Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to your boss. How to congratulate your boss on the New Year

Happy New Year, with new achievements,
I congratulate you on your new happiness.
May fate be kind to you
He is generously giving right now.

So that everyone's income increases,
New aspirations have appeared.
Happy holiday to you, have the best year!
Peace to you, warmth, kindness, luck.

May the New Year be successful,
Problems and troubles will go away,
Things will be resolved with interest,
New ideas are growing!

We wish the authorities this holiday
Great happiness in life,
And prosperity and prosperity,
And with the mood in order!

The team is in a hurry for the New Year
Dear boss, congratulations,
May the holiday bring you positivity,
After all, there is no excess of it,
Let him give you confidence
In new plans, in bold accomplishments,
We wish you happiness carriage
And let your heart sing with joy!

Healthier than a green Christmas tree
Be there this New Year!
All doubts are on the shelf,
Santa Claus is already coming.

Well, we wish you
Don't get angry, don't scold,
To be loved endlessly -
Give out more prizes!

I wish you next year
Brought good luck, new achievements.
So that everything you have in mind comes true,
So that the mood is wonderful.

From my side I want to say,
That you are the boss they dream of.
And therefore we will support you in everything,
The entire team will stand up for you.

Please accept congratulations.
New Year is coming!
May there be a lot of happiness and joy
He will bring it to you in life.

I wish you, boss,
Be healthy, don't get sick,
To be lucky, lucky,
Be strong and not grow old.

Let there be more money,
May you be lucky in your work.
I wish you only the best.
May success come in life.

Congratulations! I wish you achievements
Bold plans and easy victories,
To be tormented by doubts less,
So that there is always an answer.

Let the champagne flow like a river,
There will always be a reason to rejoice.
Let your income triple
There will be five times more joy!

Happy New Year,
We respect you very much!
We wish to accommodate everyone,
And achieve the necessary goals.

New Year promises everyone
Fulfill your wishes.
I wish you, my boss,
Make a complete wish for everything.

For profits to multiply,
There was comfort and harmony at home.
And the career developed
Life was fun and rich!

Let Santa Claus come to you
And your wishes will come true!
Let it always, beloved boss,
Success and prosperity awaits you!

Let the guiding star
Leads to great happiness!
Let it be without much difficulty
Your income will increase!

On New Year's Day, it is customary to congratulate everyone around you, give them gifts, souvenirs, and say pleasant wishes. And now, on the eve of the holidays, in many teams the question arises of how to congratulate the leader on the New Year.
It should be remembered that no matter what kind of leader your director is, he is, first of all, just a person who also wants attention and respect. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate him under any circumstances.

If your company is planning a New Year's corporate party, then this is great - you can congratulate the director with the entire work team there. If such an event is not planned, then you can set a festive table in the office after work and invite your boss.
Options for congratulating the manager

The simplest of them is to buy a large postcard, write wishes, poems in it, express your respect and gratitude for his work, sign the entire team under these words and give it to your manager.

If you want to congratulate your boss in a more original way, you can organize a small show performance at the New Year’s event, where everyone will read some humorous poem or aphorism about work, or even sing a ditty. However, you shouldn’t go too far and tell funny stories about salaries in nine out of ten verses. Such hints would clearly be inappropriate on a holiday. It’s better to focus on the difficulties of leading a team and managing a company, present all this with good humor. Thank your boss for his ability to work with people and find a way out of even difficult situations.

You can even act out a short scene where, for example, the boss’s communication with his subordinates will be shown, noting any funny expressions used by your boss or some nuances of his behavior. Of course, the performance should be staged in a decent manner and with a good sense of humor, so as not to offend people.
What to give your boss

Gift options can be different - it all depends on the team in which you work and on the personality of the boss. If you have already collected money with your whole team for a gift for your boss, then probably now everyone will have to rack their brains over what to give him that will surprise and please him at the same time. Here, as in ordinary cases, everything depends on the individual. You can, for example, give him a set of crystal glasses for the office, a handmade cigarette case, or even a briefcase. You should not give your boss sets of mugs with flowers, shirts or belts. These are things of a rather personal nature, so it’s better for close people to give them to him.

If your manager is a woman, then be sure to present her with a chic festive bouquet of flowers. It can be decorated with snowflakes or even colorful candies. Before the holidays, there are a lot of similar bouquets on sale, and your boss will certainly like such a sign of attention.

In the case when the team does not come together for a gift, and you will give something on your own, then do not give the manager an overly expensive item. Otherwise it will look like a kind of bribery. Limit yourself to a set of beautiful cufflinks or an original pen for signing contracts. After all, the main thing is not the cost of the gift, but the attention given.

If you still haven’t decided how to congratulate your manager on the New Year, then it wouldn’t hurt to get together with the whole team and discuss this issue. After all, the holiday is very close, and if you completely ignore your boss, without even saying a few warm words to him in honor of the holiday, it can not only be very offensive, but also look completely impolite on your part. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate not only him, but also all your colleagues on this wonderful holiday - the New Year.

Modern ideas for a New Year's corporate party

With the onset of December comes a series of New Year's corporate holidays. Any organizer dreams of the event taking place without a single hitch and leaving guests with magical emotions. How to organize an unforgettable corporate event and get rave reviews from participants? The team offers you 5 ideas that will help you create a real winter fairy tale for your team.

Organize a theme evening

Stylized parties have been very popular lately. Regardless of the chosen theme, such a holiday is sure to evoke a lot of positive emotions, be remembered and leave vivid images in the memory.
Theme evening sets
Dress code;
Musical accompaniment;
Menu and drinks;
Additional props;
Competitions, gifts and speech by the presenter.
Meet and greet your guests in a special way

Everyone knows that the beginning and the end are remembered - that’s how our memory works. That is why special attention should be paid to welcoming guests and ending the holiday!
How to meet? Let your guests find themselves in a New Year's fairy tale before the holiday even begins.
Father Frost and Snow Maiden in front of the building entrance;
Actors and animators at the entrance inside;
Printed party program for each guest;
Polite staff (wardrobe and banquet hall administration).
What's for dessert?
A bright show number that concludes the holiday;
Pyrotechnic show (outdoor);
A souvenir for every guest.
Choose your presenter responsibly

It is he who sets the whole tone for your holiday. A good host will not leave a single guest unattended and, at the same time, will not bother you with his intrusiveness. Discuss the whole evening, discuss the competition program and timing before the holiday.
Prepare a varied, rich program
Live music;
Dance numbers;
Artists of the original genre;
Master classes.
Invite a professional photographer and videographer

Take care of the impressions that remain after the holiday. Amateur photography does not always reflect the emotions that really accompanied your event.

How to have an understanding New Year's corporate party

How to hold a New Year's corporate party, because if you believe the popular belief, how the company celebrates the New Year is how it will spend it.

In the smoking rooms they keep secrets and discuss New Year's outfits, the administration gets worried and decides how to make the corporate New Year memorable and liked by colleagues.
And the solution is simple - you need to draw up a step-by-step plan for the event, appoint those responsible and allocate funds. The size of the holiday budget will determine how the holiday is organized - by the team’s activists or by professional animators from holiday agencies.

How to hold a New Year's corporate party - we invite an agency for the holidays

A holiday organized by the agency will certainly be perfect. The animators' jokes are funny, the costumes are colorful, and you can choose the script to your taste. However, this pleasure is not cheap, and you will have to order the organization of your holiday in advance - good agencies are in demand. Another downside of such a corporate New Year may be that many of your employees are already familiar with such jokes and scenarios, and therefore can become openly sad at the holiday, and sometimes it can be quite difficult to loosen up in the presence of unfamiliar actors - after all, you are used to your team and know everyone well.

Congratulations for colleagues and boss

It all depends on the person who needs to be congratulated and the atmosphere in the team itself. If the person is cheerful, understands jokes and the atmosphere is good, then you can use a toy gun and handcuffs when congratulating. About the pistol, phrases like: We know that he constantly sticks out in his trouser pocket :) About handcuffs... that this is not a masochistic thing... but a special means for protection from external enemies.
In addition, you can put on a song like Our service is both dangerous and difficult... and at first glance (and at the second too!) is not visible :)
And if you need to congratulate a colleague more formally, then you can use congratulations in verses like:

Congratulations for the head of the security service:
Under your reliable gaze
Our company is safe.
You are the mainstay of the company,
You resolve all ambiguities.
You are a real man!
Strong, strict, businesslike.
Like in God's bosom
We feel with you!

Congratulations to a colleague on the New Year.
You are the face of the company
In action - on the front line!
Your phone doesn't stop ringing
Everything is decided by you.
Hand-to-hand with a client
There's no need for you to join.
You can convince anyone
You know how to win!

Congratulations to the head of security.
You are guarding our lives,
Keep the peace
Serve the Fatherland with honor
Heart, body and soul,
You can't say everything in words,
But thank you for
Why are you standing on guard?
That you keep our peace.

Don’t tense up, everything should be as natural and unforced as possible. In addition, demand a bonus for congratulations - for example, free removal of laundry from the office during the coming New Year!

Where to celebrate New Year's corporate party

New Year is the most fabulous, magical, bright and cheerful holiday. Many are waiting for it, just as in childhood, sincerely believing that it is on New Year’s Eve that our deepest dreams come true, our wildest wishes come true, and with the chiming of the chimes we enter a new, happy and interesting life.
Of course, it is the meeting of the New Year that causes a lot of thoughts: how to meet, with whom to meet, what to meet in, and so on. New Year is a family holiday, but corporate New Year’s meetings have not been canceled today. Of course, we celebrate with our colleagues a little earlier, but we reserve New Year’s Eve itself for our family and friends. By the way, today New Year's corporate parties in restaurants are becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, when deciding where to celebrate a New Year's corporate party, many have in mind New Year's Eve itself. But in any case, a New Year's banquet in a restaurant is fashionable, relevant and very convenient. You can celebrate less significant holidays within the walls of your organization, set the tables and prepare snacks yourself, develop an entertainment program for the holiday and do many other necessary little things. This is quite difficult and very distracting from work. Another thing is New Year. After all, this is the main holiday of the year, which should definitely be fun and memorable for a long time! Therefore, if you have not yet decided where to hold your New Year’s corporate party, we present to your attention our services!
"Utesof": the best restaurant for a corporate party for the New Year and not only

A chic, rich, interesting New Year's corporate party, where literally everything can delight (from snacks to an entertaining holiday program), can only be celebrated in our Utesof restaurant. The festive atmosphere of the banquet hall, New Year's decoration, sparkle and radiance will delight the eye and create a festive mood right at the entrance. And this is just the beginning - your team will be guaranteed an amazingly luxurious, interesting and bright New Year's Eve!

In general, a corporate party 2014 in a restaurant is an ideal option for those who follow the advice of astrologers. After all, the coming 2014 is the year of the Wooden Horse. Stargazers believe that the Horse loves communication, fun and crowds. That is, it is better to celebrate this New Year in a large, noisy company, and a corporate party here will be most welcome. But it’s hardly possible to gather all the employees in someone’s apartment, and celebrating the New Year within the walls of your own enterprise is also not the best option. That is why many people begin to select Moscow restaurants for a New Year's corporate party in mid-autumn.
Fun, masquerade and New Year's menu: we take care of everything!

Offering to host a corporate party for the New Year 2014, the restaurant will provide not only a festively decorated hall, but also an entertainment program, as well as a festive menu, which will be prepared in accordance with the advice of astrologers. The fact is that any restaurant for a corporate party in Moscow is simply obliged to take into account all of the above, inviting the organization to celebrate the New Year there. However, not everyone can boast of such exquisite cuisine as ours, which can arouse the admiration of even the most demanding gourmets of the capital. And a concert program prepared by professional directors! Thanks to the friendly work of all our employees involved in preparing the program for the corporate party, you will be guaranteed a hot New Year's Eve full of unbridled fun! And also, when preparing the New Year's corporate party 2014, the restaurant will definitely take into account all your requirements regarding New Year's treats.

When offering corporate events, Moscow necessarily takes into account the wishes of clients, but thanks to the inexhaustible supply of ideas and energy of our creative employees, the Utesof restaurant will definitely make a corporate party for the New Year memorable, with the obligatory “zest”, surprises and an original concert program. We have been holding corporate events for a long time and know exactly how to entertain representatives of one or another area of ​​work. An individual approach to each organization is our distinctive feature. So, if you have not yet decided exactly where to hold your corporate event in Moscow, then we are definitely waiting for you to visit! Rest assured, the New Year's Eve spent with us will definitely be remembered for a long time!

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Exchanging greeting cards and emails is an important element of business etiquette. Such a symbolic sign of attention will be an unconditional expression of your respect and will certainly be pleasant to your boss. Brief, but succinct, sincere, but business-like, restrained. This is exactly what a competent New Year greeting for a manager should look like.

Congratulations from the team in verse

A boss who is strict but fair,
A serious but positive man
The team is in a hurry to wish you a Happy New Year!
We wish the whole company wonderful weather.

Great and lasting personal happiness to you.
So that money flows like water from a source.
There was enough strength and health in abundance,
The family warmed me with warmth and love.

We wish you a Happy New Year
You, our constant director.
Don't let your work get lost
Intensity and positive vector.

Let luck follow you
And the insidious crisis runs away.
Let there be happiness in your personal life,
Business grows and prospers.

The friendly team congratulates the boss on the New Year.
Let there be a team spirit and positivity in your work.
Let prosperity be forged as a guarantee of stability,
Santa Claus, jokingly, will give you a bag of abundance.

Our leader is capable
Always find contact with people.
Congratulations on your new happiness
And, with all my heart, Happy New Year!

I am to blame for everything, for all my actions,
Our bright mind, our boss!
He is the sum of all our salaries,
Brought it with a light hand!

You united our team,
And your fighting positivity
Always invigorated our team,
The working atmosphere is gang.

Our boss, our brave captain!
Happy New Year to you with all my heart!
Only with you we will conquer the ocean,
The weather will not stand in our way.

Don’t let your health worry you,
Let the atmosphere of peace warm you!
Any future trades are worth it:
So that our office is up to its neck in money!

Our beloved boss, congratulations,
Happy New Year to you from all of us sincerely!
Your temperamental enthusiasm does not dry out,
We are inspired every day in all its glory.

As soon as we reach a dead end at work,
The carrot and stick are right there to help,
Our office is like a powerful armored car,
Paves a business route.

We wish you amazing events,
Good health and loyal friends!
In all matters of the most interesting developments,
Meet the people you need in life!

Boss, chief - aerobatics!
The main character in our work!
Thanks to your iron grip
We buried the crisis in Kamchatka.

Using the same shovel
Magic, we are making so much money.
We are rich in kind words addressed to you,
And everyone in the company is happy to congratulate you.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year!
We sincerely wish you love and magic!
Let the crisis run out of oxygen,
So that the power of skill goes off scale!

Let there be a warm atmosphere in the house,
Beautiful, interesting, fascinating!
And bright shades in the life album
They will settle forever thoroughly!

Our dear leader,
Our native guide!
You are a finance multiplier,
Well, a crisis is a destroyer.

Please accept congratulations,
Because the collision
Almost two years already
It will happen for all of us!

May this New Year
He will come to you with gifts.
Pounds of health and fun,
Will bring it without delay!

We wish you a friendly
So that we don’t forget,
The coming new year
For everything to take off.

Joy, money and career!
This is the size
So that the limit does not come,
For no matter what business.

So that you may be surprised more than once,
Let there be something to strive for!
May you be lucky in life
In the coming new year!

Universal New Year greetings for the boss

“The team of our company is in a hurry to congratulate you on the advent of the New Year, a new stage in your activity, which must necessarily become a landmark period for all of us - a time of change for the better. Please accept our warmest wishes for goodness, health, love and spiritual harmony. May you, as if by a wave of a magic wand, be able to turn all your plans into reality, and may new victories bring prosperity and financial well-being to our company. We thank you for your professionalism and reliability, which gives us invaluable confidence in the future.”

“We hasten to congratulate our beloved boss on the most magical holiday! May luck always accompany you in all your plans and projects and help you achieve qualitatively new business and personal heights. May the coming year bring you meetings with reliable, accommodating and supportive business partners.”

“The team of the company “***” would like to address this New Year’s greeting to the wisest, fairest, most innovative leader. May the coming year bring you as many joyful moments as possible both at work and in your personal life, and may each day give you a colossal charge of vital energy, positivity and opportunities to turn your plans into reality. Let even the most complex tasks be solved with ease, and our company can expect only success and prosperity.”

“We congratulate our beloved director, wise mentor, fair boss and notorious leader on the New Year! Please accept sincere congratulations from the team of employees of the company “***” on this significant holiday, on which you can, which will definitely come true. Let every day of the coming year promise you attractive opportunities for the development and prosperity of our company, and we will try to give you as many reasons as possible to be proud of your subordinates.”

Congratulations on the Year of the Rat 2020 in prose

“With this solemn congratulation, the team of the company “***” expresses to you deep recognition and sincere human respect for the solved tasks, conquered heights, corporate and personal successes that you helped us achieve by the coming 2020. We wish you well, good luck in all current projects and the implementation of new plans, successful implementation of the most daring projects, new discoveries, inexhaustible optimism and energy with which you will charge us every working day.”

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Please accept the most sincere words and warm wishes from our entire team on the eve of this magical winter holiday. May the year of the Rat truly become truly wonderful, giving success in work and prosperity in your personal life, bringing with it the fulfillment of all your wishes and planned activities. Remain for us the same good boss – fair, understanding, diplomatic, responsible, reliable.”

“Our department congratulates you on the coming Year of the Rat and wishes your brainchild, the company “***”, sustainable economic growth and prosperity, and you – inexhaustible creative energy. We express our sincere gratitude to you for your high professionalism, invaluable diplomacy and well-developed leadership qualities, which were embodied in the ability to “infect” our team with your bold ideas and lead them towards achieving one common goal.”

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich! On behalf of our entire workforce, let me express our heartfelt congratulations to you on the coming year 2020. Let the Rat bring with it only favorable changes, help you implement your plans and fulfill your desires, becoming a faithful patron of your success and prosperity. May your qualities such as determination, correctness, fairness and optimism continue to help us achieve success together. We are glad that, under your leadership, we are able to successfully overcome difficulties and solve complex problems. Your inexhaustible optimism and will to win every day give us even more strength and desire to try for the common good - the prosperity of our company.”

In fact, routine gifts can never please anyone. They can only be another “tick”. You should take care to please your boss with worthy gifts, striving to choose a worthy gift and present it correctly. At the same time, there is no need to focus on the specifics of the existing relationship. In fact, the team is a big family, albeit a working one. Every person spends a significant part of his life at work, so you need to take care of choosing a worthy gift.

How can you present your chosen gift modestly and with dignity?

In most cases, company employees prepare small souvenirs for their colleagues and for the boss. At the same time, you need to think about how best to present the gift. Shy people face problems when they need to give a speech or read a congratulatory text. At the same time, you can take care of implementing an interesting option that will not allow you to blush in front of your colleagues.

1. Stickers for your desktop or monitor. You can write beautiful congratulations on these small stickers.
2. Small cards that will be given along with the gift.
3. Elegant notes in work folders.
4. Newsletter by email.

You can focus on your preferences and capabilities, because in reality, each option turns out to be acceptable.

Due to the fact that you are planning to wish a Happy New Year, you can choose a small Christmas tree with sweets and wishes, notes with congratulations and prophecies for the next 12 months. You can offer such a treat, because it will be pleasant and truly worthy, a cute present.

You can prepare a video presentation with photos of the entire team if you suffer from shyness. When creating a presentation, it is recommended to choose New Year’s pictures and beautiful musical text. Be sure that your boss will definitely appreciate this option.

Options for speakers.

It will be easier for active and sociable people to choose an option for congratulations. Do you like audience attention? This means that you will be able to deliver a truly worthy speech and win increased attention to yourself. In fact, there are quite a lot of options for congratulating all colleagues or each colleague individually.

If you wish, you can think of a real performance, which involves presenting souvenirs and reading out congratulations in the form of poetry or prose. Be prepared for the fact that increased attention to the team will definitely return a hundredfold. Will be remembered for a long time. At the same time, you must show increased responsibility during preparation for the performance, regardless of how long it will be. You must find quatrains or write them, think through the script. Only if you are able to cope with the existing task at a decent level can you guarantee that the option is actually suitable.

Currently, in many sources you can find congratulations and scenarios, thanks to which you will definitely congratulate a person in a special way on the New Year. In fact, it's best to write the script yourself. You can write even a small script, but it will turn out to be unique and 100% suitable. In addition, you can be sure that your colleague will not use a similar option.

Remember that pleasant impressions from the gala event will remain only if you show special responsibility in preparation.

How can you congratulate your boss?

It is advisable to congratulate the boss personally on the New Year. At the same time, you need to deliver a beautiful, original and respectful speech. You need to be truly careful with the text, since you must give it originality and avoid familiarity and vulgarity. Remember that familiarity is still prohibited. In addition, you cannot use the pronoun “you”. Even in moments of congratulations on the New Year, it is necessary to remember corporate ethics and subordination.

When choosing or writing a congratulatory text, it is advisable to take into account aspects of the leader’s character and the characteristics of relationships in the team. Otherwise, you may not look the part you want. Do not try to attract increased attention from your fellow chef. Besides, no one likes this.

Let's make congratulations to the boss special.

Without a doubt, you should congratulate your boss on his special holiday. However, this process deserves increased attention. You must remember to observe business etiquette and subordination, but it is not advisable to appear very reserved. Try to find a middle ground, because this is actually a doable task.

Even if it is not customary to celebrate the New Year in a special way at the office, you must create a festive atmosphere. Try to emphasize in the atmosphere that you are wishing your boss a Happy New Year. At the same time, you cannot overdo it, because the manager has already become accustomed to special treatment of himself. He may not tolerate violent emotions or, conversely, dream of openness. By understanding your boss, you will definitely find the right approach to him. Be prepared for the fact that congratulations can be combined with praise and gratitude, but delicacy and caution must be observed.

In many situations, it is advisable to take care of decorating your office space. You can try to create a festive atmosphere by decorating the windows with snowflakes and the walls with garlands. Such a move will certainly be appreciated by the head of the company. Office decoration before the New Year will be a worthy surprise for every person.

The entire team can contribute to making their boss happy. To do this, you need to choose a high-quality and beautiful postcard, and then collect the signatures of all employees. In addition, such a postcard is a minimum of congratulations for the New Year.

You should also take care of the gift. Many people love this display of feelings. In fact, not every manager is ready to receive a gift from his subordinate. Offerings can lead to the emergence of negative emotions, causing work relationships to become difficult. If you have just such a leader, give preference to a small symbolic present. You can give an animal souvenir based on the eastern calendar, choose a New Year's souvenir for the office or a desk calendar. The above examples of symbolic gifts may be appreciated by your manager.

If your manager prefers corporate holidays, you can organize a festive event. In this case, employees should congratulate each other and the boss personally. If desired, someone can even dress in the costumes of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The main characters of the New Year can come to the office and give small gifts.

Remember that in many situations, the gift to your boss should be the most expensive. At the same time, you need to remember professional etiquette. For example, you cannot give personal hygiene items. The best choice for a status present would be expensive and functional gifts. Only managers who have a developed sense of humor can be given humorous things. The fair sex can be presented with gorgeous flowers and sweets.

The choice of a New Year's gift is influenced by the level of team cohesion and the closeness of all employees. For example, it is easier for employees of a small company to choose a suitable gift, because they know their bosses. In large organizations, you can raise money for a large and general gift or give preference to a symbolic gift.

You can write a congratulatory letter to your boss, but remember that in this case you cannot look at the shortcomings. There is no need to joke about shortcomings, the work of management, the lack of something in the office. The ideal option is to demonstrate team cohesion, the desire to achieve set goals, and the desire of company employees to develop professionally.

Make every effort to please the head of your company with attention and a worthy New Year's gift.

A wonderful holiday is getting closer and closer - New Year, and we are all preparing for it by buying Christmas trees and gifts for loved ones. Many people have a situation when they need to congratulate their boss on this wonderful holiday. And it doesn’t matter whether such a congratulation will be given at a New Year’s corporate party, or the gift will be given to him right in his office - in both cases, appropriate congratulatory verses are appropriate. We have selected several such quatrains on the Internet with congratulations to the boss on the New Year 2019, and each of them can be useful in this situation.

Today is a holiday, our happy New Year!

And Santa Claus brings us a Christmas tree from the forest!

I will congratulate my boss today,

I'll leave him a present under the Christmas tree!

Dear boss, I congratulate you,

And I wish him all the best.

May a glorious New Year come,

May it bring you happiness too!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

I send you warm greetings today.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

May you be healthy for a thousand years!

On New Year's Day, everyone's dreams come true,

There is so much happiness and beauty in the New Year.

Happy New Year to the boss,

I wish him well-being and happiness!

Santa Claus is coming to us for a joyful holiday,

Santa Claus carries a big bag for the holiday!

Santa Claus, congratulate my boss,

Wish him well and the best of everything!

Let's celebrate a glorious New Year together,

May you be lucky with your boss all your life,

May our and his dreams come true,

Let everything come true, love and beauty!

Everyone is dressed up and singing today,

Because today is New Year!

My boss and I are together again today,

So let's not sit in one place!

My boss and I will celebrate the New Year together,

And may he bring us happiness and love!

Congratulations to the boss today,

Of course, I wish him joy,

I'll give him a good gift,

And still a good job!

Happy New Year, adults and children!

Happy New Year, people of the planet.

I only want to work with you!

On New Year's Day, everyone's eyes glow,

There are always miracles in the New Year,

On this day the boss's dreams come true,

Everything you dream about comes true!

We will be together today, you and me.

After all, today you can’t even sleep,

It’s necessary because we’re celebrating the New Year!

On New Year's Day we will dance together,

Let everyone dance and sing by the Christmas tree,

May your dreams come true in the New Year,

My boss, hurry up and dream too!

Happy New Year, dear boss,

Happy New Year, my glorious boss,

I am glad to congratulate you on the holiday today,

After all, today is New Year’s holiday!

My dear boss,

It's good that I work with you

I will never leave you.

I wish my boss Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all employees!

The Christmas trees are all lit up today, sparkling everywhere,

You are invited to visit your house for a holiday!

The boss is good, congratulations,

I wish you good health and happiness,

May your dreams come true in the New Year,

May everything you dream about come true!

On New Year's Day people's dreams come true,

On New Year's Day, wish for whatever you want.

Happy New Year, I congratulate the boss,

After all, working with such a boss is good!

Today is a holiday, our beloved New Year!

And Santa Claus is already bringing us a Christmas tree from the forest!

With the boss under the tree we will sing a song,

We live a fun life with a good boss!

We are going to celebrate the New Year today,

We will sing songs and dance with you.

I congratulate the boss today,

And I wish him success in his work!

I wish you Happy New Year,

And I will give you a beautiful song,

I wish you Happy New Year,

I love my boss very much!

The Snow Maiden came from the forest to us,

And brought fun and dancing to us,

Today, although it is cold and frosty,

But still, Santa Claus will hurry to us.

Come join us in a round dance,

And of course, sing along to the song!

Today the New Year is coming to us,

And our boss, of course, is waiting for him!

Happy New Year, dear boss,

Good work, fun with you,

After all, the New Year is coming again,

Every person is waiting for him.

Dreams come true on New Year's Day,

Tell Santa everything,

A star will light up for you in the sky,

And he will fulfill your dream.

On New Year's Day, get up in a round dance,

Sing a song with us soon,

Let all bosses' dreams come true,

They are all, of course, very, very good!


With these festive verses you can congratulate your boss on the upcoming New Year 2019. They can be spoken orally, or you can sign a greeting card with such quatrains. In any case, the boss will be pleased. It remains to wish our dear readers and their families happiness, health and prosperity in the New Year.

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