Office decoration in the style of Soviet cinema. New universal scenario for an anniversary or party "made in the USSR"

In the past, as usual, the grass was greener, and the ice cream was tastier, and the country was united, great and powerful ... The past does not return, but you can briefly plunge into the special atmosphere of the past during a party organized in the style of the USSR.

The times of the Soviet Union are alive in the memory of not yet elderly people, and the young will gladly plunge into the romance of the past decades.

Old times, as a rule, are remembered only by good ones, and these memories should be revived. The attributes and special spirit of the Soviet Union, recreated for the duration of the celebration, is not just a theme party, but, one might say, a kind of “reconstruction”. Let nostalgia for the “good old days” blossom on it, the connection between generations is strengthened and a good and bright mood simply reigns!

What and where can be noted in the style of the USSR?

USSR-style will be appropriate for any celebration:

  • name day of a person born in the Soviet Union;
  • company party on the occasion of February 23, May 1, March 8;
  • New Year's party;
  • corporate celebration, for example, the anniversary of the company;
  • alumni meeting;
  • professional holiday (Day of the builder, metallurgist or accountant);
  • and, of course, on anniversaries, starting from the new five-year plan in the life of the family and ending with memorable dates in the life of any person for whom the abbreviation "USSR" has a special meaning.

For the celebration, you can adapt almost any room. It is quite acceptable to organize a party in an apartment, it is not so difficult and does not require large expenses, we will show you how to do it as simply and efficiently as possible. An office space is also suitable for this.

If you are planning a cafe or a restaurant, you will find yourself closer to the revived era if you choose those located in the buildings of the 70-80s, but you can easily give originality to any interior yourself. A great option is a summer playground or a celebration in the bosom of nature: you can recreate the atmosphere of a pioneer camp or a subbotnik!

We invite guests

The very first thing that needs to be done when preparing any holiday is to make and hand out invitations. After all, a dress code is required at a themed party, and guests will need time to prepare a costume. Therefore, it is better if they are aware of the time, place and theme of the holiday in 1-2 weeks.

Of course, the style of the celebration should be reflected in the invitation. Here are some interesting design options:

  1. Soviet postcard. Many houses still have elements of children's collections. Write the text of the invitation with an ink pen or imitate a typewriter font.
  2. Telegram blank. A sample can also be found on the web. Another option is to print the letters on yellowish wrapping paper, cut them out in the form of ribbons and stick them inside the postcards (this is how congratulatory telegrams came to the USSR).
  3. Membership card. One of the most respected documents of that era. Presenting such a document at the entrance - what could be more prestigious! Except that mandate of the deputy of the Supreme Council.
  4. Diploma. It will be fun and unusual to give such an invitation to the "Honored Guest" or "Excellent Party Fun Party".
  5. Poster. Soviet posters are a very recognizable attribute of the era, so you should find a suitable sample on the Internet and reduce it to the size of a postcard. And if in Photoshop you insert a photo of your guest in place of the hero depicted on the poster, then he will leave your invitation as a keepsake as a souvenir and will proudly show it to his friends!
  6. Soviet invitation card. It was possible to get to the most interesting events in the USSR only by nominal invitations. So make such a ticket: use red, the coat of arms of the USSR, images in a recognizable style (all the same postcards will serve as samples), a sweeping painting and a government seal.

Formulating the text, remember the expressions of the past era: “Dear comrade (name)! We invite you to take part in the solemn meeting on the occasion of (specify the occasion). The dress code is dress code. Please come without delay. Committee of organizers of the solemn holiday.

70 years, so different...

The era of the USSR lasted 70 years, which included several different times that differed in their originality: for example, the New Economic Policy, the time of dudes, the post-war industrial boom, the 80s with their famous Olympics, etc. Of course, you can choose to celebrate a specific era with all its features and subtleties. This will be especially appropriate when celebrating an anniversary, in order to remind the birthday man of the times of his youth or childhood.

And you can not go deep into the intricacies of historical reconstruction and create a cheerful festive "mix", which will be called simply "USSR style", in which case it will be easier for the owner to choose attributes, and for guests - costumes.

What might be needed to organize such a holiday? Go through the attic of your grandmother's house, the mezzanine of the old closet, visit the former school: all of a sudden, somewhere in the pantry there are decommissioned pioneer personal belongings and outdated maps of the country that has changed its borders.

You may find it useful:

  • old Soviet newspapers and magazines;
  • toys of that time - dolls, cars, bears, bunnies;
  • glass bottles from kefir, Soviet champagne;
  • labels, wrappers, pictures, etc.;
  • Soviet money or their imitation;
  • any pioneer attributes - a tie, bandage, bugle, drum, pennant;
  • retro things: a lamp with a lampshade, a decanter with faceted glasses, a gramophone or record receiver, a cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorder, an abacus.

Welcome! Wipe your feet

In order to transform the room and give it a resemblance to the chosen era, first decide what exactly it will depict: a hall for party meetings, a Soviet apartment, or maybe a working canteen for Komsomol explorers of virgin lands? This is not mandatory, it is quite possible to simply adhere to the general style directions and decorate the room in a festive way, but in accordance with the theme.

At the entrance put a rug with a caring inscription “Wipe your feet”, and hang a sign “Wardrobe” on a hanger (and the numbers that you give out to guests can serve as a prank for forfeits).

Table. The main color of the holiday will, of course, be red, but be careful not to overdo it, because in large quantities this color builds up tension. You can set a large table with a red tablecloth, fringed tablecloths are also suitable. Place a vase of wildflowers and a water carafe with glasses on each table.

Walls they must be decorated with posters: after all, at that time not a single room could do without them. Choose bright ones that are suitable in meaning: for example, “Man to man is a friend, comrade and brother”, “I have friends everywhere”, etc.

You can play with Photoshop and change them a little. You can also hang printed portraits of party and government members or famous singers and film actors on the walls. A banner made of red fabric with white letters with some slogan suitable for the occasion of the holiday will look beautiful, “Peace to the world” will be universal. The map of the USSR with the coats of arms of all the union republics will immediately give a "thematic" effect.

"Hall of Fame" will gather guests around for a long time, because it will have their photographs (preferably black and white) with flattering individualized signatures, for example, “Forefront of production”, “Excellent worker-activist”, “Mentor and teacher”, “Pocheiny link”, “Noble grain grower ", "Hero of Labor".

Other accessories.Everything that you can find to add color to the room should take the appropriate place. Fold a stack of newspapers on a coffee table: surely one of the guests will want to take a break from the general fuss and look through the Literary Newspaper or Collective Farm Girl. You can also put a lotto set and a chessboard there.

Put a lamp with a lampshade on a bedside table or hang it above the table. Place Soviet dolls and bears on the back of the sofa. Hang a grocery bag with a can of sprat in tomato, green peas and a bottle of lemonade or Zhigulevsky on each chair - you can give them to guests as souvenirs. Don't forget about the red banner - hoist it on a stand in the center of the room or in the "red corner".

Watch this video, where the hostess of the celebration shows how she decorated the room for a party in the USSR style.

If you are making out new year celebration, look for glass toys for the Christmas tree or make decorations yourself, and a red star is simply needed for the top.

Festive set or why there was everything on the table that was not in stores

You can approach the issue from two sides: serve popular dishes of the Soviet era or stylize and decorate any modern treats. Both ways are good in their own way, both will create the necessary atmosphere at the table.

If you choose the first path, then put on the table:

  • salad "Olivier";
  • herring under a fur coat;
  • jellied fish;
  • boiled potatoes with dill;
  • dishes with sliced ​​​​cervelata;
  • pickled cucumbers;
  • canned fish salad;
  • sprats, sprats in tomato;
  • processed cheese "Druzhba";
  • sandwiches with zucchini caviar (if the table is set "in a rich way", then it is possible with red and black, just do not spread it over a slice, but put it in a small slide);
  • the Kiev's cutlets.

For dessert, cakes "Bird's Milk", "Log", "Fairy Tale", cakes "Baskets", "Eclairs" or "Tubules with protein cream", chocolate "Alenka" are suitable.

As drinks - lemonade in glass bottles (look for the Pinocchio or Duchess brands), homemade compote or juice in three-liter jars, from alcohol - Soviet Champagne, Russian or Stolichnaya vodka, five-star cognac, you can put for lovers of a bottle of fruit and berry wine. If you do not find rarities, print and re-glue the labels.

Any familiar dishes will acquire style if they are served in an original way, for example, cut decorative red stars from tomatoes to decorate sandwiches or put a scarlet bell pepper banner on a toothpick on a salad. Or you can download flags, cut and fasten on toothpicks or skewers ..

If you prefer the format of a buffet table, decorate it in the style of a Soviet buffet, it is desirable that there is also a barmaid in a white headdress behind the counter.

Who to be? Choose an image

Of course, for such a holiday you need to reincarnate yourself. We have already agreed that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to one exact time for choosing a suit. In the Soviet era, there were many recognizable images and colorful characters that can be embodied as a model.

Home owner or host. This role is the main one, so the image of a party leader (you can choose a specific person!) or a host of some important event (such as Comrade Ogurtsov from Carnival Night) would be appropriate. For a woman, the image of a counselor, a teacher, an athlete-Komsomol member is suitable.

Guest pictures. Show your imagination or just ask older relatives and ask them to lend you the things that were popular at that time.

Depending on the chosen image, you can become:

  • dude: trousers-pipes or bell-bottoms and bright jackets for men, puffy dresses with polka dots for girls.
  • schoolboy or schoolgirl. The famous brown dress with an apron for girls (white bows and knee socks are required!), A white shirt with blue or black trousers for boys.
  • pioneer (pioneer). The pioneer uniform, unlike the school uniform, provided for a blue bottom and a white top, and, of course, a pioneer tie; you can complement the costume with a cap and an armband;
  • worker and collective farmer. The proletarians came to the holidays dressed up, in light shirts (you can roll up the sleeves), sometimes in jackets with leather patches on the elbows. Pants can be quite short. Work overalls are colorful, of course, but it's up to you to decide whether they are appropriate for the holiday. The girl needs a blouse with a flower or polka dots, a plain six-piece skirt and a bright scarf tied under the pigtails.
  • Komsomol / Komsomol member. A leather jacket for both sexes, for a woman a red skirt and a scarf. A Komsomol badge is required.
  • fashionable student / student of the late 80s- girls master colored leggings (“dolchiki”), and young men conjure in the kitchen, making self-made “dumplings”, because where do poor students get money for “branded jeans”?
  • sportsman. Suit for men: in those days, most were fond of sports, so they could often be found in a tracksuit (on the way to training or back), many wore blue Adidas sweatpants at home.
  • Soviet citizens. Here the scope for imagination is simply immense. For inspiration, revisit Soviet films where the characters are celebrating something: the same “Carnival Night”, “Magicians”, “Enjoy Your Bath”, “This Merry Planet” and others. And you will get pleasure, and you will draw ideas!

For girls, in addition to the costume, hairstyle and makeup are of great importance.

For images of young pioneers and schoolgirls, ponytails or pigtails with bows are suitable. The peak of fashion was the “palm tree” - a high tail, decorated with several rubber bands at once. The matured Soviet girls did a perm-perm, and they also had very popular bouffants. For the holiday, bright makeup is appropriate with clear black arrows on the eyelids, well-blackened eyelashes and a blush on the cheekbones.

Meeting with guests

It is better that guests get into the festive atmosphere right from the doorstep. Let the owner or hostess meet them already in character. You can organize the "registration" of guests: a signature in a special "registration book", which by the end of the evening will turn into a "book of wishes".

If the guest failed to comply with the dress code, a stern Komsomol member can suggest to him: “Comrade, you are out of shape!” and offer to choose for yourself one of the pre-prepared accessories for negligent guests (a scarlet armband with the inscription "Druzhinnik" or "On duty", a pioneer tie, cap, badge, etc.).

The holiday can begin with a solemn speech by the host. Compose it according to the model of Soviet speeches, but just do not drag it out. It is worth looking on the Web for samples of speeches by state leaders and stocking up on “delicious” quotes like “The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR inform the party and the entire Soviet people with a feeling of deep joy ...” In general, “You are on the right path , comrades!

Here again, we recall the principle that we decided to adhere to at the beginning: we mix both the original amusements of that era and modern contests, adapted and stylized to the chosen topic.

How did the Soviet people have fun when they got together for the holidays?

  • sang to the guitar;
  • they played charades, burime or "typography" - games related to words, because it was not for nothing that the inhabitants of the USSR were considered the most reading nation;
  • danced to a tape recorder;
  • participated in various competitions invented by mass-entertainers (that was the name of the animators).

You can modernize these entertainments a bit, as well as add other games and contests to them, colored with the appropriate surroundings.

For winning the competition, give the winners incentive prizes-souvenirs (magnets with the symbols of the USSR, pencils, notepads, etc.) goods of the USSR will serve: a can of sprat in a tomato, a roll of scarce toilet paper, the Rabotnitsa magazine, etc.

We offer you several options that will help push your imagination and quickly and easily solve the issue of the holiday program.

Karaoke is a win-win entertainment option that is usually to the taste of most guests. Choose a repertoire from your parents' favorite films: "The Adventures of Electronics", "Merry Fellows", "Office Romance", etc. If you want to really have fun, use the musical motives of popular Soviet cartoons: "The Bremen Town Musicians", "On the Road with Clouds" , "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat". And you can pay tribute to the pioneer past and perform “Fly up the bonfires, blue nights” or “Our locomotive, fly forward”.

For example:

I am a part of the banner
Scarlet three ends
Once put on - carry me,
Don't lose face! (Pioneer tie).

hole bag,
In general, decent
Very comfortable and environmentally friendly! (String bag).

You will find this blue wardrobe everywhere.
If you need fresh water
Threw a penny - and drink your water,
Well, for three he will pour cream soda! (Soda water machine).


For an intellectual audience, you can ask interesting questions about the USSR:

  • How many republics were in the USSR? (fifteen). And in 1924? (6)
  • Whose name did the pioneer organization bear before it became Lenin's? (Spartacus).
  • What was the name of the Soviet morning Sunday program for children? ("Alarm").
  • What about the daily radio program for schoolchildren? (Pioneer Dawn).
  • What could be bought in the USSR for 1 kopeck? (A box of matches, a glass of soda, 2 envelopes without stamps, a simple pencil, a sheet of paper, a metal pen for writing, 1 cigarette, a sewing needle, a piece of chalk, the simplest notebook, a paper bookmark for books ...)

The quiz can be supplemented with a competition for knowledge of Soviet advertisements. Questions and answers can be viewed.


“Competition is the creativity of the masses,” as the great leader said. Various competitions, especially socialist ones, were very popular with the Soviet people.

So arrange a competition on any topic you like:

  • who will quickly tie a pioneer tie (you can do it for yourself, but you can do it for a friend!);
  • who will remember more catchphrases from Soviet films (think for a long time - you are eliminated, there is only one winner!);
  • who will quickly fold the Rubik's Cube or the "Snake" (if you find enough props);
  • who is better at making a cap for a construction team from a sheet of Pravda;
  • relay race "collect a string bag", etc.!

Who said that?

  • “You can, of course, teach a hare to smoke! But, in principle, nothing is impossible. For a person. With Intelligence! - Secretary Verochka from Office Romance.
  • “At 40, life is just beginning. Now I know for sure!” - the main character of the film "Moscow does not believe in tears."
  • “I demand the continuation of the banquet! - Ivan Bunsha ("Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession").
  • “What a disgusting thing - this is your aspic fish!” - Hippolyte ("Enjoy Your Bath").
  • "Sorry for the bird!" - Shurik, "Prisoner of the Caucasus".
  • Can go on for a long time...

Price nostalgia or who remembers how much a sausage cost at 2.20?

The host shows the product, and the participants try to guess how much it cost in Soviet times. Whose version turned out to be closer to the truth, he gets the goods!

  • Pie with cabbage, potatoes, onion-egg - 4 kopecks.
  • Cake "Potato" - 22 kopecks.
  • Baby soap - 14 kopecks.
  • Balloon - 3 kopecks.
  • Cologne "Russian Forest" - 1 p. 20 kop.

If you find other items, Soviet prices for them can always be checked on the Internet.

New life for old abbreviations

Give participants cards with Soviet abbreviations written on them. Offer to come up with a new transcript related to the hero of the occasion, for example, CPSU - Handsome Guy Seryoga Super, VDNKh - Friends We Met Good.

Ready set of abbreviations: KPSS, VLKSM, VDNKh, TASS, DOSAAF, TRP, CMEA, VChK, RSDLP, VTsSPS, MTS, RKKA.

Outdoor games

They are best held for a younger audience, especially if the meeting format is “open air”. So, Soviet girls adored jump ropes and "rubber bands": it is worth remembering and trying "both with a run, and in place, and with two legs together!"

Movable relay races will add fun, for example, “waste paper collection” - while the music is playing, you need to pick up as many newspapers as possible (previously scattered); the music has died down - tie them in a bundle and run to the "reception point"! Whose pack is heavier? Who is first?

Disco or "dancing"?

In the USSR, both options were used, and this, of course, is an integral part of the party. Let the guests dance to the melodies of VIA "Earthlings", "Verasy", "Pesnyary", to the early songs of Pugacheva and Rotaru. The compositions of "Tender May", "Combinations", "Secret", "Bravo" and other disco will add sweet retro nostalgia to the evening.

Nice end to the party

To make the finale worthy of the whole holiday, think it over in advance. After the dance, when the guests are tired enough from all the entertainment, you need something calm, soothing, summing up the evening. Maybe each guest will make an entry in the “Complaints and Suggestions” book (remember, at the beginning of the evening it was the “Registration Book”?) The final solemn speech of the host or host of the party would be appropriate. It will be interesting to give gifts at the end of the evening, for example, pre-prepared pennants with comic inscriptions “Drummer of dance work”, “Excellent student of competitions”, “For the most original hairstyle - forward, to new achievements!” etc.

If the celebration takes place in nature, a pioneer bonfire will be a great finale.

Parties in the style of the USSR are gaining popularity, because any past is fraught with inexplicable attraction and romance. Please yourself and your guests, because it will not be difficult to prepare for such a party, thanks to our detailed recommendations!

If you haven't decided which idea to go with yet, the video below will convince you that a USSR themed party is a great idea!

Holiday scenarios in the style of the Soviet era are very popular. And it is not surprising, because for the younger generation this is an opportunity to experience new sensations, plunging into the unfamiliar atmosphere of those years, and for the older generation it is an occasion to remember childhood and youth. The last century for our country is filled with controversial, difficult and bright events, so the theme itself is very advantageous for playing around, and the original symbolism of the Soviet ideology is also a chance for the original design of the holiday.

We offer a new universal script for an anniversary or party "Made in the USSR", which will help to make such a themed holiday warm and unforgettable. Printing, video and musical design are included, all entertainment is suitable for an anniversary celebration, as well as for a corporate or friendly party - you just need to slightly change the leads to them and the text of the compere (options are offered). Thanks for the ideas to the talented authors of the internet.

For the evening you will need:

- props for competitions

- Soviet rubles printed on a printer for intermediate promotion

- a buffet or a table of orders, where guests can redeem prizes for the won "rubles", the prices in the buffet are conditional, the assortment is also up to the imagination of the organizers

- screen, projector or large plasma TV

- musical arrangement,

- for the anniversary (festive) demonstration balloons, flowers, congratulatory posters (you can letters from the contest"Perestroika ")

- decoration of the hall in the style of the 70-90s: posters, wall newspapers, honor board, etc.

Scenario of the anniversary or party "Made in the USSR"

(Author's note. The game filling of the scenario consists of 15 entertainments, so you can include them in the scenario not all, but selectively. Moreover, most of them are universal and will be useful for other anniversaries and corporate parties.

The main version of the script is written for the anniversary. The author's advice on how to change the presentation of contests for a party is in italics with a note FOR PARTY. The text of the script of the anniversary without explanation is attached below)

Meeting of the birthday boy(s)"Anniversary demonstration"

(The holiday begins with a general demonstration, for this the host divides the guests into two columns in advance and distributes the appropriate props. The first is the hero of the day (-sha), followed by the first column - close relatives, then the second column: colleagues - friends. If the room allows, then you also need to discuss with the guests in advance that the columns make a circle of honor, stopping a little near the leader to give them the opportunity to say greetings addressed to them.If the room is small, then they just move slowly, and near the leader they march in place.All guests behave like May Day demonstration)

Sounds 1. We were born to have a fairy tale (at first loudly, then in the background to the words of the presenter)

Leading: Comrades! Allow me a demonstration dedicated to the anniversary of the right-flank (-howl) of our holiday, take it open! And the right to open a demonstration is granted (Name), a real worker, the support of the family and the hope of the team, awarded the title of father twice, and grandfather three times (for a woman - a birthday girl, a smart girl, a beauty, a keeper of the hearth, awarded the title of mother twice)! Hurrah, comrades! Hooray for our birthday (-tse), which the (-and I) awarded in honor of the holiday (-a) the honorable right to take a seat on the podium and accept the demonstration!

(the hero of the day stands next to the presenter and greets everyone)

Leading: And a column of close relatives is approaching the podium! Their column is brightly decorated with smiles! By this date, they have met and exceeded all indicators for family understanding! Long live love and family values! Hurrah, comrades!

(the first column moves a little forward, the second column appears)

Leading: In orderly rows and confident steps, a column of friends and colleagues of the perpetrator approaches the podium (s) celebrations! They hold banners and flowers in their hands. Representatives of this team of guests worked hard and honestly and deserved this holiday! Long live friendship and mutual assistance! Hurrah, comrades!

(second column passes)

Leading: Yes, hello, anniversary! The leader descends from the podium, goes to the masses to accept congratulations and invite everyone to the meeting room for a festive feast!

(guests congratulate and take seats in the hall)


First toast:

For congratulations, we fill the glasses

And together the hero of the day (-shu) congratulations!!!

Sounds 2. Congratulations!

(Short banquet break)


Holiday start "holiday parade ".

For a corporate holiday, the leadership marches in the forefront, which then takes the demonstration, standing next to the leader. In this case, columns can be formed by departments or subdivisions, and it would be nice to add words related to the professional activities of the company or team to the text of greetings)

Leading(leading to the report): On their birthdays, a person involuntarily looks back, to his childhood and youth, to which he so wants to return, even for a moment. But this, alas, is impossible, and for those sitting in this hall it is doubly impossible, because the country in which we spent our childhood is simply no longer on the map.

Where did the country with the name of the USSR go,

Where everyone was an example to someone,

Where they believed and sometimes argued to the point of hoarseness,

And there was enough warmth for friends.

Where there is a shortage, problems, everywhere you look,

And the kids walked without fear and without nannies.

There was a lot of strange, absurd at times in it,

But adults and children were proud of that country.

Let's take a look at the USSR today,

Kindly, childishly, let's look back!

Sounds like 4. "City of Gold "- background

Leading: Today, we will try to remember a little the 70-80s of the last century, the year when our birthday (-ca) just came into being. We invite you to listen to our first report from the scene.

Original congratulations"Music report"

Leading: Attention! Attention! Today we are conducting our anniversary report from the banquet hall of the city of ......, where the dearest guests of the birthday girl gathered: close friends and relatives , gathered together to say to her:

Sounds like"Do not be sad"...............................

(banquet pause, after the report, you can give the floor to your husband for congratulations)


Leading(leading to the report): Seeing the design of our hall, for sure, many guests were a little sad about the past, involuntarily, at least for a moment, they wanted to return to their childhood and youth ... (hereinafter in the text). An example of a report for a party can be viewed

- Game with the hall "Edible - inedible"

Leading: We all come from childhood. And, for sure, those who come from Soviet childhood hardly understand their children and grandchildren, who can sit for hours, “bursting” into their gadgets and monitors. After all, the children of those years spent all their free time on the street, where one game replaced another, and so on, until it gets dark or until mom "drives" home. Who played what? Share what was your favorite game (guests answer)

I propose to play right now in one then popular children's game: "Edible - inedible" ......

(game in progress)


And while you drink, I will tell you about other pleasant moments of our holiday. Today, every guest will be able from this evening, in addition to vivid impressions, to take away prizes as a keepsake, but they will not be handed out just like donut holes, but only sold for Soviet rubles. For active participation in the competitive program of the evening, all participants will be encouraged by this conditional holiday currency, which can then be redeemed in our Order Table. By the way, I want to give the first rubles to the most active participants in the first game (gives rubles to guests who actively answer interactive questions)

(banquet break, if the parents are in the hall, then a toast to the parents and give them the floor for congratulations)

-Videos entertainment "Made in USSR"

(Video file with a colorful clip for a general karaoke performance of the remade song with a nostalgic immersion in Soviet reality. Video clip with voice is also attached)

- Table flash mob "Festive - production gymnastics "

(fun entertainment at the table with a transition to a dance break)

dance break


Leading: Comrades, go to your seats. Follow the rules, we have not completed the whole program yet! .....

- Shared drinker" birthday day"

(A board game to activate the mood of the guests - 13 ready-made cuts: musical drinkers for each month and the general one are attached )

- Music Game"Guess the TV Show USSR"

(Guessing game from instrumental screensavers for Soviet TV programs - 20 ready-made music cuts included )

- Surprise for the birthday "Clip-congratulation"

- Game moment "Timurovsky song landing with a contest and an animation".

(Costumed number with a fun gaming contest, which ends with a drinking animation that unites everyone)

- Table competition "Strange couple"

Leading (introduction to the contest): The 70s and 80s are the time of our childhood or youth, and therefore, in spite of everything, they are remembered with warmth. Yes, alas, it was a time of total shortages, coupons were introduced for essential products, and we spent most of our time in queues. But if the Soviet man managed to get something in this " fight " , he used it for the whole " coil " . In what, in what, and in entrepreneurial spirit you can’t refuse our people! ....................... The essence of our next competition is just and is to remember how together in an unusual way the pair of objects suggested in the picture were used or connected ..............................................

-(12 ready-made picture cards for projector or printing included)

- Team game "Spoiled Fax"

(thematic outdoor game with a transition to a dance break)

dance break


(The host invites the guests to continue the meeting, then gives the floor to one of the guests for congratulations, after a short banquet pause, continues the game program)

- Musical competition"Guess the 80s song"

(A musical guessing game, made up of the most popular foreign and Russian hits, which makes it possible not only to identify among the guests a connoisseur - a music lover, but also to sing your favorite songs together -28 ready cuts (plus and minus) included )

- Quiz "Soviet slogans-shifters"

- Mobile game - perestroika "Ghost of communism"

(very gambling mobile game for a large number of participants)

Leading(introduction to the game): I would like to dwell on the slogan about the inevitable "victory of communism." Remember that by the year 1980 Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev promised that every Soviet family would have a separate apartment and communism would be built in the country, moreover, communism would be built all over the world, its ghost has been haunting Europe for several decades for a reason. But the 80s came and ... .. the construction of communism turned into perestroika ..............................

(A set of ready-made pictures - letters in the USSR style for printing is attached)

- Letter game"seated demonstration".

(an outdoor game with letters for a small company)

- Dance entertainment "Fun Lotto or Dancing from the Movies"

(A cheerful couples dance competition popular in the era of socialism, decorated with film fragments and musical excerpts - finished video and audio excerpts are attached)

- Order table

A pleasant end to the game program will be the opportunity to shop at the Order Table, the assortment at the discretion of the organizers: from memorable items belonging to the hero of the occasion to funny little things and goods that were in great short supply in Soviet times. The prices in this "shop" are conditional (also at the discretion of the organizers), only "rubles" received for active participation in the festive entertainment are accepted for calculation.

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (500 rubles) to the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

Fairy Tale Bonus:

Such a program could be very decorated with a musical fairy tale for anniversaries and parties, the plot of which is also stylized under the theme of the USSR, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario - a bonus discount of 200 rubles. Therefore, those who wish to have both a script and a fairy tale in their arsenal can send 600 rubles to the site fund, without a fairy tale, respectively, 500 rubles will be enough.

In Russia, which has already managed to give birth and form one post-Soviet generation, there is a tendency to resurrect not so old holiday traditions! Moreover, a whole fashion line has emerged in the country associated with the Soviet period. Holidays in retro style (including the New Year) are a good folk fun, which every year attracts more and more attention and fans. So why was it remarkable, this mysterious Soviet New Year?

From 1918 to 1935 The New Year, like all other "remnants of the tsarist era" were banned in all countries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. And at the end of 1935, the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League was adopted: “Youth students can have fun celebrating the upcoming New Year.” For the first time in the USSR, the resurrected New Year's holiday was celebrated in 1936. Although, as historians now testify, they secretly prepared for the New Year of 1936, because immediately after the decree, Christmas decorations, greeting cards and other holiday paraphernalia appeared on the shelves.

Soviet children made paper Christmas decorations at labor lessons, signed New Year's cards with touching wishes. For example, one of the Moscow museums still keeps a postcard from a granddaughter to her grandmother, in which a child wishes an old woman a Happy New Year and wishes her to live to see bright communism. Such were the times then!

And what if we, celebrating the New Year, organize a retro party? Really, in a Soviet way? Attention! Everyone who has already begun to be tormented by nostalgia for the white dance under “These eyes are opposite”, cognac for 4 rubles 12 kopecks, and “Triple” cologne - join us! Let's start preparing!

retro style new year party invitations

Dikmi: In Soviet times, the system of “ideological stimulation” worked well (in our opinion, the “carrot and stick” method). All excellent students of study, work, social activities were given a New Year's present - an invitation to the New Year's Kremlin tree (since 1954). Every student, at least once in his life, dreamed of visiting there! So, invitations to your retro party can be issued in the form of an invitation "ticket" to the Kremlin Christmas tree.

Or you can look for your children's collections of greeting cards (my mother still keeps a brightly designed cardboard folder in the attic with my treasure - postcards, stickers, labels). On the basis of cute, native "news from childhood" you can make wonderful invitations!

The text also needs to be done in the spirit of the era:

“Dear comrade! We invite you to become an honored guest of the Soviet New Year's holiday, which will take place on _____! Event start: ______, address: ___. Entrance strictly by party tickets!”

Ready-made postcard templates for printing (click to download on the postcard)

Decor and decorations for a retro New Year's Eve party

The central object of the Soviet New Year's holiday was, of course, the Christmas tree! The first, 1936 New Year, was celebrated by the inhabitants of a great country, decorating Christmas trees with the simplest toys made of cotton wool, cardboard, fabric, paper. Origami stampings were popular: paper sheets, cutting, gluing and assembling which you can hang wonderful cars, houses and snowmen on the Christmas tree (as a cherished New Year's wish).

Later, glass balls, snow maidens, bear cubs, snowflakes, fruits and vegetables (a sign of the growth of the agricultural industry) and ruby ​​races (a symbol of the supremacy of communist power) appeared on the Soviet New Year tree. Such toys were usually carefully kept and passed down from generation to generation. So it is quite possible that you will find a box of Christmas tree decorations in your grandmother's house!

And under the Christmas tree, be sure to put (cotton or plastic) figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

If we are to recreate the Soviet era for the New Year, so in everything! To be honest, apart from the Christmas tree, there was nothing in the house of a Soviet person about the New Year. Rather, not even so. There was nowhere to buy any New Year decorations for the interior. And not even the global deficit was to blame! It's just that the industry did not expect such "excesses". Although, many citizens, in order to make their home more elegant and magnificent, resorted to some non-standard solutions.

Snowflakes on the windows

If it was possible to get foil, then they made shiny snowflakes, no - they managed with white "snow" from paper napkins. And making such a snowflake is quite simple! You cut out a circle, fold it several times, randomly make incisions, cutouts, unfold and voila - an absolutely original piece of Soviet-style New Year's decor is ready!

Or download a mockup for a snowflake sticker and you can decorate everything around

The walls were decorated with lush paper garlands of rings, lanterns, flowers. Although, colored paper in abundance for such decoration was an expensive and scarce pleasure. Most often I had to see garlands from old newspapers, and other, already in use, paper.

Serpentine and rain, electric garlands

"The talk of the town" among emigrants from many countries was the "golden rain" invented in the USSR. This is done simply: you need to take a small piece of cotton wool, wind it around the edge of the “rain”, moisten the cotton wool and throw it up to the ceiling. In an absolutely incredible way, the fleece sticks to the ceiling, and the threads of beautiful rain flow, delighting the eyes of the guests and owners of the house!

True, in order to repeat such a Soviet "trick" in modern conditions, you need to have a ceiling bleached with lime. Otherwise, the rain will have to be fixed with more resistant adhesives! And a few words about electric garlands. Garlands in the form of airplanes, spaceships (the era of space exploration and new aviation technologies) and flowers were very popular in Soviet times.

If you managed to get a few of these garlands, they decorated the whole room where they planned to hold a celebration.

I think that in our time there will be no problems with electric lights! At worst, if you don’t find “pre-revolutionary” ones, you can use simple, Chinese ones. Although, of course, it’s worth looking for the “Soviet brand”!

Costumes for a New Year's party in retro style

As a rule, in the USSR, the carnival was associated with a children's matinee or a student skit. The most popular children's costumes were: dresses of snowflakes and fairies made of gauze and wire, costumes of snowmen, bunnies, bears and foxes. Although, some parents approached the issue of a costume for their baby in a very extraordinary way: they made Koshcheevs, wizards, firebirds and even robots with flashing lights!

Adults tried to put on their most beautiful dresses, shirts and suits. In the post-war period, men also decorated their clothes with military awards.

When planning to recreate the Soviet era on the eve of the New Year, dear men, make sure that your wardrobe includes: a plaid shirt (or white, cotton, with a starched collar), a gaudy dull tie (preferably blue), a gray suit.

With a women's New Year's costume, everything is much more complicated. Soviet young ladies began to prepare for the New Year in a few months. Everyone strove to look extraordinary, and therefore they showed supernatural ingenuity. For example, they knew where they “thrown away” cream plinth dresses, where they sell jacquard trouser suits from under the counter, and how much a chiffon blouse costs for gypsies. And they all unanimously argued that nothing paints a woman on the eve of the New Year like hydrogen peroxide, and nothing gives fashion and showiness like a perm. At the hairdressers on New Year's Eve there was a queue of such density that even mercury would envy!

Draw conclusions, ladies! To be like a Soviet fashionable girl, from the appearance of which the entire numerous hall of the House of Culture will exhale an enthusiastic “Ah!” Complete the look with trendy suede shoes. Plus to everything - a hairstyle - fresh "blonde" chemistry, bright make-up (a mixture of mascara "Leningradskaya" with flour) and the aroma of Natasha perfume.

The house is decorated, the long-suffering dress hangs in the closet, you can start the New Year's menu! In Soviet difficult times, this was even more difficult than with outfits!

New Year's table as in the USSR

For the New Year's holiday in the USSR, they saved the best treats! Each family tried to celebrate the New Year richly and satisfyingly (even if before that they had to live very modestly and starving all year). The New Year's table was a kind of sign of the future prosperity of the Soviet people, in which they strictly believed both in the village and in the city. What was prepared then? Of course, salads: "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat", "Mimosa". Well, more cutlets, chicken, jellied fish, sandwiches with sprats, and, of course, jellied meat! True, for the “rusty” herring and green peas for Olivier, one had to stand in huge queues, and buy all this at least two weeks before the holiday (on the eve of the New Year, huge shelves in grocery stores shone with emptiness).

The lucky ones were those who managed to get red or black caviar, bananas, oranges, balychok, chocolate and servelat for the New Year's table. These products on the New Year's table were considered a sign of a person's wealth and influence!

It’s good that we don’t live in that era, but just recreate it! And this means that you can buy fresh products, and without problems, you just have to deal with the New Year's menu!

A retro-style New Year's table could be approximately with the following dishes:

notorious and widely known even outside the post-socialist countries salad "Olivier"

Mimosa salad (based on canned fish, with olives and boiled eggs)

eggs stuffed with walnuts and liver

cutting (sausage, melted cheese)

chicken baked with potatoes, "rustic"

homemade pies (with cabbage, rice and eggs, potatoes, apples)

And they drank in the USSR for the New Year - "Soviet" champagne, "Stolichnaya" vodka, and Georgian white wine! And also - Pinocchio lemonade, fruit drink and compote.

So, the already familiar, foreign mojito, absinthe and daiquiri will have to be abandoned this New Year's Eve, in favor of port wine and vodka!

And for dessert, Soviet women themselves baked cakes, baskets and donuts (because there was no such luxury as ready-made cakes on sale)!

Christmas gifts in retro style

The Soviet Union was standard and predictable in this regard!

Perfume was given to women for the New Year (the top of the chic "Klima", the lower aisle - "Perhaps ..."). Men were also supposed to smell good on New Year's Eve, therefore, loving wives spoiled them with "Triple" cologne, "Sasha", "Russian Forest".

In principle, Soviet women, who, as usual, could make a salad out of nothing, a hairstyle and a tragedy (and a gift too) could be understood! Other things for men, made in the USSR, could hardly be called a gift. Shirts, ties, cufflinks, etc. were bad manners in the Union. Therefore, they managed with the "Russian Forest".

Of course, when making a New Year's retro version of "USSR 20 years later", you will not be able to find a real "Triple". For the old stocks have already been drunk, and, unfortunately, they do not release new ones. Therefore, for you, there are several other, more "vital" for the new century, gift offers. In addition to cheap perfumes, when visiting, it was customary to carry scarce products with you: jars of canned pineapples and other exotic fruits, black or red caviar, and expensive sweets.

Well, it's finally December 31st. As a rule, invited guests came around 10 pm. Everyone sat down at the festively laid table to spend the outgoing, Old Year. Before that, of course, everyone was in a hurry to go to the bathhouse, take a bath (for one more Soviet superstition must be observed, to go clean and pomaded on New Year's Eve). Ladies exchanged dressing gowns for festive dresses, gentlemen - old sweatpants and vests, for suits with ties. New Year is on the doorstep! You need to meet him as a worthy Soviet citizen!

Before the Kremlin chimes, the Secretary General congratulated everyone (Brezhnev started this tradition, Gorbachev continued, and even now it is alive and flourishing among the modern heads of already independent states).

To recreate Soviet "realities", search the Internet for "Brezhnev's New Year's greetings of 1979" ( A wave of good mood and laughter is guaranteed to your guests until the end of New Year's Eve!

Well, after a charge of positive emotions, you can pour champagne and make a wish while listening to 12 strokes of the country's central chimes!

The main entertainment (and not even a curiosity for everyone) on New Year's Eve was a TV. Everyone was in a hurry to turn on the famous and very popular Blue Light. The television music program was a chic backdrop for the entertainment program (

And we, improvising a little, will not sit at the screen all night, but will add a few more modern amusements to the Soviet era.


Fun 1. New Year's round dance

A task: remember as many Soviet New Year's round dance songs as possible. Everyone stands in a circle, the leader sings first. The rest - sing along and dance around the Christmas tree. We finished one song - we start another (but the person following the lead is already singing, and further - along the chain). Anyone who cannot remember a single song of the Soviet era is eliminated from the round dance. The best connoisseur of Soviet "round dance" creativity wins.

Fun 2. Verse to Santa Claus

All the children were waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, both then and now. Surely, in the memory of adults who were children in the USSR, there were cute poems about Grandfather, New Year, winter. Your way out guys! Santa Claus will soon be handing out gifts!

By the way, invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to the holiday! Perhaps some volunteers from your guests will play their roles, and you will save time-appropriate costumes for them!

Fun 3. New Year's Soviet karaoke

Buy a disk with songs for karaoke of the Soviet period for the holiday. Let the songs of Lyudmila Zykina, Olga Voronets, Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev and others sound in your house, on this New Year's Eve.

Fun 4. New Year's comedians

In addition to concerts and variety show programs, Soviet people were very fond of watching comedies on New Year's Eve (films were generally rare on weekdays, and therefore they were looking forward to festive film masterpieces). However, many of them are alive (and even immortal!) in our time.

The essence of fun: Everyone is divided into 2 teams. Each team is given a sheet with the name of the film. For example, "Operation Y", "Wizards", "Enjoy Your Bath!" etc. It takes 20 minutes to remember some scene from the film, assign roles and play a mini performance. And you need to do this in such a way that the rest of those present know what movie this scene is from. The main task: during the dramatization, do not say the name. The leaking team gets a minus penalty point, and a replacement task. The game can be repeated as many times as desired.

Another option is to recreate the images of stage comedians -
Veronica Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna, Evgeny Petrosyan, Yuri Nikulin and others.

Fun 5. Dancing

For the dance part of your event, choose the music of Obodzinsky, Muslim Magomayev, Bul-Bul Ogly, etc. Let your guests circle in a waltz, soaking up “These eyes are the opposite” with all their hearts, beat the twist to the “Black Cat”, and get excited like schoolchildren when you announce the "white dance".

After 12 in the USSR they loved to visit each other, congratulate each other on the holiday, sing songs, and help themselves. And then - all together went to the central city (village) New Year's tree. Bengal fires were lit there, firecrackers were clapping, serpentine, rain and happy smiles were given to each other!

Arrange a truly beautiful holiday for yourself! And let it resonate in your soul with happy memories!

We offer a simple and very fun scenario for a retro party in the style of the 80s, which includes a selection of popular and interesting contests in the spirit of the Soviet era.

To execute the script, you need a host and a couple of initiative assistants. The host should choose competitions for the holiday, based on the preferences of the company, be able to adapt to the situation and the mood of the guests.

Prepare small souvenirs and gifts in advance. As prize points, you can use chocolate medals in a golden wrapper, symbolizing the 1980 Olympics, and as prizes, Soviet champagne, Alenka chocolate, pennants and whatever your heart desires!

We start the party from the most positive moment - the solemn dedication to the pioneers.

Initiation into pioneers

An amazing journey to the most nostalgic period of adolescence, a surge of emotions and an uplift in the mood of all guests, including those who came without it! Good memories and spiritual impulses, as well as a sparkle in the eyes and the wind in the head!

Necessary attributes: pioneer ties and caps from newspapers, a recording of the pioneer anthem “Fly up the fires”, if desired, a horn and a portrait of Lenin's grandfather.

It is advisable to put all the guests in a line and, to the anthem of the pioneers, fulfill an important mission, giving each cap and tying a tie. Each dedicated participant should solemnly and loudly pronounce the pioneer oath:

“I (name, surname of the applicant), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Lenin can be replaced by the name of the birthday person or, if it is a corporate party, the name of the organization), in the face of my comrades, I solemnly promise: to love my Motherland dearly.

Drink, walk and have fun, as the great Lenin (name of the birthday man) bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches!

Always fulfill the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union!”

After the initiation, the pioneer drinks a glass of Soviet champagne in one gulp and, in response to the call “Be Ready!”, loudly pronounces “Always Ready!” This motto can be used throughout the evening as a call to raise glasses.

If those initiated into the pioneers strongly enter into the image and do not want to leave it, you can walk (if the room allows) with a marching step, cheerfully singing a pioneer song.

Competitions for a party in the style of the USSR

Competition "Skilled Pioneer"

The older generation will enjoy the memories of the technique of tying ties, the young will gain invaluable experience and feel the energy of the Soviet era. The competition is held at speed, the fastest participant is awarded.

Auction "Back to the past"

Frantic excitement and inexhaustible thirst for victory!

Necessary attributes: everything you will find in the store from a series of Soviet-era products: champagne, Pinocchio lemonade and tarragon, Bird's Milk and Swan Lake sweets, sprats, Alenka chocolate, condensed milk in a jar, Artek waffles and more.

The host announces a lot with an initial starting price, for example, 10 rubles. The guests are bargaining. The lot is taken by the highest bidder. All lots can be used as a treat to "refresh" the forgotten taste of childhood.

Contest "Guess the retro hit!"

Musical euphoria will plunge guests into the most unpredictable moments of the past and defuse the holiday atmosphere with popular hits!

Prepare in advance a quality selection of popular hits of the 80s. The best hits of the 80s.

Both all guests and a few avid music lovers can participate. The melody is turned on. The participant who recognizes it first loudly pronounces a pre-agreed word, such as "stop", "beep" or any other. If he names the composition correctly, he gets a ball in the form of a chocolate medal. The moderator sums up. The participant with the most points receives a symbolic prize. For example, a CD with hits from the 80s.

Competition "Retro Podium!"

An extreme runway show, a stylistic show of fashionable hairstyles, incredible compositions on the heads of the most sought-after models in the world.

Do not hesitate, the participants of the competition will greatly amuse the guests with their performance!

Suffice it to hint at the trends of that time: high bouffant hairstyles, perms and ponytails were in vogue then.

Necessary attributes: combs, bright elastic bands and hairpins, hairspray.

You can attract the most daring men to the competition. Offer them the necessary attributes, and you will be surprised by their knowledge of the fashion world.

Announce the nominations, they can be as follows: “Soviet hippie”, “freshly from the slaughter”, “member of the CPSU”, “drummer combiner”, “worker and collective farmer”, “collective farm chairman”, etc.

Contest "Where has progress come to?!"

The task is to come up with a Soviet analogue to the proposed word.

Guests will be happy to show their imagination and knowledge in the lexicon of the Soviet era.

DVD player - VCR or filmoscope

Parmesan - processed cheese "Friendship"

MP3 player - reel to reel tape recorder

Pepsi - Pinocchio or Citro lemonade

CD disc - gramophone record

Flash drive - audio cassette

Shrek - crocodile Gena

Laptop - calculator, typewriter or game "Electronic"

ATM - savings bank

Credit card - passbook

Colgate toothpaste - tooth powder

Barbie doll - baby doll

Glamor magazine - "Worker" or "Peasant"

Washing machine - washboard.

Luntik - Cheburashka

Chocolate bar "Nats" - chocolate Alenka

Nike sneakers - sneakers

Biggest Bubble Contest

Required attributes: chewing gum (better from the Soviet series: Turbo, love is...)

It's simple: participants blow bubbles, guests get sick and laugh merrily! The player who blows the biggest bubble wins!

Competition "Public catering"

No less amusing and funny competition. The scene is a Soviet-era canteen.

Required attributes: buns and kefir in faceted glasses.

The essence of the competition is in the speedy eating of buns and washing them down with kefir. The fastest catering customer wins!

Competition "Abbreviations"

This intellectual game is played right at the table. The host distributes paper sheets with Soviet abbreviations to the guests. Guests need to decipher them, and then come up with a new decryption so that it is certainly associated with the hero of the day. The winner can be chosen by voting, determining the coolest decoding of the Soviet abbreviation in a new way:

CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

GTO (ready for work and defense)

DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy)

VLKSM (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union)

BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline)

TASS (telegraph agency of the Soviet Union)

HPP (hydroelectric power plant)

GOELRO (state commission for electrification of Russia)

MTS (machine and tractor station)

PGT (urban-type settlement)

ASSR (autonomous Soviet socialist republic)

Research Institute (research institute)

An example of a new decryption:

The name of the hero of the day is Konstantin. Deciphering the abbreviation of the CPSU: "Kostya is the strongest guy!". Or research institutes - "our birthday boy is perfect !!!"

Next, you can hold a mini competition for the best toast, which would resemble, in style and content of speech, the leaders of that time. Do not hesitate, among the guests there will definitely be a talent.

Blitz-poll "What could you buy in the 80s if you have 3 rubles in your pocket?"

for 1 kopeck - A glass of gas water without syrup, matches

2 kopecks - call from the machine

3 kopecks - sparkling water with syrup, notebook

4 kopecks - condom

5 kopecks - a bun, travel by public transport

10 kopecks - creamy ice cream

22 kopecks - cake, popsicle in chocolate

30 kopecks - lottery ticket

56 - kopecks cost a dollar

1 rub. 50 kopecks - application to the registry office

2 p. 82 kopecks - a bottle of vodka

120 rub. - salary engineer

5000 - Zhiguli

80s Party Fantas

Forfeits can be fun and exciting entertainment. The facilitator collects one item from each guest and puts them in a bag. Then he announces a phantom and pulls out the first thing that comes across from the bag. Accordingly, the owner of the thing fulfills the declared phantom.


portray Leontiev

make a high bouffant and walk along the catwalk

dance lambada

drink a glass of Soviet champagne without holding hands

blow a huge bubble gum

portray a Soviet pioneer. Marching, sing the anthem!


A song contest with words in reverse is going on very rapidly. You need to guess the intended song by turning the words.

What are you dreaming about, locomotive Potemkin? (What are you dreaming of, cruiser Aurora?)

Grandpa hated the wolf a little (Grandmother loved the goat very much)

Above the floor of his hut (Under the roof of my house)

Let's put out the gray days with water (Fly bonfires, blue nights)

You have changed unrecognizably, river crucian, slender intellectual (What you were, you remained the same, dashing Cossack, steppe eagle)

Than enemies sit in a gloomy dungeon (Than friends wander around the wide world)

What a pity that none of them dispersed yesterday (it's great that we all gathered here today)

Rested tools of production do not sleep (Tired toys sleep)

Competition "The best fashion designer from the USSR"

Creative, exciting and very fun competition.

Required attributes: old audio and video cassettes, vinyl records, adhesive tape, scissors, wigs and anything that can be used for a costume. At the end - a show of models on the catwalk.

You will need to record the selected melodies.

What movie is this tune from?

"Three white horses" (Wizards)

"Your Honor, Lady Separation" (White Sun of the Desert)

"Alexandra, Alexandra ..." (Moscow does not believe in tears)

"Somewhere in the world" (Prisoner of the Caucasus)

"In the dark blue forest where the aspens tremble" (Diamond Hand)

“Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence” (Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession)

Who sings this song?

You will need to record the selected hits.

“Music connected us (Mirage)

"Strange Dances" (Technology)

"Lavender" (S. Rotaru)

"Bouquet" (A. Barykin)

"White Night" (Forum)

"Disco Bar" (Carolina)

"Don't worry, aunt" (Funny guys), etc.

What movie is this line from?

“Don’t teach me how to live, better help financially!” (Moscow does not believe in tears)

“The ruble is a thing! Three rubles - a bunch! There are three things in a pile!” (Sportloto - 82)

"Salt is a white poison, sugar is a sweet poison!" (Love and pigeons)

“To live well, and to live well is even better!” (Caucasian captive)

“Be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome” (Diamond Hand)

“Stole, drank - in jail! Romance! " (Gentlemen of Fortune)

"I demand the continuation of the banquet!" (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

"Announce the entire list please" (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)

“It’s always like this: you work, you work, and then – bam! - second shift ”(Big break)

"Down with prejudice! A woman is a human too! (White sun of desert)

"Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! The snow will fall on the head ... ”(Gentlemen of Fortune)

"Everybody is dancing!" (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession.)

Competition "Incendiary Disco Dancer"

The competition for the best dancer is relevant in the midst of the evening, when each of the guests will be happy to show their hidden talents.

It is very fun to dance on the newspapers. You need to do this in pairs to incendiary retro music. Each time it is necessary to complicate the task by folding the newspaper first in half, then several more times. Participants must stand on at least one leg. The best dancer, at least a medal!

We wish you the most incendiary retro party in the style of the USSR!

Thus, our compatriots get the opportunity not only to plunge headlong into the past, but also to show patriotism, to emphasize that those difficult, but sometimes wonderful times of our grandfathers, parents, and maybe even their own childhood have not yet been forgotten. If you are going to hold a corporate party in the style of the USSR, but do not know how to do it, eventspro offers to take advantage of our advice.


Invitations are required to set a good mood for your colleagues as soon as they fall into their hands. None of the employees should doubt that they will have a great time at the upcoming corporate party. Therefore, we offer some of the best options for invitations.

  1. If you carefully rummage through the old cabinets at home (or at your grandmother's), then you can probably find postcards from the Soviet era. They can also be used as invitations by writing a few kind words on the back, as well as detailed information about the place, time, date and dress code. If you cannot find such printed products, print postcards with the symbols of the USSR using a computer.
  2. As an option, we propose to make a semblance of deputy mandates, from which magnificent invitations will turn out.
  3. Find a Soviet poster on the Internet. Send the picture to colleagues (mail, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.), and write the text of the invitation under it.
  4. An invitation card can be issued in the form of a telegram. Quite an original approach, and most importantly - according to the USSR! Your colleagues will surely love it. Don't forget to mention the dress code.

To start your fantasies regarding invitations, we have made a small review of existing flyers, posters and invitations to parties in clubs, viewing ready-made materials will help you quickly resolve the design issue.

Dress code for a corporate party in the style of the USSR

So that guests do not think for a long time about the question “What to wear?”, We offer a whole set of “outfits” to choose from:

  • white shirt and shorts, plus a red cap and a tie of the same color;
  • brown dress with a festive white apron (school uniform);
  • jeans-varenki and jackets with patches on the sleeves;
  • patent leather shoes and dresses with polka dots;
  • banana pants or "shot" pants;
  • any white top and dark bottom.

The choice is rich - each guest will be able to dress to his liking.

We meet colleagues

At the entrance, guests can be waited for by a leader dressed as a pioneer leader. As an option, you can consider the leader of the world proletariat himself - Lenin Vladimir Ilyich - with a characteristic bald head and burr. Such a meeting from the threshold will charge employees with positive and immediately set the right mood for your corporate get-together.

Do not forget about a special book in which the Komsomol member or Lenin will register all those who came. After registration, guests receive ribbons with inscriptions like: “Peace to the world”, “Workers - rest”, “Thursday is a fish day”, “Wash down white with red”, “Perseverance and work lead to success” and others.

I demand the continuation of the banquet!

Ivan Vasilievich changes profession

Yes, yes, that's right, give out to newly arrived guests not only ribbons with slogans, but also phrases that became catchphrases in the Soviet era! Surely, someone during your holiday will very cleverly use a popular expression, causing a storm of approving laughter.

Here is a short list of phrases from the most popular films:

"Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession":

  • Leave me, old woman, I'm sad!
  • I demand the continuation of the banquet!
  • Yes, we, the kings, milk should be passed off as harmful!
  • This is what the life-giving cross does!
  • Hang up!

"Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik":

  • Well, come on, bless me like spaceships ply the Bolshoi Theater. And I'll sleep.
  • Maybe not? - No ... It is necessary, Fedya, it is necessary!
  • Announce the entire list, please.
  • Now people need to be softer. And look at the questions more broadly.
  • Can you tell me how many degrees are below zero now?
  • Train better on cats.
  • Everything has been stolen before us.
  • The professor, of course, is a burdock, but the equipment is accepted, accepted! How is it heard?

"The Diamond Arm":

  • We do not care!
  • And we have a building manager - a friend of man!
  • Pants turn into shorts.
  • Strike iron without leaving the cash register!
  • Who bought a pack of tickets - he will receive a water pump.
  • I should have been in his place...
  • I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid.
  • Our people don't take taxis to the bakery.
  • Rousseau tourist - the image of morale.
  • Slipped - fell, woke up - plaster.

"The Pokrovsky Gate":

  • Note that I didn't suggest this.

Also, in front of the entrance, you can hang a beautiful poster with the symbols of the USSR, so that guests can leave positive feedback there before leaving home.

Which venues are suitable for

To arrange a corporate party in the style of the USSR, any place is quite suitable, from an office building to a field trip. The fact is that outfits, music and refreshments play a huge role in creating the right atmosphere. You can easily take all this with you, which means that there are no problems.

Another thing is that it is somewhat easier to arrange closed areas than, say, an open tent in nature. Indoors, like an office, banquet hall or restaurant, you can use wall decor elements - posters, portraits, antique clocks, fabric drapery, and Ilyich's light bulbs can even hang from the ceiling (for the brave ones), which, by the way, can be the main lighting.

For an open place, the most suitable would be the design of the territory in the form of a pioneer camp, which, of course, will increase the costs somewhat, but will really take the participants of the corporate party many years ago, allowing them to see “how it was” with their own eyes. In order not to spend too much time thinking about the design, just watch the footage of the wonderful Soviet film "Welcome or Unauthorized Entry".

Setting up the venue

Let's talk a little more about decorating options. There are many possibilities to decorate the room, you just need to turn on your imagination.

If you decide to celebrate in the office or at the home of one of the employees, hang posters with Soviet slogans on the walls. Images printed on a computer of members of the Central Committee of the CPSU will also come down. In the center you can hang a map of the Soviet Union with the coats of arms of 15 republics.

In the middle of the festive hall, place one (or several) round table with a red tablecloth. In the middle of the table there will be a decanter and faceted glasses. Hang a large fringed lampshade over it. Do not forget about the gramophone (even if it is non-working, we need it for the interior) or the tape recorder "reeler".

A large black and white (well, or color) Soviet-era TV is one of the main decorations of your corporate party.

If there is a desire and opportunity, organize the presence of bugles, pennants, drums. Distribute more pioneer ties to guests. After all, a pioneer is an example for everyone and everyone!

To simplify your task, we have prepared a small overview of posters that you can use in the design of your premises:

What to listen and see?

You will need music from the 50s-80s. This is one of the most important details of a corporate party, so take it seriously. Try to get two versions of Soviet music: background (which will play during the feast) and disco. We suggest paying attention to such groups: "Gems", "Pesnyary", "Ariel", "Leysya, song", "Blue Guitars", "Syabry". Performers are also suitable: Alla Pugacheva, Edita Piekha, Sofia Rotaru, Muslim Magomayev, Lev Leshchenko and Yuri Antonov.

Here are a few songs that will help you navigate the repertoire of those times and set the right mood for a playlist selection:

Some innovators in the event industry have recently been diluting events with small cuts of funny videos, and we suggest that you do not bypass this festive innovation. In the version of a corporate party in the style of the USSR, watching short, but at the same time widely known and beloved films would be an excellent solution.

We suggest that you consider such comedies as Shurik's adventures as options: "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession", "Operation Y", as well as any of the three short stories "It Can't Be" and so on.

Treats for a corporate party in the style of the USSR

The treats should also correspond to those served during the USSR at the biggest festivities (we will definitely save here!).

Hot: homemade dumplings, tobacco chicken, boiled potatoes with onions and butter.
Salads: "Olivier" - the king of the table of the USSR, herring under a fur coat, sauerkraut with a green onion in mustard oil.
Snacks: jelly, boiled sausage, Druzhba cheese, sprats, Ivasi herring (in jars) and sprat in tomato.
Desserts: sweets "Little Red Riding Hood", "Bear in the North", "Gulliver", "Scallop", eclairs and a cake with roses.
Fruits: oranges, tangerines, apples.
Drinks: Soviet champagne, lemonade in glass bottles and juice in three-liter jars.

Agree, quite a budget option. But given the nature of the corporate party, these common and inexpensive products are sure to taste better than ever.

Entertainment at a corporate party in the style of the USSR

In Soviet times, not a single festive event was held without competitions. So, they should be at your corporate party. We offer you the best of what we managed to find.

  1. Pronouncing a toast on behalf of one of the respected "comrades" of the Soviet era (Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Budyonny). All this should be accompanied by a long and stormy applause.
  2. Deciphering abbreviations like: TRP, BAM, VLKSM, NKVD and others. By the way, you can decipher in your own playful form.
  3. Finish a phrase from a famous Soviet film, slogan, statement by the leader of the USSR, etc.
  4. Collect the Rubik's cube (who is faster).
  5. Who can remember more Soviet-era TV shows.
  6. Who is better able to jump rope, play "gum", "knives" and so on
  7. Recall the names of newspapers and magazines of that time.

Each winner receives small commemorative gifts.

You can not do at a corporate party without karaoke. Each of the guests will have a great chance to excel and take the place of honor of the “best performer”. Also, do not forget about slow and "white" dances, win-win lotteries and a big draw at the end of the holiday.

A small plan for preparing for a corporate party in the style of the USSR

We have already mentioned above that today Soviet-style corporate parties have become especially popular. So if you are ready to take a risk and go back in time, eventspro offers you 2 options for the development of events.

Option number 1. You pay - performers create

If you don't want to burden yourself with the hard work that goes by the name of organization, there's a handy way to save yourself the trouble. Book a turnkey corporate event. Let the fear of running into a "poor-quality" performer not disturb your friendly team. You don't have to go anywhere and call anyone. After all, if you use our services, all your problems will be solved by themselves.

Here you will find hosts, musicians, organizers, the best cafes and restaurants, venues, holiday agencies and offers of all kinds of services. In general, we have everything you need for your holiday. So be bold!

Option number 2. For those who are not looking for an easy way

If you want to do everything yourself, you like to create and organize, option 2 is more suitable for you. We are ready to provide a small plan of action, following which you will not get into trouble and will be able to do everything at the highest level.

  1. We determine the location of the corporate party.
  2. We count the number of guests.
  3. We calculate the amount required for the organization.
  4. We choose a leader.
  5. We are considering the issue of transport and delivery of guests to their homes.
  6. We decide where to get the decor for decorating the room. Please note that a few days before the corporate party, each decor element must be available.
  7. We determine the one who will deal with the interior.
  8. Thinking about the menu and drinks. We choose the person responsible for the treats.
  9. We are preparing the entertainment part.
  10. We solve issues with gifts, awards and souvenirs.

By the way, if you want to arrange a corporate party on your own, but want to partially resort to the services of holiday agencies or performers, use the eventspro services!

We wish you a pleasant journey through the times of the Soviet Union. And happy celebration!

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