Words of congratulations on Christmas in prose. SMS and short congratulations on Christmas in prose

Merry Christmas greetings in prose 2019

We all get tired of the same everyday life , domestic and material problems, from the endless pursuit of the paradise lost by Adam and Eve. But these holidays there is a reason to stop and look at the stars. Somewhere out there, in cold space, a Christmas star is burning. She gave us hope and peace of mind. Therefore, on this fabulous Christmas night, both adults and children are not consciously waiting for a miracle. And a miracle will surely happen: the children will receive the toys they dreamed of, the lovers will confess their feelings to each other, and the quarreled spouses will reconcile. I congratulate you on a great miracle - Merry Christmas!

In this winter time When the earth was dressed in a snow-white fur coat of snowdrifts, and the New Year's mood filled the soul with an exciting expectation of the holiday, I congratulate you on Christmas. May your hearts sing with happiness, your souls be filled with kindness and mercy, and peace, love, mutual understanding and prosperity reign in the house. Be sure to make a wish today, because on this fabulous night it will surely come true.


Merry Christmas! As more than two thousand years ago the good news of the Birth of the Savior illuminated all mankind, the whole world, so may the blessed light of this great holiday illuminate your souls today and fill your hearts with love for your neighbor, inner harmony, saving faith and boundless happiness.

Christmas and New Year holidays is a fairy tale that not only children but also adults are looking forward to. In these frosty winter days, we all forget about our problems and look to the future with optimism and faith. Our aspirations and dreams seem to us easily feasible, and troubles are insignificant. I wish you a positive mood throughout the next year. May all the wishes that you make on Christmas night come true.


I congratulate you on a bright Christian holiday - Merry Christmas to our Savior! May faith, hope, love, mercy and patience live in your soul! May God take away all troubles and misfortunes from you and your home. Good health, happiness, good luck to you and all your loved ones. Merry Christmas!


AT Christmas evening, dozens of lights are burning in the house, the dizzying smell of fresh pastries, and the soul is so light and joyful that you want to hug the whole world! In these moments full of good Christmas magic, please accept my congratulations on Christmas and wishes of happiness and love!


R Christmas at all times was considered a magical event, and today it is known all over the world as a day, the evening of which should be met in the company of the dearest, closest people! Today I congratulate you - and for sure it will not come as a surprise to you that I wish you unlimited happiness!

D very much! A bright holiday is coming Christmas May peace and tranquility reign in your house, your eyes sparkle with warmth, and your heart be full of love! May happiness and luck accompany you in all your affairs, and let troubles and failures pass by! Merry Christmas, my love!

AT on this beautiful winter day, when our Savior Lord was born, I want to wish you peace in the house, peace in your soul, warmth in relationships with loved ones, and that in all your undertakings you have a guiding Christmas star!

AT ancient times in England there was a prayer:
"Give us, God, a little sun, a little work and a little fun.
Give us our hard earned struggle, Our daily black bread and some butter.
Give us health and mercy, Give us also some songs, and a fairy tale, and a book.
Give us, God, the opportunity to Become better for ourselves and for others, Until all people learn to live like brothers ... "
Wonderful words, which contain all the ideas of the people about happiness, about a calm, charitable life. I say this prayer every year on Christmas Eve. And her simple but truly magical words elevate my soul... Let's drink to a bright Christmas holiday and thank God for all his gifts!

To then he is well-behaved all year round, may receive gifts from Santa Claus at Christmas. We are no longer children, but we still believe in miracles and of course, we behaved very well! So let Santa give us the best gifts on Christmas night! Smiles and good mood, inspiration and good luck, good health and generosity! And of course, let each of us be surrounded by love, close people and true friends every day!

AT magical Christmas night, I congratulate you and wish you a fabulous life! Just imagine all your dreams - and believe that the time has come for them to come true, filling your days with joy, kindness and love! May a cheerful melody always play quietly on your heart that you are happy!

R Christmas is the most magical and family holiday of the year, when it seems that the air is saturated with the expectation of miracles and new achievements. I wish you a Merry Christmas, my love, and I want to confess my love again! Together with you, we created our family, in which we found meaning and true happiness! May your dreams come true, and may your heart always be light!

FROM At the end of Lent, a holiday, Christmas, comes to us, we are waiting for the rise of the first Christmas star. May the precepts of our Savior be your life creed. “Let everyone always be merciful to the weak, the orphans, the sick and the poor.

P I congratulate you on Christmas and give you this modest bouquet of compliments: beautiful appearance, excellent character, sweet smile, beautiful eyes - it's all about you! May everything that you dream about, what you wish, come true on this magical night. I wish you joy, love, kindness, health and luck with good luck. May fortune accompany you and be always favorable. Still great and great personal happiness, let it warm every day, fill the heart with love and warmth. Merry Christmas - a bright, beautiful and happy holiday!

R Christmas night is incredibly long, and besides, it often turns out to be especially dark and snowy. But what do we care when in our homes we are surrounded by comfort, holiday and relatives! I sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and wish you all the best! May your life please you with the fulfillment of desires and the true love of the closest people!

To When Christmas comes, we wait for a miracle as much as if we were still children! So let the magic happen for us at least once a year, on this wonderful night, giving us the long-awaited and quite rightly deserved happiness! Let there be no sorrows and disappointments in your life, because it is much better to live life to the fullest and smile every day!


R Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is the day of forgiveness, bright feelings, the day when love triumphs. May the cannons fall silent on this holiday and not a single rocket rise into the air, except for fireworks! May God give peace and rest to the soldiers! And let love for near and far enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!

At an amazing holiday - Christmas - is equally wonderful for children and adults, for dreamers and skeptics, for those who try to take care of every minute, and for those who are in no hurry ... Today I congratulate you with great pleasure on Christmas and sincerely wish you starting from this magical day, live infinitely happily!

P May the kindest holiday of Christmas be the most pleasant for you. And may the Lord himself give you humility and fortitude. And may divine grace enter every home. And let the Christmas fairy tale give you moments of joy. Merry Christmas to you.

AT this wonderful Christmas evening, when our whole family gathered at the festive table, I want to wish everyone to feel divine light and warmth in their souls.
May our hearts unite in grateful prayer to the Redeemer who saved the world.
For Christmas!

AT this festive Christmas evening, when all families gather at the festive table, I want to wish good and light, warmth and prosperity to everyone. May the long-awaited peace come to the whole planet on this day.

FROM Today, for many people, Christmas is just a secular holiday, they hardly know its ancient origins ... But has this holiday become less wonderful for them? Not at all! The streets of the cities are transformed by this day, all in the lights of garlands and festive showcases, and the houses are filled with the merry laughter of families gathered for the holiday and the aromas of Christmas treats. On the eve of this amazing holiday, I congratulate you and wish you and your family happiness!

AT Christmas night outside the window is dark, snow is quietly falling in white flakes or a blizzard is sweeping, and the house is warm and cozy, the Christmas tree is flickering with lights and gifts are waiting in the wings ... The hours of a magical night flow like a honey river, when you can make your most secret desires and they will certainly come true … On the bright holiday of Christmas, I want to wish the whole family love and joy, good luck, inspiration and health, in a word, everything with which you can become truly happy!

L beloved! I congratulate you on Christmas! May this bright holiday bring you warmth, happiness, joyful mood! May the eyes of my beloved always sparkle with victories and optimism! Let all adversity bypass our family, work brings joy, children will delight with success! And may a miracle happen on Christmas!

To It's so good that this Christmas we are not alone, and there is someone to share with us magical, sweet, like cinnamon cookies, moments! Today, accept my congratulations, as well as a wish for the fulfillment of all desires! Let your life be filled with joy, desired victories and good mood!

E On this wonderful Christmas evening, our whole family gathered at the festive table in a single desire to feel the divine light and warmth in our souls. Let our desires unite in grateful prayer to the Redeemer, who through suffering saved the world and all of us. For Christmas!

X I wish that in the New Year and Christmas celebration reigned in your hearts! Houses overflowed with love and happiness! To avoid bad weather! To be lucky with enviable constancy! Children brought only pride and success! And so that you proudly carry the armor of the whole life!

Dear little sister! Congratulations on Merry Christmas - the brightest holiday on earth! May your house be full of friends, the table be covered with many dishes, may hospitality and kindness always be eternal guardian angels protecting your family hearth! May the cup of love be full and your heart be filled with happiness! Be happy!

P congratulations on Christmas! Today I want to wish you everything that is best and bright in the world! May love reign in life, may dreams come true! Believe that your future is wonderful, and may you always have the strength to make it so, keep your happiness in warm hands, at the very heart, and increase it!

Dear friend, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on Merry Christmas . On this bright holiday, I want to wish you well-being. prosperity, understanding and peace of mind. May luck always smile at you, and misfortunes bypass. Be happy and happy holidays

My love! On a bright holiday Christmas I want to kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and take you to our beautiful Christmas tree, under which gifts are waiting for you! And I have one more gift for you, probably the biggest one ... my congratulations to you, wishing you sunny happiness and the best mood, my words that you are the best girl in the whole world and together with you, this is Christmas a thousand times more beautiful!

H what could be more beautiful on Christmas than to gather in a friendly company together with close, dear people? On this beautiful day, I want to wish my beloved and only, my husband, always keep with you like a faithful dog, good luck and enjoy every day, smile and give your love to your family!

E that Day happens only once in a lifetime, Birthday, the most memorable and unforgettable Day, the Day of the appearance of a “little miracle” in the light of God. This is a miracle, a secret with seven seals, the most secret and desired! Therefore, we celebrate each subsequent year of life so joyfully and cheerfully! I congratulate you on the accomplished magic that you have created yourself!

My beloved parents! I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! My congratulations should reach you, I know that for sure! I want you to read my words and smile, smile that I love you very, very much! I love you because you are the dearest people on earth, because until now (despite my age) you live for me, my thoughts, my deeds ... Because you have done so much for me, invested, cared for, protected and loved! You undoubtedly deserve the best, happiness, health, good mood! Let the Christmas holiday be bright and warm, even though we are so far apart! I love you, Merry Christmas!

BUT Do you hear Santa's sleigh rushing somewhere in the sky, how the bells ring on the necks of deer and the rustling of gifts piled up in a mountain? Please accept my sincere congratulations on Christmas! May a miracle happen for you on this magical night, and in the morning you will find in your house not only long-awaited gifts, but those gifts that have always been considered the most valuable - love, luck and true happiness!

For a long time, the main holiday was the New Year, and only relatively recently the feast of the Nativity of Christ returned to our lives. If the New Year is an exclusively worldly holiday, then Christmas is a spiritual holiday. This is felt even by those who do not believe in God and do not go to church. Christmas is a quiet family holiday, warmed by the light of candles in the windows. At the same time, the main thing is not gifts, but attention. So a beautiful vintage postcard in which your family will find Merry Christmas greetings in prose will fully meet the spirit of the holiday. However, no one forbids preparing loved ones and small nice gifts.

In this article:

General congratulations

Several options for congratulations that will go for any situation:

  • I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ. May prosperity and comfort reign in your home, peace and tranquility in your family. May the guardian angel always be there, and you will be happy and healthy.
  • On Christmas I want to wish you happiness and joy, health and good luck. May God keep you and your family. Let things go uphill, children grow up strong, smart and cheerful, and with your soulmate you will live in peace and harmony.
  • On this bright holiday, I wish you peace and goodness! May fairy tales and miracles fill your house, may joy and children's laughter reign in your house, friends will be nearby, and all misfortunes will bypass. Happiness and prosperity!

Congratulations to parents

For Mom:

  • Beloved Mom! I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ. I wish you peace of mind, health and joy.
    At this wonderful time, let relatives, friends, children and grandchildren gather at your table. May your home be filled with laughter and joy. May your guardian angel protect you.
  • Dear Mom, Merry Christmas to you! With all my heart I congratulate you on this bright holiday! May faith and hope always be with you. Even if there is frost or bad weather outside, the house is always warm from your care and love. May it always be so!
  • Dear Mom, Merry Christmas! Together with the first star, hope for the best returns to people, a new cycle begins. Let it contain only the best and kindest, joyful and magical, new and exciting!

For Dad:

  • Dear Dad, Merry Christmas! On this day, the Good News was revealed to the world, so let all the news in your life be good. I wish the Star to lead you to good luck and prosperity. Health and happiness, success to you in everything!
  • Daddy dear, Merry Christmas! The Lord has rewarded you with boundless faith, heroic strength and good health. Keep and increase his gifts, be wise and patient. Your life advice is always important to me, they are like candles lit in the windows that day, leading me forward, not allowing me to go astray!
  • Dear dad, Happy Holidays! May this Christmas bring only peace and joy, may your soul be light and warm, despite frosts and snowstorms. May you always be supported and warmed by our love for you - the love of your children!

For both parents:

  • Dear dad and mom, Happy Holidays! You always warm us with your love and care. We are always looking forward to Christmas, to once again plunge into the magical atmosphere of childhood, pure joy and carelessness.
    On this day we wish you health, energy, strength, patience and kindness!
  • Dear daddy and mommy! Merry Christmas! May faith and hope never leave you. May the guiding star always shine for you.

Wisdom, patience and strength to you, my dear!

  • Dear Parents! Merry Christmas! This is a holiday of hope and faith, you always believed in us, helped and cared, and we always found love and support in you. On this bright night, we hope that you are supported by our love and gratitude. Let our family multiply, but the atmosphere of comfort and harmony will always reign in it!

Christmas words for your beloved

  • My dear, beloved, Merry Christmas! On this bright day, I wish you a fairy tale and boundless happiness. May my love keep you warm just as your love always warms me. The light of your care and tenderness always burns in my soul, which, like a star, leads me to you. Health to you and prosperity. I hope you always light up my life!
  • My beloved and dear, Merry Christmas to you! I rarely tell you tender words of love, I rarely say how much I appreciate you, how important and I need you. And on this wonderful day, I want to wish you to remain as sweet and kind, beautiful and charming, mysterious and understandable. Let the lights of fun and happiness always live in your eyes. And may your guardian angel protect you, and I will help him.
  • My beloved and desired, Happy Holidays to you! I wish that in your life there is more peace and regularity, so that you have enough strength and time for everything, so that more often we can enjoy each other's company. Faith and hope to you, and I will take care of love!

Congratulations for your beloved

  • My love, Merry Christmas! We often get bogged down in routine, fuss, so today I want to wish you to find yourself again, harmony with the world. May failures not weaken your fighting spirit, may your relatives and family support, may my love give strength and determination to accomplish feats.
  • My beloved, dear, Merry Christmas! You are my hope and support, you are my light in the darkness. And on this bright day, I wish you not to get sick, not to fight, not to lose heart and not be sad. May the Lord bless your path with good luck and success, with love and happiness here in earthly life. And may my love warm you in difficult times.
  • My most beloved and dear! Let life test us all the time with routine, stress, failures, evil and petty people, then we always turn out to be stronger, because we have each other.
    Miracles come true on this night, may your cherished desires come true, and I will always be there to share sorrow or joy. Merry Christmas!

Soulful words for children

For daughter:

  • My dear girl, Merry Christmas! Health to you, my little angel, be happy and cheerful, healthy and playful, obedient and mischievous. May the guardian angel protect you, and the starry sky help your dreams come true!
  • Merry Christmas, daughter! On a bright night, a great miracle happened - the Savior was born. May your life be full of big and small miracles. Let them bypass grief and there will be no tears in vain in your young life. Be kind and generous, and everything will return to you a hundredfold. But the main thing is to grow up healthy and happy!
  • Dear daughter, Merry Christmas! This is a magical and bright holiday, because it was on this day that humanity once got a chance for salvation, which, in my opinion, was not used. I hope you will be wiser and use all the chances that life gives!

For son:

  • My son, Merry Christmas! Magic is poured into this wonderful night. I want it to light up your whole life. May your wishes come true, cherished dreams come true. My love protects you, and God's wisdom will guide you in life!
  • Beloved son, Happy Holidays! I wish God's grace descend on you and your family. I wish you good and prosperity, prosperity in business and harmony in your soul. May motherly love and guardian angel protect and guide you!
  • My dear son! You are already quite an adult, and I still remember how you lay in the cradle. Thanks to you, I celebrate Christmas with my grandchildren, whose laughter fills the house, brings meaning to decorating the Christmas tree and a special joy in preparing gifts. Thank you for this. May the Lord keep you and your family!

Merry Christmas greetings for a friend

  • My friend, Merry Christmas! On this bright night, I wish you light in life. Use your abilities to the fullest, enjoy big events and especially small things. Do good deeds, but don't forget about yourself. Strive for success and win, love and be loved. The main thing is to believe in a miracle!
  • Buddy, Merry Christmas! With God's help, we can move mountains for the sake of our loved ones and relatives. I wish that we had to spend energy on something more peaceful and creative!
  • Dear friend! Merry Christmas! God gave us the strength to work miracles for our loved ones, so do not be discouraged and create a fairy tale for them, and let them answer you the same!

Congratulations for a girlfriend

  • Dear friend, Merry Christmas! May your life be filled with magic and the mysterious light of candles, may your wishes come true, and may your heart be full of love!
  • Girlfriend, Merry Christmas! I wish you to feel valued at work, desired among friends and dearly loved at home!
  • Dear friend, Merry Christmas! We have known each other for a very long time and together we went through many trials: jealousy, success, money - but we did not lose each other. So let this Bright holiday bring you only magic, happiness and fulfillment of your cherished desires!

Christmas prose for colleagues

  • Dear Colleagues! Merry Christmas! Let there be prosperity in your house, everyone will be healthy and happy, and on this night, let at least a small, but a miracle happen!
  • Dear Colleagues! Merry Christmas! Peace and harmony to your families, prosperity and comfort in your home, laughter and joy in your life!
  • Dear colleagues! Merry Christmas! First of all, this is a spiritual holiday, so I want to wish you peace of mind, strength, and patience. Let people surround you who understand and appreciate you. And may the whole year until next Christmas, a piece of light and warmth help you overcome all bad weather and enjoy all the good things that will definitely happen!

Let these congratulations on Christmas in prose help you please your loved ones on this Bright holiday!

When Christmas night sparkles with stars, may your cherished and kindest wish come true. May the future bring understanding of the meaning of life and awareness of one's own happiness! Let the past come only with bright memories, and the present remain joyful and successful!

May the Nativity of Christ be favorable to you and not deprive you of joy and faith in beauty! I wish you to see only the positive in any life situations and charge people around you with your optimism and indefatigable energy. Lightness to your heart, excellent health and well-being in the family!

At Christmas, in the family circle, let us honor Christ and the Lord God with a prayer of thanksgiving. They hear all our thoughts and hopes, see deeds and deeds. I wish everyone to find their own happiness and peace of mind. May your hidden dreams come true! With the great, all-forgiving you Merry Christmas!

I congratulate you on Christmas and sincerely wish you to meet this holiday in a warm family atmosphere, in the circle of your closest and dearest people. Let your house be filled with laughter and fun, good mood. Boundless happiness, good health, sincerity and kindness, all the best to you.

Each holiday of the Nativity of Christ brings wonderful moments, unforgettable moments of happiness and grace. May today's holiday bring you the fulfillment of all bright thoughts and help you find your path leading to complete harmony of soul and body. Praise the Lord and love one another!

The holiday is approaching, and snowflakes fall right into the outstretched palms with a promise of happiness and good magic. May all your unsolvable riddles find their logical answers before Christmas. May the days be filled with the crystal happy laughter of your children. May the wish come true and harmony with yourself and loved ones reign.

On such a bright holiday, which gives people faith in miracles and deliverance from torment, I would like to wish faith in all the best and kind, because anyway a person with a pure soul will receive a lot of joy and his life will be happy and long. Because the Nativity of Christ brings additional strength and an invincible spirit.

On this bright holiday, on the most magical day of the year, I want to wish you that life turns into a beautiful fairy tale. To a good fairy tale, where evil spells are powerless, where good always triumphs over evil, where friends are always ready to help and support, and happy love lasts forever!

Christmas is that fabulous holiday in which all dreams and wishes come true. That is why on this wonderful day I wish you only good health, only easy luck, only a loving environment. May the sun not leave your home and your hearts. Merry Christmas!

All the best may come to you in these Christmas days. Let all the bright things come true, bad weather will go away, and a stable white streak will come. I wish you to see and meet only good things, not to notice and not be afraid of obstacles. I wish you happiness and well-being, creativity and creativity, understanding and true love.

Christmas is a huge holiday of miracles and happiness. May love reign in your family circle on this holiday, and your life path will constantly acquire new joyful events! More laughter, life optimism and constancy in the family, at work and in the circle of true friends!

Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on Christmas! My wishes will be based on your merits! And you certainly deserve all the best! Therefore, I wish you joyful smiles every day, unshakable worldly optimism, the richest health and an everlasting feeling of happiness and fullness of life!

I hasten to congratulate you on Christmas! May this bright holiday not leave you with a smile, good luck and joy. Be sure to dream at Christmas, and all your dreams will certainly be heard and fulfilled. I want to celebrate this wonderful holiday in the circle of loving loved ones. Merry Christmas!

Let the January frosts not scare you, because you can always warm yourself with the warmth and kindness of loved ones. I wish you not to think about past failures and sorrows on a bright Christmas - they are long gone, and in the future, sincere smiles, true friends and the most pleasant moments are already waiting! Love, support and reciprocity to you today and for all time!

The January sky will be adorned with the magical light of a Christmas star today. He will protect you from the wiles of evil people and heavy thoughts. Let comfort and warmth find their place in every corner of your home, and let your soul blossom from boundless happiness and mutual love! I wish you bright emotions and simple solutions to life's problems!

In the round dance of December worries, digress for a few minutes from everyday bustle and welcome Christmas with your soul and heart. Let this holiday give you the charm of a winter fairy tale filled with good intentions and a feeling of close happiness! I wish you good luck and warm relations with your opportunities!

December is rich in celebrations, but Catholic Christmas remains the brightest and greatest. On this day, I wish the whole family to gather at the festive table, wish each other a wonderful life and good deeds. Let your soul sing with joy, and love does not leave your heart!

Congratulations on the bright day of the Nativity of Christ! We wish you a lot of goodness, peace, fidelity, love, sincere smiles and positive people in life. Let all plans and dreams come true. We wish you ups in your career and in the creative field.
We wish to meet more sun and smiles on the path of life, never lose heart and believe in a bright miracle!

From the bottom of our hearts we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you family comfort and warmth, may your family hearth always burn with an even and clear light. Let peace and tranquility live in your bright houses. Let every day bring the fruits of your labors, the fulfillment of all hopes. More health and strength.

Let the Christmas fairy tale always live in your souls and cozy homes! Let only health, love and prosperity know the way to you. Prosperity and prosperity, peace, love and prosperity, the fulfillment of all plans and desires.
Only positive emotions, joy and warmth!

Since childhood, we believe in the Christmas miracle and good Christmas stories. Let a miracle look into your house this Christmas night and settle in it forever. Let your life be filled with wonderful miracles, light and bright colors. Let the candles of the family hearth always burn evenly and cherish the warmth of your home, create comfort and wonderful peace in it.
We wish you good and happiness, people you can rely on, love!

Merry Christmas, I want to wish you many smiles and fun. Always stay with a bright soul, believe in a wonderful future, bring light between people, be an example to follow. Believe in love and love, love yourself and your loved ones. Rejoice in every passing and every new day! Don't be afraid to dream and believe in your dreams.
I wish you simple family happiness, career growth, new creative potential, new goals.
I wish you reliable friends and a reliable rear.
Merry Christmas!

Today, on this wonderful holiday of Christmas, let's wish each other never forget loved ones, help each other and give our love to those who need it. Be happy folks!

Do you remember how in childhood the world seems amazing, all people are kind and beautiful, and at Christmas you believe in miracles? I wish you to always remain a child in your soul, be able to be surprised, enjoy the little things, see the unusual in the ordinary, trust people, not hold a grudge in yourself, and most importantly - believe in miracles!
Happy holiday!

Merry Christmas! 2000 years have passed since the night when Christ came into the world, but the whole planet celebrates this day.
He preached peace and love, so love one another and be at peace!

On this Christmas holiday, the brightest and purest, I would like to wish you family warmth and boundless happiness. May grief never come to your house!
May faith never leave your heart!
Let friends always be near!

Let the frosts not cool the hearts! May Christmas bring faith and hope! And candles will warm with warmth and let smiles light up like stars! Warm feelings in cold winter. Merry Christmas!

Do not be sad this evening, rejoice, have fun, sing songs! Today is a special day! Open your heart to light and warmth. Share what you can with your neighbor.
May everyone be happy on this day!
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Do not upset those who love you, be kind to everyone, sympathetic, disinterested and grateful, and do not forget that the best gift is a family. May the Guardian Angel protect you and your family!

It's a good tradition to ask for forgiveness at Christmas. I want to say many kind words to you and meet Christmas with a pure heart and with you.
May God give you many bright and happy moments and may you meet only good people in your life!
Thank you for having me!

On a wonderful and good Christmas day, we want to wish you warmth and peace in your home! May the angels never leave you and give you more happy moments in life! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday of sacred goodness, I would like to wish you warmth and harmony. May joy and success never leave you, and may the Christmas star tirelessly illuminate your life path!

On this fertile day, I hasten to congratulate you on Christmas and wish you a youthful soul, harmony and kindness! Let close and dear people be nearby, and give you joy and warmth!

I congratulate you on the bright holiday of Christmas! Peace and warmth to your home! Let the brightest stars fulfill your desires, and the most faithful people protect you with their love!

On this wonderful Christmas, may the angels bring goodness and joy, beauty and tranquility, love and happiness to your home! May a new better life meet you with smiles and a bright mood!

Thank God it's Christmas! On this day, it seems to us that everything in our life will be fine from now on. May we never lose this childish faith in miracles! After all, what you really believe in comes true.

Festive lights on the Christmas trees are lit and burn until the morning, like little stars. I wish you that your beautiful eyes shone brighter than all Christmas garlands all next year!

Merry Christmas to you, my joy! May all your thoughts and aspirations be pure, like the first snow, and bright, like the faces of angels! God bless you.

On Christmas Eve, put 12 dishes on the table, and for the next 12 months there will be happiness, prosperity and prosperity in your home. Live together! Merry Christmas to you!

Christmas is not only carols, carols, candles and figurines of angels. This is the day when the Savior was born on Earth to open the way to paradise again for people. Remember this - and thank heaven for this miracle!

With the upcoming bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! I want to wish
all the best to you on this day, may heaven bless everyone
your conceived deeds and save you from any troubles. I wish that in the hearts
the fire of love of your relatives and people close to you has always burned.

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming Christmas. Let
a bright holiday will bring warmth and joy to the house, let it be kind
this year and happy every day, let the heart sincerely love and
hopes, but the soul sings and strives for great deeds.

Congratulations on the upcoming Christmas. Let in your house
a good fairy tale will settle, let joy and light fill the soul, let
the heart gives care and love to relatives, let the angel lead you along
path of well-being and good luck. I wish generous gifts of fate, great
deeds and real happiness.

A bright holiday is knocking at the door - the Nativity of Christ. Let him
will bring happiness to the house and good luck, good news and joyful events,
honesty and mercy, well-being and prosperity, understanding and
respect, love and hope, gratitude and respect, joy and comfort.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the upcoming Christmas and wish you
pure heart fulfillment of great hopes, good grace and happiness in
home, sincere feelings and mercy of the soul, bright love and heavenly
protection from adversity and misfortune.

I congratulate you on the upcoming Christmas and wish you a bright eve
holiday I want a good worldview and generous kindness of the soul, natural
beauty in every moment of life and sincere feelings of joy, pure
love and unquenchable faith.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the upcoming Christmas. Sincerely
I wish light and warmth in the house, good hopes and good deeds, joyful
events and happy emotions, beloved relatives and true friends,
goodness of life and peace of mind.

Congratulations on the upcoming Christmas. I want to feel
that happiness and joy are not far off, that it is sneaking into your house
grace and a good holiday. I want to forget about past grievances and quarrels,
open your heart to pure faith and sincere love, immerse yourself in
an atmosphere of magic and give hope to loved ones.

Merry Christmas. May a bright holiday
will bring kind smiles and sincere joy, true good and
high wealth. May life give warm words and strong love,
brave happiness and unchanging good luck. I wish you the generosity of the soul and sensitivity

Merry Christmas greetings

Merry Christmas coming
It's time to congratulate everyone!
Let everything be just amazing:
Snow and joy, happiness new rise!
Let hope wake up in the hearts
Let fun beat sweetly in the temples.
Everything is just beginning...
New year and new light in the eyes!

Christmas is knocking on the door.
You let him in quickly!
Let no losses come to the house,
There will be many bright days!
Christmas brings fairy tales.
You just trust them.
Sleds creak on the snow,
Opening the door to happiness!

A star shines in the sky
The house is filled with celebration
All wishes come true
On the day of Christmas.
So let it be bright
There will be kind words.
Happiness, peace and health
On Holy Christmas Day!

Soon it will be Christmas
And hearts will be filled with good
Pure light will stream into the soul,
And all questions will be answered!
I hasten to congratulate you on it, friend!
Let the snowflakes fall all around.
The main thing is to keep warm inside,
To give it to loved ones!

Merry Christmas folks, Merry Christmas friends!
May you always have the best!
Let the soul fly, shine with goodness,
And your beautiful home is filled with love.
Let the winged angel, sitting on his shoulder,
Protects you from urgent troubles.
Let all the evil thoughts that wander to you
Together with your sadness forever gone!

Happiness, love, understanding!
Covered with snow, not melting
All our feelings and buildings.
Under Christmas there will be sparks
Dreams are frightening fireworks.
May you be sincerely warm!
Happy holiday to you!

Christmas is on the doorstep!
Open your doors soon!
Now his time is coming up,
And he will enter with a familiar step!
Be lucky, let the snowflakes from the sky
Fall into the palm of a talisman.
Cities you have not been to
And success in life permanent!

While the frost draws patterns on the glass
Celebrations will soon come to visit us,
Mountains brought gifts to the shops,
Everyone is looking forward to Christmas.
And I want to congratulate all of you without fail,
With the advent of this joyful time,
And wish to celebrate the holiday awesome,
So that it was fun and there was no blues!

Merry Christmas!
Let love fill the house.
And warm all hearts
Heavenly Father's gift.
Let miracles happen
God will open heaven
Gives joy and peace
This snowy winter!

Christmas holiday coming soon
Bring us the New Year.
Healing, magic
All the people are waiting.
The path to Eden is thorny, friends.
God sends faith into hearts.
With the upcoming, relatives,
Merry Christmas to all of us Christ!

Peace and grace fly from heaven
And light scattered the darkness of the night.
Christmas is coming soon - a triumph of miracles,
This holiday is warmed by tenderness.
We wish warmth and affection,
For hearts cold from winter.
Let the abandoned be caressed
The miracle of Christmas will save from darkness!

Happy New Year, you people!
Be happy, successful, cheerful, healthy.
Under the eastern star of Bethlehem at its zenith,
On January night, Christ the Savior appeared in the world.
God's son is an ambassador of hope for the nations of the earth.
With his name, it is easier for us to overcome adversity,
Do good deeds, multiplying your strength.
Christ extended His hand of love over Russia.

Congratulations on the New Year and Christmas in prose

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Christ. I wish only peace, bright happiness, true love and
prosperity. Let blessings and goodness come to the house. Let everything in the family
will be loved and healthy. May there be joy and success around. Let
the soul is pleased with the warmth of relatives and ringing laughter.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let
everything in the new year will begin with joy and happiness, kindness and a smile. Let
the bright holiday of Christmas will bring love and tenderness, good luck and
cosiness. I wish you good health, happy days and prosperity.

We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. May all plans
come true, dreams come true, desires come true and
whatever you want comes true. We also want to wish you great luck,
love and happiness in the new year.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. I sincerely wish you well
holidays and joyful emotions, New Year's happiness and Christmas
miracles, kindness of soul and sincerity of heart, strong love of relatives and
incredible success in life.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you. I wish you to take from life only
the best. May in the New Year you have what you have long
you want, and what you have long dreamed of will come true. Happy Holidays.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wish
I want happy and good holidays, peace in the family and well-being,
cozy warmth and understanding in the house, bright hope of the soul and inextinguishable
faith, pleasant gifts and joyful surprises, good health and
great luck.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. May it be bright and joyful
there will be these holidays. May this year bring grace and happiness to
house. May the bright star in the sky bring true hope and good luck.
Let this year be good, it will pass without troubles, bad weather and worries.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you wonderful
festive days, excellent mood, warm and sincere
companies. We wish you to enter the new year with childish excitement and rejoice
every wish fulfilled. Love to you, prosperity, health, good luck,
patience, laughter and faith in miracles!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. I wish you joyful and bright
holidays, health to the whole family and happiness, great hopes and good
miracles, sincere emotions and mutual love, magical happiness and
reliable good.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. May the most cherished
desire will become a reality, let it begin with a clean and smooth slate
this year, let the holidays give the love of native hearts and bright
joy, let life constantly illuminate the bright star of happiness and
a bright ray of good luck.

Merry Christmas Wishes

Merry Christmas!
May the world always be and the house be full,
Let the souls open to faith
And the best wishes come true!
Let the warmth and light revive
Live happily for many years
Sow joy, faith and kindness,
And mutual love is magic!

Soon the Christmas holiday
He gave us Christ
that he took upon himself the sins,
Telling the truth to people!
Praise his name!
Bring Christmas
Wisdom, strength and goodness,
I believe in miracles, magic!

congratulations on the upcoming
I want you Merry Christmas.
Open to peace and kindness
I wish you all by nature.
Let the star in the dark sky
Illuminates your path.
And the Lord will hear your
A big prayer for love.
Let only in happiness and prosperity
Your whole family lives.
And Christmas morning
It will bring joy to the heart.

The bright time will come
Wonderful time, holy
Eager for Christmas… Hooray!
And I congratulate you on it
Merry Christmas,
I wish you health
Lucky in business, let anyone
Live, but only not knowing grief,
Health, affection and warmth,
Goodness that warms the soul
So that life attracts good luck,
Let hope bloom!

There is an important holiday in the world,
This is our Christmas
Birthday of Christ
This day is the most important!
Congratulations on this day
And we wish everyone a miracle
Wealth, happiness and prosperity,
Live without pain and problems.

I congratulate everyone on the future
merry christmas,
Let prosperity fill
Up to the ceiling of your house,
Goodness is in the air
Outside and inside
And let Christ embody
Your wishes.
Let love not disappear
From all your hearts
And vigilantly guards
Holy Spirit, Son, Father.

Christmas is coming
Fills our souls with warmth and light.
Health and love, goodness and peace brings,
And everyone is waiting for their own miracle today.
On this bright holiday, I wish you
Happy long life. I conjure
You will be happy all your life
Live as long as possible!

Merry Christmas!
How much joy in that holiday
How much light and goodness is in it,
How wonderful magic!
Christmas tree, candles on Christmas Eve are burning,
And they don’t eat until the first star,
After all, the baby Christ will be born!
Let it be cold, frost on the street,
But warmth lives in the hearts.
And over Bethlehem a star
Lights our path in the dark.
Let the star shine for you everywhere
Your Christmas will be wonderful
Intriguing and interesting!

With the expectation of a bright sacrament,
Merry Christmas to you -
Feast of Forgiveness.
May his coming be joyful.
Let doubts leave the soul
Let it be filled with faith.
May the beautiful, kind, eternal
These days will surely be remembered.
The house will be filled with quiet joy
Meeting loved ones, love, respect.
Let's meet the holiday with a joyful smile
Light singing under the angels.

Look into the night sky
There is one star burning
That night Christ was born
To give happiness to everyone
I congratulate you on Christmas
Grace will come to you
The Lord knows and sees everything
Find love for you!

Merry Christmas greetings to mom - poems, prose, sms

My dear mommy
I wish you Christmas
So that you and our whole family
She was happy and healthy!
I wish you eternal beauty
And for God to keep you
So that all cherished dreams
The Lord made it easy!

My dear mother,
Merry Christmas.
May the Lord bring joy
In your tender heart.
May it give health, strength,
Faith in happiness will strengthen
Let luck pull you
In their networks, like a magnet.

A star lit up in the sky
The night waved its sleeve.
Congratulations on a glorious evening
My mom, Merry Christmas.
May the Lord protect
May it give you strength
Life worthy, good
Let it flow slowly.
May this magical holiday
Will give a charge of great heat,
To be, as before, the light
And a source of good.

Today Christ was born
So, there is no more wonderful holiday!
I'm for you on Christmas, dear mommy,
I wish you great health and happiness!
May God love you, always protect you,
After all, faith in your heart truly lives,
May Christ help you to live so
How did you draw in your cherished dreams!

Mommy, I wish you a Merry Christmas and I want to wish you harmony in
your soul, warmth and kindness in your heart, prosperity and happiness in
your home, magical stories and warm meetings in your life. Mommy,
May this Christmas turn into a joyful and bright holiday in
circle of dear and close people, filled with bright moments and
wonderful moments.

I congratulate you, mom, Merry Christmas,
May the Lord save you from all troubles,
Good luck, mommy, let it wait for you all around,
And the light in the eyes of happiness burns!
I wish you dreams come true
As much as possible in the life of clear days,
And God bless you
To become brighter every moment!

Christmas, mom
And I congratulate you on this
On this wonderful day, kind
Let the sun shine brighter
You live as long as possible
Don't get hurt and don't give up
Be happy, gentle, sweet
And stay yourself!

Dear mother, my dear little man, I congratulate you on Christmas. AT
childhood, you gave me a beautiful fairy tale and faith in miracles, filling
this holiday with magical radiance and kind smiles. Let now
Christmas will give a fairy tale for you, let your soul believe in
miracle, let the heart be filled with love and sincere joy.

At Christmas, dear mother,
I wish peace.
So that harmony is great
Only lived in your heart.
Let this holiday give
Bright hope.
Be the guardian of happiness
You are always the same as before.

Outside the window it's time, uh, frosty,
But the landscape of January is beautiful,
The snow shines like the starry sky ...
Merry Christmas, my mommy!
Be healthy, cheerful, happy,
Surprise your friends with optimism
Let the gait come hastily
And stay in your life
Unearthly luck bottomless!
May success bring mischievous,
There will be great joy,
To fill the whole world with itself!

Merry Christmas greetings to your beloved - poems, prose, sms

I believe that an angel is with you
I believe that keeps you.
He is near on this bright holiday -
Magic holiday Christmas.
I will thank him for you
I value our love very much.
And on the glorious feast of the Nativity of Christ,
I thank fate and God for you.

Christmas time my dear
Let everything be wonderful in life
Good luck, happiness, kindness
May the Heavenly Father bless!
I wish all dreams
Easily turned into reality
So that you achieve all the goals,
And God has always protected you!

Merry Christmas to you, my main and dear, my beloved and
native man. I wish you to proudly and boldly turn the page for
page of my life, I wish you high results and desired results in
in any of your business, I wish you Christmas hopes and good deeds,
I wish you the eternal fire of our love and a happy heartbeat.

I wish my love
To make your dream come true
Embodiment of desires
On a bright Christmas holiday.
Strength to you, health, happiness,
To go to your star
Don't turn off the track
Follow your own path.
Be as brave as ever
Be my protector.
I want very sweet
There were two of us.

On Christmas to the beloved man
I wish vigor and happiness
So that you have enough strength for everything,
Bad weather bypassed you.
To feel warm on holiday
And always in everything to be lucky.
Peace, understanding, kindness,
I love you very much.

May you, my sweet and beloved,
Christmas will bring good luck:
Let mistakes be corrected
Let the holiday melt the ice of worries.
Let work be only a joy,
Let everyone in the family be healthy,
Let one, even a small miracle,
A guest will knock on your door!

My beloved and glorious man, I congratulate you on Christmas and
I want to wish bright feelings and sincerity of the soul, strong faith and
tireless forces, a prosperous road of life and good happiness for us
two. May heaven help us in difficult times, may our love
can overcome any troubles and distances. I wish you
Christmas miracle and fairy tale.

Merry Christmas to you, my love
Happy this holiday.
Let there be enough in your heart
It's always warm for me.
Be healthy, always successful
Believe, my dear, in miracles,
May they always help you
In a moment of hard heaven.

My beloved and dear, I wish you a Merry Christmas.
I wish you great aspirations in life and brave victories, sincere
feelings and strong faith, good peace and bright hope of the soul, great
deeds and wisdom. May God help you in difficult times
help, let relatives and friends understand and appreciate you, let
your path does not deviate from the course of goodness and happiness.

May the bright holiday of Christmas
We will bring a lot of happiness with you!
I wish you, dear, all the best in the world,
Let evil and the most fierce enemy retreat,
May the Lord send you health
So that you never know ailments and worries,
May your angel from heavenly heights
All dreams will come true!

I sincerely congratulate you on Christmas! I want to wish that small
the child Jesus gave you unquenchable faith in the accomplishment of a miracle, spiritual
healing and peace. And let the bright light of the Christmas star
will become your constant guide and guard against all life

Christmas is a bright holiday. With his coming to our homes
magic peeks! Be happy! Keep your souls pure
live in harmony and love, act according to your conscience! Let there be peace
on earth and in each of us. Merry Christmas!

They say the most incredible miracles happen on Christmas. So here I am
I want to wish you that your most cherished desire is sure
came true on Christmas Eve. For the magic to touch you and
left a charge of vivacity, inexhaustible energy and an irresistible craving for
new and unknown.

Christmas is a very important holiday, everyone should pay
more attention to this day. May this year bring success and good luck
feeling of peace, unforgettable impressions, realizes dreams. Will bring with
goodness, beauty, health to people. Give peace to everything. FROM
Merry Christmas!

Hundreds of angels let them circle this night over you and pour on
your life is a bright light. Merry Christmas! Let in your house
goodness and joy will come. With peace and love, may the grace of the Lord
fill your soul. I wish that this Christmas the hearts of your loved ones
filled with the reverent warmth of the grace of God.

On Christmas Day, the soul becomes warm, our hearts
filled with goodness, expectation of miracles, everyone wants to become cleaner,
it is better to give kindness and your love to others! Let them sweep outside the window
blizzards, and the houses are cozy, light and festive! Let the Christmas
night a fairy tale will enter the house, cherished dreams and life will come true
become better and happier!

I congratulate from the bottom of my heart a Merry Christmas and wish
I want peace and comfort to settle in the house forever, so that God sends
great happiness and well-being, so that the heart does not get tired of believing and
to hope, but the soul aspired to great goals and good deeds.

Merry Christmas and wish you sincere love
with all my heart and hope for the best with my soul, gather all loved ones for
large table and delight your loved ones with pleasant surprises, believe in your
good luck and cherish happiness, dream beautifully and warm your heart with hope.

Christmas is the brightest holiday on earth. Jesus was born and
His birth marked the highest love of God for humanity. love
each other, forget all your sorrows, resentments, appreciate each
happy moment, given to us by fate. May God descend on you

Let this day be magical, like a fairy tale. Warmth to your home
comfort and blessed atmosphere. May God's grace be
blissful and calm, and let the same star shine on you that indicates
way for the angels. Faith strong, love and hope unrelenting. So
bright holiday, Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas greetings in prose - congratulations in your own words

I sincerely congratulate you on Christmas and wish you a bright
joy and kindness of the soul, sincere hopes and love of the heart, faithful
the welfare and happiness of the family, mutual understanding and prosperity in the house.

Merry Christmas and wish you with all my heart
bright and happy moments of life, great joy and grace,
generosity of soul and mercy, good health and friendly loving

Merry Christmas, a holiday that breathes
hope and love, which returns faith in miracles and goodness. Wish
rapid take-offs, happy flights, sincere hugs of loved ones and
great happiness on earth.

Christmas is the brightest, calmest and most peaceful
holiday. On such a day, I would like to wish well-being, the fulfillment of all
cherished desires, be sure to believe in a miracle, be healthy and
happy. Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, with sincere joy of the soul and kind
grace! I wish peace outside the window and bright happiness in the house, cozy
atmosphere and friendly family, extraordinary miracles and generous gifts,
open soul and soft heart. May Christmas bring bright hope
and strong faith, a beautiful fairy tale and true love.

Christmas is a bright holiday. And on this day I want to wish
The most important thing for life is happiness, which money cannot buy.
Luck is hard to catch. And most importantly, health, without which
in no way possible. May this Christmas be another highlight in
life. Congratulations!

I congratulate you on a bright and joyful Christmas holiday
Christ. May happiness, peace and
kindness. May your home be filled with love, and may your loved ones
will always be there. I wish every day to be rich in God's
blessings, and your heart did not want anything.

Merry Christmas to you! May you be surrounded by smiles, happiness and
love. Let your pockets know no emptiness, and let your family
there will always be warmth in relationships, prosperity and well-being. Let
work brings not only profit, but also pleasure, and let friends
never betray!

Merry Christmas, with a new sign of pure love and
spiritual warmth. I sincerely want to wish you always be near
beloved and dear to the heart people, so that life saves from bitter minutes
loneliness and longing, so that this bright holiday gives faith in
a real miracle and goodness, so that in life there are many happy holidays and
beautiful stories.

The brightest, best, festive mood. joy, brilliance
in the eyes, smiles, positive thoughts and luck, spiritual harmony and
only real people around. Let a fairy tale come to the house, a ray of warmth and
light will protect every day. Believe only in the best, then everything
pleasant meetings will not be accidental.

Merry Christmas greetings in your own words

When Christmas
the night will sparkle with stars, may your cherished and kindest desire
will be fulfilled. May the future bring understanding of the meaning of life and awareness
own happiness! Let the past come only bright
memories, and the present remains joyful and successful!

The Nativity of Christ will be favorable to you and will not deprive you of joy and
faith in beauty! I want to see only positive in any
life situations and charge with your optimism and irrepressible energy
surrounding people. Lightness to your heart, excellent health and
prosperity in the family! At Christmas, in the family circle, we will honor
Christ and the Lord God with thanksgiving prayer. They hear all our thoughts
and hopes, see deeds and deeds. I want everyone to have their own
own happiness and peace of mind. Let the secrets come true
dreams! With the great, all-forgiving you Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas and I sincerely wish you to meet this holiday in
warm family atmosphere, in the circle of your closest friends and relatives
of people. May your home be filled with laughter and fun, good
mood. Boundless happiness, good health, sincerity and
kindness, all the best to you. Every Christmas holiday
brings wonderful moments, unforgettable moments of happiness and grace.
May today's holiday bring you the fulfillment of all the bright
thoughts and help you find your way leading to the complete harmony of the soul and
body. Praise the Lord and love one another! Holiday
approaches, and snowflakes fall directly into the outstretched palms with a promise
happiness and good magic. May all yours by Christmas
unsolvable riddles will find their logical answers. May the days
filled with crystal happy laughter of your children. Let it come true
conceived and harmony will reign with oneself and loved ones. In such
bright holiday that gives people faith in miracles and deliverance from
torment, I would like to wish faith in all the best and kindest, since
anyway, a person with a pure soul will receive a lot of joy and his life
will be happy and long. Because Christmas brings
extra strength and invincible spirit. On this bright holiday,
the most magical day of the year, I want to wish you that life
turned into a wonderful fairy tale. In a good fairy tale, where evil spells
powerless, where good always triumphs over evil, where friends are always ready
help and support, and happy love lasts forever! Christmas is that fabulous holiday in which
all dreams and wishes. That is why on this wonderful day I wish
you only good health, only easy luck, only loving
environment. May the sun not leave your home and your hearts. FROM
Merry Christmas! All the best may come to you in these
christmas days. Let all the bright things come true, bad weather will go away, and
a stable white streak will come. I wish you to see and meet only
good, not to notice and not be afraid of obstacles. happiness to you and
well-being, creativity and creativity, understanding and true love. Christmas is a huge holiday of miracles and happiness. Let in
love reigns in your family circle on this holiday, and your life
the path will constantly acquire new joyful events!
More laughter, life optimism and constancy in the family, on
work and in the circle of true friends! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on
Merry Christmas! My wishes will be based on yours
merit! And you certainly deserve all the best! That's why
I wish you joyful smiles every day, unshakable worldly
optimism, the richest health and an everlasting sense of happiness and
fullness of life! I hasten to congratulate you on Christmas! Let in
this bright holiday you do not leave a smile, luck and joy.
Be sure to dream at Christmas and all your dreams will surely come true
heard and fulfilled. I want to celebrate this wonderful holiday in
circle of loving loved ones. Merry Christmas! Let not
January frosts scare you, because you can always warm yourself with warmth
and the kindness of loved ones. I wish you a bright Christmas not to think about
past failures and sorrows - they are long behind, and in the future already
sincere smiles, true friends and the most pleasant moments are waiting for you! love,
support and reciprocity to you today and for all time! January
the sky today will be decorated with the magical light of a Christmas star. He
will protect you from the machinations of evil people and heavy thoughts. Let comfort and
warmth will find a place for itself in every corner of your house, and the soul will blossom
from boundless happiness and mutual love! I wish you bright emotions and
simple solutions to life's problems! In the round dance of December worries
take a break for a few minutes from the daily hustle and bustle and meet with your soul and
Christmas heart. Let this holiday give you charm
winter fairy tale filled with good intentions and a sense of close
happiness! I wish you good luck and warm relations with your opportunities! December is rich in celebrations, but remains the brightest and greatest
Catholic Christmas. I wish to gather the whole family on this day for
festive table, wish each other a wonderful life and fulfillment
good deeds. Let your soul sing with joy, and love does not leave
heart! Congratulations on the bright day of the Nativity of Christ! We wish you
life is a lot of goodness, peace, fidelity, love, sincere smiles and
positive people. Let all plans and dreams come true. We wish you takeoffs
in a career and in the creative field.
We wish to meet more sun and smiles on the path of life, never lose heart and believe in a bright miracle!
From the bottom of our hearts we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas! wish
family comfort and warmth, may your family hearth always burn evenly and
clear light. Let peace and tranquility live with your bright
houses. Every day, let it bring the fruits of your labors, the accomplishment of all
hopes. More health and strength.
Let the Christmas
a fairy tale always lives in your souls and cozy homes! Let only
health, love and well-being know the way to you. Wealth and
prosperity, peace, love and prosperity, the fulfillment of all plans and
Only positive emotions, joy and warmth!

Ever since childhood, we believe in the Christmas miracle and Christmas good
fairy tales. Let a miracle look into your house this Christmas night and
live in it forever. May your life be filled with beautiful
miracles, light and bright colors. Let the candles of the family hearth
always burn evenly and cherish the warmth of your home, create comfort and
marvelous peace.
We wish you good and happiness, people you can rely on, love!
Merry Christmas, I want to wish you many smiles and
fun. Always stay with a bright soul, believe in beauty
future, bring light between people, be an example to follow. Believe
in love and love, love yourself and your loved ones. Rejoice for everyone
lived and every new day! Don't be afraid to dream and believe in your dreams.
I wish you simple family happiness, career growth, new creative potential, new goals.
I wish you reliable friends and a reliable rear.
Merry Christmas!
Let's wish today, on this wonderful holiday of Christmas,
never forget close people to each other, help each other and
give your love to those who need it. Be happy,
Do you remember how in childhood the world seems
amazing, all people are kind and beautiful, and at Christmas you believe in
miracles? I wish you to always remain a child in your soul, to be able to
be surprised, enjoy the little things, see the unusual in the ordinary, trust
people, do not hold a grudge in yourself, and most importantly - believe in miracles!
Happy holiday!
Merry Christmas! 2000 years have passed since the night when Christ came into the world, but the whole planet celebrates this day.
He preached peace and love, so love one another and be at peace!
On this Christmas holiday, I would like to wish the brightest and purest
you family warmth and boundless happiness. May grief never
comes to your house!
May faith never leave your heart!
Let friends always be near!
Let the frosts not cool the hearts! May Christmas give faith and
hope! And the candles will warm with warmth and let smiles light up like
stars! Warm feelings in cold winter. Merry Christmas!
Do not be sad this evening, rejoice, have fun, sing songs! Today
special day! Open your heart to light and warmth. Share
than you can, with your neighbor.
May everyone be happy on this day!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Do not upset those who love you, be kind
to everyone, sympathetic, disinterested and grateful, and do not forget that
the best gift is a family. May the guardian angel keep you and your
It's a good tradition to ask for forgiveness at Christmas.
I want to say a lot of kind words to you and meet Christmas with a clean
heart and with you.
May God give you many bright and happy moments and may you meet only good people in your life!
Thank you for having me! On a wonderful and good Christmas day, we want to wish you sincere
warmth and peace to your home! May the angels never leave you and
give you more happy moments in life! Merry Christmas! FROM
Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday of sacred goodness, I would like to wish
spiritual warmth and harmony. May joy and success not leave you, and
the Christmas star will tirelessly illuminate your life path! AT
this blessed day I hasten to congratulate you on Christmas and
wish youth of the soul, harmony and kindness! Let them be near
close and dear people, and give you joy and warmth! Congratulations
Merry Christmas to you! Peace and warmth to your home! Let
the brightest stars grant your wishes, and the most faithful people
protect you with their love! On this wonderful Christmas, may the angels
bring goodness and joy, beauty and tranquility, love and
happiness! Let the new girl meet you with smiles and a bright mood
better life! Thank God it's Christmas! On this day we
It seems that everything in our life will be fine from now on. So let us
never lose this childish faith in miracles! After all, what
believe very much, it will come true. Festive lights on the trees are lit and
they burn until the morning, like little stars. I wish you that your
beautiful eyes all next year shone brighter than all Christmas
garlands! Merry Christmas to you, my joy! May all your thoughts and
aspirations will be pure, like the first snow, and bright, like the faces of angels!
God bless you. On Christmas Eve, put 12 dishes on the table, and
the next 12 months in your home will be happiness, prosperity and
well-being. Live together! Merry Christmas to you! Christmas is not
only carols, kutya, candles and figurines of angels. This is the day when
The Savior was born on earth to open the way to paradise again for people.
Remember this - and thank heaven for this miracle!

Merry Christmas greetings to your beloved - poems, prose, sms

I believe that an angel is with you
I believe that keeps you.
He is near on this bright holiday -
Magic holiday Christmas.
I will thank him for you
I value our love very much.
And on the glorious feast of the Nativity of Christ,
I thank fate and God for you.

Christmas time my dear
Let everything be wonderful in life
Good luck, happiness, kindness
May the Heavenly Father bless!
I wish all dreams
Easily turned into reality
So that you achieve all the goals,
And God has always protected you!

Merry Christmas to you, my main and dear, my beloved and
native man. I wish you to proudly and boldly turn the page for
page of my life, I wish you high results and desired results in
in any of your business, I wish you Christmas hopes and good deeds,
I wish you the eternal fire of our love and a happy heartbeat.

I wish my love
To make your dream come true
Embodiment of desires
On a bright Christmas holiday.
Strength to you, health, happiness,
To go to your star
Don't turn off the track
Follow your own path.
Be as brave as ever
Be my protector.
I want very sweet
There were two of us.

On Christmas to the beloved man
I wish vigor and happiness
So that you have enough strength for everything,
Bad weather bypassed you.
To feel warm on holiday
And always in everything to be lucky.
Peace, understanding, kindness,
I love you very much.

May you, my sweet and beloved,
Christmas will bring good luck:
Let mistakes be corrected
Let the holiday melt the ice of worries.
Let work be only a joy,
Let everyone in the family be healthy,
Let one, even a small miracle,
A guest will knock on your door!

My beloved and glorious man, I congratulate you on Christmas and
I want to wish bright feelings and sincerity of the soul, strong faith and
tireless forces, a prosperous road of life and good happiness for us
two. May heaven help us in difficult times, may our love
can overcome any troubles and distances. I wish you
Christmas miracle and fairy tale.

Merry Christmas to you, my love
Happy this holiday.
Let there be enough in your heart
It's always warm for me.
Be healthy, always successful
Believe, my dear, in miracles,
May they always help you
In a moment of hard heaven.

My beloved and dear, I wish you a Merry Christmas.
I wish you great aspirations in life and brave victories, sincere
feelings and strong faith, good peace and bright hope of the soul, great
deeds and wisdom. May God help you in difficult times
help, let relatives and friends understand and appreciate you, let
your path does not deviate from the course of goodness and happiness.

May the bright holiday of Christmas
We will bring a lot of happiness with you!
I wish you, dear, all the best in the world,
Let evil and the most fierce enemy retreat,
May the Lord send you health
So that you never know ailments and worries,
May your angel from heavenly heights
All dreams will come true!

Merry Christmas greetings to dad - poems, prose, sms

Merry Christmas dear dad
Congratulations today.
I wish you earthly blessings
Understanding, warmth.
May the Lord always help
Let the angel give advice
I wish you health
And happy, long years.
May this wonderful holiday
A ray of goodness will ignite in you,
May in all great deeds
You, dad, are lucky.

Happy holiday, beloved dad,
Merry Christmas to you.
Let them send you a gift
Strength, health heaven.
Let it be cozy in the house
And calm at heart
I wish positive
On a fabulous holiday to you.

Dad, on Christmas I wish you to believe in a miracle and open
your heart for a good fairy tale and incredible magic. I wish you,
dear, peace over your head and grace in the house, respect and confidence
forces. May there always be a reason for sincere joy in your life,
which you will share with the people you love and love.

Dad, I wish you a Merry Christmas. Let in
the day Jesus was born, your soul will be filled with hope and great
happiness, may this world become kinder and happier, may it be over
head is always a peaceful sky, may your heart live pure and
true love. I wish the angel always guide you to the right
path and helped to make the right choice in life.

Dad, Merry Christmas
May this day be blessed with good
Give inspiration and happiness
Let the mood be great.
Let the star light the way for you,
And there will be a lot of joy in your destiny.

Dad, Merry Christmas to you, my love,
Congratulations on a wonderful winter day,
I wish you a lot of happiness and warmth,
Your life to be bright only.
Let the holiday give magic
Prosperity, success and kindness.

Christ was born - this is a big holiday!
Let the heart be cleansed along with the soul,
I wish you Christmas, daddy
So that all failures drown in goodness,
So that you know only success in life,
And he always went to his goals without interference,
The Lord helps you in everything
And fortunately guides you night and day!

We got used to Christmas
Wish each other happiness
Be happy, my daddy
Drive away bad weather
You smile, be cheerful
With you it's always so cool
I want you to be successful
And life was great!

Merry Christmas dad
Let the green tree's paw
The joy of childhood will refresh
Sorrow will overwhelm melancholy!
Be healthy my dear dad
The best, the strongest!
Be happy in any business
Gentle in thought and in words!

Dear dad, I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish there was
your fate is generous with good gifts, so that the family has the right way and
bright comfort, so that peace and grace reigned in the soul, and in the heart
yours spilled a song of love to the melody of hope.

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