Booking at home. Bronding hair - coloring that makes any curls shine

Masters of hairdressing art managed to give us so many interesting ideas! Lamination, keratin hair straightening, haircut with fire ... Only the types of coloring can be listed indefinitely. But progress does not stand still. And now, relatively recently, in 2009, another fashionable wave from the West brought a new trend on its crest - armoring. Since then, an interesting novelty has remained steadily in demand both by Hollywood stars and among “mere mortals”. And this season, her popularity is greater than ever.

What is booking

The rampant fashion for naturalness, which has captured the minds of stylists in recent years, has reduced the popularity of strict blue-black, bright blond and platinum, which massively adorned women's hair a few years ago. Even the catchy Californian redhead and the classic ombre are no longer in favor. A new style entered the scene, the name of which was born from the merger of the two words "brown" and "blond": brown and light. Or, closer to the topic, "brown-haired and blonde." And its meaning is easy to explain. As a result of a rather lengthy and complex procedure of armoring, your head should be full of mixed dark and light strands of different tones, as if the sun itself illuminated the curls.

To make a real "bronde", the master must be a little bit of an artist. However, like any good stylist. His task is to choose shades that are in maximum harmony with the natural color of your hair, eyes, skin and successfully combined with each other. At the same time, the main tone of the hair can match the natural shade of the curls, be lighter or darker, depending on the wishes of the client, but the main idea remains the same: strands painted in different colors should not create a feeling of artificiality cutting the eyes. Like thousands of sunbeams glide and shimmer in the thick of your native, beautifully sun-bleached hair!

Bronzing transforms hair

Booking allows you to:

  1. Refresh your hair without resorting to radical changes. For example, burning brunettes with its help can carefully “try on” the role of a blonde, avoiding a total lightening of their hair. But if you like abrupt image changes, armoring will help here too. It all depends on what shades will be chosen.
  2. Add volume to the hair.
  3. Achieve a "live" color with beautiful natural tints.
  4. Visually reduce full cheeks and soften a square chin.
  5. Rejuvenate the face and perfectly mask gray hair.
  6. No problem to return to natural color. The regrown roots, thanks to the smooth flow of shades, will not look sloppy, but, on the contrary, will successfully fit into the general idea of ​​armoring.

The procedure itself is in many ways similar to the “good old” highlighting, but does not require discoloration of the strands (only the tips are lightened), therefore it is much easier to carry with curls. If, however, the natural hair color is chosen as the lightest shade, and ammonia-free paint is used for other tones, bronding can be safely called virtually harmless to the hair. In addition, compared to conventional staining, it gives a more lasting effect and does not require frequent renewal of color. You will need to visit the master once every 3-4 months, and sometimes every six months.

Classic, ombre or zoning?

  • Classic booking. Separate strands are sequentially dyed in 2-3 shades - dark roots, a light middle and bright highlighted tips - which makes it possible to achieve the impression of a lot of sun glare "entangled" in the hair. It can be both catchy and barely noticeable, depending on the idea of ​​the customer.

    The main thing is natural colors

  • Zonal. The lower part of the hair is done in one dark and deep color, for example, chocolate, cocoa or hazelnut, and for the upper part, the master selects sunny light shades. Sometimes staining is complicated by tinting the roots in the same color as the tips.

    Hair color and ends can match

  • Bronding ombre or shatush is characterized by a soft, smooth transition from dark - coffee, light brown or chestnut - roots to light, golden or wheat tips. It differs from the classics in that it is not individual strands that are processed, but the entire mass of hair with a visible, albeit carefully blurred, horizontal border between colors.

These curls look very impressive

There are many "sub-options" of armoring. For example, when using the ombre technique, the master can play with the color border: make it at the cheekbone line, under them, or move it to the very roots. The number of additional tones with classic coloring varies infinitely. And on severely damaged hair, “open” bronding is used. It is performed with the help of washable tint balms, and the main goal of the procedure is not so much painting, but revitalizing the color and restoring the affected strands.

Who suits

It looks most advantageous on long straight or wavy hair - chestnut, dark blond and light blond. But the owners of other hair may not be lucky:

  1. Elastic curls blur the effect of bronding. All the overflows of color carefully made by the master are simply lost on them and do not produce the expected impression.
  2. A short haircut will also not allow the “brond” to turn around in all its glory. For owners of a square of medium length or an elongated bean, zonal bronding with coloring of the parietal part of the hair or bangs can be a good solution. But girls with super short haircuts should not resort to it. It is better to grow at least a little hair first.
  3. Darkened strands on the heads of natural blondes look unnatural. If you want to decorate your hair with a fashionable novelty at all costs, try to slightly darken its original color before booking.

Pros and cons of hair bronzing at home

Brave young ladies who are not afraid of experimenting with their curls often take up bronding at home. This solution has two undeniable advantages:

  • Cheapness. In the salons of the capital, the procedure costs from 5 to 15 thousand, and in smaller towns its price is quite high. Having taken up the matter on your own, you will only spend money on paint, everything else - the work of a master, washing your hair, styling - will not cost a penny.
  • Complete freedom of creativity. What colors to choose and how to combine them is up to you. Do you have good taste and do not need tedious instructions from a stylist? Let's go to the cosmetics store!

Unfortunately, such a solution also has a minus, and offensively bold. To turn hair into a colorful cascade of strands, their mistress must have some experience in handling hair dye and have a good idea of ​​the highlighting process, otherwise the whole idea risks failing. Otherwise, after home booking, you wouldn’t have to make an appointment with the master in order to save your curls for double the price!

Hair preparation

It is impossible to become a real “bronde” with dry, split ends or depleted hair. The risk is too great to end up not at all what you expect! In order for the result of bronding at home to please you, and not disappoint you, you need to put your hair in order in advance: make a series of firming and moisturizing masks, trim split ends, and if necessary, drink a course of hair vitamins.

Immediately before painting, wash your hair and either dry the curls (if the paint you purchased is applied to dry hair), or pat it dry with a towel. Naturally, every single strand must be carefully disassembled with your hands and combed.

How to do: step by step instructions with photos

The roots should be dyed 3-4 cm

  1. If it is decided to make the main emphasis in booking on the natural hair color, feel free to skip this item, it does not concern you. If you are bored with the natural shade and want to make your hair richer or brighter, the first step should be to apply a basic tone close to natural to the hair roots and a few randomly selected strands. Wrap the dyed strands in foil.
  2. Prepare two bowls with selected dyes in different shades. The first is slightly lighter than the main tone, the second is lighter than the first. Each requires its own separate brush.
  3. Divide your hair into six parts: 1- bangs or the area above the forehead if you do not wear bangs; 2 - parietal strand; 3, 4 - back of the head; 5.6 - on the sides. Always start coloring from the back of the head, this will make your work easier, and finish with bangs.
  4. First, the first dye is applied to the central part of each individual strand. Roughly speaking, you need to step back 2–3 cm from the roots and stop the brush 5–7 cm from the ends of the hair, although the exact distance in each case is determined by the desire of the mistress of the hair herself. Remember that the border should not appear to be outlined by a ruler! Slightly "move" it up and down, on different strands, to give them a natural look.
  5. Then, the second, lightest tone is applied to the tips with another brush, the curl is carefully wrapped in foil, and you move on.
  6. Don't forget to leave some strands undyed!
  7. After this stage is completed, put the foil aside and call on all your creative abilities to help. Your task is to “paint” the remaining free strands in such a way as to give them naturalness and liveliness. No rules! Apply dyes in arbitrary strokes to your liking. The hair colored by nature itself - and this is the effect you are trying to achieve - cannot obey strict symmetry.
  8. Now you have the last chance to smooth out sharp color transitions and imperfections that may have arisen in the process. Run through the strands with a brush with dark dye from point 1 - thus, close to the natural hair color. Even if you haven't dyed the roots, it's a good idea to have it on hand to darken and touch up anything that didn't work out very well.

For those who are familiar with highlighting, it will be easier to master the “brond”

That, in fact, is all. It remains to withstand the paint on the hair for the time set according to the instructions, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner, dry and style.

To keep the renewed hair in perfect condition for as long as possible, use tinted balms and shampoos that preserve color, and also make moisturizing masks once a week. It is even better to sign up for lamination in the salon. In this case, the color can not be corrected for more than six months!

Video: Bronding hair

Or use the option for beginners:

Precautions and contraindications

  • Bronzing is a complex process. You definitely should not rush, otherwise you will get crookedly dyed strands and uneven color transitions. But it is also undesirable to delay the procedure for more than 50 minutes, otherwise the effect of the paint on different areas of the hair will be too uneven, which will necessarily affect the final result.
  • If you're using an unfamiliar brand of paint, do a little test by applying it to the skin at the elbow or wrist to prevent an allergy.
  • Particular care is required for those who have recently lightened their hair, did not have very successful highlighting or coloring. A new shade of paint can give an unpredictable result - for example, an unpleasant yellowness.

A well-made “brond” transforms the hair, and the main guarantee of an excellent result is the skillful hands of the master and good dyes. But if you can’t do without the second component, then it’s really possible to cope with the technology on your own. Do not trust yourself, ask your friends for help. If you do not know how to handle foil - cover the colored strands with cling film. Try a simple bronding with a round comb. And remember: if you are afraid - do not do it, if you do it - do not be afraid. Since you have already decided to “color” the curls yourself, act more boldly. But no, call the beauty salon and make an appointment with a professional.

Naturalness is now more than ever in fashion. Increasingly, girls paint curls in shades close to natural. Bronding hair is a great way to shade dark strands, visually add volume to the coiffure and update the image.

What it is

Bronding is hair coloring in different shades of brown, the main feature of the technique is that black, blond, white and even red curls lend themselves to it. Of course, white strands can also be shaded, but, in most cases, it looks unnatural, which goes against the main focus of the technology.

Coloring is carried out in a variety of shades of colors, the selection is made depending on the personal preferences of the girl and a suitable palette. Now it is very fashionable to paint in chocolate, dark brown, natural red, dark blond and dark chestnut options. In terms of its effect on the hair, bronding is on the same level as highlighting, but it is safer. Unlike lightening, brown dyeing does not require bleaching of the hair, which has a positive effect on its structure.

Why you need to bronde hairstyle:

  1. To create a fashionable natural look;
  2. To get a beautiful visual volume;
  3. The procedure lends itself to newly dyed hair, so it can be used to correct the oversights of the hairdresser;
  4. Many companies offer not only completely safe products, but also restorative ones. After high-quality armoring, highlighted hair becomes thicker, shiny and durable.

Before and after photos prove that hair bronding not only refreshes the appearance, but also takes excellent care of the strands.


The armoring technique allows you to choose any suitable option, the types of coloring can be very different. Depending on fashion trends or style, you can choose the following methods:

  1. Ombre;
  2. Classic coloring;
  3. Zonal;
  4. Coloring;
  5. Open Brazilian + alignment.

Ombre (ombre)- This is the most famous type of hair dyeing today. Curls are dyed only partially, for example, from the tips to the middle of the strand, sometimes girls dye them asymmetrically or simply unevenly along the entire length. It is very fashionable and stylish, visually makes the hairstyle more magnificent.

Classical coloring means shading several strands in one color. Unlike many coloring techniques for curls, only one color is used to work with a hairdresser. The method helps to give the hairstyle additional volume, in addition, under certain lighting, the hair shimmers in an interesting way, which adds zest to the image.

Coloring reminiscent of classic bronzing, but it uses several shades of paint to get the most beautiful effect. Shades can be selected in one range, or you can use from different ones. Many girls recommend starting from several options of the same color. For example, for blondes, it can be light blond, blond, dark blond. For redheads: light chestnut, brown hair, milk chocolate.

Open booking The effect is very similar to lamination. In some cases, it is even performed with washable tint balms, which are aimed not so much at staining as at treating the strands. Such painting is carried out on curls clarified or damaged by chemical procedures.

The most unusual booking is considered zonal. This is a shading of only some sections of the hairstyle, so you can make certain accents. For example, it is more advantageous to present a haircut or hairstyle or hide some imperfections (irregular shape of the head, face, places of thinning of the cover, etc.).

In addition, the procedure is also divided by the color of the curls on which it is applied. Bronding for dark hair is the most common, it is used by stylists of stars: J. Lo, Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian. It should be noted that in addition to improving the condition of the hairstyle, this coloring rejuvenates due to calm shimmer.

At the same time, bronding on blond hair is preferred by Sarah Jessica Parker, Cara Delevingne, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston. Do not confuse this technique with highlighting. Highlighting - brightens, colors in lighter shades, and brond - sets off a little, creating certain accents.

Video instructions for booking Copacabana Latino

Technology of armoring of light and dark hair

This painting is quite simple in its technique. It does not require special knowledge, unlike clarification, because, depending on the selected shade and natural color, errors during work are not too noticeable.

How to stage-by-stage armoring for short and long hair in the salon:

  1. Curls are washed, contrary to all stereotypes, the paint fits better on clean hair;
  2. After trimming is done so that the hairstyle is as fresh and beautiful as possible. If you do not want to remove the length, then you need to immediately inform the hairdresser about this;
  3. After that, depending on which hair bronding technique was chosen, a coloring composition is applied. For example, during ombre, painting is carried out in several stages, while during classic painting, the whole procedure is in one;
  4. The coloring composition remains on the curls for 30 - 50 minutes, depending on the original color and the desired result. After the head is washed again. Very often, after the procedure, the hair is susceptible to restorative procedures: lamination, leveling, keratin restoration.

In the salon, a lot depends not only on the experience of the master, but also on the colors that were used for the procedure. It should be noted such brands as WELLA, Schwarzkopf Professional, L'Oreal, Organic, Keune and Parisienne. They are considered safe and cause minimal damage to curls.

How to make at home

But coloring in salons is a rather expensive pleasure, not every girl can afford to visit hairdressers every month for the purpose of additional painting of a strand. Therefore, we suggest studying a master class on how to make hair bronzing at home:

  1. Wash your hair, dry the strands, depending on the brand, the paint can be applied to both dry and wet curls, so carefully read the instructions;
  2. For greater comfort, we recommend using a bathing cap or pieces of foil. Make holes for the strands in the cap, gradually pull them out and color them. When using foil, you just need to smear the strand with paint and twist it into foil;
  3. Wash off after the time specified in the instructions, cover the hair with special masks or at least a balm.

At home, it is most convenient to work with Estelle (estel), Goldwell, CHI (ammonia-free paint), Matrix, Loreal (Latino Copacabana Breeze) paints. Regardless of the length, we recommend tinting the strands every one and a half months. If desired, it is possible to take a hairdressing course where professionals provide shading training.

Any beauty salon offers discounts to regular customers, also learn that with a shorter length, the cost is an order of magnitude lower. Services are provided to curls from the first length to the fourth. Reviews claim that hair bronzing is affordable (although the price is higher than that of simple dyeing - it's worth it) and a safe procedure.

New hair coloring techniques appear along with newly created modern dyes, which are distinguished by their gentle effect, the variety of pigments, and inexhaustible combination possibilities. And at that moment, when it seems that it will not be possible to invent something new, it appears - and conquers the planet.

Brondirovanie hair appeared as a response to the highlighting technique for blondes. It is known that the classic highlighting of the strands harmoniously looks only on naturally fair-haired girls. Brunettes and brown-haired women who went through highlighting looked far from natural compared to blondes, and therefore, unprofitable.

Wanting to be on a par with their rivals, they have at their disposal a special technique that combines the equivalent use of darker and very light tones when staining. Armoring - from the English "brown" - brown, and "blonde" - light, turned dark-haired beauties into a real weapon of magnificent mass destruction.

What is the difference from other highlighting techniques

Bronding refers to the technique of multi-stage staining that has been widespread in the last decade. It means applying paint to the hair several times: first one tone, then another, then the next, and so on up to five or more different shades. Thanks to this hairdressing trick, the color looks very natural. Moreover, bronding at once solves those problems that are beyond the power of ordinary hair dye:

  • The hair looks natural. The created effect of burnt curls refreshes the face and is often perceived as natural. What people of the mass media have been successfully using for a long time: actresses, singers, popular TV presenters, show divas from glossy covers.
  • With correctly placed dark and light accents, the master can correct the imperfect face of the client, drawing attention to the advantages of appearance: highlighting eyes of an unusual color, sharpening facial features, or vice versa, giving them softness.
  • There is no need for constant tinting of regrown roots. With the right tone of color, the roots will harmoniously fit into the whole picture, adding peppercorns to the hairstyle.
  • Color transitions are permanently preserved.
  • Visual volume is formed with thin and weak hair. At the same time, staining does not damage their structure.
  • It is acceptable to use ammonia-free formulations that take care of even porous and fragile hair rods.

All of the above points make up the undeniable advantages of armoring over some other techniques.


However, stylish confusion in the minds of customers is not uncommon. When visiting a hairdresser, they demand from the masters to carry out a bronding, while presenting as a sample a photo of beauties with California highlights, or a package of paint intended for ombre.

Bronding differs from highlighting in that it does not have a clear distinction between clarified strands from all others. From the shatush technique - the fact that not only the “whitening” of the ends of the hair occurs, but also the stretching of the color along their entire length, to the very roots.

With balayage, the difference is that only strands are dyed, and not all hair, and bronding differs from ombre by blurring the horizontal border, which the “degrade” technique always has, clearly visible to the eye.

A fashionable bronding technique is available to every woman, now already - regardless of the color of her strands. But you need to understand that some will get the result immediately, while others will have to spend a few more hours in the chair in order to get closer to their dream. The fact is that this coloring requires considerable effort from the master - both physical, which consist in preparing the right mixtures, mixing the ingredients in the right proportions, in carefully applying the product, and creative ones. The hair of the client in front of him is like a clean canvas under the brush of the creator. The appearance of a woman's head will depend on the artistic taste and professionalism of the hairdresser. In addition to these circumstances, the success of the change in appearance will depend on:

- original color. The easiest way to do bronding is on curls from dark blond to chestnut.

- lengths. This technique is not performed on short and ultra-short hair. Its meaning is in the overflow of color, which is simply lost in the missing length.

- the quality of the strands. Straight and wavy hair is beautifully highlighted with bronding. On curly hair, this effect disappears.

Staining technique

There are three main types of armoring. All methods have only one thing in common - the difference between adjacent shades should not be more than three tones. It is this transition that guarantees the complete naturalness of the result. The number of such shades, at the same time, is limited only by the skill of the hairdresser and the amount of his free time that he can spend on you.

  1. Classic booking. Produced over several days. First, ordinary highlighting is used, and then over and over again the strands are painted over with a brush, choosing light colors.
  2. Zonal. As the name implies, a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair is dyed: the top - light, the bottom - in dark, thick, chocolate shades. Sometimes the master produces a so-called deepening of color near the very roots, darkening them and trying to get into the tone of the lower zone.
  3. With ombre effect. With this type, the ends of the strands are highlighted throughout the volume of the head, and then the color is stretched along the length of the hair. At the same time, they seem to be covered with a light mother-of-pearl haze, which causes an indescribable play of highlights on the curls. A particularly good option is when, closer to the ends, gradual lightening is applied on the curls, to the lightest possible gradient. This hairstyle acquires splendor and volume, attracts the eye.

Bronzing for different hair colors

The technique was invented for dark-haired young ladies, but the blondes very quickly tried to turn this gift of stylists against their rivals, and, I must say, they succeeded. Behind the blondes, fair-haired and red-haired adherents of experiments were pulled into the chairs of the masters. As a result, bronding has ceased to be the prerogative of only one, narrow group of natural brunettes.

Bronzing for dark and black hair

In order to qualitatively carry out this procedure on black hair, the master has to work hard. The fact is that brond still implies brown shades, and not the colors of the raven wing. Therefore, simply applying a light tone to natural black strands does not mean real armoring at all.

The best solution is to apply shades of dark chocolate, black coffee, dark chestnut, brown, nut shades on dark hair.

Bronding light brown hair

Oddly enough, but this type of staining is most flattering to the owners of light brown curls. The master should select shades based on the client’s color type: from cool pearl and coffee with milk to warm wheat, amber, cappuccino.

Bronzing for blond hair

Not everyone can understand blondes seeking to turn into a blonde. Nevertheless, this modification gives an excellent result - naturally blond hair is not rich in shades, and the use of partial darkening gives them depth and volume. They flow, sway, look very lively and attractive. In this case, nature will also tell you the right direction in color temperature, which tones to choose - cold or warm.

Coloring for red hair

Often the intervention in the natural color of the hairstyle of the red-haired beauty is opposed by a special shade of the skin of the face. For most, it is light, delicate, often there is pigmentation. It is very difficult to find a color that would not give the face even more redness or emphasize the bright spots of freckles. Bronding allows you to soften the sharpness of changes, soft highlights on the hair highlight the color of the iris, outline the eyebrows, turn flaws into virtues. Beige blond, walnut, chestnut colors - this is the scale on which you need to play the magical music of transformation.

Bronzing and hair length: beauty to the maximum

Long hair

Of course, this is the most desirable springboard for all sorts of experiments in the field of armoring. Long hair allows you to place color accents and get a completely different result in each new case. You can play with the depth of color, get the effect of highlights or a smooth wave of fluid color. Create an accent on the face by highlighting the strands, or volume on the head by darkening the roots and tips.

Average length

This length of hair is optimal for zonal bronding. All other types of it are also easily achievable if the tips go down at least to the shoulders. Cascading haircut, the absence of torn strands will be an additional advantage for medium length hair.

Bronding for short hair

There are masters with special golden hands who manage to perform such a complex technique on a short Pixie or Gavroche length without losing its essence - highlights and color transitions. However, there are few such masters, and not everyone can afford the cost of the author's work. However, if the length of the strands is gaining 10 cm, you can try. The most recommended technique is zonal armoring. The most suitable hairstyle will be a bob or bob.

Structure and color

Many girls with straight hair from childhood want to have curls. It is for them that curlers, curling irons, stylers were invented. And it is for them that bronding was invented, and this is the case when curly hair is not a plus, but a minus.

The big advantage of straight strands is their flexibility and variability. They look equally beautiful both in a loose state and tucked into a fancy hairstyle. Both short and long haircuts on them are always room for creativity and variation. Bronding surprisingly enlivens straight hair and presents it very advantageously.

Wavy hair

Owners of wavy curls - long and medium - can resort to this coloring technique, since highlights are easier to place on them, and a professional can even make them work in the right direction: to make the hairstyle light or add volume.

Curly hair, especially with a steep curl, most often has a porous structure, and is difficult to dye with smooth color transitions. The result is unpredictable and 90% depends on the skill of the master.

How to deal with bangs when staining

Stylists do not recommend touching the bangs with a paint brush unless absolutely necessary. If the technique is performed on very dark hair, and unpainted bangs create a noticeable dissonance with other strands in the hairstyle, light highlighting is allowed, literally by a hair.

Is it worth doing booking at home?

It is difficult to reproach women for preferring home rather than salon coloring when they have such a weighty argument at the ready as the considerable price of the service. Indeed, booking is not a cheap pleasure. It requires a long effort from the master and from the client and can take several hours or even days. The advantages of the salon procedure, in this case, include the acquisition of a harmonious and very stable color that can be worn on the hair for more than one month.

Home coloring may not bring the same satisfaction with the result. To minimize the effect of the suddenness of the final color and the lack of skills, we will give some tips:

  • Try to paint professionally. They cost more, but regular supermarket hair dye isn't designed to mix and match.
  • Purchase quality brushes and sponges.
  • Master the technique of stretching color by watching videos on the Internet. Practice on dry strands.
  • Ask a friend for help so that the back of your head does not become your weakest area.

Remember: perhaps armoring will remain an unattainable dream. But who knows what other new technique you will invent while trying to achieve it?!

Photo of staining of armoring. Before and after

To keep the effect of the play of light and overflows for a long time, you need to take care of your hair. Regular shampooing, even with the use of balms and conditioners, is no longer enough. Moreover, the shampoo should be intended specifically for colored hair - such products have additives that stick the hair scales together, which prevents the pigment from washing out.

The use of nourishing masks is not forbidden. Moreover, they should be applied before washing, and not after, when the hair is “closed” for the penetration of useful substances.

Science has not yet come up with a better way to add shine to hair than the usual solution of citric or acetic acid in mineral water. Per liter of water - a few granules of acid (until a pleasant sour taste is obtained) or a tablespoon of vinegar. Rinse, slowly draining the solution over wet strands, do not rinse. Get wet with a towel. Let it dry a little naturally, then you can proceed with styling or blow-drying.

Jennifer Lopez is a classic example of classic bronding on long hair. As soon as the singer and actress switched to the bright side, adding live strands to her dark hair, she instantly lost a few years and began to look younger than in photographs of 10-12 years ago.

The “beauty woman” of all time has been in each of the camps: she was a red-haired, platinum blonde, brunette, and at her current elegant age she firmly settled in the image of an armored lady, and feels very comfortable in these muted beige-caramel tones. Guessing her true age is impossible, as well as taking admiring eyes away from her.

Those who call Sarah a Manhattan blonde are greatly mistaken. This staining technique has a different name. And here's another example of how persistent stereotypes are - a little blonde strands in her hair is not yet a sign that it's time for you to lighten in order to get the same luxurious mop as Sarah Jessica has.

A great way to get a new stylish hairstyle is to bronde dark hair. If you are tired of a dark color or want to revive your hair with light accents, then it's time to resort to a newfangled procedure.

Its results can be seen in the photo of beauties from glamor magazines. The main advantage of this technology is that bronding minimally injures the hair.

With the help of bronde, soft natural shades are obtained. In the photo you can see how the hairstyle looks after staining in this way. Curls have a healthy look and an attractive radiant color.

Bronzing is a creative multi-stage staining. Through such a gradual change in the main color, you can achieve the golden mean between shades of blond and brown.

The transition from dark tones to lighter ones is carried out smoothly. Such clarification, as seen in the photo, will allow you to get very effective color combinations.

The final result of the staining procedure, which can be carried out at home, depends on the initial color. The armoring of dark hair looks great if their length is below average. Photos of girls with haircuts demonstrate that this procedure is also appropriate for short hair.

What are the benefits of Brond?

Why has armoring become so popular? It practically does not have a negative effect on the condition of the hair. There are other advantages:

You may not achieve 100% results the first time. Lessons and advice from professionals will help you improve your staining technique.

How is delicate lightening of strands performed?

To carry out multi-stage staining at home, it is better to preview the video, as this is a complex technique. The procedure is performed in a certain sequence.

First you need to evaluate the features of appearance: from the color of the skin and eyes to the natural color of the hair. After that, a "base" should be created. So in the language of hairdressers is called lightening to light or medium brown.

The second stage of the process consists in performing the brond staining.

Bronding dark hair is a rather laborious process. It takes a lot of time. Some strands will have to be dyed several times to get an acceptable color.

After getting the base base, take two (or more) additional shades. The first should be lighter than the main one, and the second darker.

Hair should be divided into strands. Then, at a distance of 3 cm from the hair root, they begin to apply a dark tone. A lighter shade covers the tips (about 5 cm). The borders of the transitions are carefully shaded. Each colored strand is wrapped with a strip of foil.

Reservation is performed in the following sequence:

  • occipital part;
  • parietal region;
  • temporo-lateral;
  • bangs (central).

Carrying out the most difficult stage

Brond is made only after all the above operations have been completed. At the end of the procedure, the hair may look like a little sun-bleached. You can achieve the creation of an original tint frame. Glare effect looks stylish. In the photo you can see other color variations created by professional craftsmen.

At home, you can perform only the simplest version of booking. It consists in creating a smooth transition from dark to light colors. It turns out the original chocolate, beige or light brown shade.

Dark blond hair is ideal for this technique. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of palette, it is better to first look at photos of models with a similar hair color.

Strands can be dyed randomly. This is done by hand or with a comb coated with a coloring composition. Such disorderly actions will contribute to obtaining a deep vibrant color with deep overflows. The technology will become more understandable if you master it with the help of a video.

The final stage of hair bronding, if it is carried out in the salon, is lamination. With this procedure, you can permanently consolidate the achieved result.

Care specifics

After bronding is done, the hair does not require special care. It is enough to follow the rules that are recommended for normal staining. It is useful to use tinted balms that support color.

To strengthen the hair, after each shampooing, a regenerating balm or conditioner is applied to them. If bronding was performed, then it is better not to expose the hair to ultraviolet radiation.

The beauty industry is constantly evolving. There are new interesting techniques that can transform a woman, make her bright and stylish. Bronding is a great way to change the usual image in a fashionable direction, which is available at home.

Booking today is carried out in almost all beauty salons and hairdressers. This technique is considered one of the most fashionable and popular. But not everyone can afford this procedure because of its high price, and therefore some decide on hair bronding at home. And how to carry it out?

Is it worth it?

Before booking at home, evaluate your capabilities and strengths. This technique is considered quite complicated, so not everyone can perform it. Experienced craftsmen undergo special training, and only professionals in their field can achieve a stunning effect. If a beginner takes up the matter, then the results may end up very different from those desired. Yes, a detailed video will help you learn all the features and understand the technology, but in the absence of minimal viewing skills, it will not be enough. So if you doubt yourself, then seek help. Especially it is necessary for owners of long hair.

Hair preparation

To make bronding qualitatively and get the desired effect, prepare your hair for this procedure. First, carefully care for them, using moisturizing, nourishing and restoring cosmetics. Secondly, if you plan to cut your hair, then do it before bronding. But even if a haircut is not planned, you will need to cut the ends anyway.

What will be required?

Before booking, prepare everything you need:

  • Dye. It will take several tones, but they should all belong not only to one brand, but preferably to one line. If you pick up funds from different companies, they can enter into an unpredictable reaction that will spoil the result.
  • Disposable rubber gloves. Perform all actions in them.
  • Special protective cape. It will protect clothes from dirt.
  • Paint bowl. Prepare a plastic or glass container, not metal.
  • Spatula for stirring the coloring composition.
  • Tassel. It is better to prepare several: one of medium width for applying the main tone and another narrow for lightening individual strands.
  • Foil. It will be used during highlighting.
  • Comb with frequent teeth and a long narrow handle (for dividing hair into separate parts).
  • You can also prepare a detailed video describing the entire procedure, which will allow you to answer questions that arise and avoid mistakes.

Color selection

To make your hair truly beautiful, you need to decide on the colors. The easiest and most convenient option for the home is to use a natural color as the main one. In this case, you do not have to carry out full staining, and the procedure will be more gentle. But if the natural color is too dark, then it is better to lighten it. It can be carried out in several stages, this will allow you to get the perfect tone. Chocolate, chestnut, walnut, cognac, brown shades are relevant today. The second shade will be used for lightening. It should differ from the main one by only 2 or three tones, no more. The most popular colors are honey, wheat, linen, pearl-nut, light-nut, pearl, golden. You will also need a darker color (but it will also be lighter than the main one), which will be used for shading and coloring, necessary to deepen the color.

Remember that all selected tones must belong to the same scale. They can be either warm or cold, mixing is not recommended. When choosing, it is desirable to take into account the color type and features of appearance.

How to carry out the procedure?

How to do armoring at home? Main steps:

  • Instead of foil, you can use a perforated hat and a knitting needle or hook. First, put a cap on your head, then pull one small strand through the holes and lighten it. In this case, foil is not required.
  • For smoother and more natural transitions, you can use not two shades, but three, but no more.
  • You can select a separate part of the hair (this is called zonal armoring), for example, facial strands or the parietal region. When designating the parietal zone, you can apply a lighter tone not to the tips, but to the middle of the strands.
  • You can lighten only the crown area, leaving the temporal and occipital areas dark.
  • Toning can be done in several shades. One of them may be slightly darker than the main color, and it should be applied only to the roots and preferably to the hair of the occipital zone.
  • Follow the instructions given in the instructions that came with the paint. Do not exceed the dwell time.
  • It is better to do armoring in a well-lit and ventilated area.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the procedure will take almost a whole day.

Let the booking at home be successful!

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