Cryopilling – low temperatures against aging. Cold skin cleansing: subtleties of facial cryopilling

Cryomassage of the face is a unique cosmetic procedure, which has practically no analogues either in terms of the mechanisms of action on tissues or in the achieved effects.

And although it is carried out using liquid nitrogen, the patient does not experience any polar cold or discomfort during the session. A slight tingling sensation and coolness are replaced by a surge of warmth and a good mood.


  • prevention and elimination of the first signs of skin aging;
  • grayish or earthy color skin;
  • elimination of swelling, including after plastic surgery;
  • oily skin, enlarged pores, tendency to form blackheads, acne;
  • preparing the skin for peelings, cleansing, plastic surgery;
  • skin treatment after peeling, microdermabrasion, electrocoagulation, to relieve pain, burning, feeling of heat;
  • reducing the severity of rosacea, acne;
  • elimination of scars, foci of pigmentation;
  • enhancing the effect of mesotherapy and biorevitalization;
  • treatment of demodicosis;
  • rosacea and rosacea.


  • increased skin sensitivity to cold;
  • exacerbation of viral or bacterial diseases skin (labial herpes);
  • violation of the integrity of the skin on the face;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • acute respiratory diseases accompanied by malaise and fever;
  • the patient's psychological unpreparedness for this method of treatment.

How is the procedure performed?

There is only one method of facial cryomassage, but it has a number of features depending on the condition of the patient’s skin.

Video: cryotherapy

For acne

In the case of blackheads and a small number of pustular elements, it is carried out along the skin lines. The processing time for each zone does not exceed 15 seconds. The procedure time is 3-5 minutes. The main effects are a decrease in the rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, narrowing of pores, and stimulation of local immunity.

If the patient has deep, multiple, possibly confluent purulent rashes that are prone to healing with the formation of a scar, then cryomassage is performed using the shading method, when the skin over pustules and scars is treated for a long time, with the end of a cotton swab in close contact with the skin until unstable whitening of the skin over the element develops.

Each element can be processed 2-3 times in one session. Subsequently, the skin over the elements and scars after such treatment is exfoliated, which promotes the emptying and healing of acne, smoothing the scar.

With demodicosis

The problem with demodicosis patients is that demodex mites are also on the skin healthy people, whose immune system controls tick reproduction and prevents the development of the disease. Therefore, any methods aimed only at eliminating demodexes are doomed to failure in advance: a newly cured person will be infected again upon contact with other people.

In this regard, cryotherapy turns out to be a more advantageous method of treatment, since it not only inhibits the ability of Demodex to reproduce, but also stimulates the immune, nervous and endocrine system, which strengthens the body’s own defense against disease.

Photo: dermodicosis on the skin of the face

Most often, facial cryomassage is not used in isolation. Typically, it is used in combination with general hypothermia and anti-mite treatment. medicines.

For rosacea

For rosacea, the procedure is carried out only if the patient has not had progression of the disease for a number of years, since cryomassage can only increase redness, dilation of blood vessels with the formation vascular network.

Photo: rosacea on the face

The massage is carried out along the skin lines, capturing areas of redness or the location of the vascular network. But the impact is shorter, usually less than 10 seconds per area, and more superficial. The session lasts 3-5 minutes.

The condition of the skin after the procedure practically does not change; there may be slight redness or blush, as a sign of blood flow to the facial skin. Therefore, immediately after the procedure you can return to your normal activities.

The skin does not require any special care after the procedure, but it makes sense to make a moisturizing or nourishing mask, use good cream, since the impact of care products and procedures on the skin increases many times over.

Liquid nitrogen treatment can be used at any time of the year, including summer, and does not in any way affect the photosensitivity of the skin.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to cryomassage, but not all doctors dare to take a pregnant woman for the procedure, since the changed hormonal background and work immune system may not always give predictable results. It should also be taken into account that the face is an extensive reflexogenic zone, the impact of which can lead to changes in the tone of the uterus.

Side effects

Cold allergy

To avoid the occurrence of cold allergies during facial cryomassage, a cold test is performed on the skin of the forearm. At hypersensitivity skin to the cold detected in the test, cryotherapy is contraindicated.

Skin frostbite

With a normal duration of contact of liquid nitrogen with the skin, the temperature of the skin drops to approximately 0 o C, which gives a pronounced stimulating, anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect, but no disruption of tissue functioning occurs. With longer exposure, tissue frostbite may occur, which subsequently results in pronounced peeling of the skin.

Video: Cryotherapy (Liquid Nitrogen)

Contact of drops of liquid nitrogen on the skin of the red border of the lips and the conjunctiva of the eye

To carry out the procedure safely, after dipping in liquid nitrogen, be sure to hold the cotton swab over the container for some time and even shake it slightly to remove any dripping drops. The patient's eyes must be tightly closed.

If drops of liquid nitrogen fall on the wet surface of the red border of the lips or the surface of the eye, they stick the same way frozen metal sticks to damp skin. It is not possible to remove these drops quickly, because in their place a deep focus of frostbite can form.

Prices for facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

The cost of cryomassage is often indicated separately, but you can get it by at least the first procedure, only after consulting a cosmetologist. Therefore, always check prices in your medical center, and whether this price includes a specialist consultation.

Cryopilling is a procedure for cleansing the skin with cold, or more precisely, with liquid nitrogen, which at a temperature of minus 195 degrees turns into a transparent liquid, colorless and odorless. Sometimes dry ice is used for procedures. If the skin is exposed to cold for 10-15 seconds, this will first lead to a narrowing, and then to a long-term and persistent expansion of the skin capillaries, which leads to revitalization of blood flow and improvement of the appearance of the skin. When cold exposure is prolonged to 30 seconds, cell death begins, similar to what happens with a burn. The upper layers of the epidermis are subject to destruction; the death of destroyed old cells stimulates the formation of new, young and healthy ones; in parallel, the processes of production of collagen and elastin fibers are activated.

Cryopilling of the face: indications

  • The need to “invigorate” aging skin;
  • small and medium wrinkles;
  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dark spots;
  • uneven, bumpy skin;
  • decreased turgor;
  • dull, lifeless appearance of the skin;
  • scars, scars, acne marks.

Cryopilling: how the procedure is done

Preparation. The skin is cleansed of fat, dirt and decorative cosmetics.

Procedure. The cosmetologist, assessing the condition of the skin, supplies liquid nitrogen. Areas with hyperkeratosis, post-acne, and scars are treated a little longer than others. During the procedure, as a rule, the patient experiences painful sensation cold, which a little later gives way to a burning sensation. After the procedure, redness and, in some cases, swelling of the skin persist for 1-2 days.

Post-peeling period. Two days after the procedure, the skin darkens, and the process of death of the destroyed layers of the epidermis begins. Within 6-7 days, the crusts separate from the skin; you should not interfere with this process or try to forcibly remove them. If necessary, the procedure is repeated; how many sessions are required is decided by the cosmetologist. The skin is completely restored approximately three months after the last session, at which time the result of the procedure can be assessed. During recovery after the procedure, it is necessary to protect the skin from UV rays.

How much does cryopilling cost? Price of cryopilling in the salon

The cost of one cryopilling procedure depends on the cold source used, the area of ​​the treatment area and the specifics of the defect that you want to get rid of. In Moscow, the price for one facial cryopilling procedure varies from 800 to 3,000 rubles. In one or two sessions you can refresh and slightly tighten the skin. In cases of age-related changes and serious defects, up to 19 sessions may be required.

Cryopilling: what you need to know

Smoothed out after cryopilling fine wrinkles, and the depth of average wrinkles decreases. Scars and scars lose their relief, but only mechanical or laser skin resurfacing can completely get rid of them.

According to reviews, cryopilling helps narrow pores and reduces activity sebaceous glands. The skin after cryopilling looks fresh and tightened.

Cryopilling: contraindications

  • Exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • hypersensitivity and allergy to cold;
  • unhealed wounds, scratches, burns in the treatment area;
  • diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • dilated blood vessels in the treatment area (rosacea);
  • pregnancy.

The main thing about cryopilling

Type of peeling

Active substance

liquid nitrogen, dry ice

Application area

face, body

Pre-peeling preparation

not required


not required

I don’t want to repeat myself, so I will continue the story in this review, which will relate specifically to cryomassage with liquid nitrogen.

Well, actually What is cryomassage?

Literally this word translates as “touch with cold.” It involves exposing the skin to cold (logical, right?). This is done in two ways:

  1. Liquid nitrogen - performed only by a specialist.
  2. A piece of ice - independently, at home. The effect, of course, is not the same as from nitrogen, but it’s still better than nothing at all.

What is liquid nitrogen?

A liquid nitrogen - a transparent liquid with a temperature of about -197 degrees. Stored in a special thermos. If it gets from a thermos into room temperature(18-20 degrees) evaporates intensely, it looks like thick white steam or smoke.

How do they get a massage?

The specialist takes it in his hands wooden stick, wraps cotton wool around it (this whole structure resembles reeds). Dip it into a thermos and move it over previously cleansed skin, several times until it turns red and white.

What problems can cryomassage solve?

For people with problem skin To maintain facial skin tone, it is recommended to do cryomassage 2-3 times a week, in courses of 12-15 sessions, repeating 2-3 times a year.

And people without serious problems and facial skin tissue defects, 2 courses per year, 8-10 sessions each course, will be sufficient.

What results does cryomassage give?

  1. U improved blood circulation, thanks to which the body works smoothly and all minor skin imperfections disappear.
  2. Smoothing wrinkles and leveling natural color faces.
  3. Preventing skin inflammation.
  4. Correction of age-related changes in the face (for example, helps to tighten a double chin).
  5. Fast healing of skin cells.
  6. Whitening pigment spots on the skin.
  7. Slowing down the aging process.
  8. Elimination acne and stains after it.
  9. Narrowing and cleansing of pores.

Anything non-standard?

As mentioned above, at the core therapeutic effect Liquid nitrogen lies at its low temperature.

Depending on the method of application, its effect on tissue varies. In one case, freezing is used in for cosmetic purposes for skin renewal . Its purpose is narrowing and subsequent expansion blood vessels, hence blood flow to the site of exposure.

In another case, freezing leads to to tissue destruction and death. E This method is actively used to remove warts, papillomas, and hypertrophic scars.

There are a number of contraindications:

Special attention to pregnant women!!!

This procedure is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but due to changes in hormonal conditions during this period, the results may be unpredictable. Also, some areas of the face are reflexively connected with the uterus, therefore Pregnant women are advised to avoid cryotherapy.

What is the price?

The cost of a cryomassage session in my city (more precisely, with my cosmetologist) - 150 rubles face, 300 back.

But numerous reviews and Google whispered that The average price of one facial session in Russia is as much as 1000 rubles! It’s scary to imagine the cost of back cryomassage.

Why was cryomassage with liquid nitrogen shown to me?

Gas-liquid facial peelinghardware peeling, which consists of non-contact exposure of the skin to a high-speed two-phase gas-liquid jet consisting of a fine liquid (saline solution) and gas (oxygen). Gas-liquid peeling provides a cleansing, massage effect, gently polishes the epidermis, and allows you to saturate the epidermocytes with oxygen and beneficial compounds. Gas-liquid peeling is also called aqua-peeling or gas-liquid dermabrasion.

Using the apparatus, oxygen and liquid particles are accelerated to ultra-high speed, forming a gas-liquid flow at a speed of 200-300 m/sec. The gas-liquid stream is supplied cooled and under pressure, which dulls the sensitivity of the receptors. In view of this, the gas-liquid facial peeling procedure is painless and comfortable, and can be performed even on sensitive areas skin around the eyes. In addition to the peeling effect, the gas-liquid flow provides multi-level massage, tissue oxygenation, relieves swelling, tones the muscles and skin of the face, and has a lifting effect.

Gas-liquid peeling is excluded during periods of exacerbation of herpes, during acute phases of any disease, angina pectoris, hypertension, stroke, fever, psychopathy.

Features of the procedure

Pre-peeling preparation consists of treating the skin with a tonic that removes surface impurities.

The gas-liquid peeling procedure is carried out at a distance from the skin using nozzles that supply a pressurized stream of oxygen and saline solution. Due to the high speed of particle movement, microdroplets, when in contact with the skin, acquire the properties solids and have an abrasive effect. As a result, exfoliation of horny scales occurs with the formation of microscopic holes on the skin, and the exfoliated epidermis is simply blown away. Peeling depth is adjusted by the distance of the nozzle above the skin level. When the nozzle is located close to the skin surface (5-9 mm), a peeling effect is achieved; when working at a distance of 1.5-2 cm above the skin level, a micromassage and lymphatic drainage effect is achieved.

When performing gas-liquid peeling, you feel slight tingling and blowing a stream of cool air onto the skin. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes; For full course For superficial gas-liquid peeling, 5 sessions are recommended, medium - 3-5 with an interval of 2 weeks, and deep - 2-3 sessions with a break of several months.

With superficial gas-liquid peeling, facial expressions are eliminated, and with medium and deep peeling, they are smoothed out. vertical wrinkles. The result of gas-liquid peeling is smoothing, lifting, cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin. Post-peeling care includes daily moisturizing and nourishing of the skin to eliminate flaking and minor redness.

Cold skin cleansing using cryopilling: the essence of the procedure, disadvantages and advantages, indications and limitations for use, rules of conduct and mechanism of action, beneficial properties, results of the procedure.

The content of the article:

Cryopilling is a cosmetic technique aimed at cleansing the skin using cold. It is a physiotherapeutic procedure during which the superficial layers of the dermis are exposed to low temperatures. This leads to deep cleansing of the skin, the so-called exfoliation of dead epidermal cells. Cryopilling, in addition to cleaning, has other beneficial properties. This article describes in detail the principle of this method, all its positive and negative sides.

Description of the cold skin cleansing procedure

Cryopilling is a narrow direction of cryotherapy. IN in a broad sense cryotherapy is cold treatment. It is designed to affect the entire area of ​​the skin and thereby stimulate not only skin cells, but also the nervous, cardiovascular and other systems of the body. Cryopilling is performed locally, so it only has local action and does not affect the entire body.

The technology is based on the body's response to external influence cold. Everyone knows the benefits of hardening, when short-term contact with a coolant, for example, cold water, cold air, brings great benefit person. Only in the case of cryopilling there are some fundamental differences.

The main goal of the procedure is painless deep cleansing skin with cold, stimulating cell regeneration, providing lasting cosmetic effect. It is carried out only in a professional salon.

Different coolants are used for the procedure. These include liquid nitrogen, ice water, cold mud applications, carbon dioxide snow, cosmetic ice, alcohol and chloroethane blockades. At home, many people use ice cubes from clean water or special herbal decoctions. But cryopilling performed with liquid nitrogen is most effective.

The coolant temperature varies from -110 to -195 degrees Celsius. The required level of cold is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the condition of the skin, the type of coolant and the required method of exposure.

Cryopilling can have a dual effect depending on the duration of contact of the dermis with the coolant. Short-term contact (up to 15 seconds) has a stimulating effect and does not damage cells. A longer one (about 30 seconds) triggers the death of old cells and stimulates the growth of new ones.

Cryopilling is characterized by certain advantages compared to other methods of skin cleansing, including the following:

  • No mechanical or chemical damage to skin cells.
  • The procedure is painless, although short-term discomfort and a slight burning sensation from the cold may occur during it.
  • It is highly effective in combating superficial pathological and age-related changes epidermis.
  • Stimulates protective functions skin.
  • Liquid nitrogen can be combined with useful substances and medications that can enhance the effectiveness of each procedure.
The described procedure also has some disadvantages, namely:
  1. One procedure is not enough to achieve results. It is required to complete a course prescribed by a specialist in accordance with the condition of the skin and the desired effect.
  2. After each procedure, it is necessary to wait for a recovery period - 1-2 days, until the skin remains reddened, perhaps slightly swollen. Before full recovery sometimes it takes 4 weeks.
  3. Ineffective when affecting areas with scars and deep wrinkles.

Mechanism of action of cryopilling

The mechanism of action of cryopilling is quite interesting. Exposure to liquid nitrogen or another type of coolant causes a stressful condition of the skin, which is designed to activate the body's reserve forces.

Changes in the skin can be roughly described as follows:

  • During cryopilling, the top layer of skin is frozen. Weak cells die rather quickly and subsequently peel off.
  • In the deeper layers, a spasm of small vessels occurs, during which they narrow for a short time and then expand. Due to this, the patency of the vascular network improves. This is how the body tries to eliminate the effects of frostbite.
  • Increased blood flow stimulates the removal of waste products and the delivery of nutrients.
  • The process of cell division also accelerates. New cells replace dead, rejected tissues.
  • The exfoliation process may take several days. During this period, crusts of a darker shade than the skin appear on the treated areas of the skin.
  • After complete rejection of dead particles, the skin becomes renewed, beautiful and fresh.
The beneficial properties of cryopilling are difficult to overestimate. Among them, the following effects clearly stand out:
  1. Anti-aging effect. Metabolic processes, tissue regeneration and synthesis are stimulated healthy proteins- elastin and collagen.
  2. Cosmetic effect. Significantly improved appearance skin. Pigment spots disappear, the relief of the skin is evened out. Cryopilling helps get rid of warts and other growths on the skin. The pores narrow and become less noticeable, and they become less dirty. Fine wrinkles smoothed out.
  3. Stimulating effect. Metabolism at the cellular level accelerates. The epidermis is renewed. The skin accepts more actively useful material from caring cosmetics.
  4. Cleansing effect. Toxins and other substances are more actively removed from treated tissues. harmful substances, as well as cell waste products. Blackheads disappear. Metabolism is improved, which regulates the release of sebum.
  5. Antimicrobial effect. Cold helps fight pathogenic microbes that cause acne and demodicosis.

Indications and contraindications for the use of cryopilling

Any procedure should be performed only in accordance with the available indications. If there are none, then we can talk about preventive measures. IN in this case better to rely on opinion qualified specialist to avoid negative effects.

Indications for cryopilling are as follows:

  • The presence of superficial wrinkles and medium-depth skin irregularities;
  • Signs of withering of the dermis, dryness and sagging;
  • Premature aging of the skin;
  • Aging of epidermal cells under the influence sun rays and free radicals;
  • Pigmentation disorder;
  • Increased sebum secretion, oily sheen;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Presence of comedones;
  • Availability spider veins or asterisks;
  • Cosmetic defects, including post-acne;
  • Some skin diseases(acne, seborrhea, demodicosis);
  • Skin neoplasms (papillomas, warts, etc.).
Despite the relative safety of the procedure, cryopilling is not recommended for use in some cases. The contraindications are as follows:
  1. Close proximity of capillaries;
  2. Presence of infectious diseases;
  3. Increased body temperature;
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Epilepsy;
  6. Increased hair growth;
  7. Rashes caused by herpes;
  8. The presence of wounds or areas of inflammation on the skin;
  9. Individual intolerance to low temperatures.
Pregnancy and period breastfeeding are not a direct contraindication, but still experts recommend postponing the cryopilling procedure.

How does the cold skin cleansing procedure work?

The procedure can be performed on any skin type. Depending on the expected results, the cosmetologist may prescribe a certain type of peeling - deep, medium or superficial.

IN professional salons practice a combined session. Its main stages are as follows:

  • Preparatory stage. Pre-cleaning areas of the skin that need to be treated using products suitable for its type. Superficial peeling is also performed using a cosmetic product.
  • Cryotherapy. Cryopilling using active coolants is carried out by any suitable method- manual or hardware. Hardware cryopilling is performed using a special device that ensures proper cooling of the agent and its continuous supply to the skin. Sometimes used manual processing: for this, the cosmetologist uses a cotton swab dipped in liquid nitrogen, movements are performed according to massage lines. Also in salons they use aerial cryopilling, which is based on the effect of a stream of cooled air; it belongs to the methods of hardware cosmetology.
  • The final stage. Involves applying a nourishing mask and treating with tonic cosmetics and final application of cream.
This set of procedures requires about two hours to complete and is the most effective, because not only creates conditions for activation metabolic processes inside the epidermis, but also provides everything necessary for recovery processes substances.
  1. The best time of year for the procedure is autumn, winter and spring, when solar activity subsides. This way the danger is reduced negative influence ultraviolet on skin, the likelihood of pigment spots appearing.
  2. Cold exposure is applied to previously cleansed skin. Thanks to this you can avoid negative consequences in the form of irritation from pollution.
  3. With increased solar activity, it is necessary to use creams with solar filters, as well as antiseptic and moisturizing agents.
  4. The exposure time is completely determined by the cosmetologist performing the procedure. The result obtained depends on the duration. Typically, it takes a little longer to treat areas of skin with scars, post-acne and other uneven areas.
  5. Destructive processes caused by cryopilling require some recovery period. Often it is 6-8 days. At this time, active rejection of dead skin cells and renewal of the integument occurs. It is not recommended to remove rejected particles. The process must be gradual and you cannot interfere with it.
  6. The number of procedures and their frequency are also determined by the cosmetologist.
If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, caused by an incorrect assessment of the skin condition and the wrong choice of exposure time, frostbite may occur. In this case, you should stop the procedure. A new session can be carried out only after complete recovery.

Real reviews about cryopilling

The vast majority of people who have used the services of cryopilling salons leave positive reviews, because... often gets more spectacular results than expected. As an example, here are some real reviews.

Maryana, 35 years old

I found the answer to my question, what is facial cryopilling, on the Internet. So many positive feedback I read it. That's why I decided to this procedure. There is only one salon in our city that provides this service. The cost of one session is not small. Me, with small wrinkles, comedones, not clearly expressed age spots, the cosmetologist prescribed 4 sessions superficial peeling. I really liked the procedure. I had a full-fledged trip to the salon: they gently cleansed my skin, then treated me with tampons soaked in liquid nitrogen, and finished nourishing mask and moisturizer. I didn’t feel any particular discomfort; they treated me with cold quite quickly. After the procedure there was minor swelling and slight redness. I will say that already on the 3rd day my skin began to look much better. Overall, I only completed 3 sessions and decided that was enough. The skin is tightened and refreshed. Even cosmetics now lie more smoothly. I don’t know what the effect will be in more severe cases, but I am very pleased with my result.

Karina, 38 years old

This is the second year I have been cleansing my facial skin using cryopilling. This effect cannot be achieved at home with ice. At my age, my skin won't give me a second chance if I neglect it. The first procedures helped me get rid of some problems - freckles, wrinkles, unsightly skin tone, I even had two hanging warts (they fell off after the first session). And then I just decided to support good condition using this effective method.

Alexander, 25 years old

I didn’t immediately decide on this procedure, but the desire to get rid of post-acne tipped the scales in favor. Now I already have a 6th session ahead of me. The effect is noticeable, but not yet perfect. The skin tone has evened out to some extent and the unevenness has decreased. Now I feel much more comfortable looking at myself in the mirror. I don’t know if it will be possible to completely get rid of this defect, but I really like the result. I recommend to all.

What is cryopilling - watch the video:

For many people, cryopilling may be the only acceptable skin cleansing option due to wide range useful action, a small number restrictions and high efficiency. The cost of the procedure cannot be called low, because... it uses expensive coolants and devices. However, performance plays a more significant role for many.
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