Facial peeling. Recipes for superficial, medium, deep, peeling roller, whitening

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When age spots or an unsightly tan appear, the first thing to do is whitening peeling: it is gentle, but allows you to even out your complexion in just a few procedures.

Whitening facial peeling: essence and effect

Lightening the skin of the face depends on two interrelated processes: a decrease in melanin production and the removal of the stratum corneum. dead cells. Nature has established that during the exfoliation of the stratum corneum, melanin is removed from the epidermis, making the skin lighter.

That is why the most effective facial whitening procedure is peeling. The most good time for lightening skin– late autumn or winter, when the sun's rays are least active. The risk of getting seasonal pigmentation after the cleansing procedure will be minimal.

Those who are interested in whether peeling helps whiten facial skin should find out the mechanism of its action:

  • It exfoliates the layer of dead cells, thereby ensuring the formation of new ones;
  • Acting at a superficial, middle or deep level, it allows you to get rid of other related problems: for example, tighten wrinkles and cure acne, and also promotes the uniform distribution of melanin, the pigment that forms the color of the skin.

For home whitening peeling, surface or mid-level cleaning products are most often used, because... they are considered safer for those who are doing the procedure for the first time.

Deep facial peeling for whitening is best done in a salon because it contains highly concentrated acids that can cause severe burns if not handled correctly. This type of cleaning is considered the most effective, but also requires a long time. rehabilitation period up to one month.

Advantages of home whitening peeling:

  • Ease of implementation;
  • Efficiency: the first results are visible immediately, but several procedures are required for the full effect;
  • Helps get rid of not only blemishes, uneven tanning, scars and scars, but also other imperfections.

How to choose a peeling for face whitening at home

First you need to decide which peeling is best for face whitening:

  • Natural: made from regular products, can be used at any time of the year, but its effectiveness is not very high;
  • Acid: not suitable for hyper sensitive skin, cannot be used in summer. The effect is at a fairly high level, and in most cases three procedures are enough;
  • Industrial peelings: as a rule, they contain various acids and other components that soften the impact and prevent irritation.

At home, the procedure can be carried out using the following means:

  • Compositions from household ingredients. They have the greatest safety, although their effect is minimal compared to other means. You won’t be able to notice the effect of the ingredients right away; whitening occurs at a superficial level. Home remedies for face whitening are most often milk and dairy products, as well as some berries and fruits. You can also add products such as parsley, white clay, and cucumber juice to the peeling.
  • Composition of acids is the most aggressive, although it is more effective than other methods. Such products usually belong to the category of professional products; the peeling course is on average 3 procedures. This method is not used in summer; it is dangerous for sensitive skin.
  • Industrial peeling widely represented among cosmetics. Such compositions may be based on natural ingredients, combined with each other in various combinations. The whitening effect in this case is mild, which reduces the likelihood of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Types of brightening peels

Depending on the general condition skin, the severity of pigmentation and the age of the patient, the cosmetologist can recommend one or another method of lightening the face. Currently the following are offered: effective types brightening facial peels:


Chemical peeling involves exposing the skin to chemicals that cause it to peel off. The impact can be of varying depth and degree, depending on the substance itself and the time of exposure.

Superficial and medium exposure can be done at home, but the products must be professional. Lightening is carried out using acids of varying concentrations. According to the degree of impact, this procedure is divided into:


  • The easiest and most gentle type of cleansing, it can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.
  • Most suitable for patients aged 16 to 25 years.
  • The effect is not bright, when regular use refreshes the complexion, slightly lightens pigmentation and is an excellent prevention of aging.


It affects the entire stratum corneum of the epidermis, right down to the basement membrane.

  • Recommended for use in patients aged 30 to 45 years.
  • The effect is bright, after a full course of procedures (5-7 sessions with a break of 10-14 days), the facial skin not only gets rid of age-related and seasonal pigmentation, freckles, small scars and acne marks, but also wrinkles are noticeably reduced (small expression lines disappear completely) , the facial contour is tightened and the skin is completely rejuvenated.


  • Most aggressive look peeling. Performed under general anesthesia, under the influence of acids, the skin receives a third-degree burn and the regeneration mechanism is launched.
  • New skin grows, without pigmentation and most wrinkles.
  • Recommended for patients over 60 years of age, this procedure is performed once in a lifetime.


Dead keratinized cells are removed using abrasive particles. This can be the material in the scrub (salt, sugar, crushed plant seeds) or a special brush. The cosmetologist, mechanically acting on the face, grinds its surface, as a result of which a layer of dead particles is removed. Particular care must be taken when handling the skin using this treatment method, as facial skin can be damaged.

Based on the effect on the skin, mechanical peeling is divided into:

  • Scrubbing;
  • Brossage;
  • Gommage;
  • Dermabrasion;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Aqua peeling.

The most gentle of the above is scrubbing and a film mask, and the most aggressive is dermabrasion.


The process of lightening the complexion is carried out using modern techniques, namely laser exposure. The two most popular types are:


  • Under the influence of a cold laser beam, gradual exfoliation (layer by layer to the required depth) of keratinized dead skin cells occurs.
  • Thanks to this manipulation, not only pigmentation and minor blemishes disappear, but also wrinkles are significantly reduced, the surface of the face becomes smooth, velvety and matte.


  • By warming up the epidermis well, the laser beam seems to evaporate dead particles of keratinized cells and rid the surface of the face of them.
  • This procedure has a slight lifting effect, tightens and makes the oval of the face more clearly defined.

Indications and contraindications, rules of procedure

Having chosen the method of peeling whitening, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications, and also do a test for an allergic reaction by treating a small area of ​​skin with the composition. inside wrists:

  • Apply a minimal amount of product to your wrist and leave for 30-40 minutes. If there is no burning, redness or other reactions, then the composition can be safely used.
  • Next, the process occurs according to the usual scheme with the obligatory moisturizing of the skin after the end of the procedure.

Indications for whitening peeling:

  • Freckles and hyperpigmentation;
  • Scars, cicatrices;
  • Traces from acne, burns and acne;
  • Stretch marks;
  • Uneven tan.


  • Herpes in the acute phase;
  • Acute inflammatory diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Oncology;
  • Unhealed wounds;
  • Fresh tan (when applying acid);
  • Diabetes.

Rules for peeling at home

In order for the skin cleansing and whitening process to achieve the desired effect, you must follow some simple rules. The list includes the following items:

  • Preparation of the composition.
  • Facial steaming: This is most often done over a herbal steam bath. It is worth noting that without this preparation point, peeling will be ineffective, since not a single mixture is able to penetrate through closed pores. A herbal bath will provide anti-inflammatory and general healing effects on the epidermis.
  • It should be remembered that each skin type has its own individual species herbs For oily types, oak bark, St. John's wort, chamomile, and sage are most suitable. For dry skin, it is recommended to use yarrow, mint, hops, and lemon balm. For the problematic one, you will need a steam bath of plantain, burdock, raspberries, and celandine.
  • The prepared scrub is applied with gentle movements, after which the facial massage continues for 5 minutes. If using a peeling mask, apply the product and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  • At the end of the procedure, it is imperative to moisturize and nourish the skin using a moisturizer or essential oils.

Home Recipes

Natural ingredients are in no way inferior professional means and can effectively and quickly remove pigmentation, freckles and acne marks, as well as brighten the complexion.

Recipe 1 - The best homemade whitening peeling with lemon

Lemon juice has a pronounced whitening effect, because it contains fruit acid. aggressive action. Supporters of natural folk remedies can use this composition, suitable for any skin type:

  • We dilute in equal proportions lemon juice and sour cream, we process the epidermis without affecting the periorbital area;
  • Leave for 20 minutes, then wipe off with a napkin and wash;
  • We use it every 2-3 days at any time of the year.

As a whitening peel, lemon juice can be used in combination with other ingredients: for example, chop boiled beans, mix them with lemon juice and olive oil. This composition will not only exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin, but also nourish it.

Recipe 2 - Milk, lemon juice and cognac

  • 200 ml fresh milk heat to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.
  • Add a teaspoon of fresh lemon or lime juice and two teaspoons of cognac;
  • Take gauze folded in three layers, soak it in the resulting mixture and place it on your face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;
  • Leave for 15 minutes, then remove the gauze and rinse off any remaining residue with warm water.

Recipe 3 - Hydrogen peroxide and cottage cheese

  • For 50 grams of cottage cheese, take one egg yolk, 7 drops of hydrogen peroxide 3% and a little honey;
  • Mix everything into a homogeneous mass and immediately apply to clean face, uniform layer;
  • Leave to soak for 15-20 minutes;
  • Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 4 - Herbal

  • Herbal decoction of licorice, bearberry or yarrow: take two tablespoons of one of the herbs (licorice, bearberry or yarrow), pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse;
  • After the broth has cooled completely, pour it into ice cube trays;
  • You should wipe your face with the resulting ice regularly in the morning and evening for a month.

Recipe 5

  • Oatmeal, which is ground in a coffee grinder, has a whitening effect, honey and yolk are added, and the resulting mixture is gently massaged into the skin of the face.
  • Wash off with a soft sponge or sponge.

Recipe 6

  • Honey is mixed with pureed unripe black currants and then applied to the face for 30 minutes.

Industrial peelings

If industrial means are used, then you only need to read the instructions for use. You can count on skin whitening under such conditions if the procedures occur regularly.

A good option is also to combine home methods of combating pigmentation with salon procedures. The frequency of peeling can be advised by a cosmetologist at the first visit, taking into account the condition of the skin and the effect of the first procedures.

Salicylic whitening peeling

To lighten the skin of the face and other parts of the body, a solution of salicylic acid (15%) is used:

  • Remove cosmetics, degrease the epidermis with lotion;
  • We wipe with acid without touching the area around the eyes;
  • After 5 minutes, use the neutralizer, then wash and lubricate the dermis with moisturizer;
  • We carry out this procedure once every 10 days in autumn or winter.

Whitening peeling Natura Siberica (natura siberica)

This product is best suited for whitening and drying oily skin. It is developed on the basis of plant components and contains many vitamins, and is used as follows:

  • Wet the dermis with water, apply the composition with your fingertips and massage for 3 minutes;
  • Leave for another 5 minutes, then wash;
  • We use it 1-2 times a week;
  • The effect is visible the first time.

Whitening peeling tonic for face Belita Vitex

In addition to brightening masks and scrubs, the Belarusian company produces a special peeling tonic that is very easy to use:

  • In the morning and evening after washing, wipe with tonic;
  • For hypersensitive skin this remedy Not recommended.

Whitening peeling Floresan (Floresan)

A cleanser with flax extract helps lighten freckles slightly and remove flaking:

  • We wash ourselves, apply a small portion of the composition with gentle movements;
  • Leave for 3 minutes, rinse with moderately warm water.

Facial peeling White Linen

The Floresan company produces a whole series peeling whitening products called “White Flax”:

  • Bleaching-corrector;
  • Peeling mask;
  • Cream.

Using the entire line together, you can whiten all age spots, scars and scars, as well as significantly rejuvenate any skin type.

Peeling for whitening facial skin at home: reviews, before and after results

Results after a whitening peel usually appear immediately:

  • Spots, scars, scars and freckles become lighter;
  • Wrinkles are tightened;
  • The elasticity of the dermis increases.

After carrying out a whole course of procedures over 2-3 months, it is possible to achieve complete lightening of all the above-mentioned shortcomings.

Experience of our readers

Galina, 23 years old:

“During pregnancy, I developed age spots, which I successfully removed after giving birth in just a couple of months, using Belita whitening products. Despite their low cost, they turned out to be of very high quality and fully met all my expectations.”

Maria, 29 years old:

“In the fight against freckles, I used Floresan peeling. I won’t say that it was possible to quickly achieve the effect - it took 3 months, and it was not possible to completely bleach everything: if you look closely, the stains are visible. I will try to bring them out completely and further."

Preparing for the meeting 5+++; reminder and clarification of the accuracy of attendance 5+++; meeting and acquaintance 5+++; initial consultation - Natalya competently and carefully asked about my wishes for the procedure, found out my motivation to do the retinoic peeling procedure that I signed up for, explained all the intricacies, pros and cons, the timeliness of applying for this procedure (that is, briefly - you shouldn’t start with very strong resuscitation measures, which is this peeling and biorevitalization, to...

31-year-old skin, which still has a lot of potential that needs to be used delicately and gently!!! But in the cosmetology clinic, where I came from and where I was a client for all sorts of cleansing and nourishing masks, I was advised to undergo retinoic peeling (so necessary for me) and biorevitalization in the winter. But I decided not to rush, but to collect more opinions from experienced cosmetologists, and to do it all much cheaper, because the amounts (9 thousand rubles for peeling and 38 thousand rubles for biorevitalization and then, far from advanced drugs, but mediocre ones) are 40 thousand. R. I had it, but I wasn’t sure that I wouldn’t do it on a budget and with better quality))). That's how I ended up with Natalya. On Profi.ru I looked for the most professional cosmetologist based on ratings and reviews. And in addition, it turned out that the prices for the procedures are very reasonable, although cosmetologists usually charge extra for the experience, this is no secret. As a result, I received an hour-long consultation and an understanding of what my skin needs and when! Retinoic peeling and biorevitalization later, much, and then only when there are indications. Although Natalya could do everything for me, and it would cost more than what she ended up doing for me, but cheaper than in the clinic. In general, it would be better for her, of course, and not for me. But Natalya did not, her professionalism does not allow her to profit from gullible and ignorant clients, who are also insanely intimidated by the fact that if you do not do the recommended procedure now, then later you will not be able to remove wrinkles and bring your face into a decent appearance!!! I fell for it too! In general, Natalya offered me another peeling, which cost 2 thousand rubles, and not 3 thousand rubles, like the retinoic one I wanted from her. She worked very gently and delicately with the skin, accompanied everything with explanations, did not leave the office, controlled all my sensations. Then she gave me home care products for 5 days that I would need after the peeling and explained everything that I should do and everything that could happen to me after the peeling! I left satisfied, I will wait for the result. Then I’ll write a review about what I ended up getting.

Hello again!

First, I would like to say a few words about the whitening line as a whole. I've tried quite a few products and if I were to rate the entire line, I would give it a solid four. There are some shortcomings, but overall I liked the series, and I have bought some products more than once and, I think, will continue to buy them.

From my favorites - night cream for the face, toner, peeling, cream for the neck and décolleté, a good mask. I liked the day cream for the face as a cream for the summer, although the advertised SPF 30 did not work for me, but daily cream for eyelids, also with SPF 30, did not give me any care, in the end I mixed it with my favorite cream in the hope that it would at least protect my eyelids from the sun a little. The rest of the products are also interesting to try, maybe I’ll find something else pleasant and effective, in any case, I think the series was a success.

But now specifically about peeling. We have a colorful plastic tube, raspberries dusted with snow look very positive on the label), the inscriptions are all in English, like the whole series, I don’t know why, probably for the sake of solidity. Only 150 ml of product.

On back side tubes there is a sticker with Russian translation, where the action is deciphered active ingredients peeling (Arctic raspberry, camel, meadowsweet, AHA/BHA acids) and other important information is indicated:


The peeling is a rather thick pinkish cream interspersed with particles different sizes, which look like ground raspberry seeds, I think that’s what they are. Peeling does not have a scrubbing effect, so the particles are here rather for decoration. The smell is pleasant, reminiscent of berry yogurt.

After several uses, a small disadvantage of this product was discovered, it separated a little, when squeezing out, a few drops of liquid were released at first and only then the cream appeared, this happened several times, then the separation stopped, but today liquid appeared again, more than usual, it even slightly stained my clothes, Apparently yesterday's photo shoot did not do any good for our hero.)) For the instability of the consistency, I'm taking off half a point.

To be honest, I don’t use peeling regularly, because... I have several acidic foods, so I alternate according to my mood. Probably for the same reason, it is difficult for me to isolate the contribution of each of these products to whitening pigmentation and post-acne. The spots are slowly fading, but who knows, maybe they fade on their own, over time)). And not only (and not so much) because of whitening, I use acid care - here, rather, it’s comprehensive - skin renewal, and improvement of complexion, and smoothness, and... I’ll tell you which of these “and” makes this peeling.

I apply it, as expected, to the cleansed skin of the face, neck and part of the décolleté, hold it on, as is not the norm, for quite a long time, without noticing the time, well, I’m so undisciplined in this sense, I like to keep masks on longer)). The peeling is distributed easily, immediately after application you feel a slight burning sensation from the acids, I even enjoy it, I think the percentage of acids is small, although some, as I read, even experience severe redness, nothing like that has happened to me, for me this peeling is delicate. During the time that I leave it on, it does not dry out, but it kind of sets, tightening the skin just a little, this is a signal for me that it’s time to wash it off. It seems that it is half absorbed, but this is deceptive; when washed off, it becomes clear that the peeling is in place and it is not so easy to wash off, you cannot do without a sponge, and you will have to tinker with the sponge. But for this reason, my skin always makes me happy after washing it off.

The first thing that catches your eye is the improvement in skin color, it becomes healthy, with a slight pink tint, and more even. The second is good hydration and nourishment of the skin, it is very soft and pleasant to the touch, like after a good moisturizing and nourishing mask. Pores are less noticeable, old blackheads and sebaceous plugs still won’t give in, other methods are needed, but appearance definitely improving. By the way, not only with peeling I noticed an improvement in skin color, but also with night cream and neck and décolleté cream.

And yet, I have two very good masks- acidic, cleansing Avene and moisturizing Nyux, which I love and consider very worthy, each in its own area:

So the Natura Siberika peeling alone essentially does the work of these two masks and is practically not inferior to them in effectiveness, and if it is inferior, it is only slightly. And if you compare the price of these two masks and the volumes, the conclusions suggest themselves.

I rate the peeling as "5-", separation is not good, especially if the most important thing leaks out - acid.

Beautiful skin, as if glowing from within, is one of the main components of a well-groomed woman. In the struggle for attractiveness, representatives of the fairer sex buy expensive creams, tonics, gels, lotions and masks. Visiting cosmetologists and going to beauty salons have become a mandatory event for many girls. Today there is a wide range of procedures ready to solve and prevent aesthetic and physiological problems. Whitening peeling has become especially popular.

What is it used for?

The popular procedure is carried out to combat hyperpigmentation. It is used to eliminate:

  • freckles;
  • dark skin color after natural or artificial tanning;
  • age spots;
  • acne marks;
  • consequences of burns;
  • scars that stand out in color;
  • stretch marks associated with rapid weight gain or loss;
  • darkening of the body after pregnancy.

Causes of age spots

Every second person has encountered the appearance of pigment spots, prominent areas on the body, different in color and shape. Some people are born with them, while others have them acquired. The causes of hyperpigmentation can be different:

  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • disruption internal organs˗˗˗ liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • exposure to chemically active substances;
  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • usage hormonal drugs contraception;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • the use of irritating creams and ointments;
  • rubbing with wardrobe items ˗˗˗ belts, bandages;
  • injury to parts of the body;
  • weakened immune system;
  • increased stress levels;
  • work at high temperature conditions, with chemicals.

Types of whitening peeling

Brightening facial peeling options are available in three types:

  1. Chemical. The procedure involves exposure to acids. Depending on the strength of concentration, there is a superficial, medium and deep type. The first is successfully carried out in beauty salons and at home. Suitable for those with young skin. The second option is intended for women over 30 years old and acts on the epidermis down to the basement membrane. The latter type is among the aggressive ones - during the process of exposure, the selected area of ​​the body receives a third-degree burn. The session is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.
  2. Mechanical. Elimination of stains occurs due to the interaction of the skin with abrasive particles. Using massage movements, the cosmetologist acts on the affected areas, removing a layer of keratinized cells.
  3. Laser. Selected areas are treated with a laser. There are two main types of radiation exposure. Cold - as a result, the layers of the epidermis peel off step by step. Hot has a evaporating effect. It not only eliminates the problems of age spots, but also powerfully promotes rejuvenation.

IMPORTANT! The best time for peeling and whitening the face is considered to be the autumn-winter season!

Review of popular drugs, their main characteristics

The modern beauty industry is ready to offer numerous options for products to combat skin imperfections. There is a wide range of specialized preparations for leveling and lightening.

NamePeculiaritiesCost in rublesMask ALL SKIN TYPES from Natura SibericaThe product is based on a natural ingredient - black currant. It has a natural whitening effect. The Nanai lemongrass included in the composition tones and enhances protective functions.291 per 75 ml tube.RETINOL FORTE Skin Lightening Cream by GiGinatural ingredients." data-order="The cream evens out the color and whitens areas of hyperpigmentation. The action is based on natural ingredients."> The cream evens out the color and whitens areas of hyperpigmentation. The action is based on natural ingredients.4275 for 50 ml volumeLumiderm biopeelingThe effective formula helps eliminate age spots, helps lighten problem areas, and solve the consequences of post-acne. The components have an effect on the deep layers of the skin. The composition of the drug included: extract based on raspberries, lemon and grapefruit, lactic acids, B5 and allantoin.990 per bottleWhite peel from GIGIof various nature- pigment spots, freckles, acne marks and acne. The drugs are based on chemical substances different groups." data-order="Chemical peels of the middle type. The series presents types of products for solving various problems - age spots, freckles, acne marks and acne. The preparations are based on chemical substances of different groups."> Chemical peels of the middle type. The series presents types of products for solving problems of a different nature - pigment spots, freckles, acne marks and acne. The preparations are based on chemical substances from different groups.5099 for 50 ml volumeMedic peel from GIGIAnother product of the Israeli company. The series includes a number of medium peels. Tonic peelings help lighten the skin, rejuvenate, and cope with aesthetic problems.5099 for 50 ml volumeWhitening mask “White flax”It will help even out skin color, lighten and remove freckles. Suitable for all skin types. Has a moisturizing effect.80 per tube 100 mlBelita-Vitex series for whiteningage spots of different etiologies. Cosmetics are developed based on natural ingredients." data-order="Creams and lotions fight pigment spots of various etiologies. Cosmetics are developed on the basis of natural ingredients."> Creams and lotions fight pigment spots of various etiologies. Cosmetics are developed on the basis of natural ingredients.From 127 per bottleSouth Korea Night exfoliating mask; Facial scrub with blueberry extract; Peeling cream with ground almonds." data-order="Cosmetics with aha/bha acids produced in South Korea Night exfoliating mask; Facial scrub with blueberry extract; Peeling cream with ground almonds."> Cosmetics with aha/bha acids produced in South Korea Night exfoliating mask; Facial scrub with blueberry extract; Peeling cream with ground almonds.Aha acids are recommended for those with dry and sensitive skin. Products containing the substance do not cause dehydration or irritation. Peels based on bha acids will help solve acne problems by penetrating deeply and cleansing pores. Cosmetics based on them are considered one of the most effective in the fight against rosacea.From 430Secret Key Snow White Cream from a Korean manufacturer" data-order="Secret Key Snow White Cream from a Korean manufacturer"> Secret Key Snow White Cream from a Korean manufacturerdull skin. Suitable for daily use and as a base for makeup." data-order="Ingredients include pearls, oils, minerals and hyaluronic acid. The drug is intended for whitening dull skin. Suitable for daily use and as a base for makeup."> The ingredients include pearls, oils, minerals and hyaluronic acid. The product is designed to whiten dull skin. Suitable for daily use and as a base for makeup.710 for 50 mlWhitening facial peeling from Natura SibericaA product based on Arctic raspberries stimulates, nourishes, promotes whitening and rejuvenation. Suitable for all skin types.360 for 150 ml

The beauty industry is ready to provide a wide range of means to combat skin imperfections. The choice should be made based on individual characteristics and financial capabilities.

Recipes for gentle skin lightening at home

Peeling for face whitening at home will take less than an hour and will preserve family budget. For getting desired result it is necessary to carry out a course of procedures. You can use as a basis own recipe or buy everything you need in the store. The best option home remedies are based on natural ingredients: strawberries, wild strawberries, cucumber.

A mask based on lemon and honey is considered one of the most effective and easiest to prepare. Consists of 5-6 drops of juice and a spoon of honey. The contents are applied to the selected area and kept for 15 minutes.

Masks based on dairy products have whitening properties. Mix 100 ml of milk with lemon juice and 1-2 drops of cognac. Apply the resulting solution to your face using the application method. The duration is 20 minutes, after which you need to wash with warm water.

The whitening method of home peeling from milk and clay has not only a brightening, but also a tonic effect.

Available products will help you depigment problem areas without leaving your home.

Causes of sensitive skin

Throughout our lives, changes occur in the body. Skin can become more sensitive for a number of reasons:

  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • stress suffered by the body ˗˗˗ illness, diet, birth of a child;
  • consequence of an infectious disease;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

Answers on questions

Tell me, how long does whitening peeling take in the salon?

The procedure takes from 40 minutes, depending on the type of procedure.

How much does a professional facial whitening session cost?

The price for the service in cosmetology centers in Moscow starts from 2,000 rubles.

What products should you buy for whitening peeling at home?

Today there is wide range cosmetics to solve problems with age spots. Korean manufacturers, gels from Lumiderm, creams and serums from Floresan and Siberian Health are distinguished by their effectiveness. The choice depends on financial capabilities and individual skin characteristics.

Facial peeling is a cosmetic procedure that helps free the skin from dead cells, renewing its structure and giving it a blooming appearance.

In addition to performing the procedure in a salon, it can be performed at home by choosing suitable recipes for yourself.

In cosmetic practice, there are different classifications of peeling, depending on the parameters:

The most extensive list is based on methods for exfoliating dead skin particles.

Hardware peeling

Hardware peeling is based on the fact that the skin is cleansed of dead particles using a special tool. There are many varieties of it, therefore, hardware peeling can be divided into:

Not all types of such peeling are carried out exclusively in salons, for example, brushing and ultrasonic peeling suitable for use at home, the main thing is to follow the recommendations and recipes.

Photo peeling

Photo peeling is based on the effect of light on the skin. It can be used on the neck and décolleté area. Unlike other types, the result of this procedure will be the exfoliation of particles and the correction of the presence of pigment and age spots, which creates a rejuvenating effect.

But, due to exposure to light waves, photo-peeling dries out the skin, so it is not recommended for those with dry skin to experiment with photo-peeling.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling of the face is carried out only in beauty salons, because it involves gentle exposure of the skin to acid. To avoid troubles, you need to carefully choose a cosmetologist who offers this service.

Chemical peeling will do for those who try to give their skin natural look in accordance with biological age, and does not hope for miraculous rejuvenation “from 50 to 20.”

An unpleasant but short-term consequence of the procedure will be swelling, redness and itching. This is caused by the body's individual reaction to acid and the depth of skin cleansing. Therefore, after chemical peeling, the face should be protected from sun rays and cosmetics within a couple of days - up to complete healing.

Physical peeling

Physical facial peeling is also known as the most expensive type of peeling. It qualitatively removes dead particles of the epidermis by exposing the skin to laser and ultrasound, while at the same time equalizing the skin tone, removing traces of scars.

The result is noticeable after the first procedure, but to achieve the effect, physical peeling is carried out in a course of at least three sessions. This procedure is recommended for cleansing skin over forty years old, when gentle procedures no longer produce visible results.

Mechanical peeling

This type of peeling is the most affordable and has no restrictions on age and skin condition. Mechanical peeling Facial treatment is possible at home using recipes that vary depending on skin type and depth of cleansing, or in salons.

Mechanical peeling is a variant of brushing, because it uses soft brushes. home distinguishing feature This kind of peeling requires steaming the skin. This is what it becomes negative point, because skin with open pores is the easiest to damage.

Which peeling should I choose and how often should I do it?

To choose a suitable peeling for the skin without possible harm, you should first decide whether the skin needs chemical or mechanical action, for how long deep cleaning you need to determine whether you can do it with home remedies or is it better to contact a professional.

For young and problem skin It will be sufficient to use gommage and scrub from homemade products. This cleansing procedure is carried out daily.

For oily and normal mature skin, use gommages no more than once a week. But dry skin requires a special approach in the form of chemical peels, so it is better to carry out the procedure in a salon or under the guidance of specialists.

The optimal frequency of the procedure will be 2-3 times a week.

Preparing for peeling

Preparation for the procedure depends on the planned depth of cleaning. For superficial peeling There is no need for special skin preparation; just wash off your makeup and apply a toner or lotion over your skin.

Medium-level peeling can damage the skin, so in addition to makeup remover, you need to stock up on regenerating cream and a protective agent against ultraviolet radiation. After the procedure, the skin will need to be protected and treated with the above-mentioned products for 3-5 days.

It is better to entrust the preparation of the skin for deep chemical peeling to a specialist, because if done incorrectly preparatory stage there is a risk of getting chemical burn and additional scars.

In addition, the presence of herpes rashes or “colds” in the area of ​​the skin where peeling will be carried out requires attention. If there damaged areas skin, then the procedure should be postponed and a complex of healing and antiviral actions should be carried out.

Soft scrub with citrus peels

An aromatic citrus scrub is suitable for facial peeling at home. The recipe is not complicated. You will need dried citrus peels (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, etc.), which are crushed in a blender. The resulting powder is diluted with purified water to form sour cream.

The resulting pulp is used for gentle peeling of the face and entire body. The result will be a younger-looking skin and great mood, thanks to the essential oils contained in citrus peels.

Effective classic peeling from ground coffee

Coffee peeling used to get effect smooth skin, thanks to the properties of caffeine. This scrub is recommended to be applied not only to the face, but also to problem cellulite areas throughout the body.

The convenience of using it is that there are no special training no need - just brew yourself a cup of coffee and use the remaining grounds. To give the skin softness and silkiness, as well as additional hydration, coffee grounds can be mixed with milk or heavy cream.

What you need for peeling at home

To carry out the facial peeling procedure at home, you do not need any special preparation, unless, of course, you plan to use special machines and acids.

For superficial peeling, it is enough to have on hand any convenient makeup remover, tonic or alcohol, directly, the ingredients according to the chosen recipe and, if necessary, moisturizing and restoring creams, suitable type skin.

If medium and deep level hardware peeling is carried out at home, specialized devices or massagers with the necessary attachment, as well as a set of soft brushes or brushes, will come to the rescue.

For chemical peeling, you need to stock up on professional acids (for example, salicylic, glycolic), as well as skin whitening and regeneration products.

Scrub for oily skin

Scrubbing oily facial skin can be done daily, the main thing is to choose more gentle ingredients in the recipe.

For daily use, a scrub with oatmeal, with sugar or apple seeds. If the peeling procedure is planned to be carried out less frequently, then the scrubbing particles are selected more harshly, for example, sea salt, bran, crushed almond seeds.

Exfoliating salt scrub

In this scrub, you can use regular food salt, it will give a milder effect, or you can use marine cosmetic salt. For dry skin, a mixture with heavy cream or sour cream is perfect, then you can achieve not only a cleansing effect, but also additional moisturizing of the skin.

For oily skin, salt can be mixed with lemon juice and lemon zest. Coarse sea salt works best. It will help to effectively cleanse acne areas and comedones, and citrus juice will dry out problem areas.

Smoothing and cleansing with oatmeal

Oatmeal has a mild scrubbing effect and is suitable for daily use on normal skin. They can be mixed with honey, any fruit or plain water. To obtain a more aggressive scrub, oatmeal can be mixed with sugar, salt, coffee grounds and chipped grains, such as rice or buckwheat.

This scrub will effectively cleanse clogged pores, remove dead skin particles from the epidermis, and, thanks to the fatty acids contained in oatmeal and rolled oats, help smooth out fine expression wrinkles from the inside.

Gommage for dry skin with tangerines and blue clay

Gommages are more gentle on the skin due to the addition of creamy soft components. Tangerine gommage with blue clay will help gently cleanse delicate dry skin. To do this, just grate the zest and pulp of the citrus, mix this pulp with clay and add a little olive, coconut, almond or any other oil.

This is what it looks like blue clay to prepare a facial peeling recipe at home

Clay and oil will saturate the skin with oxygen and nutrients while tangerine zest and juice will help dry out possible comedones and pimples. When the mask dries on your face, you need to slowly roll it up by hand. This action will help get rid of keratinized particles of the epidermis. It is enough to rinse off the remnants of gommage with warm water and soft in a circular motion.

Chemical facial peeling with calcium chloride

The use of chemical facial peeling at home is considered an “advanced user”. Beginners should first get used to doing more gentle peelings using simple recipes, because possible harm from them is much less than from an incorrectly carried out chemical procedure.

First of all, you need to check your skin for possible allergic reactions. If there are none, then you can start using calcium chloride in cosmetic procedures. All you need for such peeling is cotton sponges, baby soap and a %5 solution of calcium chloride, which is sold in pharmacies.

Peeling is carried out exclusively in the T-zone of the face, because it aggressive influence may leave serious burns on the delicate skin of the cheeks and around the eyes.

Using a cotton sponge, the solution is applied to the forehead, nose and chin in three stages with a pause of 1-2 minutes.

After the layers of the solution have dried, you will notice significant tightness. Further using baby soap we begin to form soap foam on the treated areas, which reacts with calcium chloride, cleanses the skin.

Upon completion of the procedure, the face should be washed clean water and apply oily mask.

If a burning sensation is felt at any stage of such peeling, then the procedure should be stopped and the skin should be thoroughly rinsed.

Whitening facial peeling

Any components that have this effect are suitable for whitening peeling. These can be oatmeal, fresh cucumber with hard seeds, chopped beans, lemon juice, honey and egg yolks. You can mix the ingredients in different proportions, choosing the most suitable for yourself. interesting option.

The main condition remains the absence of allergies to the components used. The degree of skin cleansing in this peeling can also be varied by grinding the components. Fine particles will have a gentle effect, while coarse grinding will help cleanse pores deeper.

Medium peeling with alpha hydroxy acids

This peeling belongs to the salon type, because without skill and preliminary preparation It is dangerous to do it, like any chemical peels. Alpha hydroxy acids include malic, mandelic, glycolic, and lactic acids. They activate collagen production in the skin and weaken the bonds between the cells of the upper layer of skin, which helps produce an exfoliating effect.

Peeling with beta hydroxy acids

The basis of beta peeling is salicylic acid. It effectively affects oily problem skin, cleansing the sebaceous ducts and helping to get rid of acne. Despite its deep zone of action, such peeling does not require pain relief and prolonged regeneration of the skin.

Therapeutic peeling for skin with inflammation

Therapeutic peelings are used in cosmetology not as a separate procedure, but in an integrated approach to eliminate skin problems. Together with the internal effect on the body of vitamin-mineral complexes or hormonal drugs, therapeutic peelings help restore the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

The composition of peelings depends on the specifics of the problem. They may contain anti-inflammatory components, antiseborrheic and others. Therapeutic peeling helps to get rid of not only fresh problem areas in the form of acne and comedones, but also to smooth out the resulting scars as much as possible.

Professional glycolic peeling

Glycolic facial peeling refers to chemical peels and is not recommended for home experiments, although that’s all necessary components for its implementation can be easily obtained at the pharmacy. Salon procedure has two varieties: aesthetic and aggressive.

An aesthetic procedure affects only the most upper layer epidermis, exfoliating dead areas and carried out with a 40% solution of glycolic acid. But aggressive glycolic peeling is carried out with a 70% solution and removes a more extensive layer of the epidermis, removing visible imperfections as much as possible.

The main danger of such peeling is the possibility of serious burns, so the glycolic procedure is best done by professional cosmetologists With sufficient experience work.

TCA facial peeling at home

The main component of TCA peeling is trichloroacetic acid. Despite this, such peeling is considered gentle, because the concentration of the composition and the degree of penetration into the skin can be adjusted independently. But with the preparation of peeling, it is better not to take risks, but to buy a ready-made solution, because it is precisely strict adherence to the proportions of all components that will give safe result.

Salicylic peeling

Salicylic peeling was mentioned earlier in peelings with beta hydroxy acids. It is the safest to use independently and in salons and gives good results.

For this peeling you can use either special means based on salicylic acid, or buy a bottle at the pharmacy and simply treat the desired areas of the skin with a cotton sponge soaked in the solution. The result appears with any option, the only difference is time.

Peeling with bodyaga

Facial peeling with bodyaga at home is one of the most affordable and effective recipe cleansing the skin.

Due to the fact that bodyaga is a natural sponge, it literally sucks dirt out of the skin pores, preventing the appearance of pimples, blackheads and clogged pores.

And due to its structure, it also gently exfoliates dead skin particles.

Bodyaga powder can be mixed with face cream for a mild effect, or with hydrogen peroxide or Bodyaga gel for an active effect.

But, in this case, you need to be prepared that exfoliation will take 2-3 days, so it is better not to expose the skin to the sun and wind.

Coral peeling – gentle cleansing

Coral peeling is suitable for those whose skin is very picky about external influences. Thanks to its natural components, the effect on the epidermis occurs in a lighter form. Based on the name, you might think that such peeling is done using coral fragments, but in fact, this is not entirely true.

Coral peeling is based on algae and invertebrates from the depths of the sea. This peeling looks like a paste of dark green fine powder, which, penetrating into the pores, enriches the skin with vitamins and minerals, making it younger.

Almond peeling

Almond peeling not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but also has a very pleasant aroma, thanks to the essential oils contained in almond seeds. It is suitable for daily use and gently cleanses the skin.

For the dry type, it is recommended to grind almond seeds with coconut flakes or with the addition of any cosmetic oil, and for oily skin, almond seeds can be mixed with salicylic acid. Then a clear exfoliating effect will appear, which for a week and a half can provide the skin with a healthy texture without greasy shine.

Lemon peeling

Lemon tones the skin well, has a drying effect on acne and successfully cleanses pores. Therefore, lemon is often used in homemade masks. Its effect is especially good on problematic oily skin.

For this peeling, you can use lemon pulp along with the peel and seeds, or you can mix it with any other ingredients to enhance the effect, for example, coffee grounds, sugar, honey, etc.

Cottage cheese and salt scrub

Peeling in this combination is ideal for problematic skin, helping to restore it natural color and carefully but efficiently cleaning it.

For peeling you will need about 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, half a boat of salt, cosmetic oil or cream. You can also add crushed oatmeal, wholemeal flour or any other abrasive particles.

Simply apply the mask to the skin in a circular motion and rinse with warm water. It can be used daily and greatest effect appears if the mask is slightly warmed in the microwave or in a water bath before applying to the skin.

Carbon peeling for problem skin

Carbon peeling is a hardware method of cleansing. It is carried out in the salon and is a completely painless procedure. Rehabilitation of the upper layer of skin after such peeling occurs very quickly, which does not cause additional discomfort and side effects.

Among the disadvantages of such peeling is the need to carry out a whole complex of procedures, because due to its mild effect, 1-2 procedures without systematic repetition will not give visible result.

Carbon peeling will be a lifesaver for oily problem skin due to its drying properties.

Gas-liquid peeling to improve blood circulation

Gas-liquid peeling is a new word in cosmetic procedures. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing in common with the classical understanding of peeling. In fact, the procedure is aimed not so much at cleansing the skin, but at enriching it with vitamin complexes through air (gas) massage.

To carry out the procedure, the facial skin is first cleansed with lotions and the pores are opened as much as possible. Next, the device sprays liquid enriched with vitamins. The intensity of penetration of such a mixture is regulated by the gas flow.

Thus, the skin is not only enriched with the necessary vitamin and mineral components, but is also massaged, which improves blood circulation and returns a healthy glow to tired skin.

Honey-salt scrub

Honey-salt scrub is suitable for all skin types. Its basic recipe looks like this: 1 spoon of liquid honey or honey melted in a water bath, mixed with 1 spoon of coarse table salt, added a pinch of cinnamon, which will improve blood circulation, and a little vegetable or cosmetic oil.

You can also add other ingredients to this mixture as you wish. The resulting mass is applied to the skin for 5 minutes and then washed off with warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than once every 2-3 weeks to avoid allergic reactions.

Cleanse with carrots and oatmeal

This scrub makes the skin soft and velvety, enriching it with vitamin A. For it, you need to brew 2 tablespoons of oatmeal or rolled oats in boiling water and add carrots, grated on a fine grater.

You need to pour a teaspoon of any oil into the mixture so that the vitamin A found in carrots is absorbed faster. Apply the resulting paste onto the skin in a circular motion and leave for several minutes. Remove any remaining scrub and wash your face with chamomile decoction or wipe with a soothing lotion.

Cleaning with coffee grounds and salt

Coffee grounds and salt are good exfoliants on their own. And depending on the size of the abrasive particles, the depth of skin cleansing may vary.

About the benefits of salt and separately coffee scrubs has already been mentioned, so it is worth noting that in the variation of coffee-salt peeling, you can experiment with the grind size of coffee and salt to achieve maximum exfoliating effect.

Rejuvenating composition of cucumber and salt

In this tandem, cucumber and salt have a good effect on aging skin. Salt crystals remove dead particles from the epidermis, and cucumber deeply moisturizes the skin, penetrating into the pores and whitens it age-related pigmentation.

Hardware peeling at home

Using special peeling devices at home will help save not only time, but also money, and the result will be the same as with expensive ones. beauty salons. For home use, you can choose devices that specialize directly in peeling, or devices that have a special attachment.

The most popular and affordable brand of home appliances can be called Gezatone. In their line you can find both peeling massagers and various types of cleansers - vacuum, ultrasonic and even multifunctional models.

In addition, for home hardware peeling Ordinary massagers that come with brush attachments are quite suitable. Such devices can be successfully used for hardware brushing.

Application of essential oils

Essential oils in peeling will be an excellent alternative to risky chemical home treatments. They have approximately the same spectrum of effects on the skin with differences in the aggressiveness of the effects.

So adding a few drops almond oil into the peeling mixture and correct application mandelic acid will have approximately the same positive effect with the difference that essential oils are gentle on the skin.

In addition, essential oils have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the human nervous system, additionally helping to relax, calm down or improve mood. Therefore, the use of essential components can mentally transport you to a spa and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Skin care after peeling

Any, even the most gentle and mild peeling, violates the integrity of the skin. Therefore, post-peeling care will consist of soothing the skin. First, you need to close open pores.

To do this, you can use special cosmetic lotions, or you can simply wash your face. cold water, or wipe the skin with an ice cube. After this you need to apply nutritious cream, which will help in the regeneration of damaged cells.

Special attention It is worth paying for post-peeling procedures in sunny weather.

Deep cleansing It is recommended to do it in autumn or winter, when the skin is least exposed to sunlight, but if you had to peel in the summer, then sunscreen will come to the rescue.

Also, after medium and deep peeling procedures, it is necessary to leave the skin alone for 2-5 days (depending on the general condition) and not burden it with unnecessary cosmetics, especially for decorative purposes.

How often can you do it

The frequency of the procedure depends on the depth of the effect on the skin and the selected recipes.

Thus, the most gentle and shallow methods of facial peeling, which are easy to implement at home according to popular recipes, can be used daily, and peelings of medium and deep penetration are best repeated no more than once every 1-2 weeks.


Contraindications to peeling include:

  • Allergic reactions to any of the components of the recipe;
  • Skin damage of various types (trauma, viral rashes, eczema, etc.);
  • Medical contraindications (recent skin grafting, scarring, sutures, etc.).

By choosing the appropriate recipe for a cleansing procedure, you can forever get rid of the problems of peeling, itching of the skin, allergies and redness. Healthy Ingredients will help rejuvenate and whiten the face, make the skin softer.

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