The most beautiful natural beauty. Natural and natural beauty

Natural beauty valued not only by men, but also by women.

While we are young, we believe that cosmetical tools make us even more beautiful and forget that with their help, in 10 years, we will look much older than our age.

Many people define natural beauty in different ways. Some people believe that to be natural and beautiful means to have a harmonious and asymmetrical arrangement of the eyes, lips and nose.

Others consider a girl to be naturally beautiful if she has beautiful hair.

There are many criteria for natural beauty, but what does it mean to be natural and beautiful?!

Natural beauty is within us

IN modern world There is a concept of natural beauty, which is determined by the outer shell.

But this is a completely wrong judgment. People have completely forgotten what attracts people by appearance, and a pure soul.

You can have ideal features faces and natural beauty, many fans, but not having just one who will be nearby at any moment. All this is due to human qualities and inner beauty, which many women in our time have completely forgotten.

It is not uncommon now in which the man is Alain Delon, and the woman is an ordinary girl, without outstanding external data and natural beauty.

When judging such a man and envying such a woman, just think about why this happens. And all because she is so filled with soul that a man doesn’t even look at how beautiful or ugly she is.

To be naturally beautiful, you just need to fill your soul with love and care for others.

It is important for men to have someone close to them Nice picture, and a girl with sparkling eyes, self-confident, blooming, with a rich spiritual world, and of course, well-groomed.

Naturally, all men love with their eyes, so it is also necessary to take care of yourself. After all, from time immemorial, a woman has been the ideal of natural and natural beauty.

How to be natural and naturally beautiful

  • be yourself;
  • eat right;
  • exercise;
  • take care of hair;
  • watch your posture;
  • natural beauty requires the correct gait;
  • quit bad habits;
  • take care of your skin;
  • refuse solarium;
  • pamper yourself.

To have natural beauty you have to be yourself

All women are beautiful in their own way and have natural beauty. The main thing is to feel comfortable in your body and love yourself as God created you.

If you have it, you feel happy and calm in any position or situation. Believe in yourself and be yourself, then people will be drawn to you.

For natural beauty, you need to work on your personality and individuality, this way you will increase your natural attractiveness.

Proper nutrition is the key to natural beauty

Good mood and freshness depend on proper nutrition. You need to feed your body useful vitamins and substances to radiate beauty and health.

Change your diet and your eyes will be filled with sparkle and life, you will always be energetic and real, have healthy body and a healthy mind.

With the help of food you can change the color of your skin, the volume of your hair and the beauty of your nails. Follow and you will have natural beauty.

Playing sports - reviving natural beauty

Playing sports will tighten your body and make it more flexible and flexible.

Sports will help improve your body's health, improve blood circulation and give your skin freshness. healthy color. This way you can prevent the aging process, which will allow you to preserve your natural beauty. long years.

Hair care - affects natural beauty

Hair is your pride. Proper regular use will make them vital, elastic, soft and shiny. With the help of careful and

voluminous hair you will increase your self-confidence.

Correct posture will help you be beautiful

Natural beauty originates in our body, so an even posture attracts the attention of men and attracts them to you. A straight posture will allow you to keep your head high, which is very important for a woman.

Flying gait

Grace, lightness and plasticity will improve your appearance. Your movement and eloquence will make you more attractive and naturally beautiful.

It’s not for nothing that in the famous film “ Love affair at work“Verochka taught Lyudmila Prokofievna to differentiate, and she was right. and the plasticity of the panther will charm any man.

Move smoothly and sensually, starting from the hips and thus enhance your natural beauty.

Bad habits will prevent you from becoming naturally beautiful

Smoking and alcohol harm health, complexion, teeth and age a woman by ten years.

Moreover, smoking or drinking woman pushes her away, her behavior seems vulgar and men do not take such ladies seriously, because they understand that the girl leading is not correct image life, will soon lose its natural beauty and wither like a rose without water.

Skin care - preserve natural beauty

Take care of your body skin. Special attention requires, because it is prone to early fading and the appearance of wrinkles; there is no time for natural beauty when the skin of the face is sagging.

Say no to solarium

Influence sun rays, especially artificial ones will lead to photoaging. Because of this, you may experience fine wrinkles and your skin tone will become uneven.

Nowadays, all the girls are young and think that they look better tanned. Yes, this is true, but what will happen when you become 10 years older, then the solarium will not help and no one will return the natural beauty of youth.

Pamper yourself

You need to constantly pamper yourself and do something for your pleasure. Visit spa salons or do various activities, go to the pool, listen to music and take a break from your problems.

Natural beauty fades when you are tired and your eyes do not give light to others.

Natural beauty in adulthood

As women age, they begin to feel less confident, but this big mistake. Looking at young girls, you can see that the older generation looks better.

Young modern girls are chasing artificial beauty and forget about the natural one.

Dear older ladies, attractive body and your skin is no worse, be sure of this, just do additional procedures and keep yourself in good shape.

It is necessary to stimulate the production of natural collagen, and you can preserve natural beauty for a long time, to do this you need to:

  • take vitamins (C and E - help produce collagen. It is produced in the morning, so take vitamins after 2 hours of sleep or an hour before bedtime);
  • take good care of your skin (during menopause or before it, use restorative products hormonal levels);
  • do exercises for facial beauty.

To do exercises for the facial muscles, you need to open your mouth as wide as possible and round your lips. Then close your mouth and relax. Repeat the exercise several times.

Another way to tighten your facial muscles is to take a deep breath and, as you exhale, open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Open your eyes wide and look up.

The third method is to pinch the cheeks to improve blood circulation and give the face a natural beauty in mature age.

Natural and natural beauty without makeup

Not every girl can imagine herself without makeup. As a rule, they worry more about their appearance rather than the condition of their skin.

Instills from childhood that a girl is beautiful when she wears makeup. It is worth understanding that this is just a commercial move.

WITH young age Everyone uses cosmetics, and after 5 years the skin doesn’t look so beautiful, so it’s simply impossible to imagine yourself without makeup.

If you want to have natural beauty, then you shouldn't wear makeup every day. You can look natural and beautiful without it.

How to have natural beauty without makeup:

  • good dream(8 hours of sleep will work wonders and remove dark circles under the eyes, eliminating the need for powder and foundation);
  • wash your face cool water(will give you a healthy look and cheer you up);
  • use moisturizing creams from natural ingredients;
  • a scrub once a week will help remove skin residue;
  • drink about 3 liters clean water;
  • eat vegetables, cereals and fish;
  • give up for a while meat dishes;
  • sunbathe before 11:00 and after 17:00 using sunglasses to prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • do face masks once a week;
  • natural beauty without makeup involves caring for eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • do exercises in the morning;
  • tie with bad habits;
  • decide on a hairstyle (for young people suitable for girls, older people can curl themselves with a curling iron or curlers);
  • take care of your teeth (a smile is a woman’s natural beauty);
  • moisturize your lips.

If you follow all these methods, then natural beauty without makeup will be within your power. Well, if all this is a burden to you, then you can continue to use cosmetics, and after 50 years you will regret it.

I love natural girls: be they vulgar, with bright red lips, dyed blondes - but so that it is her, and not an invented image, so that her appearance is in harmony with her character and actions. Turgenev's girl can be charming, but only when it's hers internal state, and not feigned affectation. A metalhead - for God's sake, on a bike, in a leather jacket, with black, long nails, not trying to be one, but for this to be her nature, an inner need. Girls are like mothers: “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important.” :-) And when a girl is equally charming in fishnet tights, in jeans with fringe, in a hippie sundress, and in romantic dress with frills - it's generally great.

09/03/03, Hunter
Yeah, good topic... And what difference does it make, vulgarity, virginity... A person lives and lives... And okay, it’s good that he lives and pleases someone’s eye with all his natural, real appearance... Not hidden under lipstick, mascara... And clothes...

08/12/04, Dess
I want to clarify right away that for me natural does not mean stupid. I mean girls who remain themselves in any situation. When a person is open to the world, it is easier to communicate with him. Unfortunately you won't find this now.

09/10/05, Petite Louise
A natural girl, having met a gorgeous cat, thinks: “GO WITH HIM, YOU FOOL! When will such a chance arise again?!” AND GOES. And the unnatural one is tormented by doubts: “Go, don’t go... What if she doesn’t pay?!” And he may not go. But most girls are completely natural and charming, spontaneous creatures;)

12/11/06, Cornelius
My love is the opposite - I don’t like artificial girls. In general, I love everything natural, especially natural soy meat.

27/01/07, Girl
What, are there unnatural girls? These are probably transsexuals who have changed their gender? Or what are we talking about?)) Any girl is natural. If she is a freak, of course there is something wrong with her, but still, if you don’t bother with stereotypes, then she is quite natural. In general, who judges naturalness and from what position?

22/04/07, moon man
HERE!!! Absolutely well written!! I love the natural ones, who don’t pretend to be who knows what, but who they really are is who they remain, with people who are usually in agreement with themselves. good mood because they know who they are. They don't pretend to be different. And if we talk exclusively about appearance, then here too... I like it when there is less cosmetics, or at least it is not so noticeable, even on the street, when you see, you pay attention to just such girls, they are closer to Nature, closer to God, in my opinion.

10/09/07, Arisu
In my opinion, being a blonde who is preoccupied with her appearance is not normal. coquetry, intimate haircuts - this is all humiliation to please men. why men consider it normal not to shave and not take care of themselves. I'm sick of unnatural silicone fools, of zombies in cosmetics, of skeletons on the catwalk, if this looks beautiful to you, then you yourself are crazy. why in general women are treated only as objects for sex, probably humiliation is all that some male individuals are capable of.

10/09/07, like everyone else
...well, on the other hand, natural beauty is better than acquired beauty, 100%. It seems to me that soon there will be no women left in the world who haven’t changed at least something about themselves (except for me)))))) I won’t change anything 99%). Pouty lips are always visible, which is unsightly. Better thinner but your own natural ones. The only thing I understand is when, for example, an ugly nose is corrected. Halle Berry had a typical African-American nose, and she fixed it in such a way that you couldn't even dig it. And still such a “potato” remained)) But a beautiful nose. And most girls do plastic surgery in such a way that it catches your eye. And the leaders are the lips and chest. I don’t understand why))) What’s so beautiful about breasts like Vicki Beckham’s? These are 2 balls. There are photos on the Internet of girls who have made huge ruins for themselves. It's really a nightmare there. Better discreet naturalness than such converted mutants. In general, I think that only what is really ugly needs to be corrected.

09/03/09, Little Satan
naturalness is always beautiful. It’s much more pleasant to look at a slender, graceful girl in modest clothes and no makeup than at a beefy cellulite cow with size 5 boobs, a huge ass, covered in jeans 2 sizes too small, made up like a prostitute with a lot of tattoos and piercings. I choose the first one. It’s up to you to decide what anyone likes!

16/03/10, Melt water
I envy them in a good way. They are natural in everything! And appearance, and manners, and communication, and laughter, and a smile. This is so great! They are who they are! I want to be like that myself. They are free in everything... freedom is wonderful.

20/04/10, Alma de la selva
I am impressed by this type: a girl, beautiful, like untouched spring nature: fair skin, soft Wavy hair natural color and long to the waist. I have nothing against makeup, but in this context it should be restrained, pastel colors. I’m like that myself. I don’t even know whether it’s good or not. Almost all of my peers love flashy makeup, fashionable haircuts, dyed hair. Many of these fashionistas really look cool and have a gloss to them. But I just lack a little gloss, although I dress expensively and take care of myself. But I still want to appear natural, “untouched” at my wedding bride in frosty snow-white, this image fits the concept of my future wedding dress. In the meantime, I’m young and, in principle, naturalness suits me.

25/05/11, ekohunter
The more natural and natural a girl looks, the sexier and more attractive she is to a man.

09/01/12, Mira5
Rave! Even if you make wings for yourself, you still can’t escape your primate ancestors! Ha, ha:)) Have you ever thought that we were lucky to come from monkeys? Still better than from a pig, or a cockroach or something else disgusting :))))

10/11/12, Akkaniidi
Do you mean natural in behavior or appearance? :)) I generally adore it when people don’t pretend to be anyone, but simply who they are. Communication with them is pleasant and not annoying, unlike those who like to wear “masks”. Be yourself! :)))

27/08/13, Inken
I generally like natural people, regardless of gender. That is, as they are. Models of behavior or appearance that are not subject to imposition. By the way, about the appearance of the girls... It is much more pleasant to look at natural beauty (however, the use of cosmetics in moderate amount not prohibited) than on a sculpted doll with pumped lips and plastic surgery+ with a tan from a solarium (it doesn’t matter whether it suits you or not).

27/08/13, Shirik
Right. You need to love natural girls. They don’t douse themselves with all sorts of stinking perfumes, don’t put on all sorts of stucco cosmetics and perfumes, and in general they always look natural (the way nature created them, and not the way they wanted to disfigure themselves!). I have great respect for such beauties.

15/06/15, SomeGirl
You can wear makeup and still look natural, but few people understand this; many walk around with 10 kilos of makeup to look like a doll who is not a person. Well, if a girl is unlucky with her appearance, then it’s understandable, but quite pretty girls often do this too. beauty is in simplicity.

19/06/15, Nemesis Deathmaster
I like girls with thin pale skin and no makeup. hair color, height and clothes are not important. anyone who is thin and slightly toned so that the veins stand out. I like dark circles under my eyes. I think it's sexy. but blush, cellulite and wide hips I can not stand. I like slightly emaciated vampire-looking girls with an evil look. I don’t like it when girls artificially pump themselves up plump lips And big breasts. thin lips and size 1 breasts with dark nipples are much more attractive. but the most annoying thing is when girls want to get rid of veins, pallor and circles under the eyes. girls, come to your senses, this is so beautiful. Why turn into a ruddy, smooth donut doll. a predatory, hot and sinister girl is a completely different matter.

21/06/15, Marietta2010
I love natural and well-groomed ones, not shabby ones! Nobody likes girls with too much silicone and other tuning. A girl should look like a girl, and not like that same doll. And it is necessary to emphasize the advantages of your appearance. As for operations, I’ll say this: even plastic surgery should be done in such a way that everything is in harmony with the appearance and still looks natural.

21/06/15, Kiiiiiiiiiss
I like natural and well-groomed girls. It's beautiful and nice to look at. It’s cool when a girl doesn’t try, pretends to be someone else, imitating someone, she is who she is, real.

22/06/15, DarkLadyDaryna
I'm one of those people myself. Were in my life different periods and wild makeup and hairstyles tore out the eyes. But now I am for naturalness, fortunately it suits me very well and inner feeling This is best for me. The main thing is comfort and convenience, this for me means well-groomed. When I’m comfortable and everything is fine, the day will be super.

22/06/15, Robber from a fairy tale
Only those to whom this naturalness suits. Aesthetics are above all, and if a girl looks beautiful without makeup, hair styling and other feminine tricks, this is worthy of respect, because natural beauty requires remarkable self-discipline. And it’s more pleasant to look at a well-groomed girl, but with HER face, on which there is a delicate, barely noticeable make-up, and not a makeup mask instead of a face, which also makes you look old. Of course, this post does not apply to girls who do not know how to take care of themselves and call their shaggy locks, dull eyes and awkward flabby bodies “the desire for a natural appearance.” This is a truly disgusting and pathetic sight. And they are natural too. But they are not beautifully natural, because they do not see the golden mean between a made-up doll and complete neglect. It's better to be a plastic Barbie than such neglect.

26/06/15, sasada
Naturalness is beautiful, unless of course we mean banal unkemptness and boorish behavior. And here comfortable clothes, light makeup I really like the unpretentious “free” look, the ability to express one’s opinion, including dissatisfaction, in a non-rude, respectful way. But the unnaturalness - a ton of makeup on the face, frilly clothes, an irrepressible desire to please everyone, the lack of one’s own opinion are disgusting to me.

The most beautiful girls natural. The article was written by a woman!

A girl's beauty can be natural or unnatural. Nowadays it is very rare to meet a girl who does not wear makeup when going out or who avoids beauty salons. Of course, every girl wants to be beautiful, and therefore attractive, this applies to both married and unmarried girls. Everyone wants to see the natural beauty of a girl, but not every young man is ready to accept it. A girl has natural beauty from birth, without any use (mascara, pencil, eyeliner, eye shadow and concealer). Not every girl can even go to work without makeup, although foundation correct their facial features.

Girls who are looking for their soul mate constantly disguise their natural beauty, by various means, which supposedly make her even more beautiful. After all, not every young man will look at a girl who has natural beauty. He will even feel uneasy walking with her down the street or to see friends, because sometimes people’s opinions are more important than feelings. Seeing a well-groomed beautiful girl, who is made up and attractive, any young man will certainly look at her side. Feelings between people and no outside opinions or advice should simply not be present in the life of a young couple or even a family.

Videos that show the changes in women's beauty over the last century (very fascinating!)

Natural beauty should come from nature, but some people want to be even more beautiful every now and then (they dye their eyebrows and glue on false eyelashes). Seeing such a girl, you can feel a little frightened, because not always in the eyes of other people, we look the way we see ourselves. By buying magazines and reading reviews, girls want to be better, trying to lose weight, grow hair, and more.
In the service provision market, new procedures arise every now and then. For example, a current procedure: applying gel nail polish. People used to paint their nails regular varnish at home, and now they go specifically to beauty salons and do “gel polish coating”. In pursuit of beauty, girls undergo many procedures: body wraps, Botox and much more, the main part of these procedures falls on the face, because it is the main advantage of a girl. What can I say if many schoolgirls who study in grades 7-8 are already wearing makeup, because they are very young and they don’t need to spoil their face so early.

There were many cases when, after using cosmetics, allergies began or various sores appeared, only after the girls consciously stopped using cosmetics and undergoing procedures. After all, not every girl can boast of her beauty, each of them doesn’t like something, trying to make it better, in fact, making it worse.

There is constant competition between girls so that that guy “casts a glance in her direction”, they are ready for a lot, the main thing is how she looks on the outside, and not just what is inside - pure thoughts and conscience are main feature, every girl and woman. Many men themselves push their girls or women to undergo various plastic surgeries and diets. They want to see her even more beautiful, more attractive, without thinking about the consequences. The desire to be beautiful costs a lot, from nerves to unsuccessful plastic surgeries. The question is, was it worth it? Of course not. After all, health is much more important than artificial beauty.
New procedures appear every now and then, and girls begin to attend them. Girls are now getting hair extensions, eyelashes, and eyebrow tattooing. But is it possible to gain happiness for yourself? A girl’s happiness is finding a family built on love and mutual respect for each other and, of course, healthy children.

These women looked so gorgeous that millions of people bowed before them; with their beauty they could seduce the president and even conquer the whole world. What is their secret?


The Egyptian priestess was far from perfect. However, the men of that time worshiped her beauty and would do anything to spend the night with Cleopatra.

The queen had a fabulous soft skin, this is not strange, she almost daily took baths with milk with the addition of honey or olive oil.

Now almost any modern girl or a woman can carry out such procedures at home. To do this, it is not necessary to fill the entire bath with milk. It will be enough to mix a liter of hot milk with a cup of honey and pour this mixture into a bathtub filled with water. Your body will definitely thank you! After such procedures, the skin will become softer and more elastic.

Marquise de Pompadour.

The fame of this woman has survived centuries, and she is rightfully considered one of the most famous women in history.

This owner porcelain skin for many years she was the favorite of King Louis XV himself. Although her skin really looked like porcelain, it was very dry, a moisturizing mask helped the marquise cope with this problem. There is nothing unusual in it; the ingredients were whipped egg whites, cream and lemon juice. This mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes and washed off plain water. This mask perfectly smoothes wrinkles and whitens the skin.

Also, Jeanne-Antoinette drank half a glass of fresh water every day. carrot juice mixed with sour cream and honey.

Catherine II.

This woman had an iron character and, despite this, was distinguished by her beauty. Her transformation into a beauty began only when she took the Russian throne.

The Empress took extraordinary care of her appearance. She loved very much fruit masks. For example, mix grated apple with egg white, apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water.

One could only envy the empress's hair. She rinsed them in herbal decoction and combed it several times a day with special combs.

Catherine de Medici.

This woman was accused of witchcraft more than once. Her whole life is surrounded by secrets. The Medici was a rather stern ruler, but at the same time very beautiful.

It was not in vain that she was accused of witchcraft, because at that time the most famous alchemists obeyed her. The composition of her masks was made of very unusual ingredients. For example, the ruler often used fresh meat as an additive to compresses.

Instead of modern peelings, Catherine wiped her face with a small piece of velvet cloth.

Marilyn Monroe.

This woman is still considered sex - a symbol of all times.

To nourish the skin, Marilyn used olive oil, applying it instead of cream. As a base for makeup, she used the most ordinary Vaseline, which she applied in a very thin layer and lightly powdered, and then repeated this fraud again until all the imperfections of her face disappeared.

To keep herself in good shape, the blonde took ice baths, which also increased her immunity.

The girl had breakfast with a drink made from a glass of milk mixed with two eggs. By the way, this is a very healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Her approach to her appearance allowed her to become a kind of magnet that attracted men.

Today, the Internet is full of advice on beauty and self-care, but not all beauty life hacks really help, and some can even do harm.

Mascara instead of eyeliner

On many women's forums there is an opinion that if you have run out of eyeliner, you can replace it with mascara. You just need to dip the brush into the mascara and line your eyes as usual. No. Nothing will work out. They have completely different consistencies, and indeed they have a different formula.

If your mascara is dry, sparkling water comes to the rescue.

Of course, if you dilute the mascara with water, it will become a little thinner for a while and you can use it to tint your eyelashes. Literally tomorrow the mascara will dry out again. After such an experiment, the eyelashes will not look very good. So it's easier to buy new mascara.

Burning acne with toothpaste

Most likely, everyone has heard about this. This method does not help, it does not get rid of acne. IN best case scenario You will be able to dry out the pimple a little, and at worst, you will get dry skin or irritation.

Liquid-based eyeshadow instead of lipstick

These shadows are not a substitute for lipstick or lip gloss. They'll just roll away.

Makeup strengthening powder

To keep lipstick on your lips longer, you need to powder them. This is a complete lie. This way you will only dry out the skin. To do this, it is better to use specially developed means, and not invent all sorts of nonsense.

Magic green tea

For some reason, many people think that if you make a compress on your eyes from bags of green tea, then this will help them get rid of bags or dark circles under their eyes. Of course, this won’t do any harm, but it won’t do much good either.

How to become more beautiful?

First, start accepting and loving yourself no matter what, learn to forgive yourself for minor offenses and mistakes. Even the most beautiful people Those who do not value their appearance and character in the eyes of others are not as handsome as they would be if they began to appreciate themselves.

You can often notice that a person with a very mediocre appearance can seem very beautiful. The thing is that such people always take what is theirs, never deprive themselves, and leave all the best for “their beloved.” And it is right!

Try going to the mirror and looking into your eyes and saying out loud: “I love you.” Some people cannot do such a basic exercise.

People value a person's beauty for two things:

  1. Neatness, style. It is important to always take care of yourself, not be dirty, smell good, take care of your clothes. Avoid disheveled hair, untied shoelaces, dirty and unironed clothes.
  2. Internal energy, character. Start by building your self-esteem by treating yourself the way you want others to treat you. Combine selfishness and goodwill and you will become an object of admiration for others!

Try to work on your speech style, listening skills, attentiveness, sense of humor, and undoubtedly conquer people with your beauty!

A selection of videos about the most beautiful girls

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The most beautiful girls natural. The article was written by a woman!

? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

A girl's beauty can be natural or unnatural. Nowadays it is very rare to meet a girl who does not wear makeup when going out or who avoids beauty salons. Of course, every girl wants to be beautiful, and therefore attractive, this applies to both married and unmarried girls. Everyone wants to see the natural beauty of a girl, but not every young man is ready to accept it. It happens to girls from birth, without using mascara, pencil, eyeliner, eye shadow or concealer. Not every girl can even go to work without makeup, although they will correct their facial features with foundation. beautiful girl, who is made up and attractive, any young man will certainly look at her side. Feelings between people and no outside opinions or advice should simply not be present in the life of a young couple or even a family.

Videos that show the changes in women's beauty over the last century (very fascinating!)

Natural beauty should come from nature, but some people want to be even more beautiful every now and then (they dye their eyebrows and glue on false eyelashes). Seeing such a girl, you can feel a little frightened, because not always in the eyes of other people, we look the way we see ourselves. By buying magazines and reading reviews, girls want to be better, trying to lose weight, grow hair, and more.
In the service provision market, new procedures arise every now and then. For example, a current procedure: applying gel nail polish. Previously, people painted their nails with regular polish at home, but now they go specifically to beauty salons and get a “gel polish coating.” In pursuit of beauty, girls undergo many procedures: body wraps, Botox and much more, the main part of these procedures falls on the face, because it is the main advantage of a girl. What can I say if many schoolgirls who study in grades 7-8 are already wearing makeup, because they are very young and they don’t need to spoil their face so early.

There were many cases when, after using cosmetics, allergies began or various sores appeared, only after the girls consciously stopped using cosmetics and undergoing procedures. After all, not every girl can boast of her beauty, each of them doesn’t like something, trying to make it better, in fact, making it worse.

There is constant competition between girls so that the guy “casts a glance in her direction”, they are ready for a lot, the main thing is how she looks on the outside, and not just what she looks like on the inside - pure thoughts and conscience are the main feature of every girl and woman. Many men themselves push their girls or women to undergo various plastic surgeries and diets. They want to see her even more beautiful, more attractive, without thinking about the consequences. The desire to be beautiful costs a lot, from nerves to unsuccessful plastic surgeries. The question is, was it worth it? Of course not. After all, health is much more important than artificial beauty.
New procedures appear every now and then, and girls begin to attend them. Girls are now getting hair extensions, eyelashes, and eyebrow tattooing. But is it possible to gain happiness for yourself? A girl’s happiness is finding a family built on love and mutual respect for each other and, of course, healthy children.

These women looked so gorgeous that millions of people bowed before them; with their beauty they could seduce the president and even conquer the whole world. What is their secret?


The Egyptian priestess was far from perfect. However, the men of that time worshiped her beauty and would do anything to spend the night with Cleopatra.

The queen had fabulously soft skin, this is not strange; she took baths with milk with the addition of honey or olive oil almost every day.

Now almost any modern girl or woman can carry out such procedures at home. To do this, it is not necessary to fill the entire bath with milk. It will be enough to mix a liter of hot milk with a cup of honey and pour this mixture into a bathtub filled with water. Your body will definitely thank you! After such procedures, the skin will become softer and more elastic.

Marquise de Pompadour.

The fame of this woman has survived centuries, and she is rightfully considered one of the most famous women in history.

This porcelain-skinned woman was a favorite of King Louis XV himself for many years. Although her skin really looked like porcelain, it was very dry, a moisturizing mask helped the marquise cope with this problem. There is nothing unusual about it; the ingredients were whipped egg whites, cream and lemon juice. This mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes and washed off with plain water. This mask perfectly smoothes wrinkles and whitens the skin.

Also, Jeanne-Antoinette drank half a glass of fresh carrot juice mixed with sour cream and honey every day.

Catherine II.

This woman had an iron character and, despite this, was distinguished by her beauty. Her transformation into a beauty began only when she took the Russian throne.

The Empress took extraordinary care of her appearance. She really loved fruit masks. For example, mix grated apple with egg white, apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water.

One could only envy the empress's hair. She rinsed them in a herbal decoction and combed them several times a day with special combs.

Catherine de Medici.

This woman was accused of witchcraft more than once. Her whole life is surrounded by secrets. The Medici was a rather stern ruler, but at the same time very beautiful.

It was not in vain that she was accused of witchcraft, because at that time the most famous alchemists obeyed her. The composition of her masks was made of very unusual ingredients. For example, the ruler often used fresh meat as an additive to compresses.

Instead of modern peelings, Catherine wiped her face with a small piece of velvet cloth.

Marilyn Monroe.

This woman is still considered sex - a symbol of all times.

To nourish her skin, Marilyn used olive oil, applying it instead of cream. As a base for makeup, she used the most ordinary Vaseline, which she applied in a very thin layer and lightly powdered, and then repeated this fraud again until all the imperfections of her face disappeared.

To keep herself in good shape, the blonde took ice baths, which also increased her immunity.

The girl had breakfast with a drink made from a glass of milk mixed with two eggs. By the way, this is a very healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Her approach to her appearance allowed her to become a kind of magnet that attracted men.

Today, the Internet is full of advice on beauty and self-care, but not all beauty life hacks really help, and some can even do harm.

Mascara instead of eyeliner

On many women's forums there is an opinion that if you have run out of eyeliner, you can replace it with mascara. You just need to dip the brush into the mascara and line your eyes as usual. No. Nothing will work out. They have completely different consistencies, and indeed they have a different formula.

If your mascara is dry, sparkling water comes to the rescue.

Of course, if you dilute the mascara with water, it will become a little thinner for a while and you can use it to tint your eyelashes. Literally tomorrow the mascara will dry out again. After such an experiment, the eyelashes will not look very good. So it's easier to buy new mascara.

Burning acne with toothpaste

Most likely, everyone has heard about this. This method does not help, it does not get rid of acne. At best, you will be able to dry out the pimple a little, and at worst, you will get dry skin or irritation.

Liquid-based eyeshadow instead of lipstick

These shadows are not a substitute for lipstick or lip gloss. They'll just roll away.

Makeup strengthening powder

To keep lipstick on your lips longer, you need to powder them. This is a complete lie. This way you will only dry out the skin. To do this, it is better to use specially developed means, and not invent all sorts of nonsense.

“The most beautiful moment in my life was the morning when I woke up in bed opposite my girlfriend. At that moment I realized that I would never let her go... I would always be there. She was extraordinarily beautiful without makeup, a slight blush was visible on her cheeks "The eyes were unusually sincere and innocent, as if an angel had descended from heaven and looked into my eyes. I was discouraged." - Pavel, art artist." “I decided to surprise my girlfriend and unexpectedly came to her in the middle of the night with a huge bouquet tulips. She stood in front of me, lost, clearly didn’t think that I was capable of such madness. She immediately covered her face with her hands and told me not to look at her because she wasn’t wearing makeup and was sleepy. I moved her hands away and looked into her eyes, you could drown in them. She looked very cute with a disheveled bun on her head. It was nice to look at her, a completely different person. This moment cannot be expressed in words. Girls, don’t be shy about your appearance!” - Denis, student Now I want to add on my own behalf. How I would like girls to begin to appreciate what is given to them by nature. Natural beauty is incomparable with various cosmetics. I hope following photos will convince you of this: “Beauty without grace can only please, but not captivate. It is like a bait floating without a hook.” "It's easy to be beautiful; it's hard to look beautiful." "Everyone has their own idea of feminine attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments." “Stupid beauty is not beauty. Look at a stupid beauty, look deeply into every feature of her face, into her smile, her gaze - her beauty will gradually turn into amazing ugliness.” “Sometimes women, whose beauty is perfect and whose virtues are rare, touch our hearts so much that we are content with the right to look at them and talk to them.” “Not artificial, but natural beauty is happiness.” "Kindness requires proof, but beauty does not require it." “Self-care must start from the heart, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.” Dear girls, appreciate your natural beauty and be happy.

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