Can peeling be done in spring? Contraindications and precautions. Advantages of hardware peelings

What peeling to do in the spring so as not to harm the skin, says Epilike.

In the spring we devote everything increased attention our appearance - we take care of our figure, update our hairstyle and tidy up skin tired after the cold, because the holiday season is ahead and you want to look 100% stunning.

Peels – excellent remedy to improve skin condition. They solve three important problems:

  • Rejuvenation;
  • Getting rid of inflammation;
  • Lightening pigmentation.

Peeling often serves initial stage before the various treatments and skin treatment courses.

But Is it possible to do facial peeling in spring and summer, when the sun is in active phase and its harmful UV rays make the skin vulnerable? Depends on the type of peeling and the technology of its implementation.

Perform a chemical peel in the spring It is highly not recommended; it is better to postpone this procedure until the fall. The fact is that the acids and compounds at the base of such peels act aggressively and affect up to 100% of the skin on the face. After such exposure, several days are required for rehabilitation and restoration of the skin. During this period, it is better not to appear in direct sunlight, because... there is a high risk of getting sunburn and become covered in blisters. It is unlikely that you will like the prospect of spending a week at home when the weather is conducive to walks and beach holidays.

Hardware products are a good alternative to chemical ones. facial peelings, which can be done in the spring.

Advantages of hardware peelings:

  • A gentle procedure that can be carried out at any time of the year;
  • No rehabilitation required;
  • Only 25% of the skin is affected;
  • The ability to individually select the intensity of exposure;
  • A complex approach, solve several problems at once.

Laser peeling Fraxel

The procedure is based on the mechanism of fractional photothermolysis. Scattered laser radiation works at a safe depth of no more than 0.3 mm, forming microzones for the growth of new new skin cells, and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Therefore such Facial peeling can be done in spring.

As a result:

  • The skin is renewed and becomes more elastic;
  • Pigment formations are lightened, the skin acquires a healthy color and radiance;
  • The pores become narrower;
  • The process of sebum secretion is normalized.

Fractional peeling ResurFX

During this procedure, the ResurFX laser of the M22 device pinpoints the skin with several hundred microbeams, which specifically destroy dead cells and form therapeutic microzones in the skin.

In response to such exposure, the skin responds with active regeneration, production of collagen and elastin and the growth of healthy cells. Fractional peeling ResurFX can be done in summer and spring absolutely safe, painless and fast on any skin phototype. The cooling tip prevents the skin from overheating and prevents the risk of getting burned.

  • The skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles become less pronounced;
  • Evens out the relief and texture of the skin:
  • Hyperpigmentation lightens;
  • The face looks rested and healthy.

Choose safe types peelings, and let your skin bloom in spring with Epilike!

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When is the best time to do a facial peel to rejuvenate your skin? healthy color, good texture and eliminate wrinkles, and not provoke the appearance of pigmentation and other side effects?

This question interests many ladies, especially those who are just beginning their acquaintance with professional cosmetology.

Let's find out the period from which you can do facial peeling and for what period, what types are intended for summer and spring, as well as for autumn and winter?

What time of year is best to do it?

Professional experienced cosmetologists are of the opinion that most the right time of the year for cleansing facial skin occurs from October to April.

– cleansing the surface of the face from the stratum corneum dead cells. Depending on age, this cleansing is carried out on different layers of the epidermis (as is known, there are only five of them):

  1. affects the first and second layers.
  2. – second and third layers.
  3. – third and partially fourth layer.

Any impact on the skin (mechanical, chemical or hardware method of cleansing) removes its protective barrier and “exposes” a new delicate layer that requires delicate and careful care.

It is easiest to protect renewed facial skin from ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, dry air and extreme heat during the cold season.

That's why median and deep peelings prescribed strictly in late autumn or winter.

Modern cosmetology is not as conservative as it was 10 and 20 years ago. To date There are many types of peeling, which decide the most different tasks and can be held at any time of the year.

Winter period

Peculiarities: It's time for medium and deep peels.

After such procedures, the skin goes through a long rehabilitation period, it is restored from 3 to 6 months depending on the depth of cleaning.

The entire period after cleansing, the epidermis is very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Even minimal exposure to direct sun rays may cause 1st or 2nd degree burns.

Which will entail either severe pigmentation or the appearance of painful blisters, followed by wounds and burn marks.

Preparation: V winter period there is a decrease in immunity; inflammation, microcracks or foci of the herpes virus often appear on the skin of the face.

Therefore, a month before the proposed cleansing procedure, you need to take immunostimulating drugs.

Types of peeling:


  • Winter cleansing promotes the formation of a reserve of nutrients inside the dermis;
  • Getting better metabolic processes;
  • The production of collagen and elastin is launched (lifting effect);
  • The efficiency of perception of oxygen, vitamins and minerals at the cellular level increases;
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened and internal blood flow improves.


Features of peeling after the end of summer: most suitable season for medium and superficial procedures.

Cleansing aimed at restoring dehydrated and dry facial skin is especially popular.

Types and effectiveness of facial peels in autumn:

  • – a gentle procedure based on natural acids(wine, apple, lemon, etc.) low concentration (up to 30%). Eliminates the first signs of aging, fine wrinkles, pigmentation, moisturizes the skin, evens out the color and structure of the facial surface.
  • – superficial or middle. Suitable for dry, thin and very sensitive skin. Eliminates the visible network of capillaries, saturates cells with oxygen and nutrients, improves complexion.
  • dry cleaning face with acid. Effectively smoothes fine wrinkles, refreshes and moisturizes the surface of the face, eliminates visible blemishes (acne marks, small scars and scars) and signs of photoaging.
  • – triggers the production of “fibers of youth” collagen and elastin, perfectly tones the skin, evens out the structure, and makes the facial contour clearer.

Autumn is the time for peelings:


Peculiarities: in spring the skin displays general decline body tone, signs of deficiency of vitamins and microelements: dull color, dryness, peeling.

The most popular spring cleanings include:

All these cleansing methods effectively moisturize the skin, smooth the surface, improve complexion, whiten and normalize melanin production, which prepares well skin covering to the influence of ultraviolet radiation.


Peculiarities: During the hot season, peeling is used to prepare the epidermis to obtain an even, uniform tan.

The second option is to rid your face of the first signs of photoaging and eliminate excessive dryness.

The most important thing in summer period– post-peeling care, use constantly sunscreens, apply nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face every day, avoid dehydration.

Types and effectiveness of peelings for summer:

Peels that can be done in spring and summer:

All-season species

All-season facial cleansing modern cosmetology, a procedure that is gaining popularity.

It is held in top layer epidermis, besides, these peelings contain substances that protect the skin from harmful effects sun, so all risks of pigmentation are minimal.

Year-round cleansing is presented in the most various forms, it can be done in a beauty salon, under the supervision of a specialist, or independently at home.

This type of skin cleansing can be divided into:

  1. . Cleaning using abrasive particles of natural or chemical origin.
  2. . They are carried out strictly in beauty salons under the supervision of a specialist.


You can either make your own scrubbing peeling from natural ingredients, or buy ready-made in the store.

Top 5 popular scrubbing peels for the face:

  • Peel MePerfectly– triple action product: cleanses the face, evens out the structure and enhances the natural glow of the skin. It has a whitening effect, cleanses and tightens pores, eliminates flaking and gives the face smoothness.
  • Planeta Organica . Dead Sea salts and natural oils, included in the composition, help not to dry out the skin of the face and at the same time nourish the cells with useful substances.
  • One hundred beauty recipes– apple peeling. Abrasive substances – almond and apricot kernels, fruity Apple acid in low concentrations, natural oils have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Effectively evens out the complexion, making it fresher, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Vitex. The scrubbing material is synthetic granules. They are completely streamlined shape, do not injure or scratch the skin. Vitamin E and aloe vera concentrate moisturize, nourish, and also significantly soften the skin.

In anticipation spring period, when nature itself begins to renew itself, new young green leaves appear, we also want to look better, be younger, remove all skin defects, we want, like nature, to be renewed and reborn again!

What do we pay our attention to first? This is our facial skin! Where to begin spring update skin to get good, smooth, moisturized and tightened skin faces? Facial peeling can help us with this. The ideal time to carry out this procedure is spring and autumn, when the sun is not very aggressive.

I do peeling in February - March or two months before a vacation in the sun, so that the skin has time to renew itself. In addition, during peeling, the skin especially needs protection from the sun, and the skin must be protected to avoid skin pigmentation.

The procedure itself in the beauty salon is completed in 1.5 hours. Your skin is cleansed by special means who prepare the skin for peeling, apply the peeling itself and carefully monitor the skin’s reaction. During the procedure, the skin feels tingling and may turn slightly red. After exposure to glycolic acid, it is neutralized and washed off, then a mask is applied that will soothe the skin of the face. Next, the cosmetologist will select a post-peeling cream for you and determine the program. home care. Glycolic peels are done once a week, the number of procedures is from 4 to 10, depending on the condition of the skin and the effect you expect. The percentage of glycolic acid during peelings is from 10 to 70%. Chemical glycolic peeling applies if you are concerned acne, pigmentation, freckles, scars. After glycolic peeling, the facial skin is smoothed and the dark spots and freckles, fine wrinkles less noticeable, complexion becomes even. To rejuvenate the face, acid over 30% is used. After peeling, the skin may peel off, which indicates the process of skin restoration and renewal.

The combination of glycolic peeling and, together, gives a long-lasting and very powerful result. These two procedures complement each other, performing them sequentially, you are guaranteed an excellent result.

At the end of February I had five peeling procedures with 30% glycolic acid and am very pleased with the result. Skin is smoother pigment spot on the cheek disappeared, the skin tightened, small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes became smaller, the skin was well hydrated. My friend uses glycolic peeling to remove scars on her skin that remain after acne good result. Thus, peelings prepare our skin very well for the new season and help us look great!

Until recently, cosmetologists believed that chemical and acid peelings in the summer were very harmful. Conscious specialists dissuaded clients from deep procedures from May to September. Today, opinions have changed, the possibilities of cosmetology and drugs have become wider. And now they offer you to do summer peeling, assuring that it is useful.

Let's remember what peeling is - it is cleansing the skin from the upper stratum corneum, which acts as a natural protection and barrier from dirt, dust, and UV rays. Therefore, the procedure solves the set cosmetic problems:

On the other hand, the exposed dermis easily becomes dry from the sun and becomes susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. The tan comes in patches, and it is extremely difficult to even it out later.

The process of photoaging (deterioration of tone due to dryness and high sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation of the middle and deep layers of the skin) occurs more actively. This applies not only to direct tanning, but also to reflected rays.

Therefore during active sun you should avoid deep and medium cleansing, laser procedures and many beauty injections. Many of their components increase the sensitivity of the skin to the insidious and gentle luminary.

Here it is worth understanding that the calendar summer and the real one do not coincide in a number of regions: in the south the “dangerous” period is longer, but the need for care is no less. What to do?

When is it okay to agree?

Some types of cleansing are superficial, quite gentle and help reduce sensitivity to UV rays. And these are the ones that can be done in the summer. Cosmetologists recommend these measures:

According to experts, such procedures are tolerated quite well even by fair-skinned people, who burn quite quickly in the sun and are forced to use SPF protection regularly.

When not to do it

  • Sensitivity and allergies to certain drugs.
  • Acute viral and infectious conditions (both on the skin of the face and internal character), active pustules.
  • Hormonal changes and instability.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding (optional hormonal changes when the skin reaction is unpredictable).

These conditions affect the receptivity and recovery of the dermis after any cosmetic procedures.

It’s worth making adjustments if you love sunbathing: after active sunbathing It’s better to wait 7-10 days for the body to recover a little and for the cleansing to be effective and beneficial.

What can you do in the summer and what not?

Since the depth of some procedures and concentration active substances Sometimes it is selected by a specialist for a specific patient, then you need to understand what kind of cleansing in itself is superficial and will not cause harm.

What chemical or acid peeling can you afford it in summer?

  • Almond – suitable for many allergy sufferers.
  • Dairy - does not contain additional chemical irritants, except for milk fermentation components.
  • Ferulic – inhibits photoaging, reduces the likelihood of age spots.
  • Enzymatic – softens age-related changes.
  • Fitinous.
  • Gluconic – helps the natural UV protection of the dermis.
  • Mesopeeling with 1% glycolic acid (does not cause dryness or redness).
  • Contains apple or citric acid (5-15%).

In addition, to the permitted salon procedures for cleansing the skin, include:

  • gas-liquid peeling (cleaning with jets of saline and oxygen),
  • Ultrasound cleaning,
  • laser cleaning(this option comes with reservations - it improves skin tone, but also gives feeling of dryness),
  • brossage,
  • galvanotherapy.

But peelings with a deeper impact, which are best done in the cold season:

  • trichloroacetic,
  • salicylic,
  • retinoic (aka phenolic),
  • coral.

In summer, deep laser resurfacing and dermabrasion (hardware removal of the epidermis) should not be performed.

Recovery period

After a gentle salon cleansing, there is no need to adhere to serious restrictions. At the same time, the basic rules fit well into the regular care program:

  • Use day creams or products with SPF20 or higher.
  • Do not forget about regular cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition, using softer options.
  • In the first days (preferably a week or two), avoid active sun, use sunglasses And wide-brimmed hat on the street.
  • Also temporarily refrain from temperature contrasts (bath-sauna).

Of course, you need to avoid unhealthy treats that contribute to dehydration.

Get into the healthy summer habit of using cosmetic moisturizing sprays or simply purified water from a spray bottle. In the heat it's great option to refresh your skin.

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