Heels at home to. Decoction of medicinal herbs

The heels are as much a part of the body as the face and hands. Feet require careful care and attention. There are effective ways to help eliminate dryness and rough skin at home.

Women's legs attract the attention of the opposite sex, which means they should always look perfect.

Open shoes often lead to rough skin on the heels, which is very visible from the side.

Taking care of the condition of the heels is necessary and important. Some ladies can afford to go to a beauty salon every time, but some of us can’t afford it, which means we need to find an effective way to care for this part of the body at home.

In order to steam your legs at home, you will need:

  • basin with hot water
  • foot scrub
  • towel
  • pumice stone and foot file

The temperature of the water in the basin should not be scalding, it should be tolerable and skin-friendly, leaving no redness. Any soap solution can be added to the water: shower gel, bath foam or liquid soap, but this is not at all necessary. If you want to have a healing effect on the legs, try adding essential oil and chamomile flowers to the basin.

Soothing baths for heels

To make the skin on the feet and heels will help means proven by people and time. There are many folk remedies that can soften rough skin effectively and for a long time.

Some lovers add regular milk to the water. This is because it has emollient properties.

Benefits of milk for heels

A milk bath can really have a softening effect. To do this, only one glass of milk and shavings from baby soap are added to the basin. The feet are dipped in this solution and held until the water has completely cooled. The benefits of such baths can hardly be overestimated and their effect will delight you for more than one day. During the bath, you can completely relax in front of the TV screen, read a book, do a manicure. It is useful to pour glass pebbles on the bottom of the pelvis and shifting, as well as stepping on them, perform a simple massage.

In addition to the usual chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, you can use linden. Linden decoction is brewed in the same way as tea. It differs only in volume from a standard cup and has no restrictions in quantity. It is noticed that if you add one tablespoon of honey to the broth, the legs will become softer. After such a bath, you should dry your feet with a towel, generously smear with a moisturizer and put on socks for the night for a greater effect.

How to steam your heels with baking soda?

This foot bath has a lot of positive reviews. It is especially shown to those who have never done a pedicure on their own. It is also suitable for those who have realized that their legs are in a very neglected state, when the feet feel no worse than sandpaper, and look like a baked potato.

One glass (one package) of ordinary baking soda, as well as a soap solution or shampoo, is added to a basin of hot water. Keep your feet in the water until the water cools down. After that, carefully rub with a brush or pumice stone. The final procedure is scrub treatment, wiping with a dry towel and lubricating the heels with lemon juice. At night, it is advisable to put your feet in a sock.

sea ​​salt for heels

One of the most popular foot baths is saline. In this case, it doesn't matter what kind of salt you use:

  • stone
  • iodized
  • maritime
  • cosmetic

The best is sea salt, which can “saturate” the skin with minerals, nutrients and iodine. Sea salt is able to heal wounds and irritations. In any case, you will have a moisturizing property on your feet and strengthen your nails at the same time. Sea salt is able to eliminate fungus and unpleasant odors on the feet. The main condition after such a bath is to actively scrub and apply a good layer of moisturizer.

Rough dry skin can be easily eliminated with the help of folk remedies and the secrets of natural cosmetology. A positive effect is provided by masks and scrubs prepared by oneself at home.

Apricot pulp mask

The pulp of ripe apricots must be crushed into a soft puree and heated over a fire or in the microwave until hot. In this mass, you need to add two tablespoons of oil to choose from:

  • sunflower
  • corn
  • olive
  • linen

The hot mass is applied to the heels, wrapped with cling film and put on socks. A warm compress should be on your feet for at least an hour.

Apricot is an excellent remedy for combating rough heels.

Zucchini mask

A common zucchini has many useful qualities. In this case, it must be thoroughly chopped into a puree or grated on a fine grater. In the resulting mass, gauze swabs are wetted and applied to the heels. If desired, you can wrap your leg with a bandage, put on shoe covers and move around the house, doing important things.

Zucchini - a remedy for dryness

Rye bread mask

An effective way to eliminate dryness and roughness is a rye bread mask. To do this, soak half a loaf in milk and squeeze out excess liquid. The resulting mass, similar to puree, is applied to the heels, wrapped in a film and put on a warm sock for an hour. After this procedure, the skin becomes noticeably soft and velvety.

Heel care. How to make heels soft?

There are situations in life when there is no time, and the result is impressive and right now. In such cases, radical folk remedies that can save you from any torment associated with rough heels will help.

How to clean your heels with aspirin?

Sometimes the condition of the heels is very deplorable: cracks clogged with dust, pain when pressed, dryness and roughness. No creams and scrubs are absolutely helpless in such situations. Try using a proven aspirin-based remedy:

  • 10 aspirin tablets (one plate)
  • 1 bottle of medical alcohol 70%
  • 1 bottle of iodine

The tablets are crushed to a powder form, alcohol and iodine are added. Everything is mixed and stored in a glass bottle, in a cool, dark place (not a refrigerator!). The resulting mixture actively lubricates the skin after baths. Healing of cracks and high-quality softening of the skin were noticed.

How to steam your heels with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is an amazing chemical. It is able to completely dissolve and destroy microbes. Peroxide can be added to a warm foot bath (a bottle for one basin), you can wipe the foot with peroxide and then actively clean it with a pumice stone. The procedure must be performed only on clean feet and be attentive to deep cracks in the heels, since contact with peroxide can cause pain. Peroxide can make skin soft and smooth.

Heel care with glycerin

Glycerin has unique properties that allow maximum softening of the skin. The antiseptic qualities of the substance guarantee the healing of wounds and cracks on the heels. After a hot bath and pumice stone, it is recommended to apply a layer of glycerin on the heels and put on socks. With regular use, your heels will become smooth and soft.

If neither a hot bath nor a cream helps to remove rough skin, you should use radical methods. Such as, for example, depilatory cream. This unusual tool allows you to quickly soften the skin on the heels and clean it off with any brush. Such cleaning can be carried out before an urgent “publication”, when an instant result is needed. Apply the cream on the heels, put on your socks and sit like this for 20 minutes, then walk with a pumice stone and moisturize with the cream.

Video: Remove cracked heels at home

With the advent of the spring-summer season, we are starting to pick up our open shoes intensively. And here we notice our untidy legs and wonder how to make the heels soft at home.

Ode to heels

Our legs are one of the tools of female beauty. And it's not just about their length. Not at all. Beauty is a complex concept. If you do not have a beautiful pedicure, it does not matter. But if you, without a twinge of conscience, will demonstrate to those around you your hardened heels, you will be considered a slob. And then neither the length of the legs nor the perfect pedicure will save you.

That's why it's so important to know how to make your heels soft at home.

Causes of heel problems

Do you look with envy at women whose skin of the legs, as it seems to you from the outside, is literally satin? In fact, this is the result of a long work. After all, more than half of the fair sex is faced with the problem of hardened heels. Why do such metamorphoses occur with the skin of our feet, because in childhood we all had silky, smooth heels?

There may be several reasons for this. And the most important thing is to correctly identify them. Only then can we talk about quality care.

Your heels are under a lot of stress every day. It is no wonder that the skin often roughens on them and calluses, cracks, and corns appear. The reason for this may be the following factors:

Cosmetic taboos: what not to do with heels

If you are wondering how to make your heels soft at home, you should also remember the exact opposite rules.

What kind of manipulation can be hopeless and dangerous?

  • Set your razor or blade aside first. Not only can you get hurt (and your heels will heal for a long time and painfully), such a procedure (cutting off keratinized skin) will not bring any result. After a while, the epithelium layer will recover. But it will be much thicker. After such manipulations, it will become much more difficult to return a healthy look to the heels.
  • Don't get your hopes up for the hot tubs that are heavily advertised and offered in our pharmacies. This thing, of course, is necessary and useful, but it is intended, rather, for foot massage. In the fight against keratinized skin, it is of little use. The thing is that the water in it is heated only to room temperature. To steam out the legs, this is not enough. The temperature of the water in this case should be equal to the temperature of the body. Or be a little higher, for example, 38 degrees.

heel care rules

How can you still get soft heels at home? Very simple: make foot care a daily habit.

If you still don’t know how to make your heels soft at home quickly, our advice to you is: take foot baths daily. Herbs (sage, oak bark, chamomile), minerals (sea salt, soda) can be added to the water. And remember: salt and soda soften the skin, making it easier to exfoliate dead skin cells, while creams and oils nourish and moisturize.

Exfoliation Secrets

Of course, we all heard about the magic tool of any fashionista called pumice stone. In the process of taking foot baths, its use is very justified. It is advisable to clean your feet with it little by little, but often. Today, many offer a universal double-sided object, on one side of which there is a pumice stone, on the other - a special soft brush. The latter should be used after treating the feet with pumice.

You can also purchase special paper-based files. They come in different grain sizes. But their main feature is that such files do not scratch, but peel the skin.

For lovers of comfort, cosmetologists have a great offer - scrubs and peels. Gentle effect on the skin and a stunning effect - these are their main advantages.

Our helper is soda

This white powder has truly unique properties. He comes to our aid in diseases of the throat, and with increased acidity, and in the fight against rough skin. In pursuit of beauty, we bypass beauty salons, pay huge amounts of money to cosmetologists, and sometimes we don’t even think about the fact that we have a magic tool at hand that can be used at home on our own. Now we're talking about soda.

However, it should be remembered that you can not keep your feet in a soda solution for a long time, otherwise you will be provided with a violation of the pH balance. And this can lead to such consequences as dehydration of the skin and discomfort.

Soda foot baths

How to make heels soft at home with baking soda?

Try soda baths.

  1. For 5 liters of water, you only need 3 tablespoons of white powder. It is better not to delay the procedure and limit yourself to 10-15 minutes. It is desirable to do such baths for 5-7 days, and you will notice that the skin has acquired a healthy look. At the end of the procedure, make a light massage and lubricate the feet with cream. You can wear cotton socks if you are treating your heels before bed.
  2. It makes sense to add a little essential oil to the soda solution. Then you will also get a relaxation effect. If you take such a bath often, you can forget about sweating feet.

The best friend of heels is glycerin

This is another unique remedy that will make your heels pink and soft. In addition, glycerin perfectly fights cracks.

How to make heels soft at home with glycerin? A simple recipe that is available to everyone: fill an incomplete bottle of glycerin to the brim with apple cider vinegar. It is advisable to use apple. Shake well the resulting solution and lubricate their feet in the morning and evening. The heels will become satiny, and the nails healthy and shiny.

This effect of the tool is very easily explained by the properties of its components. Glycerin attracts water and moisturizes the skin. Apple cider vinegar contains many useful substances (fluorine, potassium, pectin and vitamins).

Soft heels: folk remedies

The gifts of nature should not be neglected. Herbs, vegetables, fruits - all of these can be used to combat the rough skin of our feet.

Try the following miracle remedies, and the result will not keep you waiting.

  • Zucchini mask. A young vegetable can be grated or passed through a meat grinder. Put on the fabric (necessarily natural!) And wrap it around the heels. Fix and sit like this for no more than half an hour. Then wash off the rest of the puree and grease the legs with cream (preferably nutritious).
  • Lemon mask with egg. An excellent product that is effective after a steaming bath. Take a teaspoon of lemon juice and starch and add the yolk. Apply the mixture on the heels. Over time, the mask will dry out and turn into a hardened crust. Rinse it off with water and treat your feet with a moisturizer.
  • Apricot mask. The southern fruit has long been a regular guest even in northern latitudes. It is famous for its beneficial properties. In particular, it is used to treat heels. Mash 3-4 apricots and add 2 teaspoons of oil (olive or vegetable) to the resulting gruel. Heat this mixture for 3 minutes over low heat. Then apply the mask with a makeup brush on the heels. Then you need to wrap your legs in polyethylene and sit like this for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to rub a nourishing cream into the skin of your feet.

Now you know how to make your heels soft. For especially lazy people, there is also a way out - modern cosmetics. Faberlic has a K-9 foot cream, Avon offers Foot Works, and Doctor can be distinguished from domestic creams.

In a word, there would be a desire, and then you will notice the result very soon.

Women's heels require special attention not only in summer, but also in winter. Even if you are a happy owner of slender legs, the absence of a pedicure will be noticeable to the naked eye. To put your heels in order, rid them of yellowness and corns, you need to have knowledge regarding basic care. We will analyze the important aspects in order, give practical advice.

Why do corns appear on the heels

  1. The reason for the appearance of coarsened tissues is the sock of synthetic clothing. Artificial tights, socks, stockings do not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, bacteria begin to grow, the heels become dry, and a fungus appears. Further, the softened tissues harden at a double speed, forming corns. To exclude the cause, it is necessary to give preference to cotton items of clothing (as far as possible).
  2. The main reason for the appearance of rough spots on the heels is the lack of a pedicure. It is important to understand that basic care involves the use of pumice and other abrasive compounds that remove dead skin cells. If you do not clean off the corns, after a certain time, they will grow (become thicker) and crack. Defects will cause tremendous discomfort.
  3. Heel care involves regular cleansing and nutrition. As mentioned earlier, the skin on your feet needs to be exfoliated all year round, not just in the summer. It does not mean that you need to do a pedicure every day. It is enough to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a month. To prevent the development of bacteria, wash your feet after wearing outdoor shoes (especially summer shoes).
  4. If we talk about the internal causes of rough skin, they include various diseases. Diabetes, an acute form of gastritis, a lack of vitamins in the spring and winter, thyroid disorders - all this has a detrimental effect on the skin. If you add the neglect of basic care, the consequences look deplorable. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo an examination and eradicate the cause.
  5. Poor quality shoes are another reason for the deterioration of the heels. Synthetic insoles and pile contribute to increased sweating, the legs begin to rot. After removing the shoes, the skin becomes weathered, full-fledged corns are formed. Whenever possible, choose high-quality products from "breathable" natural materials.

  1. Salt and ammonia. Boil 4.5 liters. water in an enamel pot. After the appearance of bubbles, reduce the heat, pour in a handful of fine unflavoured sea salt, pour in 30 ml. ammonia. Wait for the crystals to dissolve and the composition to cool. Pour the contents into a basin, lower your heels into the bath, wait a quarter of an hour. After that, rub your feet with a pumice stone or a special pedicure brush. Rinse off the residue with warm water, apply foot cream, put on socks. Optionally, you can prepare a bath without adding ammonia, in this case, 4.5 liters. water will have about 180 gr. salt.
  2. Eucalyptus and olive oil. Prepare a herbal bath of chamomile, calendula, ginseng. Add 5 drops of eucalyptus ether to 1 liter. infusion. Pour in 75 gr. olive oil, wait for the composition to cool. Dip your feet in the bath, wait a quarter of an hour. After that, do a pedicure, lubricate the heels with cream, put on cotton socks.
  3. Chamomile and milk. Boil 2 liters. fat milk, remove the mixture from heat. Brew in a dairy product 45 gr. chamomile inflorescences, leave the infusion for 1 hour. After that, filter the mixture (this step can be skipped), heat on the stove until comfortable. Dip your heels in the decoction, enjoy the bath for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Lemon juice and soda. Pour 100 gr. drinking soda, dilute it with three liters of water. Bring the mass to a boil, wait for the grains to dissolve. Pour in 50 ml. lemon or grapefruit juice. Dip your heels in the solution, leave for a third of an hour. After the procedure, rinse the legs with a contrast shower. At the end of the manipulations, cover the heels with a nourishing cream. In addition to the fact that the composition softens the skin, fights with increased sweating and fungus.
  5. Grapefruit and natural oil. Wash the citrus, remove the "butt", chop the fruit into pieces. Send the grapefruit to a blender or meat grinder, chop into porridge. Pour the contents into a bowl, pour 3 liters. hot water, add any natural oil (sea buckthorn or olive oil is suitable). Make a foot bath, soak the legs in a quarter of an hour. Next, do a peeling of the feet, wipe your feet dry, lubricate the feet with cream. Put on socks, do not take them off for at least 3 hours.
  6. Basil and potassium permanganate. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (faded raspberry color). In a separate container, pour dried basil with boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour. Connect the two solutions together, pour the contents into the basin. Dip your heels in the bath, carry out the procedure for about 25-30 minutes. At the end of the manipulation, apply a nourishing cream.

  1. Nuts and citrus peel. Grind in a mortar, blender or coffee grinder 70 gr. peanuts or almonds. Fry the crumbs in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Never use walnuts, they stain the skin and make it yellow. Take the peel from two oranges or grapefruits, grate. Combine the two compositions, add high-fat sour cream (can be replaced with natural yogurt). You should end up with a pasty mixture. Rub it on your heels, rinse with warm water.
  2. Bran and coffee grounds. To prepare a scrub, you will need about 100 gr. used coffee grounds. Pour in 30 ml. vegetable oil, add enough rye bran to make a paste. Spread the product on the heels, affecting the entire foot (optional), leave for 10 minutes. Next, scrub, rinse.
  3. Burdock oil and sugar. If the heels are very hardened and cracks appear on them, use an effective composition. Take 1 ripe tomato, remove the peel from it (first dip the fruit in boiling water, after 1 minute move it to ice water). Grind the vegetable in puree in any convenient way, pour in 35 ml. burdock oil. Immediately add a handful of granulated sugar so that the grains do not have time to dissolve. Scrub with light circular movements, rinse off after 5-7 minutes.
  4. Honey and sour cream. Grind 2 handfuls of almonds into crumbs with fine abrasive particles. Pour 40 gr. candied honey, add fat sour cream (the amount is set after the fact). You should have a thick scrub. Massage their heels for 10 minutes, rinse. To enhance the effect, add to the peeling 20 gr. drinking soda.
  5. Apricot kernels. To prepare the composition, you will need about 80 gr. dried apricot kernels. Grind them into crumbs using a coffee grinder or blender, mix with 45 ml. vegetable oil. Dry the orange peel in the oven, grind into powder. Mix the two mixtures together. If the scrub is thick, add more oil. Spread the product on the heels, wrap with cling film, wait half an hour. Then exfoliate and rinse.
  6. Bran and kiwi. Mix wheat, rye or flaxseed bran with table salt (2:1 ratio), pour in 20 ml. corn or olive oil. Remove the peel from the kiwi, turn the pulp into a puree, mix into the previous mixture. Immediately scrub the heels, remove the product with water after 10 minutes.
  7. Baby cream and oatmeal. Buy medium-ground oatmeal, combine a handful of the composition with coffee grounds (equal proportions). Add enough baby cream to make a full-fledged purchased scrub. Rub it all over the skin of the feet, leave for 20 minutes, only then start peeling. The composition does not have to be washed off, you can remove excess with paper towels.

In most cases, even after steaming and exfoliating, the skin of the heels still remains yellow. To get rid of defects of this kind, use baths for whitening.

Method number 1. hydrogen peroxide and salt

  1. Pour into the basin 80 gr. fine sea salt, which does not include flavorings and dyes. Add 7 ml. any ether, pour in 30-50 ml. olive oils. Then pour in 65 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution with a concentration of 3-6%, mix the contents of the container. If you wish, add shampoo or liquid soap, beat the composition with your hand.
  2. If the bath is hot, cool the solution to a comfortable temperature. Send to the feet, wait a third of an hour. Evaluate the result every 5 minutes: if the yellowness disappears faster, reduce the duration of the procedure.
  3. Start your pedicure. Alternately treat the heels with a cosmetic "sandpaper" or pumice stone, remove rough corns with a pedicure blade. Use a special buff that will heal microcracks on the heels.
  4. When the yellowness finally disappears, rinse your feet with clean water. Owners of sensitive skin are advised to apply a special foot cream, and then wrap the feet with cling film (or put on shoe covers). Keep the legs in the compress for at least 2 hours.

Method number 2. Milk

  1. Dissolve in 2 l. boiling water shavings of baby soap (you can use a liquid composition). Beat the contents into a foam, leave for 10 minutes until partially cooled.
  2. At this time, boil 2.5 liters. milk, pour the product to the first composition. When the liquid reaches an acceptable temperature, lower the legs into it.
  3. The duration of exposure depends on individual preferences, but it should be at least half an hour. Your heels should be completely soft so you can do the pedicure.
  4. When the skin softens, rub the corns with an abrasive brush or pumice stone, scrub if desired. Wash your feet thoroughly, proceed to further manipulations.
  5. Fold gauze fabric in 5 layers, soak it in hydrogen peroxide and apply to the heels. Fix the compress with cling film, wait 20 minutes.
  6. During this period, the skin will whiten, you just have to rinse your feet with warm water and apply the cream. To maintain softness for a long time, wear cotton socks after the procedure.

Basic heel care includes not only steaming, but also exfoliation of dead skin cells. For these purposes, experienced cosmetologists have developed homemade scrubs and baths. Hydrogen peroxide and sea salt will help you rid your heels of yellowness.

Video: how to care for your feet

Well-groomed legs, beautiful nails, smooth heels without corns and cracks - your dream? It will become a reality if you organize a correct and effective foot care system. It does not present difficulties in implementation at home, it is carried out using masks, baths, creams and folk remedies. Next, we will talk about the causes of the appearance of cracks and dryness of the skin of the feet, as well as SPA sessions.

Cracked heels are a common and often painful problem. They look unaesthetic and cause a lot of inconvenience to a woman (cracks hurt, itch, cause discomfort when walking and during rest). They appear for various reasons. Among the provoking factors, external (improper care, environmental influences) and internal (diseases) are distinguished.

Determining the exact cause of cracked heels is the key to successful treatment. Consider what external influences causes this problem:

  • Wrong selection of shoes, love for open models (flip flops, clogs without straps, like on sandals).
  • Poor hygiene - rare pedicure, lack of regular cleansing and moisturizing of the skin.
  • Excessive care (it is as bad as insufficient, most often cracks appear due to the love of peeling).
  • Exposure to external factors (sun, wind, dust) and chemicals (chlorine in tap water). At risk are people working in hazardous industries and using a large amount of household chemicals.

Diseases that provoke the appearance of cracks on the heels:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • foot mycosis;
  • problems in the thyroid gland;
  • psoriasis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • hormonal problems.

If you suffer from cracked heels, get a comprehensive examination. It includes the analysis of scrapings for fungal infection, the exclusion of pathologies of the endocrine system, the calculation of body mass index, blood tests for glucose levels. It requires special attention and care.

Foot care at home

Regular professional pedicures and other heel and foot treatments in the salon work wonders, but that doesn't mean home remedies are inferior.


A foot bath is an obligatory stage of a trimming and SPA pedicure, a pleasant relaxing procedure, a great way to relieve fatigue and soften the skin of the heels.

Attention! With varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, it is forbidden to use hot water in baths. But 2-3 drops of juniper or peppermint essential oil will only bring benefits.

At home for heel care, you can use:

  • Soda - for 3-4 liters of water, a couple of tablespoons of soda is enough.
  • Milk - one or two glasses mixed with water will provide excellent care for the legs.
  • Salt - ordinary table, iodized or sea salt. There are also special formulations for the legs on sale.
  • Herbs - make a decoction and pour it into the bath. Linden, chamomile, oak, sage, nettle are especially useful for feet.
  • Do you want to give your feet royal care? Take a bath with white wine.

Baths can be done every day. The duration of one procedure is 10-20 minutes.

natural masks

Masks are useful not only for the face and body, but also for the heels. Popular homemade recipes:

  • Vegetable - chop the boiled zucchini in a blender to the state of gruel, attach to the feet, cover with a gauze cloth and leave for half an hour.
  • Fruity - add a little olive oil to the pulp of an apple or persimmon and heat slightly. Apply a warm slurry on the heels or feet completely, cover with a film and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Egg - mix the yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice and half a spoonful of starch, apply on the feet for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Cosmetic clay is very beneficial for the skin. For feet it is better to use pink or red - they do not dry so much. Add any ingredients of your choice to the clay - yolk, oils, fruit juices, honey. Apply to heels for 15-20 minutes.

Do foot masks 2-3 times a week.

Creams for nutrition and moisturizing

After the bath and / or mask, a nourishing cream should be applied to the heels and feet. You can buy ready-made in a store or pharmacy, or prepare the product yourself.

For lovers of natural care, we offer three popular recipes for foot and heel creams:

  • Mix glycerin and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1 (you can directly in a vial of glycerin). Apply the composition on the heels in the morning and evening.
  • Take a base cream (preferably for children) and add a few drops of chamomile and lavender essential oils to it.
  • Melt in a water bath 1 tbsp. l. shea butter or cocoa butter. Add 2 drops of sandalwood, neroli and lemon phyto essence. Apply at night on heels under cotton socks.

Each cream solves a specific problem - heals, prevents cracks, deodorizes, cools.

Watch the video with the most useful tips and recipes for healthy and smooth heels.


The most popular types of procedures are edged (classic) and hardware.

The first option involves steaming the skin in a bath with further removal of the cuticle and corns with wire cutters, a scraper and / or a grater. You can use it in combination with a hardware technique, permanently or as an emergency measure, complete with a massage (it will turn out to be SPA care). This is a rather traumatic procedure, but it puts even the most neglected heels in order.

Hardware pedicure is carried out using a special machine. It does not injure the skin (the main thing is to correctly adjust the degree of pressure), it comes with interchangeable nozzles (cutters), and guarantees a long-term effect. Cons of the procedure - in advanced cases, it will not help to put your feet in order, and a good pedicure machine costs decently. But it is enough to invest in its purchase once - trips to the salon are much more expensive.

To keep the legs and heels in particular always in order, follow the following care recommendations:

  • Wear only shoes that are comfortable for you. The consequences of the wrong choice of shoes are ingrown nails, corns, corns, bone growth.
  • Pay sufficient attention to foot hygiene - wash, scrub, moisturize, deodorize.
  • Get regular pedicures. Depending on the condition of the legs and the chosen method, it is carried out from one to four times a month.
  • Perform maintenance procedures - a full pedicure every three days is not necessary, and you need to polish your heels with a file regularly.
  • When cutting your nails, do not round the edges.
  • Love baths with herbs, salt and soda.
  • Remove calluses.

If you regularly visit the pool, sauna and other places potentially dangerous in terms of fungal infection, use special antifungal agents and antiseptics.

Prevention of mycoses helps to avoid many problems in the future and is an integral part.

Treatment of cracks with folk remedies

It is possible to cure cracked heels with folk remedies if they are caused by purely external causes. Consider the main ways:

  • Trays - with soda, salt or starch.
  • Ointments - pharmacy calendula ointment, homemade with wax, Shea butter and propolis.
  • Olive oil - with honey or in its pure form.
  • Glycerin and vinegar - mix the components in equal proportions.
  • Grated apple - lotions are made with it.

Ask the pharmacy for a cream with resin - it is inexpensive and has a wound-healing effect.

Important! If cracks in the skin of the heels have arisen due to endocrine disorders, beriberi, mycosis or other pathologies, then folk recipes will not give the desired result.

Useful video


You can take care of your heels not only in the salon, but also at home. Pedicure can be hardware or edged, do baths with salt, soda, milk and herbal decoctions. Good results in the treatment of cracked heels are given by masks followed by the application of a nourishing cream (purchased or homemade). The main condition for successful home care is regularity.

Smooth, silky heels at any time of the year are a woman's dream. Rough heels can be turned into an ideal thanks to our efforts.

At the end of the article, you will find a folk, effective recipe for getting rid of hard and rough heels (tested from my own experience) ...

Causes of rough heels:

There are many reasons why our feet become rough:

Dry skin

Long time on your feet and in the sun

Open shoes in summer

Synthetic things

Insufficient care: softening and exfoliation.

Heels can become rough, hard, dry with cracks and calluses, sharp raised up like sandpaper, "areas of skin. This gives a huge amount of discomfort when putting on tights, socks or walking.

Turning the skin of the legs into soft and silky will take time and effort, nothing will change the first time. But this is not a reason not to start the procedures, this is a reason to tune in to a thorough regular work that will bring the desired result - smooth, soft, beautiful pink heels.

Rules for soft and tender feet

- before sunbathing, lubricate the feet with moisturizers

- periodically do active with a nourishing fat cream, to enhance blood circulation

- take care of the skin of the legs (heels, and feet in general) as regularly as possible.

How to take care of your heels

The necessary care consists of:

1) baths,

2) cleansing,

3) masks and nutrition with fatty creams.

Foot baths

  • With apple cider vinegar - for rough skin

- 2 tablespoons of vinegar

Add vinegar to warm water, hold your feet for 10-15 minutes. Massage the soles with a soft brush. Rub the coarsened areas with a pumice stone or a stiff brush. Dip your feet in a container of cold water for 15 seconds and pour over your feet. Dry, after 1/2 hour spread with cream.

- 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda

- 1 liter of water

- 1 tbsp liquid soap

Dissolve baking soda and soap in warm water. Beat the foam. Hold your feet and brush with a pumice stone or pedicure brush.

  • With white clay - to soften the skin

- White clay

Dissolve a little white clay in warm water, do a bath for 15-20 minutes.

  • Starchy - for slightly rough skin of the feet

- 2 tbsp potato starch

- 1 liter of water

Dissolve starch in cold water in a glass, mix in a bowl with warm water. Take 20 minutes. Lightly dry with a towel, rub the heels with a not very stiff brush or washcloth.

Heel mask

- 1/2 teaspoon potato starch

Apply the mixture on the heels, after, and wait for it to dry to a dense peel. Rinse with warm water, lubricate with cream.

Folk remedy for rough heels

The recipe was gleaned from the newspaper ZOZH (Healthy Lifestyle) and tested on our own experience. I started using this recipe about 1.5 years ago, and since then I have not parted with it.

I had a period at that time when the heels turned (feel) into fine sandpaper. What I just didn’t do with them - almost every day I scraped them with a pedicure brush, generously smeared them with a nourishing cream. All to no avail. The next day, no pantyhose to wear, it seems to me that I even felt like I was clinging to the carpet with my heels)) ... Now it’s funny, but then it terribly annoyed and upset me.

And my mother, looking at my torment, advised a remedy that she subtracted from the magazine "Healthy Lifestyle". With this mixture, she successfully put her feet in order during the summer summer period (she and her dad are avid gardeners). What summer residents have heels, only summer residents will understand))

I can say that the action of this remedy replaced my many weeks of suffering, which gave an effect at best for a couple of days.

I applied it 2 times in a row (at night), and finally achieved smooth, soft, tender heels. Now I try to use regular cleaning and cream. When I forget or the skin dries up and the heels begin to roughen, I periodically use this remedy to bring the feet in order. It takes 1 time.

Recipe for rough heels

with glycerin and vinegar essence

- a vial of glycerin (sold in pharmacies)

- a little vinegar essence

Feet must first be scraped with a pedicure brush and dried with a towel.

In a vial of glycerin (it is initially incomplete), add vinegar essence to the neck. Everything, the ideal remedy for soft heels is ready!))

Shake the mixture in a vial, smear with a cotton swab or cotton swab - heels, and all the roughness on the feet.

Put plastic bags on the legs, tie in a knot at the ankles. Wear socks on top.

Now you won’t be able to sneak up or pass through - when walking, you will make a quiet rustle with bags on your feet)))

Do the procedure at night (preferably) or during the day for 30-40 minutes, the mixture is quickly absorbed.

After the procedure, you can lightly treat the heels with the small side of the brush for the first few days to remove softened particles (for advanced cases). But this procedure is rather symbolic, and takes a few seconds.

Lubricate the skin of the feet with cream.

Use several times in a row until the condition improves, and then every 7-14 days, after, to keep your heels soft and smooth.

Enjoy your beautiful, smooth and tender heels!

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