting mixture, you need to moisten a soft rag or a piece of cotton wool and try to wipe off the dirt. When the dirt disappears, you need to wipe the collar with a cloth soaked in warm water (no more than 40 degrees). All that remains is to dry the product.
  3. Soap solution. You need to moisten a cloth in it, wipe the collar, and then get rid of any remaining soap using a sponge soaked in clean water.
  4. Vodka or any alcohol-containing solution (it is preferable not to use cologne due to its strong smell). You need to moisten a piece of cotton wool in the chosen solution and clean the collar. After this, you need to turn the collar over, placing gauze or a thin fabric without a pronounced texture, folded several times, under its front part, and iron it until the product is dry.

Attention! During the cleaning process, make sure that the collar does not get completely wet. This will lead to the need to dry it, which may negatively affect its shape.

Cleaning elbows and cuffs

Cleaning shiny or shiny elbows and cuffs is also quite important, since these are the areas that get dirty the fastest. The following compositions will effectively cope with contaminants:

  1. Mix alcohol with water, keeping in mind that for every 4 parts water you only need 1 part alcohol. Dip cotton wool or a sponge into the solution and wipe the dirty areas of the clothing.
  2. Add one teaspoon of ammonia and ordinary alcohol to 200 ml of water. Soak in this solution soft cloth and wipe away dirt.
  3. Use benzene and lubricate problem areas with it. And then wipe them with a sponge soaked in ammonia.

After cleaning, you need to iron the product through gauze or other thin fabric until it is completely dry. Some products can leave an unpleasant odor. You need to get rid of it by drying the item of clothing on fresh air.

Attention! These same methods can be used to clean the collar or armpits of a jacket at home.

Anti-pollution on a men's jacket

Anti-pollution men's jacket involves the removal of hair, dust and hair. This is extremely easy to do. Should be carried out according to the material with a wet hand. You can also use a special device - a roller with adhesive tape. However, it should be taken into account that this design will not cope with certain contaminants (for example, coarse animal hair).

Eliminating more serious pollution is more problematic. They will help with this folk remedies, instructions for use of which are summarized in the table.



Soap solution

Plane the soap shavings. Dilute it in water. Soak a sponge or rag in the solution. Clean dirty areas effortlessly. Blot the wet parts of the jacket with a napkin. Dry the product.

Water and vinegar

Heat the vinegar slightly (ordinary 9% vinegar will do). Soak a rag in this mixture. Blot stained areas. Get rid of any remaining product by gently wiping it with gauze.

Fresh potatoes

Wash the potatoes well so that there is no dirt left on them. Cut the vegetable in half (it is not necessary to peel it). Wipe the problem areas with a cut of the potato. Remove excess starch from the fabric with a damp sponge.

Ammonia for difficult stains

Mix a liter of water and a tablespoon of ammonia. Soak a piece of cotton wool in the solution. Carefully remove dirt from the fabric. Blot already clean areas paper napkin. Hang the product in the fresh air to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Ammonia for light stains

Lay the item horizontally (the surface should be flat). Smooth the product in the direction of the pile using soft brush. Treat dirty areas with ammonia solution (a tablespoon per liter of water is enough). Hang the product on a hanger to remove the strong smell. After 20-25 minutes, the jacket can be ironed (do it through gauze).

Attention! The above methods are effective for any jackets. They will easily help you get rid of dirt on your school or weekend jacket.

Jackets made from difficult fabrics

Jackets made from difficult fabrics require specific care. These types of fabrics include:

  • leather;
  • suede leather;
  • wool.

For a leather item of clothing, the correct cleaning algorithm is as follows:

  • mix ammonia, liquid soap and water in equal quantities;
  • dip a sponge or rag into the solution;
  • wipe dirty areas;
  • blot them with a cotton pad.

If there is an ink stain on the skin, you can use a vinegar solution or lemon juice. Vaseline or glycerin are products that can be used to easily restore an attractive shine to a leather jacket. Don't have these products at home? Take advantage castor oil, because it has a similar effect.

Proper cleaning of a suede jacket involves the use of ammonia (the application algorithm is the same as for cleaning leather product). An alternative solution is skim milk with soda (a teaspoon of soda per glass of milk is enough). If possible, it is best to use special means for suede garments.

A wool jacket is quite easy to clean. But if you follow the algorithm, there will be no problems. It is important to adhere to these recommendations:

  • wash woolen products possible only in cold water;
  • preference should be given hand wash in front of the machine room;
  • do not use heating objects to speed up drying;
  • dry wool jacket in a horizontal position;
  • Store the product on hangers in the closet.

The easiest jacket to clean is a linen jacket. It can be simply washed in a washing machine or by hand. Optimal temperature water when washing for an undyed product - 60 degrees, painted - 40 degrees.

Remember! You can extend the life of any jacket and prevent the need for frequent washing by cleaning it daily to remove dust using an ordinary brush. And stains need to be removed as quickly as possible after they appear.

If you follow all the recommendations described above, you can easily clean your jacket of dirt. Consider the type of fabric and degree of soiling when choosing your preferred detergent. If there is any doubt about own strength, you can always take the product to the dry cleaner.

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