When does the face begin to change during pregnancy? Increased work of the sebaceous glands

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The effect of pregnancy on the skin and skin care during pregnancy

There is not a single organ or cell in a woman’s body that is not affected by pregnancy. And the skin is one of the first to be affected by this, because it is an organ with many functions that is closely connected with all systems of the body.

The content of the article:

What is the main reason for skin changes during pregnancy?

Of course, these are hormones. The hormonal background sharply changes polarity. If earlier, before conception, estrogens, which are called hormones of femininity, ensured youth, beauty and radiance of a girl’s skin, then from the moment of fertilization they give way to progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy. And he mobilizes all resources female body to ensure the safety of life and health of the unborn baby, perhaps even to the detriment of the mother’s beauty.

How does skin change during pregnancy?

Estrogens have complex impact on a woman's skin:

Regulation of the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands
skin renewal
protection against free radicals
maintaining optimal skin moisture balance
regulation of skin immunity – resistance to penetration of bacteria and fungi

Now let’s imagine that all this has stopped working because there is not enough estrogen. Of course, the skin has compensatory capabilities, but it will take some time for them to work. Therefore, “troubles” arise:

  • Excessive greasiness and greasy shine, or, conversely, dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Changes in skin elasticity and the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Increased work of cells that produce pigment, and, as a result, hyperpigmentation, unsightly spots, including on the skin of the face; growth of papillomas, moles and warts.
  • Excessive sweating.

Toxicosis, varicose veins and other pregnancy problems

A problem like early toxicosis pregnant women, especially if it is pronounced, also do not in the best possible way affects the skin condition of the expectant mother. Increased salivation and vomiting lead to dehydration (dehydration). The skin becomes thinner, acquires a grayish tint, sometimes with slight jaundice. Appear under the eyes dark circles, since here the skin is thinnest and has no subcutaneous fat layer at all.

Because of poor appetite the pregnant woman's body does not receive enough essential vitamins, which, in turn, also affects the condition of the skin and its appendages (hair, nails). Peeling, excessive dryness of the skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth (jams), irritation, increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation may appear. itchy skin, hair loss and brittle nails.

At late toxicosis fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema come first. The skin becomes loose, “watery”, signs of cellulite appear, and if injured, infection of the injury site may develop, since immunity is reduced.

Many women, especially repeat pregnancies, suffer from varicose veins - these include spider veins on the legs, and ugly protruding tortuous veins, and the same swelling.

A common problem can also be itching of the skin, which bothers a woman in recent months pregnancy. It usually causes itching on the palms, feet, and abdominal area. In this case, no rashes are observed in the itching areas, but the itching itself can cause significant discomfort. In addition, scratches can become infected. This skin itching is associated with the fact that the expectant mother's liver works under increased load and produces substances that irritate skin receptors.

Mammary gland

During pregnancy, the mammary glands are actively supplied with blood and increase in size. The dream of many girls is to have a big one beautiful breasts- comes to life. However, there is very important nuance– without proper care, the beauty and shape of the breasts upon completion breastfeeding may be hopelessly lost. Judging by how many women are forced to turn to specialists for plastic surgery and how many different “miracle remedies for breast restoration” and getting rid of stretch marks are offered by the modern beauty industry, the problem needs to be addressed from the first day of pregnancy.

General recommendations for choosing care and decorative cosmetics during pregnancy

  • Cosmetics for a pregnant woman should be neutral and hypoallergenic and not contain perfumes or dyes. Often due to hypersensitivity Pregnant women are sensitive to odors; even tested and favorite creams may not smell the same as before, and cause irritation and discomfort when using them.
  • The main task of caring cosmetics for pregnant women is to moisturize, soothe the skin, protect it from ultraviolet radiation, and increase its elasticity and stretchability.
  • Skin care products should not contain pharmacological components, such as hormones, antibiotics, retinoids, etc., especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the formation and formation of the baby’s organs occurs. This particularly applies to acne treatments. It is known that many medications, even applied topically, can have a systemic effect, being absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, thereby harming the health of the unborn child. Therefore, if you have a severe acne problem, you should contact a dermatocosmetology specialist.
  • Pregnancy is not a disease, so do makeup and use decorative cosmetics Can. Being beautiful and well-groomed is always pleasant, it improves your mood and creates a positive outlook on life. the world, increases self-esteem. If your skin has not changed its sensitivity to previously used decorative cosmetics during pregnancy, you can safely use it. You just need to refrain from using particularly persistent products, for example, waterproof mascara for eyelashes or long-lasting lipstick, as they are more likely to cause irritation, dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason to refuse to visit a cosmetology office or salon. Massage, masks and light peelings are quite acceptable. Only hardware cosmetology and procedures that may be painful, for example, injections, hair removal, manual cleaning skin, etc. Pain threshold changes during pregnancy, it can either increase or decrease, and in pursuit of beauty you can leave beauty salon right in maternity hospital. It is necessary to warn the cosmetologist about your condition so that he can select a special care program for pregnant women.
  • Pregnancy is also not the time to try new cosmetic products, no matter how attractive and tempting they may seem.

Cosmetic problems of pregnant women and methods for solving them

Hyperpigmentation - manifests itself in the form of age spots on the skin of the face and some areas of the body, especially those that receive regular contact with ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, all care products must contain sunscreen filters, not chemical, but physical, so as not to cause allergies. During the period from April to September, when solar activity is especially strong, the protection factor (SPF) should be 30 or higher, and in winter an SPF of 10-15 will be quite enough.

Natural cosmetics homemade may turn out to be no worse than patented factory ones, with their undoubted advantage - they are completely harmless. Thus, hyperpigmentation in dry and sensitive facial skin will decrease significantly after regularly rubbing it twice a day with parsley decoction. This plant has whitening properties and contains beta-carotene and vitamin C. If the skin is oily and “prone to the appearance of imperfections,” treating the problem of age spots with a slice of lemon 1-2 times a day will help solve the problem.

Chloasma of pregnancy is yellowish-brown spots symmetrically located on the forehead, on both sides of the nose, on the cheekbones and bridge of the nose. It is almost impossible to prevent the appearance of a “pregnant mask,” as this unpleasant aesthetic defect is sometimes called, although it does not appear in everyone expectant mother. Gradually, after childbirth, it will disappear on its own, however, if this process is delayed, it will be possible to effectively combat it only after breastfeeding is completed, since special whitening creams may contain components harmful to the baby.

Stretch marks or stretch marks remain in areas subjected to the biggest changes in volume - abdomen, mammary glands, thighs, buttocks. Stretch marks on the stomach look especially unattractive - at first they are purple-bluish, but over time they become whitish. They do not occur in everyone; hereditary predisposition plays a significant role here.

In the subcutaneous fat layer, due to the low extensibility of the tissues, micro-tears occur, which subsequently transform into stretch marks. It is easier to prevent this cosmetic defect if you immediately start using special products containing elastin, collagen, and moisturizing components. Then the skin will be more elastic, and subsequently, when the volumes return to the original, this will happen without damage to the skin. appearance young mother.

Breast care should be discussed separately so that at the end of the lactation period it does not lose its shape and beauty. In addition to the usual hygiene procedures(the washing up warm water with baby soap), recommended cold and hot shower for the mammary glands and physical exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles. In addition, to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you should start using breast care products as early as possible, which improve the elasticity and extensibility of the skin in this area. sensitive area. An important point is also the selection and wearing of a bra from natural fabric with wide straps that will not allow the breasts to sag.

Acne, or acne, especially if a woman suffered from this disease before pregnancy, tends to worsen and intensify symptoms. Periods of exacerbation usually occur during early dates– 4-8 weeks and for the period from 13 to 20 weeks. This is due to fluctuations in hormonal levels and increased production of direct production stimulants. sebum.

The problem of acne, in addition to aesthetic damage, also causes psychological damage to a pregnant woman, since most of products used to treat acne are prohibited during pregnancy. Therefore give effective recommendations A dermatocosmetologist should provide facial care to a pregnant patient with acne. Typically these recommendations involve conducting a thorough daily care for facial skin using approved external products. Systemic drugs such as antibiotics, hormones, retinoids are prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Skin beauty and proper diet during pregnancy

It's no secret that pregnant women often gravitate toward exotic foods, eat chalk, sauerkraut, pickles, peppers, herring, etc. Often these taste preferences“come out” in the form of increased acne and simply banal allergic dermatitis. Skin problems are often solved by adjusting the diet and taking a special vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women (such as Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal, etc.)

Dry skin helps eliminate sufficient fluid intake (if there are no contraindications, then at least two liters clean water per day) and consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids(red fish, nuts, seeds, olive and corn oil cold pressed).

Sweets, chocolate, soda, baked goods, fried and fatty foods increase sebum production, causing additional problems If you are prone to acne, it is better to avoid these products.

Be sure to include low-fat cottage cheese, fermented milk products, cheese, fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits in your diet - as a source of amino acids, vitamins and calcium - the first are necessary for synthesis

Each woman endures these 9 months differently, but facial skin care during pregnancy is obligatory ritual. The skin undergoes various changes are not always beneficial for her, so gentle supportive care is needed, as well as getting rid of problems that are inevitable during this period. Hormonal changes the body brings acne, age spots, dryness and stretch marks. But correct preventative care will help get rid of them.

Skin changes in the first trimester of pregnancy

The birth of a new life has a calming effect on most expectant mothers. And even the skin condition of some lucky women improves dramatically, but not all of them. Most people see an unsightly picture in the mirror - the skin becomes excessively dry, wrinkles, peeling, and itching appear. And if toxicosis is added to them, which is the main culprit of the deficiency useful substances in the body, the skin will be pale, “tired” with clogged pores.

During this period, facial skin care during pregnancy consists of maximizing its hydration. You should drink more water, take vitamin complexes as prescribed by the doctor, and also try to get necessary elements from food. External care is gentle cleansing, as well as the use of moisturizing creams and masks. It is better to make the latter yourself from various products. Do not use too aggressive cleansers. It is better to give preference to tonics without alcohol and herbal infusions.

This is the period when age spots appear. The number of moles may also increase. In any case, the sun in the second trimester of pregnancy is not the best ally for the skin of the expectant mother. Therefore, it is better to use products with high level protection when going outside if the second trimester occurred in summer period. The spots most often appear on the face, arms, chest, and also in the lower abdomen. Other enemies of the skin are cellulite and stretch marks. The baby is growing, and even the most elastic skin It loses some of its properties during pregnancy.

For many expectant mothers, swelling begins during this period. Therefore, you should review your diet and remove salty foods from it, since salt retains fluid in the body. At night it is better not to drink a lot of water, but to eat an apple or some citrus fruit. But the amount of protein in the diet should be increased - the skin will become more elastic. In addition, you can add vitamin E to your usual cream (buy in capsules, puncture one of them and mix with the amount of cream for one application). Contrast showers and massage are recommended for pregnant women. Required healthy sleep. After a shower, instead of cream, you can apply oil to your face and body. baby body after bathing - it will retain moisture and protect against the appearance of wrinkles.

Age spots it gets even bigger. In addition, rosacea often appears. The last trimester of pregnancy is the hardest, both for the expectant mother and for her skin. Weakened immunity also makes itself felt - the body catches infections, including fungal and papillomavirus. It should be strengthened, and you can take a vitamin course again with the doctor’s permission. The skin of the face and body still needs to be thoroughly cleansed, moisturized and nourished. Don't use too much strong remedies– soaps with antibacterial effect, natural masks, massage, baby oil for the body, as well as a light moisturizer is quite enough.

Don't know how to carefully cleanse your skin during pregnancy? If the skin needs peeling, it is better to use kiwi pulp. This fruit contains a lot of acids and whitens the skin.

Nutrition should be moderate, you need to drink enough water. Fish, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, and dairy products will be useful. Masks during this period are good from oatmeal and avocado, banana and sour cream, you can add honey. But it should be remembered that during pregnancy, the skin may react to some products with an allergy, even if it was not there before. The body's vulnerability is increased.

A sharp change in hormonal levels is the cause of acne and blackheads. And the increased load on the body and the accumulation of sodium leads to disruption of the water-salt balance and the appearance of edema. These include pigment spots, a tendency to rosacea, and stretch marks, so we take care of the body and face very carefully and thoughtfully. Pregnancy – natural process, and not a reason to give up on yourself.

Required A complex approachproper nutrition, maintaining a water regime, taking vitamins for pregnant women, selection safe cosmetics. A massage and contrast shower will also come in handy. They will help keep the skin elastic and quickly return it to normal after childbirth. And a shower is also an excellent training for blood vessels, as well as preventing the appearance of rosacea.

Do you want to know how cosmetologists advise you to take care of your skin during pregnancy? Then watch this video:

Important! Self-care should be regular. Many skin problems may not appear if you take care of them in advance.

A ring that is difficult to remove from a finger, problems putting on shoes, bags under the eyes and puffiness are all swelling. Most often they bother the expectant mother in the second half of pregnancy, when the increasing load causes the kidneys to work slower. In addition, the water-salt balance is disrupted. Edema can be dealt with as follows:

  • Less salty. Such foods cause thirst, and sodium retains water in the body;
  • Drink enough water - at least 2 liters per day. Tea, juice and other drinks cannot replace water. You shouldn't drink too much at night;
  • Do not eat immediately before bedtime. This also leads to swelling. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. As a last resort, you can drink a glass of milk or kefir.

External remedies for swelling include lotions made from parsley decoction, grated potatoes, and ice from chamomile infusion. You can also include used tea bags, but the tea must be without additives. Facial skin care at night may include applying a mask or cream, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime. In general, after you have become pregnant, you should treat creams with caution. Be sure to check the composition and prefer natural ingredients.

Increased production of progesterone is the cause of acne in pregnant women. Although the skin becomes drier, but poor nutrition and the regimen can boost sebum production. In addition, reduced immunity also causes various rashes. You need to do the following:

  • Control your diet. It is better not to get carried away with pastries, pies, sausages and smoked meats. Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy will respond overweight and the appearance of acne;
  • Cleanse skin and fight acne quality means, which are safe for the expectant mother and baby. As a care product, you can sometimes use soft scrub or peeling roll. Once a week you should make a mask of black clay, which fights acne;
  • It is better not to overuse decorative cosmetics, but if you urgently need to hide redness or traces of acne, do this with a mineral-based mattifying powder.

Cellulose, sufficient quantity water, proper nutrition will help keep your skin clean and beautiful. A special cosmetics- cope with unpleasant problems.

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman's skin begins to intensively produce melatonin and pigment spots may appear. After giving birth, they will gradually go away, but you can apply something now to lighten them and make them less noticeable. For example, wipe your face with lemon juice, which has a whitening effect. Can be applied to stains castor oil. Dairy products also suitable for fighting them. There are also special creams, which discolor pigment spots.

What to do to prevent pigment spots from appearing? You should use a cream with increased protection against sun rays, preferably for children - he has more natural composition. Facial care after pregnancy will be more extensive and productive.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period. The shortcomings that appear during the process are temporary, and properly selected care will even get rid of them. Walking on fresh air, restful sleep, proper nutrition is important for both the baby and the expectant mother. A natural cosmetic will make your skin beautiful even during this difficult period.

Thank you

Changes in condition skin all women notice during pregnancy. For some, these changes occur to a greater extent, and for others, to a lesser extent.
The condition of the skin changes most noticeably in the second three months of pregnancy.

Why do changes in skin condition occur during pregnancy?

This happens, of course, due to the activity of pregnancy hormones. Blood circulation also changes. It is the change in blood circulation that you owe to that amazing, glowing complexion that is characteristic of pregnant women. The sebaceous and sweat glands work differently during pregnancy. They become more active, which is why many women notice that they sweat more and their skin becomes oilier during pregnancy. The mechanism responsible for skin pigmentation also works more intensively. Moreover, if you are naturally dark-skinned, then there will be more surprises such as age spots, freckles, and they will be brighter. Girls with pale skin have virtually no fear of age spots. Don’t be alarmed, as soon as your baby is born, your hormonal levels will begin to return to normal and your skin color will even out again.

Age spots on the face

The greatest worry for women during pregnancy is pigment spots on the face. This is the so-called pregnancy mask. The pregnancy mask appears closer to the middle of pregnancy. It happens suddenly. One morning you suddenly find these brownish spots on your face. This is the reaction of skin cells to the action of progesterone and estrogen. Cells begin to intensively produce melanin, but this happens spontaneously, so the skin does not darken evenly. If you are a brunette or brown-haired woman, try to expose your face to the sun's rays as little as possible. Then the mask of pregnant women, if it appears, will not be so bright.

Acne on the face

During pregnancy, you may experience long-forgotten pimples on your face. Taking care of your acne skin is no different than what you did when you were fifteen. Do not use scrubs or peeling creams. The maximum you can clean your face with is a scrub based on oatmeal. Never try to take any medications for acne, they can harm your baby.

Other skin problems during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your palms and soles may become brighter in color and sometimes itch. This is also due to the changed hormonal levels. Unpleasant sensations will pass immediately after birth.

Spider veins may appear on the skin or even on the whites of the eyes. This happens especially often during childbirth. These defects sometimes go away on their own, and in some cases they need to be removed vascular network with facial skin, you have to seek help from a specialist.

During pregnancy, you may also experience a skin attack such as papillomas. These are very small warts elongated shape, which most often appear under the arms, under the breasts or on the neck. If papillomas appeared during pregnancy, they will go away on their own as soon as the baby is born.

And another strange sore that occurs in pregnant women is prickly heat. A little later you will become familiar with this problem in detail using the example of your baby, but now it’s your turn. As mentioned above, during pregnancy the sweat and sebaceous glands work more actively. The body sweats and in some places, under the influence of friction, small red pimples appear. They may cause itching. Itching sometimes appears in places where the skin is subjected to strong stretching.

From everything said above, the medical board site can conclude that, no matter what the nature of the skin problems that appear during pregnancy, one thing is clear. A pregnant woman's skin requires more careful care. Spend a few extra minutes a day rubbing in special cosmetics or face masks. Then pregnancy will go It's only good for your skin.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

And the skin on my arms and legs has become terribly dry since 30 weeks, no cream helps ((I hope it goes away after giving birth

And I have pimples all over my face, and every day there are more and more of them and they are so intensely red, I don’t know what to do with them.

I was very pale during pregnancy. I didn’t notice any unusual facial condition in myself, or in other girls either. None of my friends had age spots. Some particularly beautiful color is also an invention of the people. There was no color. Skin like skin. I’m just saying that I was pale. I used the same tools as always. I didn’t buy anything special or new. They suit me well, why change then, because the new ones may not fit.

My colleague had a hard time giving birth to her first child, he was big, and she gave birth for quite a long time. So all the whites of her eyes were covered with burst blood vessels. And the blood vessels in my neck also burst. Then, over time, everything went away. The skin became white and beautiful again. And the eyes were not damaged at all. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of such things. This all passes, everything is temporary. The main thing is that the child is born healthy, and that you, too, are not seriously injured. And the skin will come to its senses.

Pregnancy didn't have much of an impact on my skin. The skin remains the same. But while breastfeeding, my skin really aged. Wrinkles appeared near the corners of the eyes, starting from the corner of the eye and immediately to the temple. It’s impossible not to notice it up close. But I didn’t notice any other changes. Although in general the body seems to have matured. A lot of new things have appeared. I wouldn’t take much of this for myself. But the body doesn’t ask what we want.

It seems to me that all the talk about skin changes during pregnancy is too exaggerated. I didn't notice them at all. Skin like skin. I'm not dark-skinned, so I've never had problems with pigmentation at all. None special means I have not used it for skin care. The girls were all chasing expensive creams for stretch marks, and I used a simple body cream. Nothing expensive or special. The result is the same for me and for them. Stretch marks still appear.

I had a little papillomas before. But during pregnancy, a lot of them appeared in places where they had not been before. I think that this virus lives in the blood, and when you are pregnant, your immunity drops. That's how all sorts of dirty tricks bloom lush color. I fight papillomas very simply - I cut them off with nail clippers. First, of course, I disinfect the nippers and cut right at the root. Sometimes it bleeds a little. But it usually heals easily. Only this can be done with small papillomas.

During pregnancy, my friend's entire face was covered with freckles and spots. Poor thing, she didn’t even know what to do with it. I suffered throughout my entire pregnancy and smeared cucumbers on my face. At least what kind of a kind person He said that once she gives birth, it will all go away on its own. Otherwise, she thought that she would be like this pockmarked for the rest of her life. But in fact, everything went away within two months after giving birth. The face became normal color. So don't worry about those who have these spots.

I started sweating a lot more after giving birth. During pregnancy it was somehow not so noticeable. And the skin hasn't changed much either. But sweat during breastfeeding has become more pungent and smells stronger. In terms of quantity, it seems that the same amount is produced, no more. But those deodorants that used to help are now completely ineffective. Probably some hormonal changes.

I have in last trimesters Some rashes appeared on the skin. Like hives. At first everything was fine, toxicosis was not particularly painful. And in the end, the skin deteriorated. Doctors said that this is an individual reaction of the body. That was the end of it. I didn’t take any medications and, in the end, after giving birth, all the rashes went away on their own. This is probably what the doctors were counting on, that it would go away on its own. That's it.

Today there are so many different means skin care, which, for sure, the manufacturers took care of clients in interesting position. I've only seen creams for stretch marks. There are a lot of such funds. I didn’t specifically buy stretch mark cream, but I used baby cream. I read that this also helps. Stretch marks have formed on my stomach, but they are not very noticeable and not very large. That's why I'm not worried. You can't cure it anymore.

I didn’t have any spots on my face during pregnancy, they write that they can be, but my pregnancy took place in the fall-winter and a little in the spring, so there wasn’t a lot of sun and there weren’t any spots. I can’t say that there were any changes to the skin. Everything seems to be as usual. Used everything usual means skin care and nothing else. There was no allergy to anything either, I even dyed my hair with my usual product.

I can’t say anything about the condition of the skin during pregnancy. Neither me nor any of my friends had any changes to their skin during pregnancy. As she was, she remains so. But after childbirth there are really significant changes. Within a year of the birth of my child, I noticed the appearance crow's feet by the way, the same story happened to my friend, who, by the way, will be younger than me. And the wrinkles have already appeared. In addition, my hair has become oilier, and I sweat more. This was especially true during the period until menstruation returned.

The purpose of this information brochure: During pregnancy, your skin may undergo various changes. We'd like to introduce you to some of these common changes, which are usually harmless but often unpleasant, and explain how you can help.

Possible skin changes during pregnancy:

1. stretch marks (atrophic stripes of skin)
2. papillomas
3. change in hair growth
4. appearance of pimples (acne)
5. redness (erythematosis of pregnancy)
6. spider veins and varicose veins
7. darkening of some areas of the skin
8. darkening of moles and freckles - information in a separate brochure

1. What are stretch marks (atrophic stripes of skin)? Stretch marks are linear scars that most often appear on the chest, abdomen, lateral pelvis, and thighs. They start out as reddish-purple lines, and over time turn into white, atrophic (looks like crumpled cigarette paper) scars. Stretch marks are normal occurrence during pregnancy and appear in 50% - 90% of pregnant women. Even in the writings of the ancient Egyptians, stretch marks formed as a result of pregnancy were mentioned.

Are stretch marks accompanied by any symptoms? Very rarely, stretch marks can cause burning and itching.

What causes stretch marks during pregnancy and who is prone to them? The exact mechanism of stretch mark formation is still unknown. It is generally accepted that stretch marks are caused by rapid increase weight, although this has not been proven. Stretch marks are also common in other family members, such as your sister and mother. Personal history (for example, the appearance of lines during adolescence), and other genetic factors influence the formation of stretch marks. They are most common in young women and women who have overweight or a large fruit.

When do stretch marks appear during pregnancy? Usually in the 25th week of pregnancy, although some women experience them earlier.

Are there any health risks due to the appearance of stretch marks? No. However, they can cause emotional distress.

What happens to stretch marks after childbirth? Most stretch marks discolor after childbirth, leaving only light lines.

Can stretch marks be treated or prevented? Does not exist effective treatment. As a preventive measure, use massage with olive oil, castor oil, cocoa butter, or use products containing glycolic or fruit acids, homeopathic creams and/or oils; The therapeutic effect of these drugs has not been proven; massage with olive oil most likely helps. Many expensive and often painful treatments do not lead to positive result, so we recommend avoiding them. Massage your skin daily using a simple moisturizer or olive oil, as well as weight control, can partially help prevent the development of stretch marks.

After childbirth you can contact topical (local) products containing retinoids, but remember that The use of retinoids is prohibited during pregnancy as they may harm your baby! Your dermatologist may prescribe other medications and laser treatments.

2. Papillomas (skin fibroma on the stalk) Papillomas are small (reaching 1-5 mm), soft, polypoid formations of the skin flesh-colored, which usually appear in the armpits or under the breasts. In areas subject to mechanical irritation, papillomas may increase during pregnancy under the influence of hormones. They may disappear after childbirth. If they persist, these papillomas can be removed by your dermatologist if desired.

3. Change in hair growth During pregnancy most hairline enters the resting phase, which is normal stage in the hair growth cycle. This leads to a reduction in hair loss and thickening. Within three months after childbirth, the hair growth cycle returns to normal, causing temporary, intense hair loss in many women. This is called telogen effluvium. This process usually lasts from six to twelve months after birth. After this, the hair usually becomes the same as before pregnancy. Pregnant women can watch intensive growth hair in typical men's areas, for example, in the chin area. This phenomenon is also associated with hormonal changes(availability of more male hormones). Typically, this is not a serious or permanent problem and goes away within a few months after giving birth.

4. The appearance of pimples (acne) Increase female hormones during pregnancy, in most cases it reduces the number of acne. Only some patients may experience worsening; Generally, all skin becomes oilier during pregnancy (see also acne fact sheet).

5. What is “erythematosis of pregnancy”? During pregnancy, blood circulation to the skin increases significantly, which causes your face to become redder. Increased hormone production can stimulate the glands that produce lubricant (sebaceous glands), called sebum, which results in a shiny face. "erythematosis of pregnancy" is an old-fashioned expression to describe this phenomenon. If you think your skin is too oily, use a facial cleanser water based or weak alcoholic solutions (50-70%) containing salicylic acid(1-3%). Cold and warm water also useful.

6. Spider veins(spider angioma) Spider veins are grouped small dilated blood vessels, which usually emanate from a central point. They can appear on the face, chest, and sometimes on the arms and stomach. As a rule, they will disappear after childbirth. If not, they can be effectively treated by a dermatologist.

Phlebeurysm Pressure on the major veins (blood vessels that carry blood to the heart) from the growing uterus causes blood flow to slow down as it returns to the heart. Blood "retains" in the veins lower limbs. Swelling of the legs in the ankle area can cause dilated veins; it causes fatigue and painful sensations. For more late stage this could lead to varicose veins veins To improve blood circulation, you should raise your legs above head level whenever possible. Walking helps restore blood circulation (your muscle pump), but if you stand or sit for long period time, blood flow deteriorates. If you feel that your legs are swelling, you should wear special compression stockings or maternity socks. If your genetics or personal history predisposes you to varicose veins or thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins)/thrombosis (blood clots), you should consult your doctor.

7. Darkening of some areas of your skin Increased skin pigmentation is quite common during pregnancy, especially in dark-skinned women, where up to 90% of the skin can be affected. Darkening of the nipples, genitals, and linea alba (the line on the abdomen) may occur. For some women, recent scars darken. Facial pigmentation is called melasma or chloasma, also known as the “mask of pregnancy.” This unsightly and sometimes stressful phenomenon is very common among many pregnant women. The situation worsens when exposed to direct sunlight. Pigmentation can be reduced by using products with high factor protection (SPF 50) and effective UVA and UVB filters. This phenomenon usually disappears after pregnancy, and if not, you should contact a dermatologist who will prescribe special remedies.

This brochure was prepared working group"Skin diseases during pregnancy" of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) and may not reflect the official views of the EADV.

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